Provided by: xzip_1.8.2-4_amd64 bug


       xzip - X Interface to the Z-code Interpreter


       xzip [ options ...  ] gamefile

       The  list of options is described below. The gamefile should be the filename of a Z-code file or a PICKLE
       archive containing a Z-code file.


       xzip is a clean X Windows interface to games written in Infocom's Z-code game format. It  handles  Z-code
       versions 1 through 5, plus the newer version 8.

       The  interface is heavily (well, completely) based on ATK, an X toolkit developed at CMU. Really, I would
       have preferred to actually do this in ATK... except that then you'd need ATK to run  it,  and  that's  50
       megabytes of source code. (Honest.) So I just did an imitation.

Mouse Commands

       In the text window:

       Left-click to move the dot to the mouse location.
       Click-and-drag to select a large region.
       Right-click to extend the selection to the mouse location.
       Double-clicking selects a word (or extends the selection one word at a time).

       In the scroll bar:

       Left-click on the arrows to scroll to the top or bottom.
       Right-click on the arrows to scroll up or down one line.
       Click-and-drag on the elevator will scroll up and down smoothly.
       Left-click in the bar (without dragging) will scroll down by an amount controlled by where in the bar you
       click. The farther down the bar, the more it scrolls. This is computed so that if you left-click next  to
       a line, that line scrolls to the top of the screen.
       Right-click  in  the  bar (without dragging) will scroll up in a similar manner. The top line will scroll
       down to where you clicked.

Key Commands

       The key commands will be familiar to Emacs users.  meta- combinations can be used either by holding  down
       the meta key (possibly labelled alt or something else) or by pressing escape before the desired key.

       The  commands  listed  below  are  the defaults. They can be customized with the bindings X resource (see
       below.) <none> indicates a function which by default is not bound to any key.

       ctrl-f (forward-char) Move dot forward one character.
       ctrl-b (backward-char) Move dot backward one character.
       meta-f (forward-word) Move dot forward one word.
       meta-b (backward-word) Move dot backward one word.
       ctrl-a (beginning-of-line) Move dot to beginning of line.
       ctrl-e (end-of-line) Move dot to end of line.

       PageDown, ctrl-v (scroll-down) Scroll down one page.
       PageUp, meta-v (scroll-up) Scroll up one page.

       delete (delete-char) Delete character before the dot.
       ctrl-d (delete-next-char) Delete character after the dot.
       meta-delete (delete-word) Delete word before the dot.
       meta-d (delete-next-word) Delete word after the dot.

       ctrl-w (kill-region) Cut selection to cut buffer.
       meta-w (copy-region) Copy selection to cut buffer.
       ctrl-y (yank) Copy the cut buffer in at the dot.
       ctrl-k (kill-line) Cut from dot to end of line into the cut buffer.
       ctrl-u (kill-input) Cut all text typed so far into the cut buffer.

       UpArrow, meta-= (backward-history) Move back one line in command history buffer.
       DownArrow, meta-` (forward-history) Move back one line in command history buffer.

       meta-0...meta-9 (macro) Insert a macro string at the  dot.  By  default,  all  macros  are  undefined  at
       startup, but you can change this with the bindings option.
       meta-r  (define-macro)  The  next  macro  key  hit  will be redefined to be the selection. If there is no
       selection, or if the next key hit is not a macro key, an error is displayed.

       ctrl-l (redraw-all-windows) Redraw text and status windows.
       <none> (redraw-status) Redraw status window.
       <none> (redraw-screen) Redraw text window.
       meta-z (zoom-status) Expand status window to maximum size (only when the autoresize option is on.)
       meta-s (shrink-status) Shrink status window to minimum size (only when the autoresize option is on.)
       meta-c (clear-status) Clear any extra text below the status line in the status window.

