Provided by: firewalld_0.4.4.6-1_all bug


       firewalld.dbus - firewalld D-Bus interface description


       This is the basic firewalld object path structure. The used interfaces are explained below
       in the section called “INTERFACES”.








       This interface contains general runtime operations, like: reloading, panic mode, default
       zone handling, getting services and icmp types and their settings.

           authorizeAll() → Nothing
               Initiate authorization for the complete firewalld D-Bus interface. This method it
               mostly useful for configuration applications.

           completeReload() → Nothing
               Reload firewall completely, even netfilter kernel modules. This will most likely
               terminate active connections, because state information is lost. This option
               should only be used in case of severe firewall problems. For example if there are
               state information problems that no connection can be established with correct
               firewall rules.

           disablePanicMode() → Nothing
               Disable panic mode. After disabling panic mode established connections might work
               again, if panic mode was enabled for a short period of time.

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED, COMMAND_FAILED

           enablePanicMode() → Nothing
               Enable panic mode. All incoming and outgoing packets are dropped, active
               connections will expire. Enable this only if there are serious problems with your
               network environment.

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED, COMMAND_FAILED

           getAutomaticHelpers() → s
               Return the AutomaticHelpers value. For the secure use of iptables and connection
               tracking helpers it is recommended to turn AutomaticHelpers off. But this might
               have side effects on other services using the netfilter helpers as the sysctl
               setting in /proc/sys/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_helper will be changed. With the
               system setting, the default value set in the kernel or with sysctl will be used.
               Possible values are: yes, no and system. The default value is system.

           getDefaultZone() → s
               Return default zone.

           getHelperSettings(s: helper) → (sssssa(ss))
               Return runtime settings of given helper. For getting permanent settings see
               org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.config.helper.Methods.getSettings. Settings are in
               format: version, name, description, family, module and array of ports.

               version (s): see version attribute of helper tag in firewalld.helper(5).

               name (s): see short tag in firewalld.helper(5).

               description (s): see description tag in firewalld.helper(5).

               family (s): see family tag in firewalld.helper(5).

               module (s): see module tag in firewalld.helper(5).

               ports (a(ss)): array of port and protocol pairs. See port tag in

               Possible errors: INVALID_HELPER

           getHelpers() → as
               Return array of helper names (s) in runtime configuration. For permanent
               configuration see org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.config.Methods.listHelpers.

           getIcmpTypeSettings(s: icmptype) → (sssas)
               Return runtime settings of given icmptype. For getting permanent settings see
               org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.config.icmptype.Methods.getSettings. Settings are in
               format: version, name, description, array of destinations.

               version (s): see version attribute of icmptype tag in firewalld.icmptype(5).

               name (s): see short tag in firewalld.icmptype(5).

               description (s): see description tag in firewalld.icmptype(5).

               destinations (as): array, either empty or containing strings 'ipv4' or 'ipv6', see
               destination tag in firewalld.icmptype(5).

               Possible errors: INVALID_ICMPTYPE

           getLogDenied() → s
               Retruns the LogDenied value. If LogDenied is enabled, then logging rules are added
               right before reject and drop rules in the INPUT, FORWARD and OUTPUT chains for the
               default rules and also final reject and drop rules in zones. Possible values are:
               all, unicast, broadcast, multicast and off. The default value is off

           getServiceSettings(s: service) → (sssa(ss)asa{ss}asa(ss))
               Return runtime settings of given service. For getting permanent settings see
               org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.config.service.Methods.getSettings. Settings are in
               format: version, name, description, array of ports (port, protocol), array of
               module names, dictionary of destinations, array of protocols and array of
               source-ports (port, protocol).

               version (s): see version attribute of service tag in firewalld.service(5).

               name (s): see short tag in firewalld.service(5).

               description (s): see description tag in firewalld.service(5).

               ports (a(ss)): array of port and protocol pairs. See port tag in

               module names (as): array of kernel netfilter helpers, see module tag in

               destinations (a{ss}): dictionary of {IP family : IP address} where 'IP family' key
               can be either 'ipv4' or 'ipv6'. See destination tag in firewalld.service(5).

               protocols (as): array of protocols, see protocol tag in firewalld.service(5).

               source-ports (a(ss)): array of port and protocol pairs. See source-port tag in

               Possible errors: INVALID_SERVICE

           getZoneSettings(s: zone) → (sssbsasa(ss)asba(ssss)asasasasa(ss))
               Return runtime settings of given zone. For getting permanent settings see
      Settings are in
               format: version, name, description, UNUSED, target, array of services, array of
               ports (port, protocol), array of icmp-blocks, masquerade, array of forward-ports
               (port, protocol, to-port, to-addr), array of interfaces, array of sources, array
               of rich rules, array of protocols and array of source-ports (port, protocol).

               version (s): see version attribute of zone tag in

               name (s): see short tag in

               description (s): see description tag in

               UNUSED (b): this boolean value is no longer used for anything.

