xenial (1) roqet.1.gz

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       roqet - Rasqal RDF query utility


       roqet [OPTIONS] <query-URI> [base-URI]
       roqet [OPTIONS]-e query-string [base-URI]
       roqet [OPTIONS]-p sparql-protocol-service-URI [-e query-string ] [base-URI]
       roqet [OPTIONS]-t query results file [base-URI]


       The roqet utility allows querying of RDF content using the Rasqal RDF query library, printing the results
       for variable bindings, RDF graph or boolean results in a variety of formats.   The  query  is  read  from
       query-URI and the optional base-URI is used as the base URI of the query if present.


       roqet  uses  the  usual  GNU  command  line  syntax,  with long options starting with two dashes (`-') if
       supported by the getopt_long function.  Otherwise only the short options are available.

       -e, --exec QUERY
              Execute the query string in the argument QUERY instead of reading the query from a URI (when -e  /
              --exec is not given).

       -i, --input LANGUAGE
              Set  the  input  query  LANGUAGE to one of the supported languages which includes 'sparql' (SPARQL
              Query Language for RDF, default), 'sparql11' and 'laqrs'.  The full list  of  supported  languages
              and subsets is given in the help summary with the -h / --help option.

       -p, --protocol SERVICE-URI
              Call  the SPARQL HTTP protocol SERVICE-URI to execute the query instead of executing it inside the
              Rasqal query engine locally ( when -e is given, or a query string given)

       -r, --results FORMAT
              Set the query results output FORMAT

              For variable bindings, the values of FORMAT vary upon what Rasqal supports  but  include  'simple'
              for  a  simple  text  format  (default),  'xml' for the SPARQL Query Results XML format, 'csv' for
              SPARQL CSV, 'tsv' for SPARQL TSV, 'rdfxml' and 'turtle' for RDF syntax formats, and 'json'  for  a
              JSON version of the results.

              For  RDF  graph results, the values of FORMAT are 'ntriples' (N-Triples, default), 'rdfxml-abbrev'
              (RDF/XML Abbreviated), 'rdfxml' (RDF/XML), 'turtle' (Turtle), 'json' (RDF/JSON resource  centric),
              'json-triples' (RDF/JSON triples) or 'rss-1.0' (RSS 1.0, also an RDF/XML syntax).

              The exact list of formats depends on what libraptor2(3) was built with but is given correct in the
              usage message with -h.

       -R, --results-input-format FORMAT
              Set the query results input FORMAT

              This is for use with -t and takes values of 'xml' for the SPARQL Query Results XML format,,  'csv'
              for SPARQL CSV,, 'tsv' for SPARQL TSV, 'turtle' and 'rdfxml' for RDF syntax formats.

       -t, --results-input FILE
              Read query results from FILE


       -c, --count
              Only count the triples and produce no other output.

       -d, --dump-query FORMAT
              Print  the  parsed  query  out  in a given FORMAT one of 'none' (default), 'debug', 'structure' or

       -D, --data URI
              Add RDF data source URI (not a named graph).  If no data sources are given, the query itself  must
              point to the data such as via SPARQL FROM uri statements.

       -E, --ignore-errors
              Do not print error messages and do not exit with a non-0 status.

       -f, --feature NAME(=VALUE)
              Set query feature NAME to the VALUE or integer 1 if omitted.  The known features can be shown with
              -f help or --feature help.

       -F, --format NAME
              Set the data source format name for subsequent data graphs  called  with  -D  /  --data  or  -G  /
              --named.   The  default  if this is not specified is for the query engine to guess.  The name is a
              Raptor parser name.

       -G, --named URI
              Add RDF data source URI (named graph)

       -h, --help
              Show a summary of the options.

       -n, --dryrun
              Prepare the query but do not execute it.

       -q, --quiet
              No extra information messages.

       -s, --source URI
              Add RDF data source URI (named graph) URI by adding it to the list  of  query  data  source  URIs.
              FORMAT to 'simple' (default) or 'xml' (an experimental XML format)

       -v, --version
              Print the rasqal library version and exit.

       -W, --warnings LEVEL
              Set the warning LEVEL in the range 0 (do not warn about anything) to 100 (show every warning). The
              Rasqal default is in the middle (50).


              roqet sparql-query-file.rq

       Run a SPARQL query contained in the local file sparql-query-file.rq.  The data used would be described in
       FROM statements in the query file.

              roqet -q -i sparql http://example.org/sparql-query.rq

       Run a SPARQL query that is in the web at URI http://example.org/sparql-query.rq without an extra messages
       (quiet, -q).

              roqet -q query-file.rq http://example.org/base/

       Run  an  query  (default  languge  SPARQL)  from  a  local  file  query-file.rq  but   using   base   URI
       http://example.org/base/ to resolve any relative URIs.

              roqet -q -i sparql -r xml http://example.org/sparql-query.rq

       Run a SPARQL query that is in the web at URI http://example.org/sparql-query.rq and format the results in
       the SPARQL Query Results XML format with no extra messages.

              roqet -i sparql -e 'SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }' -D stuff.rdf

       Run a SPARQL query given on the command line against data in the file stuff.rdf.  The type  of  the  file
       will be guessed and likely is of format RDF/XML.

              roqet -t result.srx -r html

       Read a SPARQL query results in SPARQL Query Results XML format (default) and print it in HTML.

              roqet -t result.ttl -R turtle -r csv

       Read a SPARQL query results in RDF/Turtle format and print it in CSV.


       SPARQL  1.1  Query  Language,  Steve  Harris  and  Andy Seaborne (eds), W3C Recommendation, 21 March 2013

       SPARQL  Query  Results  XML Format (Second Edition), Sandro Hawke (Second Edition ed), Jeen Broekstra and
       Dave  Beckett  (eds),  W3C  Recommendation,  21  March  2013.   http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/REC-rdf-sparql-
       XMLres-20130321/ ⟨http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/REC-rdf-sparql-XMLres-20130321/





       Dave Beckett - http://www.dajobe.org/http://www.dajobe.org/⟩

                                                   2013-12-11                                           roqet(1)