       Enter, Return (enter) Accept the text that has been typed.
       Escape (escape) Set escape mode; next key hit will be taken as a meta key.
       ctrl-g (cancel) Cancel escape mode, and anything else that's going on.
       Help, ctrl-_ (explain-key) Explain the next key hit; this displays the function that the key is bound to,
       and its argument, if any.
       All normal keys (insert-self) Insert whatever key is bound to this at the dot.
       <none> (no-op) Do nothing. Bind a key to this to disable it.

Resources and Options

       All  the  behavior of xzip is controlled by X resources and command-line options. Any particular behavior
       can be set with either a resource or an option; options override resources.

       Command-line options go on the command line, looking like,
       xzip -option value gamefile
       Note that even binary options like "justify" must be given a value, "yes" or "no".

       Resources are usually placed in your .Xdefaults or Xresources file, depending on your system setup.  They
       have the format
       xzip.resourcename: value

       These are the resources and options that you can currently set. The default values are in italics.

       geometry: 500x600+100+100
              The geometry of the text window, in the usual X geometry format.

       statgeometry: 80x24+100+50
              The  geometry  of  the  status  window.  Note that the size is given in characters, not in pixels,
              although the position is still in pixels. This makes it something of a pain to position it in  the
              right or bottom sides of the screen.

       foreground: black
              The color of the text and other window decorations.

       background: white
              The color of the window background.

       greycolor: grey60
              An intermediate color, used for the scroll bar on color displays.

       justify: yes
              If "yes", full-justify the text in the text window.

       marginx: 4
              Width (in pixels) of the margin between the left edge of the text and the scroll bar.

       leading: 3
              Width (in pixels) of extra space to put between lines of text.

       autoresize: yes
              If  "yes", the status window will automatically resize to be just big enough for the game's status
              line. (But see "Quirks", below.)

       resizeupward: no
              If "no", the status window will resize downward; the top edge will stay in place, and  the  bottom
              edge  will  move.  If  "yes", it will resize upward. At the moment, this doesn't work very well at
              all. (See "Known Bugs", below.)

       autoclear: yes
              If "yes", extraneous text in the status window will be cleared  after  one  turn.  (See  "Quirks",

       history: 20
              The number of commands to store in the command history.

       buffer: 4000
              The  amount  of  text (in characters) to keep in the scrollback buffer. If this is made too large,
              the program can become very slow.

       strictz: 1
              The level of reporting of various subtle errors in the game file. 0  means  that  all  errors  are
              silently  ignored;  1  (the default) means that each error is reported, but only the first time it
              occurs; 2 means that each error is reported every time it occurs; 3  means  that  the  interpreter
              will shut down immediately when an error occurs.

       spec: no
              If  "yes",  the  interpreter  will declare itself to be compliant with the Z-machine Specification
              version 1.0. This is, basically, a lie, since I have not formally reviewed the source for Spec-1.0
              compliance. However, xzip does support every Spec-1.0 feature that I know of, except for the color
              and Unicode options.

       inputstyle: b
              The style to display your typed input in. This can be n for normal text, or r, b, rb, i,  ri,  bi,
              rbi,  f,  rf, bf, rbf, if, rif, bif, rbif to specify any combination of Reverse, Bold, Italic, and
              Fixed. Note that the letters must be in the order shown; you cannot use ib to specify  italic  and

       X-color:  (same as foreground)
              X  may be any of n, r, b, rb, i, ri, bi, rbi, f, rf, bf, rbf, if, rif, bif, rbif.  This allows you
              to specify the color of any of the sixteen fonts used by xzip.  For non-reversed  fonts,  this  is
              the  color  of  the  text;  for  reversed fonts, it is the color of the field on which the text is
              displayed. (The text of reversed fonts is always in the background color.)

