Provided by: pktools_2.6.6-1_amd64 bug


       pkextract - extract pixel values from raster image from a (vector or raster) sample


       pkextract -i input [-s sample | -rand number | -grid size] -o output [options] [advanced


       pkextract extracts pixel values from an input raster dataset, based on the  locations  you
       provide  via  a  sample file.  Alternatively, a random sample or systematic grid of points
       can also be extracted.  The sample can be a vector file with points or polygons.   In  the
       case of polygons, you can either extract the values for all raster pixels that are covered
       by the polygons, or extract a single value for each polygon such as  the  centroid,  mean,
       median,  etc.  As output, a new copy of the vector file is created with an extra attribute
       for the extracted pixel value.  For each raster  band  in  the  input  image,  a  separate
       attribute  is  created.   For  instance, if the raster dataset contains three bands, three
       attributes are created (b0, b1 and b2).

       Instead of a vector dataset, the sample can also be  a  raster  dataset  with  categorical
       values.   The typical use case is a land cover map that overlaps the input raster dataset.
       The utility then extracts pixels from the input  raster  for  the  respective  land  cover
       classes.  To select a random subset of the sample raster dataset you can set the threshold
       option -t with a percentage value.

       A typical usage of pkextract is to prepare a training sample for one  of  the  classifiers
       implemented in pktools.

       Overview of the possible extraction rules:

       Extraction rule   Output features
       point             Extract all pixel values covered
                         by the polygon (option  -polygon
                         not  set)  or extract a pixel on
                         the  surface  option   (-polygon
       centroid          Extract   pixel   value  at  the
                         centroid of the polygon.
       mean              Extract  average  of  all  pixel
                         values within the polygon.
       stdev             Extract  standard  deviation  of
                         all  pixel  values  within   the
       median            Extract   median  of  all  pixel
                         values within the polygon.
       min               Extract  minimum  value  of  all
                         pixels within the polygon.
       max               Extract  maximum  value  of  all
                         pixels within the polygon.
       sum               Extract sum of the values of all
                         pixels within the polygon.
       mode              Extract   the  mode  of  classes
                         within the polygon (classes must
                         be set with the option class).
       proportion        Extract  proportion of class(es)
                         within the polygon (classes must
                         be set with the option class).
       count             Extract   count   of   class(es)
                         within the polygon (classes must
                         be set with the option class).

       percentile        Extract percentile as defined by
                         option    perc    (e.g,     95th
                         percentile  of values covered by


       -i filename, --input filename
              Raster input dataset containing band information

       -s sample, --sample sample
              OGR vector dataset with features to be extracted  from  input  data.   Output  will
              contain  features  with  input band information included.  Sample image can also be
              GDAL raster dataset.

       -rand number, --random number
              Create simple random sample of points.  Provide number of points to generate

       -grid size, --grid size
              Create systematic grid of points.  Provide cell  grid  size  (in  projected  units,
              e.g,. m)

       -o filename, --output filename
              Output sample dataset Output sample dataset

       -ln layer, --ln layer
              Layer name(s) in sample (leave empty to select all)

       -c class, --class class
              Class(es)  to  extract  from  input sample image.  Leave empty to extract all valid
              data pixels from sample dataset.  Make sure to set classes if rule is set to  mode,
              proportion or count.

       -t threshold, --threshold threshold
              Probability  threshold  for  selecting  samples (randomly).  Provide probability in
              percentage (>0) or absolute  (<0).   Use  a  single  threshold  for  vector  sample
              datasets.   If  using raster land cover maps as a sample dataset, you can provide a
              threshold value for each class (e.g. -t 80 -t 60).  Use value  100  to  select  all
              pixels for selected class(es)

       -f format, --f format
              Output sample dataset format

       -ft fieldType, --ftype fieldType
              Field type (only Real or Integer)

       -lt labelType, --ltype labelType
              Label type: In16 or String

       -polygon, --polygon
              Create OGRPolygon as geometry instead of OGRPoint.

       -b band, --band band
              Band index(es) to extract.  Leave empty to use all bands

       -sband band, --startband band
              Start band sequence number

       -eband band, --endband band
              End band sequence number

       -r rule, --rule rule
              Rule  how  to report image information per feature (only for vector sample).  point
              (value at each point or at centroid if polygon),  centroid,  mean,  stdev,  median,
              proportion, count, min, max, mode, sum, percentile.

