xenial (1) zshparam.1.gz

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       zshparam - zsh parameters


       A  parameter has a name, a value, and a number of attributes.  A name may be any sequence of alphanumeric
       characters and underscores, or the single characters `*', `@', `#', `?', `-', `$', or `!'.   A  parameter
       whose name begins with an alphanumeric or underscore is also referred to as a variable.

       The attributes of a parameter determine the type of its value, often referred to as the parameter type or
       variable type, and also control other processing that may be applied to the value when it is  referenced.
       The  value  type  may  be  a scalar (a string, an integer, or a floating point number), an array (indexed
       numerically), or an associative array (an unordered set  of  name-value  pairs,  indexed  by  name,  also
       referred to as a hash).

       Named  scalar parameters may have the exported, -x, attribute, to copy them into the process environment,
       which is then passed from the shell to any new processes that it starts.  Exported parameters are  called
       environment  variables.  The  shell  also imports environment variables at startup time and automatically
       marks the corresponding parameters as exported.  Some environment variables are not imported for  reasons
       of security or because they would interfere with the correct operation of other shell features.

       Parameters  may  also  be  special,  that  is,  they  have a predetermined meaning to the shell.  Special
       parameters cannot have their type changed or their readonly  attribute  turned  off,  and  if  a  special
       parameter is unset, then later recreated, the special properties will be retained.

       To declare the type of a parameter, or to assign a string or numeric value to a scalar parameter, use the
       typeset builtin.

       The value of a scalar parameter may also be assigned by writing:


       In scalar assignment, value is expanded as a single string, in which the elements of  arrays  are  joined
       together; filename expansion is not performed unless the option GLOB_ASSIGN is set.

       When  the  integer  attribute, -i, or a floating point attribute, -E or -F, is set for name, the value is
       subject to arithmetic  evaluation.   Furthermore,  by  replacing  `='  with  `+=',  a  parameter  can  be
       incremented or appended to.  See the section `Array Parameters' and Arithmetic Evaluation (in zshmisc(1))
       for additional forms of assignment.

       Note that assignment may implicitly change the attributes of  a  parameter.   For  example,  assigning  a
       number  to  a  variable  in  arithmetic  evaluation  may  change  its  type to integer or float, and with
       GLOB_ASSIGN assigning a pattern to a variable may change its type to an array.

       To reference the value of a parameter, write `$name' or `${name}'.  See Parameter Expansion in zshexpn(1)
       for  complete  details.  That section also explains the effect of the difference between scalar and array
       assignment on parameter expansion.


       To assign an array value, write one of:

              set -A name value ...
              name=(value ...)

       If no parameter name exists, an ordinary array parameter is created.  If the parameter name exists and is
       a scalar, it is replaced by a new array.  To append to an array without changing the existing values, use
       the syntax:

              name+=(value ...)

       Ordinary array parameters may also be explicitly declared with:

              typeset -a name

       Associative arrays must be declared before assignment, by using:

              typeset -A name

       When name refers to an associative array, the list in an assignment is interpreted  as  alternating  keys
       and values:

              set -A name key value ...
              name=(key value ...)

       Every  key  must  have  a  value  in this case.  Note that this assigns to the entire array, deleting any
       elements that do not appear in the list.  The append syntax may also be used with an associative array:

              name+=(key value ...)

       This adds a new key/value pair if the key is not already present, and replaces the value for the existing
       key if it is.

       To create an empty array (including associative arrays), use one of:

              set -A name

   Array Subscripts
       Individual  elements  of  an  array  may  be selected using a subscript.  A subscript of the form `[exp]'
       selects the single element exp, where exp is an arithmetic expression which will be subject to arithmetic
       expansion as if it were surrounded by `$((...))'.  The elements are numbered beginning with 1, unless the
       KSH_ARRAYS option is set in which case they are numbered from zero.

       Subscripts may be used inside braces used to delimit a parameter name, thus `${foo[2]}' is equivalent  to
       `$foo[2]'.   If  the  KSH_ARRAYS  option is set, the braced form is the only one that works, as bracketed
       expressions otherwise are not treated as subscripts.

       If the KSH_ARRAYS option is not set, then by default accesses to an array element with a  subscript  that
       evaluates  to  zero  return  an  empty string, while an attempt to write such an element is treated as an
       error.  For backward compatibility the KSH_ZERO_SUBSCRIPT option can be set to cause subscript  values  0
       and 1 to be equivalent; see the description of the option in zshoptions(1).

       The  same  subscripting  syntax  is  used  for associative arrays, except that no arithmetic expansion is
       applied to exp.  However, the parsing rules for arithmetic expressions still apply, which affects the way
       that  certain  special characters must be protected from interpretation.  See Subscript Parsing below for

       A subscript of the form `[*]' or `[@]' evaluates to all elements of an  array;  there  is  no  difference
       between the two except when they appear within double quotes.  `"$foo[*]"' evaluates to `"$foo[1] $foo[2]
       ..."', whereas `"$foo[@]"' evaluates to `"$foo[1]" "$foo[2]" ...'.   For  associative  arrays,  `[*]'  or
       `[@]'  evaluate  to all the values, in no particular order.  Note that this does not substitute the keys;
       see the documentation for the `k' flag  under  Parameter  Expansion  Flags  in  zshexpn(1)  for  complete
       details.   When  an  array  parameter  is  referenced  as  `$name'  (with  no  subscript) it evaluates to
       `$name[*]', unless the KSH_ARRAYS option is set in which  case  it  evaluates  to  `${name[0]}'  (for  an
       associative  array, this means the value of the key `0', which may not exist even if there are values for
       other keys).

       A subscript of the form `[exp1,exp2]' selects  all  elements  in  the  range  exp1  to  exp2,  inclusive.
       (Associative arrays are unordered, and so do not support ranges.) If one of the subscripts evaluates to a
       negative number, say -n, then the nth element from the end of the array is used.  Thus `$foo[-3]' is  the
       third element from the end of the array foo, and `$foo[1,-1]' is the same as `$foo[*]'.

       Subscripting  may also be performed on non-array values, in which case the subscripts specify a substring
       to be extracted.  For example, if FOO is set to `foobar', then `echo $FOO[2,5]' prints `ooba'.  Note that
       some  forms  of  subscripting  described  below  perform pattern matching, and in that case the substring
       extends from the start of the match of the first subscript  to  the  end  of  the  match  of  the  second
       subscript.  For example,

              print ${string[(r)d?,(r)h?]}

       prints  `defghi'.   This  is  an  obvious generalisation of the rule for single-character matches.  For a
       single subscript, only a single character is referenced (not the  range  of  characters  covered  by  the

       Note  that  in  substring operations the second subscript is handled differently by the r and R subscript
       flags: the former takes the shortest match as the length and the latter the longest match.  Hence in  the
       former  case  a  * at the end is redundant while in the latter case it matches the whole remainder of the
       string.  This does not affect the result of the single subscript case as here the length of the match  is

   Array Element Assignment
       A subscript may be used on the left side of an assignment like so:


       In  this  form  of  assignment the element or range specified by exp is replaced by the expression on the
       right side.  An array (but not an associative array) may be created by assignment to a range or  element.
       Arrays do not nest, so assigning a parenthesized list of values to an element or range changes the number
       of elements in the array, shifting the other elements to  accommodate  the  new  values.   (This  is  not
       supported for associative arrays.)