              X may be any of n, b, i, bi, f, bf, if, bif.  This allows you to specify the sixteen fonts used by
              xzip.   (Note  that you cannot set the reversed fonts; they always use the same font as their non-
              reversed counterparts.)
              The status window always uses the fixed-width fonts; the text window usually (but not always) uses
              proportional fonts.

       bindings: (see above)
              Key bindings to supplement or override the default bindings. The resource should look like
              key=function [, argument ]; key=function [, argument ] ...
              where key is the name of a key, preceded by c- to indicate a control key and m- to indicate a meta
              key.  function should be one of the function names listed in parentheses  in  the  "Key  Bindings"
              section.   argument  (which  is  optional)  should  be a quoted string which will be passed to the
              function. Currently, only the macro function takes an argument.
              So, for example,
              xzip.bindings: c-x=kill-input; m-i=macro,"inventory"; m-d=no-op
              would mean that ctrl-x will delete all input, and meta-i will enter the  string  "inventory",  and
              meta-d  will do nothing. You can have more than one key bound to a function, but you can only have
              one function bound to a key; later bindings will override earlier ones.

       Ok, I lied; there's one behavior which is set by an environment variable. If you set  INFOCOM_PATH  to  a
       directory  or  colon-separated  list  of directories, xzip will look there for a story file if it doesn't
       find it in the current directory.


       As always, if you highlight colored text, the result may be surprising. Highlighting "normal"  text  will
       be  fine,  and  any other fonts which are the same color, but other colors may highlight in strange ways,
       and could be hard to read. (This is only a problem for text which is highlighted because  it's  selected.
       Text in a reverse font looks correct.)

       Certain  games  (notably  Trinity  and  Curses!)   display  pop-up windows, by using the status line in a
       slightly funky way. They expand the status line, display some  text,  and  then  immediately  shrink  the
       status line again.
       I  have done my best to support this in xzip ´s two-window system. The pop-up window will be visible from
       when it is created until the first time you hit Return.  Then the status window will shrink  again.  This
       gives  you  one  "turn"  to  read  the  pop-up, which should be sufficient. (In one-window, non-scrolling
       interpreters, the pop-up appears over your old text, and scrolls away as you continue play.)
       If you turn off the autoclear option, pop-ups will not be erased; use meta-z to expand the status  window
       and  read  them after the window shrinks, and meta-c to erase them manually. If you do not erase the pop-
       up, a later pop-up may partially overwrite it, which looks ugly.
       If you turn off the autoshrink option, the status window will not shrink, but the pop-up  will  still  be
       erased (unless you have turned off autoclear as well.)

Known Bugs

       The "resizeupward" preference just plain doesn't work. If you use it, the status window will slowly drift
       downwards as it resizes.
       If a timed input (such as Border Zone uses) expires while you are editing a line, the dot  jumps  to  the
       end of the line.
       If  a  style  change  occurs in the middle of a word, xzip thinks it's okay to break the word there (when
       wrapping lines.)
       Reverse text has gaps in it in full-justified lines. It also has gaps between lines, in the text window.
       The keybindings are ignored while xzip is waiting for a single keystroke (as opposed to a line of input.)
       ctrl-l is hardwired to work, but any other key will just be taken literally.
       Scrolling is slow and awful on X servers without backing store.
       Ignores meta modifier on special keyboard keys (Home, PageUp, etc)
       Parsing of keys in bindings could be cleverer. It ought to understand /123 octal notation at least.
       Ought to have separate font and color prefs for the status window.
       Sometimes makes you place a window by hand, even though the geometry is specified.


       X interface by Andrew Plotkin (
       The Z-code engine is taken from ZIP V2.0.7 by Mark Howell (
       For more information, see the web page:

       You are expressly forbidden to use this program on an Infocom game data file if, in so doing, you violate
       the copyright notice supplied with the original Infocom game.
       Parts of this program (the files xinit.c, xio.c, xkey.c, xmess.c, xstat.c, xtext.c)  are  copyrighted  by
       Andrew  Plotkin.  These  files  may  be  distributed, modified, and used freely, with the exception noted
       I do not know the exact copyright status of the rest, except that it was written by Mark Howell and  thus
       is  probably  copyrighted by him. He released it for free, so to the best of my knowledge, it can also be
       distributed, modified, and used freely, with the exception noted above.