       -v level, --verbose level
              Verbose mode if > 0

       Advanced options

       -bndnodata band, --bndnodata band
              Band(s) in input image to check if pixel is valid (used for srcnodata)

       -srcnodata value, --srcnodata value
              Invalid value(s) for input image

       -tp threshold, --thresholdPolygon threshold
              (absolute) threshold for selecting samples in each polygon

       -test testSample, --test testSample
              Test  sample dataset (use this option in combination with threshold<100 to create a
              training (output) and test set

       -bn attribute, --bname attribute
              For single band input data, this extra attribute name will correspond to the raster
              values.   For  multi-band  input data, multiple attributes with this prefix will be
              added (e.g. b0, b1, b2, etc.)

       -cn attribute, --cname attribute
              Name of the class label in the output vector dataset

       -geo value, --geo value
              Use geo coordinates (set to 0 to use image coordinates)

       -down value, --down value
              Down sampling factor (for raster sample datasets only).  Can be used to create grid

       -buf value, --buffer value
              Buffer for calculating statistics for point features

       -circ, --circular
              Use  a  circular  disc kernel buffer (for vector point sample datasets only, use in
              combination with buffer option)


       Using vector samples

       Extract all points for all layers read in points.sqlite  from  input.tif.   Create  a  new
       point  vector  dataset  named extracted.sqlite, where each point will contain an attribute
       for the individual input bands in input.tif.  Notice that the  default  vector  format  is
       Spatialite (.sqlite).

       pkextract -i input.tif -s points.sqlite -o extracted.sqlite

       Same  example  as  above, but only extract the points for the layer in points.sqlite named

       pkextract -i input.tif -s points.sqlite -ln valid -o extracted.sqlite

       Extract points and write output in ESRI Shapefile format

       pkextract -i input.tif -s points.shp -f "ESRI Shapefile" -o extracted.sqlite

       Extract the standard deviation for each input band in a 3 by 3 window, centered around the
       points in the sample vector dataset points.sqlite.  The output vector dataset will contain
       polygon features defined by the buffered points (3x3 window).  Use  the  option  -circ  to
       define a circular buffer.

       pkextract -i input.tif -s points.sqlite -o extracted.sqlite -r stdev -buf 3 -polygon

       Extract  all  pixels  from  input.tif  covered  by the polygons in locations.sqlite.  Each
       polygon can thus result in multiple point features with attributes for  each  input  band.
       Write the extracted points to a point vector dataset training.sqlite.

       pkextract -i input.tif -s polygons.sqlite -o training.sqlite -r point

       Extract  the  first band from input.tif at the centroids of the polygons in vector dataset
       polygons.sqlite.  Assign the extracted point value to a new attribute of the  polygon  and
       write to the vector dataset extracted.sqlite.

       pkextract -i input.tif -b 0 -s polygons.sqlite -r centroid -o extracted.sqlite -polygon

       Extract  the  mean  values  for  the  second  band in input.tif covered by each polygon in
       polygons.sqlite.  The mean values are written to a copy of the polygons in  output  vector
       dataset extracted.sqlite

       pkextract -i input.tif -b 1 -s polygons.sqlite -r mean -o extracted.sqlite -polygon

       Extract  the  majority class in each polygon for the input land cover map.  The land cover
       map contains five valid classes, labeled 1-5.  Other class values (e.g., labeled as 0) are
       not taken into account in the voting.

       pkextract -i landcover.tif -s polygons.sqlite -r maxvote -o majority.sqlite -polygon -c 1 -c 2 -c 3 -c 4 -c 5

       Using random and grid samples

       Extract 100 sample units following a simple random sampling design.  For each sample unit,
       the median value is extracted from the input raster dataset in a window of 3 by  3  pixels
       and  written  to  an  attribute  of  the output vector dataset.  The output vector dataset
       contains polygon features defined by the windows centered at the  random  selected  sample

       pkextract -i input.tif -o random.sqlite -rand 100 -median -buf 3 -polygon

       Extract  points  following a systematic grid with grid cell size of 100 m.  Discard pixels
       that have a value 0 in the input raster dataset.

       pkextract -i input.tif -o systematic.sqlite -grid 100 -srcnodata 0

       Using raster samples

       Typical use where pixels are extracted based on a land cover  map  (sample.tif).   Extract
       all bands for a random sample of 10 percent of the pixels in the land cover map sample.tif
       where the land cover classes are either 1,2 or 3 (class  values).   Write  output  to  the
       point vector dataset extracted.sqlite.

       pkextract -i input.tif -s sample.tif -o extracted.sqlite -t 10 -c 1 -c 2 -c 3

       Extract  all bands for the first 5000 pixels encountered in sample.tif where pixels have a
       value equal to 1.  Write output to point vector dataset extracted.sqlite.

       pkextract -i input.tif -s sample.tif -o extracted.sqlite -t -5000 -c 1

                                         24 January 2016                             pkextract(1)