xenial (7) cmake-compile-features.7.gz

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       cmake-compile-features - CMake Compile Features Reference


       Project  source  code  may  depend  on, or be conditional on, the availability of certain features of the
       compiler.  There are three use-cases which arise: Compile Feature Requirements, Optional Compile Features
       and Conditional Compilation Options.

       While  features  are typically specified in programming language standards, CMake provides a primary user
       interface based on granular handling of the features, not  the  language  standard  that  introduced  the

       The  CMAKE_C_KNOWN_FEATURES and CMAKE_CXX_KNOWN_FEATURES global properties contain all the features known
       to  CMake,  regardless  of  compiler  support  for  the  feature.    The   CMAKE_C_COMPILE_FEATURES   and
       CMAKE_CXX_COMPILE_FEATURES  variables  contain  all  features  CMake  knows  are  known  to the compiler,
       regardless of language standard or compile flags needed to use them.

       Features known to CMake are named mostly following the same convention as the Clang feature test  macros.
       The  are  some  exceptions,  such  as  CMake  using  cxx_final  and  cxx_override  instead  of the single
       cxx_override_control used by Clang.


       Compile feature requirements may be specified with the target_compile_features() command.   For  example,
       if a target must be compiled with compiler support for the cxx_constexpr feature:

          add_library(mylib requires_constexpr.cpp)
          target_compile_features(mylib PRIVATE cxx_constexpr)

       In  processing  the  requirement  for the cxx_constexpr feature, cmake(1) will ensure that the in-use C++
       compiler is capable of the feature, and will add any necessary flags such as -std=gnu++11 to the  compile
       lines  of  C++  files in the mylib target.  A FATAL_ERROR is issued if the compiler is not capable of the

       The exact compile flags and language standard are deliberately not part of the user  interface  for  this
       use-case.   CMake will compute the appropriate compile flags to use by considering the features specified
       for each target.

       Such compile flags are added even if the compiler supports the particular feature without the  flag.  For
       example,  the  GNU  compiler  supports  variadic templates (with a warning) even if -std=gnu++98 is used.
       CMake adds the -std=gnu++11 flag if cxx_variadic_templates is specified as a requirement.

       In the above example, mylib requires cxx_constexpr when it is built itself, but consumers  of  mylib  are
       not  required to use a compiler which supports cxx_constexpr.  If the interface of mylib does require the
       cxx_constexpr feature (or any other known feature), that may be specified with the  PUBLIC  or  INTERFACE
       signatures of target_compile_features():

          add_library(mylib requires_constexpr.cpp)
          # cxx_constexpr is a usage-requirement
          target_compile_features(mylib PUBLIC cxx_constexpr)

          # main.cpp will be compiled with -std=gnu++11 on GNU for cxx_constexpr.
          add_executable(myexe main.cpp)
          target_link_libraries(myexe mylib)

       Feature   requirements   are   evaluated   transitively   by  consuming  the  link  implementation.   See
       cmake-buildsystem(7) for more on transitive behavior of build properties and usage requirements.

       Because the CXX_EXTENSIONS target property is ON by default, CMake uses  extended  variants  of  language
       dialects  by default, such as -std=gnu++11 instead of -std=c++11.  That target property may be set to OFF
       to use the non-extended variant of the dialect flag.  Note that because most compilers enable  extensions
       by  default,  this  could  expose  cross-platform  bugs  in  user  code  or in the headers of third-party


       Compile features may be preferred if available, without creating a  hard  requirement.   For  example,  a
       library  may provides alternative implementations depending on whether the cxx_variadic_templates feature
       is available:

          template<int I, int... Is>
          struct Interface;

          template<int I>
          struct Interface<I>
            static int accumulate()
              return I;

          template<int I, int... Is>
          struct Interface
            static int accumulate()
              return I + Interface<Is...>::accumulate();
          template<int I1, int I2 = 0, int I3 = 0, int I4 = 0>
          struct Interface
            static int accumulate() { return I1 + I2 + I3 + I4; }

       Such an interface depends on using the correct preprocessor defines for the compiler features.  CMake can
       generate a header file containing such defines using the WriteCompilerDetectionHeader module.  The module
       contains the write_compiler_detection_header function which accepts parameters to control the content  of
       the generated header file:

            FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/foo_compiler_detection.h"
            PREFIX Foo
            COMPILERS GNU

       Such  a  header  file may be used internally in the source code of a project, and it may be installed and
       used in the interface of library code.

