Provided by: libgdcm-tools_2.6.3-3ubuntu3_amd64 bug


       gdcmdump - dumps a DICOM file, it will display the structure and values contained in the
       specified DICOM file.


           gdcmdump [options] dcm_file
           gdcmdump [options] dcm_directory


       The gdcmdump command line program dumps a DICOM file to the console. For those familiar
       with dcmdump (DCMTK) output, gdcmdump has some minor differences. Namely:

       •   For Implicit Transfer Syntax gdcmdump will print ?? instead of the dictionary VR

       gdcmdump has a limited private dictionary that is used to lookup private element whenever


           dcm_file        DICOM input filename
           dcm_directory   DICOM input directory


   specific options
             -x --xml-dict       generate the XML dict (only private elements for now).
             -r --recursive      recursive (input is a directory)
             -d --dump           dump value (limited use).
             -p --print          print value instead of simply dumping (default).
             -c --color          print in color.
             -C --csa            print SIEMENS CSA Header (0029,[12]0,SIEMENS CSA HEADER).
             -P --pdb            print GEMS Protocol Data Block (0025,1b,GEMS_SERS_01).
                --elscint        print ELSCINT Protocol Information (01f7,26,ELSCINT1).
                --vepro          print VEPRO Protocol Information (0055,20,VEPRO VIF 3.0 DATA).
                                    or VEPRO Protocol Information (0055,20,VEPRO VIM 5.0 DATA).
                --sds            print Philips MR Series Data Storage ( Information (2005,32,Philips MR Imaging DD 002).
             -A --asn1           print encapsulated ASN1 structure >(0400,0520).
                --map-uid-names  map UID to names.

   general options
             -h   --help
                    print this help text and exit

             -v   --version
                    print version information and exit

             -V   --verbose
                    verbose mode (warning+error).

             -W   --warning
                    warning mode, print warning information

             -E   --error
                    error mode, print error information

             -D   --debug
                    debug mode, print debug information

   special options
             -I --ignore-errors   dumps even if file is corrupted (advanced users only, see disclaimers).


   Printing Implicit Transfer Syntax
       The VR are not found in the file, thus are presented with a "(??)", and right next to it
       (if found) the correct VR.


           $ gdcmdump GE_DLX-8-MONO2-PrivateSyntax.dcm

           # Dicom-File-Format
           (0008,0000) ?? (UL) 434                                           # 4,1 Generic Group Length
           (0008,0005) ?? (CS) [ISO_IR 100]                                  # 10,1-n Specific Character Set
           (0008,0008) ?? (CS) [ORIGINAL\\PRIMARY\\SINGLE PLANE ]              # 30,2-n Image Type
           (0008,0016) ?? (UI) [1.2.840.10008.]                # 28,1 SOP Class UID
           (0008,0018) ?? (UI) [1.2.840.113619.]   # 42,1 SOP Instance UID
           (0008,0020) ?? (DA) [19980923]                                    # 8,1 Study Date
           (0008,0021) ?? (DA) [19980923]                                    # 8,1 Series Date
           (0008,0022) ?? (DA) [19980923]                                    # 8,1 Acquisition Date
           (0008,0023) ?? (DA) [19980923]                                    # 8,1 Content Date
           (0008,0030) ?? (TM) [101229.000]                                  # 10,1 Study Time
           (0008,0031) ?? (TM) [101229.000]                                  # 10,1 Series Time
           (0008,0032) ?? (TM) [102653.000]                                  # 10,1 Acquisition Time
           (0008,0033) ?? (TM) [102653.000]                                  # 10,1 Content Time

   Print Private Attributes
       GDCM has a limited private dictionary. Whenever possible, it will try to lookup the
       private data element.