       This syntax also works as an argument to the typeset command:

              typeset "name[exp]"=value

       The  value may not be a parenthesized list in this case; only single-element assignments may be made with
       typeset.  Note that quotes are necessary in this case to prevent the brackets from being  interpreted  as
       filename generation operators.  The noglob precommand modifier could be used instead.

       To  delete  an  element  of  an  ordinary array, assign `()' to that element.  To delete an element of an
       associative array, use the unset command:

              unset "name[exp]"

   Subscript Flags
       If the opening bracket, or the comma in a range, in any subscript expression is directly followed  by  an
       opening parenthesis, the string up to the matching closing one is considered to be a list of flags, as in

       The flags s, n and b take an argument; the delimiter is shown below as `:', but  any  character,  or  the
       matching pairs `(...)', `{...}', `[...]', or `<...>', may be used, but note that `<...>' can only be used
       if the subscript is inside a double quoted expression or a parameter substitution enclosed in  braces  as
       otherwise the expression is interpreted as a redirection.

       The flags currently understood are:

       w      If  the  parameter subscripted is a scalar then this flag makes subscripting work on words instead
              of characters.  The default word separator is whitespace.  This flag may not be used with the i or
              I flag.

              This  gives  the string that separates words (for use with the w flag).  The delimiter character :
              is arbitrary; see above.

       p      Recognize the same escape sequences as the print builtin in the string argument  of  a  subsequent
              `s' flag.

       f      If  the  parameter subscripted is a scalar then this flag makes subscripting work on lines instead
              of characters, i.e. with elements separated by newlines.  This is a shorthand for `pws:\n:'.

       r      Reverse subscripting: if this flag is given, the exp is taken as a pattern and the result  is  the
              first  matching array element, substring or word (if the parameter is an array, if it is a scalar,
              or if it is a scalar and the `w' flag is given, respectively).  The subscript used is  the  number
              of   the   matching   element,   so   that   pairs  of  subscripts  such  as  `$foo[(r)??,3]'  and
              `$foo[(r)??,(r)f*]' are possible if the parameter is not an associative array.  If  the  parameter
              is  an  associative  array,  only  the value part of each pair is compared to the pattern, and the
              result is that value.

              If a search through an ordinary array failed, the search sets the subscript to one past the end of
              the array, and hence ${array[(r)pattern]} will substitute the empty string.  Thus the success of a
              search can be tested by using the (i) flag, for example (assuming the option KSH_ARRAYS is not  in

                     [[ ${array[(i)pattern]} -le ${#array} ]]

              If KSH_ARRAYS is in effect, the -le should be replaced by -lt.

       R      Like  `r',  but  gives the last match.  For associative arrays, gives all possible matches. May be
              used for assigning to ordinary array elements, but not for assigning to  associative  arrays.   On
              failure, for normal arrays this has the effect of returning the element corresponding to subscript
              0; this is empty unless one of the options KSH_ARRAYS or KSH_ZERO_SUBSCRIPT is in effect.

              Note that in subscripts with both `r' and `R' pattern characters are  active  even  if  they  were
              substituted  for  a parameter (regardless of the setting of GLOB_SUBST which controls this feature
              in normal pattern matching).  The flag `e' can be added to inhibit pattern matching.  As this flag
              does  not  inhibit  other forms of substitution, care is still required; using a parameter to hold
              the key has the desired effect:

                     key2='original key'
                     print ${array[(Re)$key2]}

       i      Like `r', but gives the index of the match instead;  this  may  not  be  combined  with  a  second
              argument.   On  the left side of an assignment, behaves like `r'.  For associative arrays, the key
              part of each pair is compared to the pattern, and the first matching key found is the result.   On
              failure  substitutes  the length of the array plus one, as discussed under the description of `r',
              or the empty string for an associative array.

       I      Like `i', but gives the index of the last match, or all possible matching keys in  an  associative
              array.  On failure substitutes 0, or the empty string for an associative array.  This flag is best
              when testing for values or keys that do not exist.

       k      If used in a subscript on an associative array, this flag causes the keys  to  be  interpreted  as
              patterns,  and  returns  the  value for the first key found where exp is matched by the key.  Note
              this could be any such key as no ordering of associative arrays is defined.  This  flag  does  not
              work  on  the left side of an assignment to an associative array element.  If used on another type
              of parameter, this behaves like `r'.

       K      On an associative array this is like `k' but returns all values where exp is matched by the  keys.
              On other types of parameters this has the same effect as `R'.

              If  combined  with  `r',  `R',  `i'  or  `I',  makes  them give the nth or nth last match (if expr
              evaluates to n).  This flag is ignored when the array is associative.  The delimiter  character  :
              is arbitrary; see above.

              If  combined  with `r', `R', `i' or `I', makes them begin at the nth or nth last element, word, or
              character (if expr evaluates to n).  This flag is ignored when  the  array  is  associative.   The
              delimiter character : is arbitrary; see above.

       e      This flag causes any pattern matching that would be performed on the subscript to use plain string
              matching instead.  Hence `${array[(re)*]}' matches only the array element whose value is *.   Note
              that other forms of substitution such as parameter substitution are not inhibited.

              This  flag  can  also  be  used to force * or @ to be interpreted as a single key rather than as a
              reference to all values.  It may be used for either purpose on the left side of an assignment.

       See Parameter Expansion Flags (zshexpn(1)) for  additional  ways  to  manipulate  the  results  of  array

   Subscript Parsing
       This  discussion  applies  mainly  to  associative  array  key  strings  and to patterns used for reverse
       subscripting (the `r', `R', `i', etc. flags), but it may also affect parameter substitutions that  appear
       as part of an arithmetic expression in an ordinary subscript.

       To  avoid  subscript  parsing  limitations  in  assignments to associative array elements, use the append

                 aa+=('key with "*strange*" characters' 'value string')

       The basic rule to remember when writing a subscript expression is that all text between the  opening  `['
       and  the  closing  `]'  is  interpreted as if it were in double quotes (see zshmisc(1)).  However, unlike
       double quotes which normally cannot nest, subscript expressions may appear inside  double-quoted  strings
       or inside other subscript expressions (or both!), so the rules have two important differences.