               target (s): see target attribute of zone tag in

               services (as): array of service names, see service tag in

               ports (a(ss)): array of port and protocol pairs. See port tag in

               icmp-blocks (as): array of icmp-blocks. See icmp-block tag in

               masquerade (b): see masquerade tag in

               forward-ports (a(ssss)): array of (port, protocol, to-port, to-addr). See
               forward-port tag in

               interfaces (as): array of interfaces. See interface tag in

               source addresses (as): array of source addresses. See source tag in

               rich rules (as): array of rich-language rules. See rule tag in

               protocols (as): array of protocols, see protocol tag in

               source-ports (a(ss)): array of port and protocol pairs. See source-port tag in

               Possible errors: INVALID_ZONE

           listIcmpTypes() → as
               Return array of names (s) of icmp types in runtime configuration. For permanent
               configuration see org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.config.Methods.listIcmpTypes.

           listServices() → as
               Return array of service names (s) in runtime configuration. For permanent
               configuration see org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.config.Methods.listServices.

           queryPanicMode() → b
               Return true if panic mode is enabled, false otherwise. In panic mode all incoming
               and outgoing packets are dropped.

           reload() → Nothing
               Reload firewall rules and keep state information. Current permanent configuration
               will become new runtime configuration, i.e. all runtime only changes done until
               reload are lost with reload if they have not been also in permanent configuration.

           runtimeToPermanent() → Nothing
               Make runtime settings permanent. Replaces permanent settings with runtime settings
               for zones, services, icmptypes, direct and policies (lockdown whitelist).

               Possible errors: RT_TO_PERM_FAILED

           setDefaultZone(s: zone) → Nothing
               Set default zone for connections and interfaces where no zone has been selected to
               zone. Setting the default zone changes the zone for the connections or interfaces,
               that are using the default zone. This is a runtime and permanent change.

               Possible errors: ZONE_ALREADY_SET, COMMAND_FAILED

           setLogDenied(s: value) → Nothing
               Set LogDenied value to value. If LogDenied is enabled, then logging rules are
               added right before reject and drop rules in the INPUT, FORWARD and OUTPUT chains
               for the default rules and also final reject and drop rules in zones. Possible
               values are: all, unicast, broadcast, multicast and off. The default value is off
               This is a runtime and permanent change.

               Possible errors: ALREADY_SET, INVALID_VALUE

           DefaultZoneChanged(s: zone)
               Emitted when default zone has been changed to zone.

           LogDeniedChanged(s: value)
               Emitted when LogDenied value has been changed.

               Emitted when panic mode has been deactivated.

               Emitted when panic mode has been activated.

               Emitted when firewalld has been reloaded. Also emitted for a complete reload.

           BRIDGE - b - (ro)
               Indicates whether the firewall has ethernet bridge support.

           IPSet - b - (ro)
               Indicates whether the firewall has IPSet support.

           IPSetTypes - as - (ro)
               The supported IPSet types by ipset and firewalld.

           IPv4 - b - (ro)
               Indicates whether the firewall has IPv4 support.

           IPv4ICMPTypes - as - (ro)
               The list of supported IPv4 ICMP types.

           IPv6 - b - (ro)
               Indicates whether the firewall has IPv6 support.

           IPv6_rpfilter - b - (ro)
               Indicates whether the reverse path filter test on a packet for IPv6 is enabled. If
               a reply to the packet would be sent via the same interface that the packet arrived
               on, the packet will match and be accepted, otherwise dropped.

           IPv6ICMPTypes - as - (ro)
               The list of supported IPv6 ICMP types.

           nf_conntrach_helper_setting - b - (ro)
               Kernel nf_conntrack_helper setting.

           nf_conntrack_helpers - a{sas} - (ro)
               The list of conntrack helpers supported by the kernel.

           nf_nat_helpers - a{sas} - (ro)
               The list of nat helpers supported by the kernel.

           interface_version - s - (ro)
               firewalld D-Bus interface version string.

           state - s - (ro)
               firewalld state. This can be either INIT or RUNNING. In INIT state, firewalld is
               starting up and initializing.

           version - s - (ro)
               firewalld version string.

