xenial (1) ncatted.1.gz

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       ncatted - netCDF Attribute Editor


       ncatted  [-a  att_dsc] [-a ...] [--bfr sz][-D dbg_lvl] [--glb att_name= att_val]] [-h] [--hdr_pad sz] [-l
       path] [-O] [-p path] [-R] [-r] [--ram_all] input-file [ output-file]


       ncatted edits attributes in a netCDF file.  If you are editing attributes then you are spending too  much
       time  in  the world of metadata, and ncatted was written to get you back out as quickly and painlessly as
       possible.  ncatted can append, create, delete, modify, and overwrite attributes  (all  explained  below).
       Furthermore, ncatted allows each editing operation to be applied to every variable in a file, thus saving
       you time when you want to change attribute conventions throughout a file.  ncatted  interprets  character
       attributes as strings.

       Because  repeated  use of ncatted can considerably increase the size of the history global attribute, the
       -h switch is provided to override automatically appending the command to the history global attribute  in
       the output-file.

       When  ncatted  is  used  to change the _FillValue attribute, it changes the associated missing data self-
       consistently.  If the internal floating point representation of a missing value,  e.g.,  1.0e36,  differs
       between  two machines then netCDF files produced on those machines will have incompatible missing values.
       This allows ncatted to change the missing values in files from different machines to a  single  value  so
       that the files may then be concatenated together, e.g., by ncrcat, without losing any information.

       The  key  to  mastering  ncatted  is  understanding the meaning of the structure describing the attribute
       modification, att_dsc.   Each  att_dsc  contains  five  elements,  which  makes  using  ncatted  somewhat
       complicated,  but  powerful.   The  att_dsc  argument  structure contains five arguments in the following

       att_dsc = att_nm, var_nm, mode, att_type, att_val

       att_nm Attribute name.  Example: units

       var_nm Variable name.  Example: pressure

       mode   Edit mode abbreviation.  Example: a.  See below for complete listing of valid values of mode.

              Attribute type abbreviation. Example: c.  See below  for  complete  listing  of  valid  values  of

              Attribute  value.  Example: pascal.  There should be no empty space between these five consecutive
              arguments.  The description of these arguments follows in their order of appearance.

       The value of att_nm is the name of the attribute you want to edit.  This meaning of this should be  clear
       to all users of the ncatted operator.

       The  value of var_nm is the name of the variable containing the attribute (named att_nm) that you want to
       edit.  There are two very important and useful exceptions to this rule.  The value of var_nm can also  be
       used  to  direct ncatted to edit global attributes, or to repeat the editing operation for every variable
       in a file.  A value of var_nm of global” indicates that att_nm refers to a global attribute, rather  than
       a  particular  variable's  attribute.  This is the method ncatted supports for editing global attributes.
       If var_nm is left blank, on the other hand, then ncatted attempts to perform  the  editing  operation  on
       every variable in the file.  This option may be convenient to use if you decide to change the conventions
       you use for describing the data.

       The value of mode is a single character abbreviation ( a, c, d, m, or o) standing for one of five editing

       a      Append.  Append value att_val to current var_nm attribute att_nm value att_val, if any.  If var_nm
              does not have an attribute att_nm, there is no effect.

       c      Create.  Create variable var_nm attribute att_nm with att_val if att_nm does not  yet  exist.   If
              var_nm already has an attribute att_nm, there is no effect.

       d      Delete.   Delete  current  var_nm  attribute att_nm.  If var_nm does not have an attribute att_nm,
              there is no effect.  When Delete  mode  is  selected,  the  att_type  and  att_val  arguments  are
              superfluous and may be left blank.

       m      Modify.   Change  value  of  current var_nm attribute att_nm to value att_val.  If var_nm does not
              have an attribute att_nm, there is no effect.

       o      Overwrite.  Write attribute att_nm with value att_val to  variable  var_nm,  overwriting  existing
              attribute att_nm, if any.  This is the default mode.

       The  value  of att_type is a single character abbreviation ( f, d, l, s, c, or b) standing for one of the
       six primitive netCDF data types:

       f      Float.  Value(s) specified in att_val will be stored as netCDF intrinsic type NC_FLOAT.

       d      Double.  Value(s) specified in att_val will be stored as netCDF intrinsic type NC_DOUBLE.

       l      Long.  Value(s) specified in att_val will be stored as netCDF intrinsic type NC_LONG.

       s      Short.  Value(s) specified in att_val will be stored as netCDF intrinsic type NC_SHORT.

       c      Char.  Value(s) specified in att_val will be stored as netCDF intrinsic type NC_CHAR.

       b      Byte.  Value(s) specified in att_val will  be  stored  as  netCDF  intrinsic  type  NC_BYTE.   The
              specification of att_type is optional in Delete mode.