       The  first  difference  is  that  brackets  (`['  and  `]')  must appear as balanced pairs in a subscript
       expression unless they are preceded by a backslash (`\').  Therefore, within a subscript expression  (and
       unlike  true double-quoting) the sequence `\[' becomes `[', and similarly `\]' becomes `]'.  This applies
       even in cases where a backslash is not normally required; for example, the pattern `[^[]' (to  match  any
       character other than an open bracket) should be written `[^\[]' in a reverse-subscript pattern.  However,
       note that `\[^\[\]' and even `\[^[]' mean the same thing, because backslashes are  always  stripped  when
       they appear before brackets!

       The  same  rule applies to parentheses (`(' and `)') and braces (`{' and `}'): they must appear either in
       balanced pairs or preceded by a backslash, and backslashes that protect parentheses or braces are removed
       during parsing.  This is because parameter expansions may be surrounded by balanced braces, and subscript
       flags are introduced by balanced parentheses.

       The second difference is that a double-quote (`"') may appear as part of a subscript  expression  without
       being preceded by a backslash, and therefore that the two characters `\"' remain as two characters in the
       subscript (in true double-quoting, `\"' becomes `"').  However, because of  the  standard  shell  quoting
       rules,  any  double-quotes that appear must occur in balanced pairs unless preceded by a backslash.  This
       makes it more difficult to write a subscript expression that  contains  an  odd  number  of  double-quote
       characters, but the reason for this difference is so that when a subscript expression appears inside true
       double-quotes, one can still write `\"' (rather than `\\\"') for `"'.

       To use an odd number of double quotes as a key in an assignment, use the typeset builtin and an enclosing
       pair of double quotes; to refer to the value of that key, again use double quotes:

              typeset -A aa
              typeset "aa[one\"two\"three\"quotes]"=QQQ
              print "$aa[one\"two\"three\"quotes]"

       It  is important to note that the quoting rules do not change when a parameter expansion with a subscript
       is nested inside another  subscript  expression.   That  is,  it  is  not  necessary  to  use  additional
       backslashes  within  the  inner  subscript  expression;  they  are  removed only once, from the innermost
       subscript outwards.  Parameters are also expanded from the innermost subscript first, as  each  expansion
       is encountered left to right in the outer expression.

       A  further  complication  arises from a way in which subscript parsing is not different from double quote
       parsing.  As in true double-quoting, the sequences `\*', and `\@' remain  as  two  characters  when  they
       appear  in a subscript expression.  To use a literal `*' or `@' as an associative array key, the `e' flag
       must be used:

              typeset -A aa
              print $aa[(e)*]

       A last detail must be considered when reverse subscripting is performed.   Parameters  appearing  in  the
       subscript  expression  are  first  expanded and then the complete expression is interpreted as a pattern.
       This has two effects: first, parameters behave as if GLOB_SUBST were on (and it cannot  be  turned  off);
       second,  backslashes  are interpreted twice, once when parsing the array subscript and again when parsing
       the pattern.  In a reverse subscript, it's necessary to use four backslashes to cause a single  backslash
       to  match  literally  in  the  pattern.   For complex patterns, it is often easiest to assign the desired
       pattern to a parameter and then refer to that parameter in the subscript, because then  the  backslashes,
       brackets,  parentheses,  etc.,  are seen only when the complete expression is converted to a pattern.  To
       match the value of a parameter  literally  in  a  reverse  subscript,  rather  than  as  a  pattern,  use
       `${(q)name}' (see zshexpn(1)) to quote the expanded value.

       Note  that  the  `k'  and  `K'  flags are reverse subscripting for an ordinary array, but are not reverse
       subscripting for an associative array!  (For an associative array, the  keys  in  the  array  itself  are
       interpreted as patterns by those flags; the subscript is a plain string in that case.)

       One  final  note,  not  directly  related  to  subscripting:  the  numeric names of positional parameters
       (described below) are parsed specially, so for example `$2foo' is equivalent to `${2}foo'.  Therefore, to
       use subscript syntax to extract a substring from a positional parameter, the expansion must be surrounded
       by braces; for example, `${2[3,5]}' evaluates to  the  third  through  fifth  characters  of  the  second
       positional  parameter,  but  `$2[3,5]'  is  the  entire  second  parameter concatenated with the filename
       generation pattern `[3,5]'.


       The positional parameters provide access to the command-line arguments of a shell function, shell script,
       or  the  shell  itself; see the section `Invocation', and also the section `Functions'.  The parameter n,
       where n is a number, is the nth positional parameter.  The parameter `$0' is  a  special  case,  see  the
       section `Parameters Set By The Shell'.

       The  parameters *, @ and argv are arrays containing all the positional parameters; thus `$argv[n]', etc.,
       is equivalent to simply `$n'.  Note that the options KSH_ARRAYS  or  KSH_ZERO_SUBSCRIPT  apply  to  these
       arrays as well, so with either of those options set, `${argv[0]}' is equivalent to `$1' and so on.

       Positional  parameters  may  be  changed  after the shell or function starts by using the set builtin, by
       assigning to the argv array, or by direct assignment of the form `n=value' where n is the number  of  the
       positional parameter to be changed.  This also creates (with empty values) any of the positions from 1 to
       n that do not already have values.  Note that, because the positional parameters form an array, an  array
       assignment  of  the  form  `n=(value  ...)'  is allowed, and has the effect of shifting all the values at
       positions greater than n by as many positions as necessary to accommodate the new values.


       Shell function executions delimit scopes for shell parameters.  (Parameters are dynamically scoped.)  The
       typeset  builtin, and its alternative forms declare, integer, local and readonly (but not export), can be
       used to declare a parameter as being local to the innermost scope.

       When a parameter is read or assigned to, the innermost existing parameter of that name  is  used.   (That
       is, the local parameter hides any less-local parameter.)  However, assigning to a non-existent parameter,
       or declaring a new parameter with export, causes it to be created in the outermost scope.

       Local parameters disappear when their scope ends.  unset can be used to delete a parameter  while  it  is
       still in scope; any outer parameter of the same name remains hidden.

       Special  parameters  may  also  be  made  local;  they  retain their special attributes unless either the
       existing or the newly-created parameter has the -h (hide) attribute.  This may have  unexpected  effects:
       there  is no default value, so if there is no assignment at the point the variable is made local, it will
       be set to an empty value (or zero in the case of integers).  The following:

              typeset PATH=/new/directory:$PATH

       is valid for temporarily allowing the shell or  programmes  called  from  it  to  find  the  programs  in
       /new/directory inside a function.

       Note  that  the  restriction  in older versions of zsh that local parameters were never exported has been


       In the parameter lists that follow, the mark `<S>'  indicates  that  the  parameter  is  special.   `<Z>'
       indicates that the parameter does not exist when the shell initializes in sh or ksh emulation mode.