       Operations in this interface allows to get, add, remove and query runtime ipset settings.
       For permanent configuration see org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.config.ipset interface.

           addEntry(s: ipset, s: entry) → as
               Add a new entry to ipset. The entry must match the type of the ipset. If the ipset
               is using the timeout option, it is not possible to see the entries, as they are
               timing out automatically in the kernel. For permanent operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPSET, IPSET_WITH_TIMEOUT

           getEntries(s: ipset) → Nothing
               Get all entries added to the ipset. If the ipset is using the timeout option, it
               is not possible to see the entries, as they are timing out automatically in the
               kernel. Return value is a array of entry. For permanent operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPSET, IPSET_WITH_TIMEOUT

           getSettings(s: ipset) → (ssssa{ss}as)
               Return runtime settings of given ipset. For getting permanent settings see
               org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.config.ipset.Methods.getSettings. Settings are in
               format: version, name, description, type, dictionary of options and array of

               version (s): see version attribute of ipset tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

               name (s): see short tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

               description (s): see description tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

               type (s): see type attribute of ipset tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

               options (a{ss}): dictionary of {option : value} . See options tag in

               entries (as): array of entries, see entry tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPSET

           getIPSets() → as
               Return array of ipset names (s) in runtime configuration. For permanent
               configuration see org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.config.Methods.listIPSets.

           queryService(s: ipset, s: entry) → b
               Return whether entry has been added to ipset. For permanent operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPSET

           queryService(s: ipset) → b
               Return whether ipset is defined in runtime configuration.

           removeEntry(s: ipset, s: entry) → as
               Removes an entry from ipset. For permanent operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPSET, IPSET_WITH_TIMEOUT

           setEntries(as: entries) → Nothing
               Permanently set list of entries to entries. For permanent operation see
               org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.config.ipset.Methods.setEntries. See entry tag in

           EntryAdded(s: ipset, s: entry)
               Emitted when entry has been added to ipset.

           EntryRemoved(s: ipset, s: entry)
               Emitted when entry has been removed from ipset.
       This interface enables more direct access to the firewall. It enables runtime manipulation
       with chains and rules. For permanent configuration see interface.

           addChain(s: ipv, s: table, s: chain) → Nothing
               Add a new chain to table for ipv being either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables)
               or eb (ebtables). Make sure there's no other chain with this name already. There
               already exist basic chains to use with direct methods, for example INPUT_direct
               chain. These chains are jumped into before chains for zones, i.e. every rule put
               into INPUT_direct will be checked before rules in zones. For permanent operation


           addPassthrough(s: ipv, as: args) → Nothing
               Add a tracked passthrough rule with the arguments args for ipv being either ipv4
               (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables). Valid commands in args are only
               -A/--append, -I/--insert and -N/--new-chain. This method is (unlike passthrough
               method) tracked, i.e. firewalld remembers it. It's useful with
               org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.Methods.runtimeToPermanent For permanent operation

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPV, ALREADY_ENABLED, COMMAND_FAILED

           addRule(s: ipv, s: table, s: chain, i: priority, as: args) → Nothing
               Add a rule with the arguments args to chain in table with priority for ipv being
               either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables). The priority is used
               to order rules. Priority 0 means add rule on top of the chain, with a higher
               priority the rule will be added further down. Rules with the same priority are on
               the same level and the order of these rules is not fixed and may change. If you
               want to make sure that a rule will be added after another one, use a low priority
               for the first and a higher for the following. For permanent operation see


           getAllChains() → a(sss)
               Get all chains added to all tables in format: ipv, table, chain. This concerns
               only chains previously added with addChain. Return value is a array of (ipv,
               table, chain). For permanent operation see

               ipv (s): either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables).

               table (s): one of filter, mangle, nat, raw, security

               chain (s): name of a chain.

           getAllPassthroughs() → a(sas)
               Get all tracked passthrough rules added in all ipv types in format: ipv, rule.
               This concerns only rules previously added with addPassthrough. Return value is a
               array of (ipv, array of arguments). For permanent operation see

               ipv (s): either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables).

               arguments (as): array of commands, parameters and other
               iptables/ip6tables/ebtables command line options.

           getAllRules() → a(sssias)
               Get all rules added to all chains in all tables in format: ipv, table, chain,
               priority, rule. This concerns only rules previously added with addRule. Return
               value is a array of (ipv, table, chain, priority, array of arguments). For
               permanent operation see

               ipv (s): either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables).

               table (s): one of filter, mangle, nat, raw, security

               chain (s): name of a chain.

               priority (i): used to order rules.

               arguments (as): array of commands, parameters and other
               iptables/ip6tables/ebtables command line options.

           getChains(s: ipv, s: table) → as
               Return an array of chains (s) added to table for ipv being either ipv4 (iptables)
               or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables). This concerns only chains previously added
               with addChain. For permanent operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPV, INVALID_TABLE

           getPassthroughs(s: ipv) → aas
               Get tracked passthrough rules added in either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables)
               or eb (ebtables). This concerns only rules previously added with addPassthrough.
               Return value is a array of (array of arguments). For permanent operation see

               arguments (as): array of commands, parameters and other
               iptables/ip6tables/ebtables command line options.

           getRules(s: ipv, s: table, s: chain) → a(ias)
               Get all rules added to chain in table for ipv being either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6
               (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables). This concerns only rules previously added with
               addRule. Return value is a array of (priority, array of arguments). For permanent
               operation see

               priority (i): used to order rules.

               arguments (as): array of commands, parameters and other
               iptables/ip6tables/ebtables command line options.

