Provided by: sheepdog_0.8.3-4.1_amd64 

sheep - Distributed Block Storage System for QEMU
sheep [options] [PATH]
sheep - Sheepdog is a distributed storage system for QEMU. It provides highly available block level storage volumes to virtual machines. Sheepdog supports advanced volume management features such as snapshot, cloning, and thin provisioning. The architecture of Sheepdog is fully symmetric; there is no central node such as a meta-data server. The server daemon is called sheep(8). A command line utility is available via dog(8). QEMU virtual machines use the sheep daemon via a block driver available in qemu(1).
-b, --bindaddr specify IP address of interface to listen on Example: $ sheep -b ... This tries to teach sheep listen to NIC of Example: $ sheep -b ... This tries to teach sheep listen to all the NICs available. It can be useful when you want sheep to response dog without specified address and port. -c, --cluster specify the cluster driver (default: corosync) Available arguments: local: use local driver corosync: use corosync driver zookeeper: use zookeeper driver, need extra arguments zookeeper arguments: address-list,tiemout=value (default as 3000) Example: $ sheep -c zookeeper:IP1:PORT1,IP2:PORT2,IP3:PORT3,timeout=1000 ... This tries to use 3 node zookeeper cluster, which can be reached by IP1:PORT1, IP2:PORT2, IP3:PORT3 to manage membership and broadcast message and set the timeout of node heartbeat as 1000 milliseconds -D, --directio use direct IO for backend store -g, --gateway make the progam run as a gateway mode -h, --help display this help and exit -i, --ioaddr use separate network card to handle IO requests (default: disabled) Example: $ sheep -i host=,port=7002 ... This tries to add a dedicated IO NIC of to transfer data. If IO NIC is down, sheep will fallback to non IO NIC to transfer data. -j, --journal use jouranl file to log all the write operations. (default: disabled) Available arguments: size=: size of the journal in megabyes dir=: path to the location of the journal (default: $STORE) skip: if specified, skip the recovery at startup Example: $ sheep -j dir=/journal,size=1G This tries to use /journal as the journal storage of the size 1G -l, --log specify the log level, the log directory and the log format(log level default: 6 [SDOG_INFO]) Example: $ sheep -l dir=/var/log/,level=debug,format=server ... Available arguments: dir=: path to the location of sheep.log level=: log level of sheep.log format=: log format type dst=: log destination type if dir is not specified, use metastore directory Available log levels: Level Description emerg system has failed and is unusable alert action must be taken immediately crit critical conditions err error conditions warning warning conditions notice normal but significant conditions info informational notices debug debugging messages default log level is info Available log format: FormatType Description default raw format server raw format with timestamp json json format Available log destination: DestinationType Description default dedicated file in a directory used by sheep syslog syslog of the system stdout standard output -n, --nosync drop O_SYNC for write of backend -p, --port specify the TCP port on which to listen (default: 7000) -P, --pidfile create a pid file -r, --http enable http service. (default: disabled) Available arguments: host=: specify a host to communicate with http server (default: localhost) port=: specify a port to communicate with http server (default: 8000) swift: enable swift API Example: $ sheep -r host=localhost,port=7001,swift ... This tries to enable Swift API and use localhost:7001 to communicate with http server. -u, --upgrade upgrade to the latest data layout -v, --version show the version Sheepdog daemon version 0.8.3 -w, --cache enable object cache Available arguments: size=: size of the cache in megabyes dir=: path to the location of the cache (default: $STORE/cache) directio: use directio mode for cache IO, if not specified use buffered IO Example: $ sheep -w size=200G,dir=/my_ssd,directio ... This tries to use /my_ssd as the cache storage with 200G allocted to the cache in directio mode -y, --myaddr specify the address advertised to other sheep Example: $ sheep -y ... This tries to tell other nodes through what address they can talk to this sheep. -z, --zone specify the zone id (default: determined by listen address) Example: $ sheep -z 1 ... This tries to set the zone ID of this sheep to 1 and sheepdog won't store more than one copy of any object into this same zone
Proper LSB systems will store sheepdog files in /var/lib/sheepdog. The init script uses this directory by default. The directory must be on a filesystem with xattr support. In the case of ext3, user_xattr should be added to the mount options. mount -o remount,user_xattr /var/lib/sheepdog
sheepdog requires QEMU 0.13.z or later and Corosync 1.y.z.
/var/lib/sheepdog - Directory containing block storage information
dog(8), qemu(1), sheepfs(8), corosync_overview(8)
This software is developed by the sheepdog community which may be reached via mailing list at <>. 2016-01-15 SHEEPDOG(8)