       The following parameters are automatically set by the shell:

       ! <S>  The  process  ID  of the last command started in the background with &, or put into the background
              with the bg builtin.

       # <S>  The number of positional parameters in decimal.  Note that  some  confusion  may  occur  with  the
              syntax  $#param  which  substitutes  the  length  of  param.  Use ${#} to resolve ambiguities.  In
              particular, the sequence `$#-...' in an arithmetic expression is interpreted as the length of  the
              parameter -, q.v.

       ARGC <S> <Z>
              Same as #.

       $ <S>  The  process  ID  of  this shell.  Note that this indicates the original shell started by invoking
              zsh; all processes forked from the shells without executing  a  new  program,  such  as  subshells
              started by (...), substitute the same value.

       - <S>  Flags supplied to the shell on invocation or by the set or setopt commands.

       * <S>  An array containing the positional parameters.

       argv <S> <Z>
              Same  as  *.   Assigning to argv changes the local positional parameters, but argv is not itself a
              local parameter.  Deleting argv with unset in any function deletes it  everywhere,  although  only
              the innermost positional parameter array is deleted (so * and @ in other scopes are not affected).

       @ <S>  Same as argv[@], even when argv is not set.

       ? <S>  The exit status returned by the last command.

       0 <S>  The  name  used  to  invoke  the  current  shell,  or  as  set  by the -c command line option upon
              invocation.  If the FUNCTION_ARGZERO option is set, $0 is set upon entry to a  shell  function  to
              the  name of the function, and upon entry to a sourced script to the name of the script, and reset
              to its previous value when the function or script returns.

       status <S> <Z>
              Same as ?.

       pipestatus <S> <Z>
              An array containing the exit statuses returned by all commands in the last pipeline.

       _ <S>  The last argument of the previous command.  Also, this parameter is  set  in  the  environment  of
              every command executed to the full pathname of the command.

              The machine type (microprocessor class or machine model), as determined at run time.

       EGID <S>
              The  effective  group  ID of the shell process.  If you have sufficient privileges, you may change
              the effective group ID of the shell process  by  assigning  to  this  parameter.   Also  (assuming
              sufficient  privileges),  you  may  start  a single command with a different effective group ID by
              `(EGID=gid; command)'

              If this is made local, it is not implicitly set to 0, but may be explicitly set locally.

       EUID <S>
              The effective user ID of the shell process.  If you have sufficient privileges, you may change the
              effective  user ID of the shell process by assigning to this parameter.  Also (assuming sufficient
              privileges), you may start a single command with a different  effective  user  ID  by  `(EUID=uid;

              If this is made local, it is not implicitly set to 0, but may be explicitly set locally.

       ERRNO <S>
              The  value  of errno (see errno(3)) as set by the most recently failed system call.  This value is
              system dependent and is intended for debugging purposes.  It is also useful  with  the  zsh/system
              module which allows the number to be turned into a name or message.

       GID <S>
              The  real  group  ID  of the shell process.  If you have sufficient privileges, you may change the
              group ID of the  shell  process  by  assigning  to  this  parameter.   Also  (assuming  sufficient
              privileges), you may start a single command under a different group ID by `(GID=gid; command)'

              If this is made local, it is not implicitly set to 0, but may be explicitly set locally.

              The  current history event number in an interactive shell, in other words the event number for the
              command that caused $HISTCMD to be read.  If the  current  history  event  modifies  the  history,
              HISTCMD changes to the new maximum history event number.

       HOST   The current hostname.

       LINENO <S>
              The  line  number  of  the current line within the current script, sourced file, or shell function
              being executed, whichever was started most recently.  Note that in the case of shell functions the
              line  number  refers to the function as it appeared in the original definition, not necessarily as
              displayed by the functions builtin.

              If the corresponding variable is not set in the environment of the shell, it is initialized to the
              login  name  corresponding to the current login session. This parameter is exported by default but
              this can be disabled using the typeset builtin.  The value is set to the string  returned  by  the
              getlogin(3) system call if that is available.

              The machine type (microprocessor class or machine model), as determined at compile time.

       OLDPWD The previous working directory.  This is set when the shell initializes and whenever the directory

       OPTARG <S>
              The value of the last option argument processed by the getopts command.

       OPTIND <S>
              The index of the last option argument processed by the getopts command.

       OSTYPE The operating system, as determined at compile time.

       PPID <S>
              The process ID of the parent of the shell.  As for $$, the  value  indicates  the  parent  of  the
              original shell and does not change in subshells.

       PWD    The  present working directory.  This is set when the shell initializes and whenever the directory

       RANDOM <S>
              A pseudo-random integer from 0 to 32767, newly generated each time this parameter  is  referenced.
              The random number generator can be seeded by assigning a numeric value to RANDOM.

              The  values  of  RANDOM  form  an  intentionally-repeatable pseudo-random sequence; subshells that
              reference RANDOM will result in identical pseudo-random values  unless  the  value  of  RANDOM  is
              referenced or seeded in the parent shell in between subshell invocations.

       SECONDS <S>
              The  number  of  seconds  since shell invocation.  If this parameter is assigned a value, then the
              value returned upon reference will be the value that was assigned plus the number of seconds since
              the assignment.

              Unlike  other  special  parameters,  the  type  of  the SECONDS parameter can be changed using the
              typeset command.  Only integer and one of the floating point  types  are  allowed.   For  example,
              `typeset  -F  SECONDS'  causes  the value to be reported as a floating point number.  The value is
              available to microsecond accuracy, although the shell may show more or fewer digits  depending  on
              the  use  of  typeset.   See  the documentation for the builtin typeset in zshbuiltins(1) for more

       SHLVL <S>
              Incremented by one each time a new shell is started.

              An array containing the names of the signals.

              In an always block, indicates whether the preceding list of code caused an error.  The value is  1
              to  indicate  an  error, 0 otherwise.  It may be reset, clearing the error condition.  See Complex
              Commands in zshmisc(1)

              This variable works in a similar way to TRY_BLOCK_ERROR, but represents the status of an interrupt
              from the signal SIGINT, which typically comes from the keyboard when the user types ^C.  If set to
              0, any such interrupt will be reset; otherwise, the  interrupt  is  propagated  after  the  always

              Note  that it is possible that an interrupt arrives during the execution of the always block; this
              interrupt is also propagated.

       TTY    The name of the tty associated with the shell, if any.

       TTYIDLE <S>
              The idle time of the tty associated with the shell in seconds or -1 if there is no such tty.

