xenial (1) pianobar.1.gz

Provided by: pianobar_2015.11.22-1_amd64 bug


       pianobar - console pandora.com music player




       pianobar is a lightweight console music player for the personalized online radio pandora.com.


       $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pianobar/config or ~/.config/pianobar/config
              Per-user configuration file. See CONFIGURATION.

       /etc/libao.conf or ~/.libao
              Global/per-user     audio     output     configuration.     See     libao     documentation     at


       The configuration file consists of simple key  =  value  lines,  each  terminated  with  a  newline  (\n)
       character. Keys are case sensitive.

       act_*  keys  control  pianobar's  key-bindings.  Every one-byte character except for \x00 and the special
       value disabled are allowed here.

       act_help = ?
              Show keybindings.

       act_songlove = +
              Love currently played song.

       act_songban = -
              Ban current track. It will not be played again and can only  removed  using  the  pandora.com  web

       act_stationaddmusic = a
              Add  more  music  to  current  station.  You  will  be  asked for a search string. Just follow the
              instructions. If you're clueless try '?' (without quotes).

       act_bookmark = b
              Bookmark current song or artist.

       act_stationcreate = c
              Create new station. You have to enter a search string and  select  the  song  or  artist  of  your

       act_stationdelete = d
              Delete current station.

       act_songexplain = e
              Explain why this song is played.

       act_stationaddbygenre = g
              Add genre station provided by pandora.

       act_history = h
              Show history.

       act_songinfo = i
              Print information about currently played song/station.

       act_addshared = j
              Add shared station by id. id is a very long integer without "sh" at the beginning.

       act_managestation = =
              Delete artist/song seeds or feedback.

       act_songmove = m
              Move current song to another station

       act_songnext = n
              Skip current song.

       act_songpause = S
              Pause playback

       act_songpausetoggle = p
       act_songpausetoggle2 = <Space>
              Pause/resume playback

       act_songplay = P
              Resume playback

       act_quit = q
              Quit pianobar.

       act_stationrename = r
              Rename currently played station.

       act_stationchange = s
              Select  another  station.  The  station  list can be filtered like most lists by entering a search
              string instead of a station number.

       act_songtired = t
              Ban song for one month.

       act_upcoming = u
              Show next songs in playlist.

       act_stationcreatefromsong = v
              Create new station from the current song or artist.

       act_stationselectquickmix = x
              Select quickmix stations. You can toggle the selection with 't', select all  with  'a'  or  select
              none with 'n'.

       act_voldown = (
              Decrease volume.

       act_volreset = ^
              Reset volume.

       act_volup = )
              Increase volume.

       act_settings = !
              Change Pandora settings.

       at_icon = @
              Replacement for %@ in station format string. It's " @ " by default.

       audio_quality = {high, medium, low}
              Select audio quality.

       autoselect = {1,0}
              Auto-select last remaining item of filtered list. Currently enabled for station selection only.

       autostart_station = stationid
              Play this station when starting up. You can get the stationid by pressing i or the key you defined
              in act_songinfo.

       ban_icon = </3
              Icon for banned songs.

              Path to CA certifiate bundle, containing  the  root  and  intermediate  certificates  required  to
              validate Pandora’s SSL certificate.

       control_proxy = http://user:password@host:port/
              Non-american users need a proxy to use pandora.com. Only the xmlrpc interface will use this proxy.
              The music is streamed directly.

       decrypt_password = R=U!LH$O2B#

       device = android-generic

       encrypt_password = 6#26FRL$ZWD

       event_command = path
              File that is executed when event occurs. See section EVENTCMD

       fifo = $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pianobar/ctl
              Location of control fifo. See section REMOTE CONTROL

       format_list_song = %i) %a - %t%r
              Available format characters:

              %i Song number

              %a Song artist

              %t Song title

              %r Rating icon

       format_msg_none = %s
       format_msg_info = (i) %s
       format_msg_nowplaying = |> %s
       format_msg_time = # %s
       format_msg_err = /!\ %s
       format_msg_question = [?] %s
       format_msg_list =   %s
              Message format strings.  %s is replaced with the actual message.

       format_nowplaying_song = "%t" by "%a" on "%l"%r%@%s
              Now playing song message format. Available format characters are:

              %t Song title

              %a Song artist

              %l Album name

              %r Rating icon (only love icon)

              %@ at_icon if station is quickmix, empty otherwise.

              %s Real station name if quickmix

              %u Song detail url

       format_nowplaying_station = Station "%n" (%i)
              Now playing station format. Available format characters are:

              %n Station name

              %i Station id

       history = 5
              Keep a history of the last n songs (5, by default). You can rate these songs.

       love_icon = <3
              Icon for loved songs.

       max_player_errors = 5
              Amount of song download errors in a row after pianobar stops playback.

       partner_password = AC7IBG09A3DTSYM4R41UJWL07VLN8JI7

       partner_user = android

       password = plaintext_password
              Your pandora.com password. Plain-text.

       password_command = gpg --decrypt ~/password
              Use output of command as password. This setting  is  overridden  by  specifying  a  password  with

       proxy = http://user:password@host:port/
              Use  a  http  proxy.  Note  that  this setting overrides the http_proxy environment variable. Only
              "Basic" http authentication is supported.

       rpc_host = tuner.pandora.com

       rpc_tls_port = 443

       sort   =    {name_az,    name_za,    quickmix_01_name_az,    quickmix_01_name_za,    quickmix_10_name_az,
              Sort station list by name or type (is quickmix) and name. name_az for example sorts by name from a
              to z, quickmix_01_name_za by type (quickmix at the bottom) and name from z to a.

       tls_fingerprint = D9980BA2CC0F97BB03822C6211EAEA4A06EEF427
              Hex-encoded SHA1 fingerprint of Pandora's TLS certificate.

       user = your@user.name
              Your pandora.com username.

       volume = 0
              Initial volume correction in dB. Usually between -30 and +5.


       pianobar can be controlled through a fifo. You have to create it yourself by executing

        mkfifo ~/.config/pianobar/ctl

       Adjust the path if you set up a $XDG_CONFIG_HOME or changed the fifo setting.  Afterwards you  can  write
       commands directly into the fifo. Example (next song):

        echo -n 'n' > ~/.config/pianobar/ctl

       n  is the keybinding for "next song". If you customized your keybindings you have to use these characters
       to control pianobar.  This behaviour may change in the future!

       Another example:

        while true; do;
           nc -l -p 12345 -s localhost localhost > ~/.config/pianobar/ctl;
           sleep 1;

        echo -ne 'n\x1a' | nc -q 0 12345


       pianobar can report certain "events" to an external application (see CONFIGURATION ). This application is
       started with the event name as it's first argument. More information like error code and description, was
       well as song information related to the current event, is supplied through stdin.

       Currently supported events are: artistbookmark, songban, songbookmark, songexplain, songfinish, songlove,
       songmove,   songshelf,  songstart,  stationaddgenre,  stationaddmusic,  stationaddshared,  stationcreate,
       stationdelete, stationdeleteartistseed, stationdeletefeedback,  stationdeletesongseed,  stationfetchinfo,
       stationfetchplaylist, stationfetchgenre stationquickmixtoggle, stationrename, userlogin, usergetstations

       An example script can be found in the contrib/ directory of pianobar's source distribution.


       Lars-Dominik Braun <lars@6xq.net>