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPV, INVALID_TABLE

           passthrough(s: ipv, as: args) → s
               Pass a command through to the firewall.  ipv can be either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6
               (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables).  args can be all iptables, ip6tables and ebtables
               command line arguments.  args can be all iptables, ip6tables and ebtables command
               line arguments. This command is untracked, which means that firewalld is not able
               to provide information about this command later on.

               Possible errors: COMMAND_FAILED

           queryChain(s: ipv, s: table, s: chain) → b
               Return whether a chain exists in table for ipv being either ipv4 (iptables) or
               ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables). This concerns only chains previously added with
               addChain. For permanent operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPV, INVALID_TABLE

           queryPassthrough(s: ipv, as: args) → b
               Return whether a tracked passthrough rule with the arguments args exists for ipv
               being either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables). This concerns
               only rules previously added with addPassthrough. For permanent operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPV

           queryRule(s: ipv, s: table, s: chain, i: priority, as: args) → b
               Return whether a rule with priority and the arguments args exists in chain in
               table for ipv being either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables).
               This concerns only rules previously added with addRule. For permanent operation

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPV, INVALID_TABLE

           removeAllPassthroughs() → Nothing
               Remove all passthrough rules previously added with addPassthrough.

           removeChain(s: ipv, s: table, s: chain) → Nothing
               Remove a chain from table for ipv being either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables)
               or eb (ebtables). Only chains previously added with addChain can be removed this
               way. For permanent operation see


           removePassthrough(s: ipv, as: args) → Nothing
               Remove a tracked passthrough rule with arguments args for ipv being either ipv4
               (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables). Only rules previously added with
               addPassthrough can be removed this way. For permanent operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPV, NOT_ENABLED, COMMAND_FAILED

           removeRule(s: ipv, s: table, s: chain, i: priority, as: args) → Nothing
               Remove a rule with priority and arguments args from chain in table for ipv being
               either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables). Only rules previously
               added with addRule can be removed this way. For permanent operation see


           removeRules(s: ipv, s: table, s: chain) → Nothing
               Remove all rules from chain in table for ipv being either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6
               (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables). This concerns only rules previously added with
               addRule. For permanent operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPV, INVALID_TABLE

           ChainAdded(s: ipv, s: table, s: chain)
               Emitted when chain has been added into table for ipv being either ipv4 (iptables)
               or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables).

           ChainRemoved(s: ipv, s: table, s: chain)
               Emitted when chain has been removed from table for ipv being either ipv4
               (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables).

           PassthroughAdded(s: ipv, as: args)
               Emitted when a tracked passthruogh rule with args has been added for ipv being
               either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables).

           PassthroughRemoved(s: ipv, as: args)
               Emitted when a tracked passthrough rule with args has been removed for ipv being
               either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables).

           RuleAdded(s: ipv, s: table, s: chain, i: priority, as: args)
               Emitted when a rule with args has been added to chain in table with priority for
               ipv being either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables).

           RuleRemoved(s: ipv, s: table, s: chain, i: priority, as: args)
               Emitted when a rule with args has been removed from chain in table with priority
               for ipv being either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables).

       Enables firewalld to be able to lock down configuration changes from local applications.
       Local applications or services are able to change the firewall configuration if they are
       running as root (example: libvirt). With these operations administrator can lock the
       firewall configuration so that either none or only applications that are in the whitelist
       are able to request firewall changes. For permanent configuration see
       org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.config.policies interface.

           addLockdownWhitelistCommand(s: command) → Nothing
               Add command to whitelist. See command option in firewalld.lockdown-whitelist(5).
               For permanent operation see

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED, INVALID_COMMAND

           addLockdownWhitelistContext(s: context) → Nothing
               Add context to whitelist. See selinux option in firewalld.lockdown-whitelist(5).
               For permanent operation see

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED, INVALID_COMMAND

           addLockdownWhitelistUid(i: uid) → Nothing
               Add user id uid to whitelist. See user option in firewalld.lockdown-whitelist(5).
               For permanent operation see

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED, INVALID_COMMAND

           addLockdownWhitelistUser(s: user) → Nothing
               Add user name to whitelist. See user option in firewalld.lockdown-whitelist(5).
               For permanent operation see

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED, INVALID_COMMAND

           disableLockdown() → Nothing
               Disable lockdown. This is a runtime and permanent change.

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           enableLockdown() → Nothing
               Enable lockdown. Be careful - if the calling application/user is not on lockdown
               whitelist when you enable lockdown you won't be able to disable it again with the
               application, you would need to edit firewalld.conf. This is a runtime and
               permanent change.