       UID <S>
              The real user ID of the shell process.  If you have sufficient privileges, you may change the user
              ID  of  the  shell by assigning to this parameter.  Also (assuming sufficient privileges), you may
              start a single command under a different user ID by `(UID=uid; command)'

              If this is made local, it is not implicitly set to 0, but may be explicitly set locally.

       USERNAME <S>
              The username corresponding to the real user ID of the  shell  process.   If  you  have  sufficient
              privileges,  you  may  change  the  username  (and  also the user ID and group ID) of the shell by
              assigning to this parameter.  Also (assuming  sufficient  privileges),  you  may  start  a  single
              command under a different username (and user ID and group ID) by `(USERNAME=username; command)'

       VENDOR The vendor, as determined at compile time.

       zsh_eval_context <S> <Z> (ZSH_EVAL_CONTEXT <S>)
              An array (colon-separated list) indicating the context of shell code that is being run.  Each time
              a piece of shell code that is stored within the shell is executed a string is temporarily appended
              to  the  array to indicate the type of operation that is being performed.  Read in order the array
              gives an indication of the stack of operations being performed with  the  most  immediate  context

              Note  that  the  variable  does  not  give  information  on syntactic context such as pipelines or
              subshells.  Use $ZSH_SUBSHELL to detect subshells.

              The context is one of the following:
              cmdarg Code specified by the -c option to the command line that invoked the shell.

                     Command substitution using the `...` or $(...) construct.

                     File substitution using the =(...) construct.

              eval   Code executed by the eval builtin.

                     Code executed with the KSH_AUTOLOAD mechanism in order to define an autoloaded function.

              fc     Code from the shell history executed by the -e option to the fc builtin.

              file   Lines of code being read directly from a file, for example by the source builtin.

                     Lines of code being read from a .zwc file instead of directly from the source file.

                     Code executed by the e or + glob qualifier.

                     Code executed to order files by the o glob qualifier.

                     File substitution using the <(...) construct.

                     Code read directly from a file to define an autoloaded function.

                     File substitution using the >(...) construct.

              sched  Code executed by the sched builtin.

              shfunc A shell function.

              stty   Code passed to stty by the STTY environment variable.  Normally this is passed directly  to
                     the system's stty command, so this value is unlikely to be seen in practice.

              style  Code executed as part of a style retrieved by the zstyle builtin from the zsh/zutil module.

                     The highest execution level of a script or interactive shell.

              trap   Code  executed  as a trap defined by the trap builtin.  Traps defined as functions have the
                     context shfunc.  As traps are asynchronous they may have a different hierarchy  from  other

              zpty   Code executed by the zpty builtin from the zsh/zpty module.

                     Code executed as a guard by the zregexparse command from the zsh/zutil module.

                     Code executed as an action by the zregexparse command from the zsh/zutil module.

              Expands to the basename of the command used to invoke this instance of zsh.

              The revision string for the version number of the ChangeLog file in the zsh distribution.  This is
              most useful in order to keep track of versions of the shell during development  between  releases;
              hence most users should not use it and should instead rely on $ZSH_VERSION.

              See the section `The zsh/sched Module' in zshmodules(1).

              Readonly  integer.  Initially zero, incremented each time the shell forks to create a subshell for
              executing code.  Hence `(print $ZSH_SUBSHELL)' and `print $(print $ZSH_SUBSHELL)' output 1,  while
              `( (print $ZSH_SUBSHELL) )' outputs 2.

              The version number of the release of zsh.


       The following parameters are used by the shell.  Again, `<S>' indicates that the parameter is special and
       `<Z>' indicates that the parameter does not exist when the shell initializes in sh or ksh emulation mode.

       In cases where there are two parameters with an upper- and lowercase form of the same name, such as  path
       and  PATH,  the  lowercase  form  is an array and the uppercase form is a scalar with the elements of the
       array joined together by colons.  These are similar to tied parameters created  via  `typeset  -T'.   The
       normal  use  for  the  colon-separated  form is for exporting to the environment, while the array form is
       easier to manipulate within the shell.  Note that unsetting either of the pair will unset the other; they
       retain their special properties when recreated, and recreating one of the pair will recreate the other.

       ARGV0  If  exported,  its  value is used as the argv[0] of external commands.  Usually used in constructs
              like `ARGV0=emacs nethack'.

       BAUD   The rate in bits per second at which data reaches the terminal.  The line  editor  will  use  this
              value  in  order  to  compensate  for  a  slow  terminal  by delaying updates to the display until
              necessary.  If the parameter is unset or the value is zero the compensation  mechanism  is  turned
              off.  The parameter is not set by default.

              This  parameter  may be profitably set in some circumstances, e.g.  for slow modems dialing into a
              communications server, or on a slow wide area network.  It should be set to the baud rate  of  the
              slowest part of the link for best performance.

       cdpath <S> <Z> (CDPATH <S>)
              An array (colon-separated list) of directories specifying the search path for the cd command.

       COLUMNS <S>
              The  number of columns for this terminal session.  Used for printing select lists and for the line

              If set, is treated as a pattern during spelling correction.  Any potential correction that matches
              the  pattern  is  ignored.  For example, if the value is `_*' then completion functions (which, by
              convention, have names beginning with `_') will never be offered  as  spelling  corrections.   The
              pattern  does  not apply to the correction of file names, as applied by the CORRECT_ALL option (so
              with the example just given files beginning with `_' in  the  current  directory  would  still  be

              If  set,  is  treated  as  a pattern during spelling correction of file names.  Any file name that
              matches the pattern is never offered as a correction.  For example, if the value is `.*' then  dot
              file  names  will  never  be offered as spelling corrections.  This is useful with the CORRECT_ALL

              The maximum size of the directory stack, by default there is no limit.  If the stack  gets  larger
              than this, it will be truncated automatically.  This is useful with the AUTO_PUSHD option.

       ENV    If the ENV environment variable is set when zsh is invoked as sh or ksh, $ENV is sourced after the
              profile scripts.  The value of ENV is subjected to parameter expansion, command substitution,  and
              arithmetic expansion before being interpreted as a pathname.  Note that ENV is not used unless zsh
              is emulating sh or ksh.

       FCEDIT The default editor for the fc builtin.  If FCEDIT is not set, the parameter  EDITOR  is  used;  if
              that is not set either, a builtin default, usually vi, is used.

       fignore <S> <Z> (FIGNORE <S>)
              An  array  (colon  separated  list) containing the suffixes of files to be ignored during filename
              completion.  However, if completion only generates files with suffixes in this  list,  then  these
              files are completed anyway.

       fpath <S> <Z> (FPATH <S>)
              An  array  (colon  separated  list)  of  directories  specifying  the  search  path  for  function
              definitions.  This path is searched when a function with the -u attribute is  referenced.   If  an
              executable file is found, then it is read and executed in the current environment.

       histchars <S>
              Three  characters used by the shell's history and lexical analysis mechanism.  The first character
              signals the start of a history expansion (default `!').  The second character signals the start of
              a quick history substitution (default `^').  The third character is the comment character (default

              The characters must be in the ASCII character set; any attempt to set histchars to characters with
              a locale-dependent meaning will be rejected with an error message.