       For each feature listed in FEATURES, a preprocessor definition is created in the header file, and defined
       to either 1 or 0.

       Additionally, some features call for additional defines, such as the cxx_final and cxx_override features.
       Rather than being used in #ifdef code, the final keyword is abstracted by a symbol which  is  defined  to
       either  final,  a  compiler-specific  equivalent,  or  to  empty.   That  way, C++ code can be written to
       unconditionally use the symbol, and compiler support determines what it is expanded to:

          struct Interface {
            virtual void Execute() = 0;

          struct Concrete Foo_FINAL {
            void Execute() Foo_OVERRIDE;

       In this case, Foo_FINAL will expand to final if the compiler supports the keyword, or to empty otherwise.

       In this use-case, the CMake code will wish to enable a particular language standard if available from the
       compiler.  The  CXX_STANDARD  target  property variable may be set to the desired language standard for a
       particular target, and the CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD may be set to influence all following targets:

            FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/foo_compiler_detection.h"
            PREFIX Foo
            COMPILERS GNU
              cxx_final cxx_override

          # Includes foo_compiler_detection.h and uses the Foo_FINAL symbol
          # which will expand to 'final' if the compiler supports the requested
          # CXX_STANDARD.
          add_library(foo foo.cpp)
          set_property(TARGET foo PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD 11)

          # Includes foo_compiler_detection.h and uses the Foo_FINAL symbol
          # which will expand to 'final' if the compiler supports the feature,
          # even though CXX_STANDARD is not set explicitly.  The requirement of
          # cxx_constexpr causes CMake to set CXX_STANDARD internally, which
          # affects the compile flags.
          add_library(foo_impl foo_impl.cpp)
          target_compile_features(foo_impl PRIVATE cxx_constexpr)

       The write_compiler_detection_header function also creates compatibility code  for  other  features  which
       have  standard  equivalents.   For example, the cxx_static_assert feature is emulated with a template and
       abstracted via the <PREFIX>_STATIC_ASSERT and <PREFIX>_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG function-macros.


       Libraries may provide entirely different header files depending on requested compiler features.

       For example, a header at with_variadics/interface.h may contain:

          template<int I, int... Is>
          struct Interface;

          template<int I>
          struct Interface<I>
            static int accumulate()
              return I;

          template<int I, int... Is>
          struct Interface
            static int accumulate()
              return I + Interface<Is...>::accumulate();

       while a header at no_variadics/interface.h may contain:

          template<int I1, int I2 = 0, int I3 = 0, int I4 = 0>
          struct Interface
            static int accumulate() { return I1 + I2 + I3 + I4; }

       It would be possible to write a abstraction interface.h header containing something like:

          #include "foo_compiler_detection.h"
          #include "with_variadics/interface.h"
          #include "no_variadics/interface.h"

       However this could be unmaintainable if there are many files to  abstract.  What  is  needed  is  to  use
       alternative include directories depending on the compiler capabilities.

       CMake  provides  a  COMPILE_FEATURES generator expression to implement such conditions.  This may be used
       with the build-property commands such as target_include_directories() and target_link_libraries() to  set
       the appropriate buildsystem properties:

          add_library(foo INTERFACE)
          set(with_variadics ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/with_variadics)
          set(no_variadics ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/no_variadics)

       Consuming  code  then  simply  links  to the foo target as usual and uses the feature-appropriate include

          add_executable(consumer_with consumer_with.cpp)
          target_link_libraries(consumer_with foo)
          set_property(TARGET consumer_with CXX_STANDARD 11)

          add_executable(consumer_no consumer_no.cpp)
          target_link_libraries(consumer_no foo)


       CMake is currently aware of the language standards and compile  features  available  from  the  following
       compiler ids as of the versions specified for each:

       • AppleClang: Apple Clang for Xcode versions 4.4 though 6.2.

       • Clang: Clang compiler versions 2.9 through 3.4.

       • GNU: GNU compiler versions 4.4 through 5.0.

       • MSVC: Microsoft Visual Studio versions 2010 through 2015.

       • SunPro: Oracle SolarisStudio version 12.4.

       2000-2016 Kitware, Inc.