       The  value  of  att_val  is  what  you  want to change attribute att_nm to contain.  The specification of
       att_val is optional in Delete mode.  Attribute  values  for  all  types  besides  NC_CHAR  must  have  an
       attribute  length  of  at  least  one.   Thus  att_val  may be a single value or one-dimensional array of
       elements of type att_type.  If the att_val is not set or is set to  empty  space,  and  the  att_type  is
       NC_CHAR, e.g., -a units,T,o,c,"" or -a units,T,o,c,, then the corresponding attribute is set to have zero
       length.  When specifying an array of values, it is safest to enclose att_val in double or single  quotes,
       e.g., -a levels,T,o,s,"1,2,3,4" or -a levels,T,o,s,'1,2,3,4'.  The quotes are strictly unnecessary around
       att_val except when att_val contains characters which would confuse the calling shell,  such  as  spaces,
       commas, and wildcard characters.

       NCO  processing  of  NC_CHAR  attributes  is  a  bit like Perl in that it attempts to do what you want by
       default (but this sometimes causes unexpected results if you want unusual data storage).  If the att_type
       is  NC_CHAR  then the argument is interpreted as a string and it may contain C-language escape sequences,
       which NCO will interpret before writing anything to disk.  NCO  translates  valid  escape  sequences  and
       stores  the  appropriate  ASCII  code  instead.  Since two byte escape sequences represent one byte ASCII
       codes, e.g., ASCII 10 (decimal), the stored string attribute is one byte shorter than  the  input  string
       length  for  each  embedded  escape  sequence.  These sequences in particular allow convenient editing of
       formatted text attributes.  See ncks netCDF Kitchen Sink, for more examples of  string  formatting  (with
       the ncks -s option) with special characters.

       Analogous  to  printf,  other special characters are also allowed by ncatted if they are "protected" by a
       backslash.  NCO simply strips away the  leading  backslash  from  these  characters  before  editing  the
       attribute.   No  other characters require protection by a backslash.  Backslashes which precede any other
       character will not be filtered and will be included in the attribute.

       Note that the NUL character which terminates C language strings is assumed and  need  not  be  explicitly
       specified.   If  NUL  is  input,  it  will not be translated (because it would terminate the string in an
       additional location).  Because of these context-sensitive rules, if wish to  use  an  attribute  of  type
       NC_CHAR to store data, rather than text strings, you should use ncatted with care.


       Append the string "Data version 2.0.\n" to the global attribute history:
              ncatted -O -a history,global,a,c,"Data version 2.0\n" in.nc
       Note the use of embedded C language printf()-style escape sequences.

       Change  the  value  of  the  long_name  attribute  for  variable  T  from  whatever  it  currently  is to
              ncatted -O -a long_name,T,o,c,temperature in.nc

       Delete all existing units attributes:
              ncatted -O -a units,,d,, in.nc
       The value of var_nm was left blank in order to select all variables in the file.  The values of  att_type
       and att_val were left blank because they are superfluous in Delete mode.

       Modify all existing units attributes to "meter second-1"
              ncatted -O -a units,,m,c,"meter second-1" in.nc

       Overwrite the quanta attribute of variable energy to an array of four integers.
              ncatted -O -a quanta,energy,o,s,"010,101,111,121" in.nc

       See  the  manual  for more complex examples, including how to input C-language escape sequences and other
       special characters like backslashes and question marks.


       NCO manual pages written by Charlie Zender and originally formatted by Brian Mays.


       Report bugs to <http://sf.net/bugs/?group_id=3331>.

       Copyright © 1995-2016 Charlie Zender
       This is free software; see the source for copying  conditions.   There  is  NO  warranty;  not  even  for


       The  full  documentation  for NCO is maintained as a Texinfo manual called the NCO User's Guide.  Because
       NCO is mathematical in  nature,  the  documentation  includes  TeX-intensive  portions  not  viewable  on
       character-based displays.  Hence the only complete and authoritative versions of the NCO User's Guide are
       the   PDF   (recommended),    DVI,    and    Postscript    versions    at    <http://nco.sf.net/nco.pdf>,
       <http://nco.sf.net/nco.dvi>,  and  <http://nco.sf.net/nco.ps>,  respectively.   HTML and XML versions are
       available at <http://nco.sf.net/nco.html> and <http://nco.sf.net/nco.xml>, respectively.

       If the info and NCO programs are properly installed at your site, the command

              info nco

       should give you access to the complete manual, except for the TeX-intensive portions.

       ncap(1), ncap2(1), ncatted(1),  ncbo(1),  nces(1),  ncecat(1),  ncflint(1),  ncks(1),  nco(1),  ncpdq(1),
       ncra(1), ncrcat(1), ncremap(1), ncrename(1), ncwa(1)


       The NCO homepage at <http://nco.sf.net> contains more information.