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED

           getLockdownWhitelistCommands() → as
               List all command lines (s) that are on whitelist. For permanent operation see

           getLockdownWhitelistContexts() → as
               List all contexts (s) that are on whitelist. For permanent operation see

           getLockdownWhitelistUids() → ai
               List all user ids (i) that are on whitelist. For permanent operation see

           getLockdownWhitelistUsers() → as
               List all users (s) that are on whitelist. For permanent operation see

           queryLockdown() → b
               Query whether lockdown is enabled.

           queryLockdownWhitelistCommand(s: command) → b
               Query whether command is on whitelist. For permanent operation see

           queryLockdownWhitelistContext(s: context) → b
               Query whether context is on whitelist. For permanent operation see

           queryLockdownWhitelistUid(i: uid) → b
               Query whether user id uid is on whitelist. For permanent operation see

           queryLockdownWhitelistUser(s: user) → b
               Query whether user is on whitelist. For permanent operation see

           removeLockdownWhitelistCommand(s: command) → Nothing
               Remove command from whitelist. For permanent operation see

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           removeLockdownWhitelistContext(s: context) → Nothing
               Remove context from whitelist. For permanent operation see

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           removeLockdownWhitelistUid(i: uid) → Nothing
               Remove user id uid from whitelist. For permanent operation see

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           removeLockdownWhitelistUser(s: user) → Nothing
               Remove user from whitelist. For permanent operation see

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

               Emitted when lockdown has been disabled.

               Emitted when lockdown has been enabled.

           LockdownWhitelistCommandAdded(s: command)
               Emitted when command has been added to whitelist.

           LockdownWhitelistCommandRemoved(s: command)
               Emitted when command has been removed from whitelist.

           LockdownWhitelistContextAdded(s: context)
               Emitted when context has been added to whitelist.

           LockdownWhitelistContextRemoved(s: context)
               Emitted when context has been removed from whitelist.

           LockdownWhitelistUidAdded(i: uid)
               Emitted when user id uid has been added to whitelist.

           LockdownWhitelistUidRemoved(i: uid)
               Emitted when user id uid has been removed from whitelist.

           LockdownWhitelistUserAdded(s: user)
               Emitted when user has been added to whitelist.

           LockdownWhitelistUserRemoved(s: user)
               Emitted when user has been removed from whitelist.
       Operations in this interface allows to get, add, remove and query runtime zone's settings.
       For permanent settings see interface.

           addForwardPort(s: zone, s: port, s: protocol, s: toport, s: toaddr, i: timeout) → s
               Add the IPv4 forward port into zone. If zone is empty, use default zone. The port
               can either be a single port number portid or a port range portid-portid. The
               protocol can either be tcp or udp. The destination address is a simple IP address.
               If timeout is non-zero, the operation will be active only for the amount of
               seconds. For permanent settings see

               Returns name of zone to which the forward port was added.


           addIcmpBlock(s: zone, s: icmp, i: timeout) → s
               Add an ICMP block icmp into zone. The icmp is the one of the icmp types firewalld
               supports. To get a listing of supported icmp types use
               org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.Methods.listIcmpTypes If zone is empty, use default
               zone. If timeout is non-zero, the operation will be active only for the amount of
               seconds. For permanent settings see

               Returns name of zone to which the ICMP block was added.


           addIcmpBlockInversion(s: zone) → s
               Add ICMP block inversion to zone. If zone is empty, use default zone. For
               permanent settings see

               Returns name of zone to which the ICMP block inversion was added.


           addInterface(s: zone, s: interface) → s
               Bind interface with zone. From now on all traffic going through the interface will
               respect the zone's settings. If zone is empty, use default zone. For permanent
               settings see

               Returns name of zone to which the interface was bound.


           addMasquerade(s: zone, i: timeout) → s
               Enable masquerade in zone. If zone is empty, use default zone. If timeout is
               non-zero, masquerading will be active for the amount of seconds. For permanent
               settings see

               Returns name of zone in which the masquerade was enabled.


           addPort(s: zone, s: port, s: protocol, i: timeout) → s
               Add port into zone. If zone is empty, use default zone. The port can either be a
               single port number or a port range portid-portid. The protocol can either be tcp
               or udp. If timeout is non-zero, the operation will be active only for the amount
               of seconds. For permanent settings see

               Returns name of zone to which the port was added.


           addProtocol(s: zone, s: protocol, i: timeout) → s
               Add protocol into zone. If zone is empty, use default zone. The protocol can be
               any protocol supported by the system. Please have a look at /etc/protocols for
               supported protocols. If timeout is non-zero, the operation will be active only for
               the amount of seconds. For permanent settings see

               Returns name of zone to which the protocol was added.


           addRichRule(s: zone, s: rule, i: timeout) → s
               Add rich language rule into zone. For the rich language rule syntax, please have a
               look at If zone is empty, use default zone. If timeout is
               non-zero, the operation will be active only for the amount of seconds. For
               permanent settings see

               Returns name of zone to which the rich language rule was added.