       HISTCHARS <S> <Z>
              Same as histchars.  (Deprecated.)

              The  file  to  save  the history in when an interactive shell exits.  If unset, the history is not

              If set, is treated as a pattern at the time history files  are  written.   Any  potential  history
              entry that matches the pattern is skipped.  For example, if the value is `fc *' then commands that
              invoke the interactive history editor are never written to the history file.

              Note  that  HISTORY_IGNORE  defines  a  single  pattern:   to   specify   alternatives   use   the
              `(first|second|...)' syntax.

              Compare  the  HIST_NO_STORE  option  or the zshaddhistory hook, either of which would prevent such
              commands from being added to the interactive history at all.  If you wish to use HISTORY_IGNORE to
              stop history being added in the first place, you can define the following hook:

                     zshaddhistory() {
                       emulate -L zsh
                       ## uncomment if HISTORY_IGNORE
                       ## should use EXTENDED_GLOB syntax
                       # setopt extendedglob
                       [[ $1 != ${~HISTORY_IGNORE} ]]

       HISTSIZE <S>
              The   maximum   number   of  events  stored  in  the  internal  history  list.   If  you  use  the
              HIST_EXPIRE_DUPS_FIRST option, setting this value larger than the SAVEHIST size will give you  the
              difference as a cushion for saving duplicated history events.

              If this is made local, it is not implicitly set to 0, but may be explicitly set locally.

       HOME <S>
              The default argument for the cd command.  This is not set automatically by the shell in sh, ksh or
              csh emulation, but it is typically present in the environment anyway, and if it becomes set it has
              its usual special behaviour.

       IFS <S>
              Internal  field  separators  (by  default  space, tab, newline and NUL), that are used to separate
              words which result from command or parameter expansion and words read by the  read  builtin.   Any
              characters  from the set space, tab and newline that appear in the IFS are called IFS white space.
              One or more IFS white space characters or one non-IFS white  space  character  together  with  any
              adjacent IFS white space character delimit a field.  If an IFS white space character appears twice
              consecutively in the IFS, this character is  treated  as  if  it  were  not  an  IFS  white  space

              If the parameter is unset, the default is used.  Note this has a different effect from setting the
              parameter to an empty string.

              This variable defines a character  to  be  removed  from  the  end  of  the  command  line  before
              interpreting  it  (interactive  shells  only).  It is intended to fix the problem with keys placed
              annoyingly close to return and replaces the SUNKEYBOARDHACK option which did this  for  backquotes
              only.   Should  the  chosen  character be one of singlequote, doublequote or backquote, there must
              also be an odd number of them on the command line for the last one to be removed.

              For backward compatibility, if  the  SUNKEYBOARDHACK  option  is  explicitly  set,  the  value  of
              KEYBOARD_HACK  reverts  to  backquote.  If the option is explicitly unset, this variable is set to

              The time the shell waits, in hundredths of seconds, for another key to  be  pressed  when  reading
              bound multi-character sequences.

       LANG <S>
              This  variable  determines  the  locale  category for any category not specifically selected via a
              variable starting with `LC_'.

       LC_ALL <S>
              This variable overrides the value of the `LANG' variable  and  the  value  of  any  of  the  other
              variables starting with `LC_'.

       LC_COLLATE <S>
              This  variable determines the locale category for character collation information within ranges in
              glob brackets and for sorting.

       LC_CTYPE <S>
              This variable determines the locale category for character handling functions.  If  the  MULTIBYTE
              option  is  in effect this variable or LANG should contain a value that reflects the character set
              in use, even if it is a single-byte character set, unless only the 7-bit subset (ASCII)  is  used.
              For example, if the character set is ISO-8859-1, a suitable value might be en_US.iso88591 (certain
              Linux distributions) or en_US.ISO8859-1 (MacOS).

       LC_MESSAGES <S>
              This variable determines the language in which messages should be written.  Note that zsh does not
              use message catalogs.

       LC_NUMERIC <S>
              This  variable  affects  the  decimal  point  character  and thousands separator character for the
              formatted input/output functions and string conversion functions.   Note  that  zsh  ignores  this
              setting when parsing floating point mathematical expressions.

       LC_TIME <S>
              This  variable  determines  the  locale  category  for  date  and time formatting in prompt escape

       LINES <S>
              The number of lines for this terminal session.  Used for printing select lists and  for  the  line

              In  the line editor, the number of matches to list without asking first. If the value is negative,
              the list will be shown if it spans at most as many lines as given by the absolute value.   If  set
              to zero, the shell asks only if the top of the listing would scroll off the screen.

              The interval in seconds between checks for login/logout activity using the watch parameter.

       MAIL   If this parameter is set and mailpath is not set, the shell looks for mail in the specified file.

              The interval in seconds between checks for new mail.

       mailpath <S> <Z> (MAILPATH <S>)
              An array (colon-separated list) of filenames to check for new mail.  Each filename can be followed
              by a `?' and a message that will be  printed.   The  message  will  undergo  parameter  expansion,
              command substitution and arithmetic expansion with the variable $_ defined as the name of the file
              that has changed.  The default message is `You have new mail'.   If  an  element  is  a  directory
              instead  of  a  file  the  shell  will  recursively  check every file in every subdirectory of the

       manpath <S> <Z> (MANPATH <S> <Z>)
              An array (colon-separated list) whose value is not used by the shell.  The manpath  array  can  be
              useful, however, since setting it also sets MANPATH, and vice versa.

       mend   Arrays  set  by the shell when the b globbing flag is used in pattern matches.  See the subsection
              Globbing flags in the documentation for Filename Generation in zshexpn(1).

       MEND   Set by the shell when the m globbing flag is used in pattern matches.  See the subsection Globbing
              flags in the documentation for Filename Generation in zshexpn(1).

       module_path <S> <Z> (MODULE_PATH <S>)
              An  array  (colon-separated  list)  of directories that zmodload searches for dynamically loadable
              modules.  This is initialized to a standard pathname,  usually  `/usr/local/lib/zsh/$ZSH_VERSION'.
              (The  `/usr/local/lib'  part varies from installation to installation.)  For security reasons, any
              value set in the environment when the shell is started will be ignored.

              These parameters only exist if the installation supports dynamic module loading.

       NULLCMD <S>
              The command name to assume if a redirection is specified with no command.  Defaults to  cat.   For
              sh/ksh  behavior,  change  this to :.  For csh-like behavior, unset this parameter; the shell will
              print an error message if null commands are entered.

       path <S> <Z> (PATH <S>)
              An array (colon-separated list) of directories to search for commands.   When  this  parameter  is
              set, each directory is scanned and all files found are put in a hash table.