           $ gdcmdump 012345.002.050.dcm

           (0009,0010) LO [GEMS_IDEN_01]                                     # 12,1 Private Creator
           (0009,1001) LO [GE_GENESIS_FF ]                                   # 14,1 Full fidelity
           (0009,1002) SH [MRCV]                                             # 4,1 Suite id
           (0009,1004) SH [SIGNA ]                                           # 6,1 Product id
           (0009,1027) SL 985968524                                          # 4,1 Image actual date
           (0009,1030) SH [19356UMR2 ]                                       # 10,1 Service id
           (0009,1031) SH [999 ]                                             # 4,1 Mobile location number
           (0009,10e3) UI [1.2.840.113619.]                  # 32,1 Equipment UID
           (0009,10e6) SH [08]                                               # 2,1 Genesis Version - now
           (0009,10e7) UL 2757786872                                         # 4,1 Exam Record checksum
           (0009,10e9) SL 985968523                                          # 4,1 Actual series data time stamp
           (0019,0000) UL 1208                                               # 4,1 Generic Group Length
           (0019,0010) LO [GEMS_ACQU_01]                                     # 12,1 Private Creator
           (0019,100f) DS [424.399994]                                       # 10,1 Horiz. Frame of ref.
           (0019,1011) SS 0                                                  # 2,1 Series contrast
           (0019,10e0) DS [0.000000]                                         # 8,1 User data 24 {# DTI Diffusion Dir., release 10.0 & above}
           (0019,10e2) DS [0.000000]                                         # 8,1 Velocity Encode Scale
           (0019,10f2) SS 0                                                  # 2,1 Fast phases
           (0019,10f9) DS [98]                                               # 2,1 Transmit gain
           (0021,0000) UL 372                                                # 4,1 Generic Group Length
           (0021,0010) LO [GEMS_RELA_01]                                     # 12,1 Private Creator
           (0021,1003) SS 0                                                  # 2,1 Series from which Prescribed

       Using this option it is possible to dump as a readable text what is contained in the
       private attribute as found in typical SIEMENS MR DICOM file.


           $ gdcmdump --csa MR_SIEMENS_forceLoad29-1010_29-1020.dcm

           (0029,0010)siemens csa header
           Image shadow data (0029,xx10)

           0 - 'EchoLinePosition' VM 1, VR IS, SyngoDT 6, NoOfItems 6, Data '64      '
           1 - 'EchoColumnPosition' VM 1, VR IS, SyngoDT 6, NoOfItems 6, Data '64      '
           2 - 'EchoPartitionPosition' VM 1, VR IS, SyngoDT 6, NoOfItems 6, Data '32      '
           3 - 'UsedChannelMask' VM 1, VR UL, SyngoDT 9, NoOfItems 6, Data '255     '
           4 - 'Actual3DImaPartNumber' VM 1, VR IS, SyngoDT 6, NoOfItems 0, Data
           5 - 'ICE_Dims' VM 1, VR LO, SyngoDT 19, NoOfItems 6, Data 'X_1_1_1_1_1_1_31_1_1_1_1_19'
           6 - 'B_value' VM 1, VR IS, SyngoDT 6, NoOfItems 6, Data '0       '
           7 - 'Filter1' VM 1, VR IS, SyngoDT 6, NoOfItems 0, Data
           8 - 'Filter2' VM 1, VR IS, SyngoDT 6, NoOfItems 0, Data

   GEMS Protocol Data Block
       Using this option it is possible to dump as a readable text what is contained in the
       private attribute as found in typical GEMS MR DICOM file.

       Protocol Data Block : 0025,xx1b,GEMS_SERS_01

           $ gdcmdump --pdb GE_MR_0025xx1bProtocolDataBlock.dcm

           ENTRY "Head First"
           POSITION "Supine"
           ANREF "NA"
           COIL "HEAD"
           PLANE "OBLIQUE"
           SEDESCFLAG "1"
           SEDESC "AX FSE T2"
           IMODE "2D"
           PSEQ "FSE-XL"
           IOPT "FC, EDR, TRF, Fast"
           PLUG "22"
           FILTCHOICE "None"
           BWRT "-1"
           TRICKSIMG "1"
           TAG_SPACE "7"
           TAG_TYPE "None"

   ELSCINT Protocol Information
       Using this option it is possible to dump as a readable text what is contained in the
       private attribute as found in typical ELSCINT CT DICOM file.