           addService(s: zone, s: service, i: timeout) → s
               Add service into zone. If zone is empty, use default zone. If timeout is non-zero,
               the operation will be active only for the amount of seconds. To get a list of
               supported services, use org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.Methods.listServices. For
               permanent settings see

               Returns name of zone to which the service was added.


           addSource(s: zone, s: source) → s
               Bind source with zone. From now on all traffic going from this source will respect
               the zone's settings. A source address or address range is either an IP address or
               a network IP address with a mask for IPv4 or IPv6. For IPv4, the mask can be a
               network mask or a plain number. For IPv6 the mask is a plain number. Use of host
               names is not supported. If zone is empty, use default zone. For permanent settings

               Returns name of zone to which the source was bound.


           addSourcePort(s: zone, s: port, s: protocol, i: timeout) → s
               Add source port into zone. If zone is empty, use default zone. The port can either
               be a single port number or a port range portid-portid. The protocol can either be
               tcp or udp. If timeout is non-zero, the operation will be active only for the
               amount of seconds. For permanent settings see

               Returns name of zone to which the port was added.


           changeZone(s: zone, s: interface) → s
               This function is deprecated, use

           changeZoneOfInterface(s: zone, s: interface) → s
               Change a zone an interface is bound to to zone. It's basically
               removeInterface(interface) followed by addInterface(zone, interface). If interface
               has not been bound to a zone before, it behaves like addInterface. If zone is
               empty, use default zone.

               Returns name of zone to which the interface was bound.

               Possible errors: INVALID_ZONE, ZONE_ALREADY_SET, ZONE_CONFLICT

           changeZoneOfSource(s: zone, s: source) → s
               Change a zone an source is bound to to zone. It's basically removeSource(source)
               followed by addSource(zone, source). If source has not been bound to a zone
               before, it behaves like addSource. If zone is empty, use default zone.

               Returns name of zone to which the source was bound.

               Possible errors: INVALID_ZONE, ZONE_ALREADY_SET, ZONE_CONFLICT

           getActiveZones() → a{sa{sas}}
               Return dictionary of currently active zones altogether with interfaces and sources
               used in these zones. Active zones are zones, that have a binding to an interface
               or source.

               Return value is a dictionary where keys are zone names (s) and values are again
               dictionaries where keys are either 'interfaces' or 'sources' and values are arrays
               of interface names (s) or sources (s).

           getForwardPorts(s: zone) → aas
               Return array of IPv4 forward ports previously added into zone. If zone is empty,
               use default zone. For getting permanent settings see

               Return value is array of 4-tuples, where each 4-tuple consists of (port, protocol,
               to-port, to-addr). to-addr might be empty in case of local forwarding.

               Possible errors: INVALID_ZONE

           getIcmpBlocks(s: zone) → as
               Return array of ICMP type (s) blocks previously added into zone. If zone is empty,
               use default zone. For getting permanent settings see

               Possible errors: INVALID_ZONE

           getIcmpBlockInversion(s: zone) → b
               Return whether ICMP block inversion was previously added to zone. If zone is
               empty, use default zone. For getting permanent settings see

               Possible errors: INVALID_ZONE

           getInterfaces(s: zone) → as
               Return array of interfaces (s) previously bound with zone. If zone is empty, use
               default zone. For getting permanent settings see

               Possible errors: INVALID_ZONE

           getPorts(s: zone) → aas
               Return array of ports (2-tuple of port and protocol) previously enabled in zone.
               If zone is empty, use default zone. For getting permanent settings see

               Possible errors: INVALID_ZONE

           getProtocols(s: zone) → as
               Return array of protocols (s) previously enabled in zone. If zone is empty, use
               default zone. For getting permanent settings see

               Possible errors: INVALID_ZONE

           getRichRules(s: zone) → as
               Return array of rich language rules (s) previously added into zone. If zone is
               empty, use default zone. For getting permanent settings see

               Possible errors: INVALID_ZONE

           getServices(s: zone) → as
               Return array of services (s) previously enabled in zone. If zone is empty, use
               default zone. For getting permanent settings see

               Possible errors: INVALID_ZONE

           getSourcePorts(s: zone) → aas
               Return array of source ports (2-tuple of port and protocol) previously enabled in
               zone. If zone is empty, use default zone. For getting permanent settings see

               Possible errors: INVALID_ZONE

           getSources(s: zone) → as
               Return array of sources (s) previously bound with zone. If zone is empty, use
               default zone. For getting permanent settings see

               Possible errors: INVALID_ZONE

           getZoneOfInterface(s: interface) → s
               Return name (s) of zone the interface is bound to or empty string.

           getZoneOfSource(s: source) → s
               Return name (s) of zone the source is bound to or empty string.

           getZones() → as
               Return array of names (s) of predefined zones known to current runtime
               environment. For list of zones known to permanent environment see
               org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.config.Methods.listZones. The lists (of zones known
               to runtime and permanent environment) will contain same zones in most cases, but
               might differ for example if org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.config.Methods.addZone
               has been called recently, but firewalld has not been reloaded since then.