       POSTEDIT <S>
              This  string  is  output  whenever  the line editor exits.  It usually contains termcap strings to
              reset the terminal.

       PROMPT <S> <Z>
       PROMPT2 <S> <Z>
       PROMPT3 <S> <Z>
       PROMPT4 <S> <Z>
              Same as PS1, PS2, PS3 and PS4, respectively.

       prompt <S> <Z>
              Same as PS1.

              When the PROMPT_CR and PROMPT_SP options are set, the PROMPT_EOL_MARK parameter  can  be  used  to
              customize how the end of partial lines are shown.  This parameter undergoes prompt expansion, with
              the PROMPT_PERCENT option set.  If not set, the  default  behavior  is  equivalent  to  the  value

       PS1 <S>
              The  primary  prompt  string,  printed  before  a command is read.  It undergoes a special form of
              expansion before being displayed; see EXPANSION OF PROMPT SEQUENCES in zshmisc(1).  The default is
              `%m%# '.

       PS2 <S>
              The  secondary prompt, printed when the shell needs more information to complete a command.  It is
              expanded in the same way as PS1.  The default is `%_> ', which displays any  shell  constructs  or
              quotation marks which are currently being processed.

       PS3 <S>
              Selection  prompt  used within a select loop.  It is expanded in the same way as PS1.  The default
              is `?# '.

       PS4 <S>
              The execution trace prompt.  Default is `+%N:%i> ', which displays the name of the  current  shell
              structure and the line number within it.  In sh or ksh emulation, the default is `+ '.

       psvar <S> <Z> (PSVAR <S>)
              An  array (colon-separated list) whose elements can be used in PROMPT strings.  Setting psvar also
              sets PSVAR, and vice versa.

              The command name to assume if a single input redirection is specified with no  command.   Defaults
              to more.

              If  nonnegative, commands whose combined user and system execution times (measured in seconds) are
              greater than this value have timing  statistics  printed  for  them.   Output  is  suppressed  for
              commands  executed  within  the line editor, including completion; commands explicitly marked with
              the time keyword still cause the summary to be printed in this case.

       REPLY  This parameter is reserved by convention to pass string values between  shell  scripts  and  shell
              builtins  in  situations  where a function call or redirection are impossible or undesirable.  The
              read builtin and the select complex command may set REPLY, and filename generation both  sets  and
              examines  its  value  when  evaluating  certain  expressions.   Some modules also employ REPLY for
              similar purposes.

       reply  As REPLY, but for array values rather than strings.

       RPROMPT <S>
       RPS1 <S>
              This prompt is displayed on the right-hand side of the screen when the  primary  prompt  is  being
              displayed  on  the left.  This does not work if the SINGLE_LINE_ZLE option is set.  It is expanded
              in the same way as PS1.

       RPROMPT2 <S>
       RPS2 <S>
              This prompt is displayed on the right-hand side of the screen when the secondary prompt  is  being
              displayed  on  the left.  This does not work if the SINGLE_LINE_ZLE option is set.  It is expanded
              in the same way as PS2.

              The maximum number of history events to save in the history file.

              If this is made local, it is not implicitly set to 0, but may be explicitly set locally.

       SPROMPT <S>
              The prompt used for spelling correction.  The sequence `%R' expands to the string which presumably
              needs  spelling correction, and `%r' expands to the proposed correction.  All other prompt escapes
              are also allowed.

       STTY   If this parameter is set in a command's environment, the shell runs  the  stty  command  with  the
              value of this parameter as arguments in order to set up the terminal before executing the command.
              The modes apply only to the command, and are reset when  it  finishes  or  is  suspended.  If  the
              command  is  suspended  and  continued  later  with  the fg or wait builtins it will see the modes
              specified by STTY, as if it were not suspended.   This  (intentionally)  does  not  apply  if  the
              command  is  continued via `kill -CONT'.  STTY is ignored if the command is run in the background,
              or if it is in the environment of the shell but not explicitly assigned to in the input line. This
              avoids  running  stty  at every external command by accidentally exporting it. Also note that STTY
              should not be used for window size specifications; these will not be local to the command.

       TERM <S>
              The type of terminal in use.  This is used when looking up termcap sequences.   An  assignment  to
              TERM  causes  zsh  to  re-initialize  the  terminal,  even  if  the  value  does not change (e.g.,
              `TERM=$TERM').  It is necessary to make such  an  assignment  upon  any  change  to  the  terminal
              definition database or terminal type in order for the new settings to take effect.

       TERMINFO <S>
              A  reference  to  a  compiled description of the terminal, used by the `terminfo' library when the
              system has it; see terminfo(5).  If set, this causes  the  shell  to  reinitialise  the  terminal,
              making the workaround `TERM=$TERM' unnecessary.

              The  format  of process time reports with the time keyword.  The default is `%J  %U user %S system
              %P cpu %*E total'.  Recognizes the following escape sequences, although not all may  be  available
              on all systems, and some that are available may not be useful:

              %%     A `%'.
              %U     CPU seconds spent in user mode.
              %S     CPU seconds spent in kernel mode.
              %E     Elapsed time in seconds.
              %P     The CPU percentage, computed as 100*(%U+%S)/%E.
              %W     Number of times the process was swapped.
              %X     The average amount in (shared) text space used in kilobytes.
              %D     The average amount in (unshared) data/stack space used in kilobytes.
              %K     The total space used (%X+%D) in kilobytes.
              %M     The  maximum memory the process had in use at any time in megabytes.
              %F     The number of major page faults (page needed to be brought from disk).
              %R     The number of minor page faults.
              %I     The number of input operations.
              %O     The number of output operations.
              %r     The number of socket messages received.
              %s     The number of socket messages sent.
              %k     The number of signals received.
              %w     Number of voluntary context switches (waits).
              %c     Number of involuntary context switches.
              %J     The name of this job.

              A  star  may be inserted between the percent sign and flags printing time.  This cause the time to
              be printed in `hh:mm:ss.ttt' format (hours and minutes are only printed if they are not zero).

       TMOUT  If this parameter is nonzero, the shell will receive an ALRM signal if a command  is  not  entered
              within  the  specified number of seconds after issuing a prompt. If there is a trap on SIGALRM, it
              will be executed and a new alarm is scheduled  using  the  value  of  the  TMOUT  parameter  after
              executing  the  trap.   If  no trap is set, and the idle time of the terminal is not less than the
              value of the TMOUT parameter, zsh terminates.  Otherwise a new alarm is scheduled to TMOUT seconds
              after the last keypress.