       ELSCINT Protocol Information: (01f7,26,ELSCINT1)

           $ gdcmdump --elscint ELSCINT1_ProtocolInformation.dcm

           ELSCINT1 Dumping info from tag (01f7,26,elscint1)
           ELSCINT1/Item name: []
             ApprovedStep [yes]
             RefSurview [1\0]
             STD-first-img-pos [11.5]
             current-step [yes]
             ntimed-steps [0]
             orig-n-slices [390]
             protocol-file [Head_Multi_1032_usr.proc]
             protocol-name [FACE-TRAUMA/Head/Hx]
             protocol-path [/usr/diamond.root/spr/]
             protocol-step [1]
             protocol-version [2.51]

           ELSCINT1/Item name: [doseright]
             ACS [n/a]
             ACS-bed-position [0]
             ACS-calc-mas [0]
             ACS-iq-parameter [0]
             ACS-learn-allowed [no]
             ACS-water-radius [-1.000000]
             ACS-water-radius-scan [-1]

   VEPRO Protocol Information
       Using this option it is possible to dump as a readable text what is contained in the
       private attribute as found in typical VEPRO CT DICOM file.

       ELSCINT Protocol Information: (0055,20,VEPRO VIM 5.0 DATA)

           $ gdcmdump --vepro VEPRO_ProtocolInformation.dcm

           VIMDATA2: (0055,20,VEPRO VIM 5.0 DATA)
             ID: VIM
             Version: 5.0
             UserAdress1: Name of Institution
             UserAdress2: Street of Institution
             UserAdress3: City of Institution
             RecDate: 20101001
             RecTime: 211321
             RecSource: DICOM Distributor
             DF1: P-09/10-41808
             DF2: Sultana Razia
             DF3: 19411001
             DF4: F
             DF8: CT Scan Brain without Contrast
             DF9: 10/10-0034873
             DF10: 10/10-00348
             DF14:  Head 0.5
             DF15: 4
             StudyUID: 1.2.392.200036.9116.
             SeriesUID: 1.2.392.200036.9116.
             Modality: CT

   Philips Private MR Series Data Storage (
       Using this option it is possible to dump as a readable text what is contained in the
       private attribute as found in typical Philips Private MR Series Data Storage file.

       PMS Series Data Storage (2005,32,Philips MR Imaging DD 002)

           $ gdcmdump --sds PMS_SeriesDataStorage.dcm

           PMS/Item name: [PDF_CONTROL_GEN_PARS/IEEE_PDF/Y ]
           PMS/Item name: [PDF_CONTROL_PREP_PARS /IEEE_PDF/Y ]
           PMS/Item name: [PDF_CONTROL_RECON_PARS/IEEE_PDF/Y ]
           PMS/Item name: [PDF_CONTROL_SCAN_PARS /IEEE_PDF/Y ]
           PMS/Item name: [PDF_EXAM_PARS /IEEE_PDF/Y ]
           PMS/Item name: [PDF_HARDWARE_PARS /IEEE_PDF/Y ]
           PMS/Item name: [PDF_PREP_PARS /IEEE_PDF/Y ]
           PMS/Item name: [PDF_SPT_PARS/IEEE_PDF/Y ]
             SP_scan_resol [256\256] # 2
             SP_pda_profiles [0\0] # 2
             SP_filter [324074] # 1
             SP_analyse_with_iqt [0] # 1
             SP_main_system_type [3] # 1
             SP_gradient_system [6] # 1
             SP_coil_type [2\2\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0] # 16
             SP_coil_id [2\34\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0] # 16
             SP_coil_part [0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0] # 16
             SP_act_q [0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0] # 16
             SP_act_coil_freq [0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0] # 16
             SP_coil_m_pos [255\255\255\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\255] # 16
             SP_coil_t_pos [255\128\255\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\255] # 16
             SP_surface_coil_con [0\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0] # 16
             SP_proton_freq [127801349] # 1
             SP_tm_result [2\2\2\2\2\2\2\2\2\2\2\2\2\2\2\2] # 16
             SP_f0_result [0] # 1
             SP_as_result [0] # 1
             SP_po_result [0] # 1
             SP_rg_result [0] # 1
             SP_dc_result [0] # 1
             SP_ph_result [0] # 1