           isImmutable(s: zone) → b

           queryForwardPort(s: zone, s: port, s: protocol, s: toport, s: toaddr) → b
               Return whether the IPv4 forward port (port, protocol, toport, toaddr) has been
               added into zone. If zone is empty, use default zone. For permanent operation see


           queryIcmpBlock(s: zone, s: icmp) → b
               Return whether an ICMP block for icmp has been added into zone. If zone is empty,
               use default zone. For permanent operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_ZONE, INVALID_ICMPTYPE

           queryIcmpBlockInversion(s: zone) → b
               Return whether ICMP block inversion has been added to zone. If zone is empty, use
               default zone. For permanent operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_ZONE, INVALID_ICMPTYPE

           queryInterface(s: zone, s: interface) → b
               Query whether interface has been bound to zone. If zone is empty, use default
               zone. For permanent operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_ZONE, INVALID_INTERFACE

           queryMasquerade(s: zone) → b
               Return whether masquerading has been enabled in zone If zone is empty, use default
               zone. For permanent operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_ZONE

           queryPort(s: zone, s: port, s: protocol) → b
               Return whether port/protocol has been added in zone. If zone is empty, use default
               zone. For permanent operation see


           queryProtocol(s: zone, s: protocol) → b
               Return whether protocol has been added in zone. If zone is empty, use default
               zone. For permanent operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_ZONE, INVALID_PROTOCOL

           queryRichRule(s: zone, s: rule) → b
               Return whether rich rule rule has been added in zone. If zone is empty, use
               default zone. For permanent operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_ZONE, INVALID_RULE

           queryService(s: zone, s: service) → b
               Return whether service has been added for zone. If zone is empty, use default
               zone. For permanent operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_ZONE, INVALID_SERVICE

           querySource(s: zone, s: source) → b
               Query whether sourcehas been bound to zone. If zone is empty, use default zone.
               For permanent operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_ZONE, INVALID_ADDR

           querySourcePort(s: zone, s: port, s: protocol) → b
               Return whether port/protocol has been added in zone. If zone is empty, use default
               zone. For permanent operation see


           removeForwardPort(s: zone, s: port, s: protocol, s: toport, s: toaddr) → s
               Remove IPv4 forward port ((port, protocol, toport, toaddr)) from zone. If zone is
               empty, use default zone. For permanent operation see

               Returns name of zone from which the forward port was removed.


           removeIcmpBlock(s: zone, s: icmp) → s
               Remove ICMP block icmp from zone. If zone is empty, use default zone. For
               permanent operation see

               Returns name of zone from which the ICMP block was removed.


           removeIcmpBlockInversion(s: zone) → s
               Remove ICMP block inversion from zone. If zone is empty, use default zone. For
               permanent operation see

               Returns name of zone from which the ICMP block inversion was removed.

               Possible errors: INVALID_ZONE, NOT_ENABLED, INVALID_COMMAND

           removeInterface(s: zone, s: interface) → s
               Remove binding of interface from zone. If zone is empty, the interface will be
               removed from zone it belongs to. For permanent operation see

               Returns name of zone from which the interface was removed.


           removeMasquerade(s: zone) → s
               Disable masquerade for zone. If zone is empty, use default zone. For permanent
               operation see

               Returns name of zone for which the masquerade was disabled.

               Possible errors: INVALID_ZONE, NOT_ENABLED, INVALID_COMMAND

           removePort(s: zone, s: port, s: protocol) → s
               Remove port/protocol from zone. If zone is empty, use default zone. For permanent
               operation see

               Returns name of zone from which the port was removed.


           removeProtocol(s: zone, s: protocol) → s
               Remove protocol from zone. If zone is empty, use default zone. For permanent
               operation see

               Returns name of zone from which the protocol was removed.


           removeRichRule(s: zone, s: rule) → s
               Remove rich language rule from zone. If zone is empty, use default zone. For
               permanent operation see

               Returns name of zone from which the rich language rule was removed.


           removeService(s: zone, s: service) → s
               Remove service from zone. If zone is empty, use default zone. For permanent
               operation see

               Returns name of zone from which the service was removed.


           removeSource(s: zone, s: source) → s
               Remove binding of source from zone. If zone is empty, the source will be removed
               from zone it belongs to. For permanent operation see

               Returns name of zone from which the source was removed.


           removeSourcePort(s: zone, s: port, s: protocol) → s
               Remove port/protocol from zone. If zone is empty, use default zone. For permanent
               operation see

               Returns name of zone from which the source port was removed.


           ForwardPortAdded(s: zone, s: port, s: protocol, s: toport, s: toaddr, i: timeout)
               Emitted when forward port has been added to zone with timeout.