              A pathname prefix which the shell will use for all temporary files.  Note that this should include
              an initial part for the file name as well as any directory names.  The default is `/tmp/zsh'.

       watch <S> <Z> (WATCH <S>)
              An array (colon-separated list) of login/logout events to report.

              If it contains the single word `all', then all login/logout events are reported.  If  it  contains
              the single word `notme', then all events are reported as with `all' except $USERNAME.

              An  entry  in this list may consist of a username, an `@' followed by a remote hostname, and a `%'
              followed by a line (tty).  Any of these may be a  pattern  (be  sure  to  quote  this  during  the
              assignment  to  watch so that it does not immediately perform file generation); the setting of the
              EXTENDED_GLOB option is respected.  Any or all of these components may be present in an entry;  if
              a login/logout event matches all of them, it is reported.

              For example, with the EXTENDED_GLOB option set, the following:


              causes reports for activity assoicated with any user other than pws or barts.

              The  format  of login/logout reports if the watch parameter is set.  Default is `%n has %a %l from
              %m'.  Recognizes the following escape sequences:

              %n     The name of the user that logged in/out.

              %a     The observed action, i.e. "logged on" or "logged off".

              %l     The line (tty) the user is logged in on.

              %M     The full hostname of the remote host.

              %m     The hostname up to the first `.'.  If only the IP address is available or  the  utmp  field
                     contains the name of an X-windows display, the whole name is printed.

                     NOTE: The `%m' and `%M' escapes will work only if there is a host name field in the utmp on
                     your machine.  Otherwise they are treated as ordinary strings.

              %S (%s)
                     Start (stop) standout mode.

              %U (%u)
                     Start (stop) underline mode.

              %B (%b)
                     Start (stop) boldface mode.

              %@     The time, in 12-hour, am/pm format.

              %T     The time, in 24-hour format.

              %w     The date in `day-dd' format.

              %W     The date in `mm/dd/yy' format.

              %D     The date in `yy-mm-dd' format.

                     The date formatted as string using the strftime function, with zsh extensions as  described
                     by EXPANSION OF PROMPT SEQUENCES in zshmisc(1).

                     Specifies  a  ternary  expression.   The  character  following the x is arbitrary; the same
                     character is used to separate the text for the "true" result  from  that  for  the  "false"
                     result.   Both  the  separator  and  the right parenthesis may be escaped with a backslash.
                     Ternary expressions may be nested.

                     The test character x may be any one of `l', `n', `m' or `M', which indicate a `true' result
                     if  the  corresponding  escape  sequence  would return a non-empty value; or it may be `a',
                     which indicates a `true' result if the watched user has logged in, or  `false'  if  he  has
                     logged  out.  Other characters evaluate to neither true nor false; the entire expression is
                     omitted in this case.

                     If the result is `true', then the true-text is formatted according to the rules  above  and
                     printed,  and  the  false-text  is  skipped.   If `false', the true-text is skipped and the
                     false-text is formatted and printed.  Either or both of the branches may be empty, but both
                     separators must be present in any case.

       WORDCHARS <S>
              A list of non-alphanumeric characters considered part of a word by the line editor.

       ZBEEP  If set, this gives a string of characters, which can use all the same codes as the bindkey command
              as described in the zsh/zle module entry in zshmodules(1), that will be  output  to  the  terminal
              instead of beeping.  This may have a visible instead of an audible effect; for example, the string
              `\e[?5h\e[?5l' on a vt100 or xterm will have the effect of flashing reverse video on and  off  (if
              you  usually  use  reverse  video,  you should use the string `\e[?5l\e[?5h' instead).  This takes
              precedence over the NOBEEP option.

              The directory to search for shell startup files (.zshrc, etc), if not $HOME.

              Many terminal emulators have a feature that allows applications to identify when  text  is  pasted
              into  the  terminal  rather than being typed normally. For ZLE, this means that special characters
              such as tabs and newlines can be inserted  instead  of  invoking  editor  commands.   Furthermore,
              pasted  text  forms  a single undo event and if the region is active, pasted text will replace the

              This two-element array contains the terminal escape  sequences  for  enabling  and  disabling  the
              feature.  These escape sequences are used to enable bracketed paste when ZLE is active and disable
              it at other times.  Unsetting the parameter has  the  effect  of  ensuring  that  bracketed  paste
              remains disabled.

              An  array  describing  contexts  in  which  ZLE  should  highlight  the input text.  See Character
              Highlighting in zshzle(1).

              This parameter is set by the line editor when an error occurs.  It  contains  the  line  that  was
              being  edited  at the point of the error.  `print -zr -- $ZLE_LINE_ABORTED' can be used to recover
              the line.  Only the most recent line of this kind is remembered.

              These parameters are used by the line editor.  In certain circumstances suffixes (typically  space
              or  slash)  added  by the completion system will be removed automatically, either because the next
              editing command was not an insertable character, or because the character was marked as  requiring
              the suffix to be removed.

              These  variables  can contain the sets of characters that will cause the suffix to be removed.  If
              ZLE_REMOVE_SUFFIX_CHARS is set,  those  characters  will  cause  the  suffix  to  be  removed;  if
              ZLE_SPACE_SUFFIX_CHARS  is  set, those characters will cause the suffix to be removed and replaced
              by a space.

              If ZLE_REMOVE_SUFFIX_CHARS is not set, the default behaviour is equivalent to:

                     ZLE_REMOVE_SUFFIX_CHARS=$' \t\n;&|'

              If  ZLE_REMOVE_SUFFIX_CHARS  is  set  but  is  empty,   no   characters   have   this   behaviour.
              ZLE_SPACE_SUFFIX_CHARS takes precedence, so that the following:


              causes the characters `&' and `|' to remove the suffix but to replace it with a space.

              To  illustrate  the  difference,  suppose  that  the option AUTO_REMOVE_SLASH is in effect and the
              directory DIR has just been completed, with an appended /, following which  the  user  types  `&'.
              The  default  result  is  `DIR&'.   With ZLE_REMOVE_SUFFIX_CHARS set but without including `&' the
              result is `DIR/&'.  With ZLE_SPACE_SUFFIX_CHARS set to include `&' the result is `DIR &'.

              Note that certain completions may provide their own suffix removal or replacement behaviour  which
              overrides the values described here.  See the completion system documentation in zshcompsys(1).

              If  set,  used to give the indentation between the right hand side of the right prompt in the line
              editor as given by RPS1 or RPROMPT and the right hand side of the screen.  If not set, the value 1
              is used.

              Typically  this will be used to set the value to 0 so that the prompt appears flush with the right
              hand side of the screen.  This is not the default as many terminals do not handle this  correctly,
              in  particular  when the prompt appears at the extreme bottom right of the screen.  Recent virtual
              terminals are more likely to handle this case correctly.  Some experimentation is necessary.