   Encapsulated ASN1 Structure
       This option is mainly used for dumping the ASN1 structure of the encrypted Attribute

           $ gdcmdump encrypted.dcm

           (0400,0500) SQ                                                    # u/l,1 Encrypted Attributes Sequence
             (fffe,e000) na (Item with undefined length)
               (0400,0510) UI [1.2.840.10008.1.2]                            # 18,1 Encrypted Content Transfer Syntax UID
               (0400,0520) OB 30\\82\\03\\ba\\06\\09\\2a\\86\\48\\55\\04\\08\\13         # 958,1 Encrypted Content

           $ gdcmdump --asn1 encrypted.dcm

               0:d=0  hl=4 l= 954 cons: SEQUENCE
               4:d=1  hl=2 l=   9 prim:  OBJECT            :pkcs7-envelopedData
              15:d=1  hl=4 l= 939 cons:  cont [ 0 ]
              19:d=2  hl=4 l= 935 cons:   SEQUENCE
              23:d=3  hl=2 l=   1 prim:    INTEGER           :00
              26:d=3  hl=4 l= 366 cons:    SET
              30:d=4  hl=4 l= 362 cons:     SEQUENCE
              34:d=5  hl=2 l=   1 prim:      INTEGER           :00
              37:d=5  hl=2 l=  82 cons:      SEQUENCE
              39:d=6  hl=2 l=  69 cons:       SEQUENCE
              41:d=7  hl=2 l=  11 cons:        SET
              43:d=8  hl=2 l=   9 cons:         SEQUENCE
              45:d=9  hl=2 l=   3 prim:          OBJECT            :countryName
              50:d=9  hl=2 l=   2 prim:          PRINTABLESTRING   :AU
              54:d=7  hl=2 l=  19 cons:        SET
              56:d=8  hl=2 l=  17 cons:         SEQUENCE
              58:d=9  hl=2 l=   3 prim:          OBJECT            :stateOrProvinceName
              63:d=9  hl=2 l=  10 prim:          PRINTABLESTRING   :Some-State
              75:d=7  hl=2 l=  33 cons:        SET
              77:d=8  hl=2 l=  31 cons:         SEQUENCE
              79:d=9  hl=2 l=   3 prim:          OBJECT            :organizationName
              84:d=9  hl=2 l=  24 prim:          PRINTABLESTRING   :Internet Widgits Pty Ltd
             110:d=6  hl=2 l=   9 prim:       INTEGER           :AC966D88787A51B4
             121:d=5  hl=2 l=  13 cons:      SEQUENCE
             123:d=6  hl=2 l=   9 prim:       OBJECT            :rsaEncryption
             134:d=6  hl=2 l=   0 prim:       NULL
             136:d=5  hl=4 l= 256 prim:      OCTET STRING      [HEX DUMP]:822368070285AD756C962ECB973514B291F946...
             396:d=3  hl=4 l= 558 cons:    SEQUENCE
             400:d=4  hl=2 l=   9 prim:     OBJECT            :pkcs7-data
             411:d=4  hl=2 l=  29 cons:     SEQUENCE
             413:d=5  hl=2 l=   9 prim:      OBJECT            :aes-256-cbc
             424:d=5  hl=2 l=  16 prim:      OCTET STRING      [HEX DUMP]:3B49AFE71749F2BFF1519EBAEA95A393
             442:d=4  hl=4 l= 512 prim:     cont [ 0 ]


       gdcmdump(1), gdcmraw(1), gdcmanon(1)


       Mathieu Malaterre
           Main developer


       Copyright © 2006, 2011 Mathieu Malaterre