           ForwardPortRemoved(s: zone, s: port, s: protocol, s: toport, s: toaddr)
               Emitted when forward port has been removed from zone.

           IcmpBlockAdded(s: zone, s: icmp, i: timeout)
               Emitted when ICMP block for icmp has been added to zone with timeout.

           IcmpBlockInversionAdded(s: zone)
               Emitted when ICMP block inversion has been added to zone.

           IcmpBlockInversionRemoved(s: zone)
               Emitted when ICMP block inversion has been removed from zone.

           IcmpBlockRemoved(s: zone, s: icmp)
               Emitted when ICMP block for icmp has been removed from zone.

           InterfaceAdded(s: zone, s: interface)
               Emitted when interface has been added to zone.

           InterfaceRemoved(s: zone, s: interface)
               Emitted when interface has been removed from zone.

           MasqueradeAdded(s: zone, i: timeout)
               Emitted when masquerade has been enabled for zone.

           MasqueradeRemoved(s: zone)
               Emitted when masquerade has been disabled for zone.

           PortAdded(s: zone, s: port, s: protocol, i: timeout)
               Emitted when port/protocol has been added to zone with timeout.

           PortRemoved(s: zone, s: port, s: protocol)
               Emitted when port/protocol has been removed from zone.

           ProtocolAdded(s: zone, s: protocol, i: timeout)
               Emitted when protocol has been added to zone with timeout.

           ProtocolRemoved(s: zone, s: protocol)
               Emitted when protocol has been removed from zone.

           RichRuleAdded(s: zone, s: rule, i: timeout)
               Emitted when rich language rule has been added to zone with timeout.

           RichRuleRemoved(s: zone, s: rule)
               Emitted when rich language rule has been removed from zone.

           ServiceAdded(s: zone, s: service, i: timeout)
               Emitted when service has been added to zone with timeout.

           ServiceRemoved(s: zone, s: service)
               Emitted when service has been removed from zone.

           SourceAdded(s: zone, s: source)
               Emitted when source has been added to zone.

           SourcePortAdded(s: zone, s: port, s: protocol, i: timeout)
               Emitted when source-port/protocol has been added to zone with timeout.

           SourcePortRemoved(s: zone, s: port, s: protocol)
               Emitted when source-port/protocol has been removed from zone.

           SourceRemoved(s: zone, s: source)
               Emitted when source has been removed from zone.

           ZoneChanged(s: zone, s: interface)

           ZoneOfInterfaceChanged(s: zone, s: interface)
               Emitted when a zone an interface is part of has been changed to zone.

           ZoneOfSourceChanged(s: zone, s: source)
               Emitted when a zone an source is part of has been changed to zone.

       Allows to permanently add, remove and query zones, services and icmp types.

           addIPSet(s: ipset, (ssssa{ss}as): settings) → o
               Add ipset with given settings into permanent configuration. Settings are in
               format: version, name, description, type, dictionary of options and array of

               version (s): see version attribute of ipset tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

               name (s): see short tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

               description (s): see description tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

               type (s): see type attribute of ipset tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

               options (a{ss}): dictionary of {option : value} . See options tag in

               entries (as): array of entries, see entry tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

               Possible errors: NAME_CONFLICT, INVALID_NAME, INVALID_TYPE

           addIcmpType(s: icmptype, (sssas): settings) → o
               Add icmptype with given settings into permanent configuration. Settings are in
               format: version, name, description, array of destinations. Returns object path of
               the new icmp type.

               version (s): see version attribute of icmptype tag in firewalld.icmptype(5).

               name (s): see short tag in firewalld.icmptype(5).

               description (s): see description tag in firewalld.icmptype(5).

               destinations (as): array, either empty or containing strings 'ipv4' or 'ipv6', see
               destination tag in firewalld.icmptype(5).

               Possible errors: NAME_CONFLICT, INVALID_NAME, INVALID_TYPE

           addService(s: service, (sssa(ss)asa{ss}asa(ss)): settings) → o
               Add service with given settings into permanent configuration. Settings are in
               format: version, name, description, array of ports (port, protocol), array of
               module names, dictionary of destinations, array of protocols and array of
               source-ports (port, protocol). Returns object path of the new icmp type.

               version (s): see version attribute of service tag in firewalld.service(5).

               name (s): see short tag in firewalld.service(5).

               description (s): see description tag in firewalld.service(5).

               ports (a(ss)): array of port and protocol pairs. See port tag in

               module names (as): array of kernel netfilter helpers, see module tag in

               destinations (a{ss}): dictionary of {IP family : IP address} where 'IP family' key
               can be either 'ipv4' or 'ipv6'. See destination tag in firewalld.service(5).

               protocols (as): array of protocols. See protocol tag in firewalld.service(5).

               source-ports (a(ss)): array of port and protocol pairs. See source-port tag in

               Possible errors: NAME_CONFLICT, INVALID_NAME, INVALID_TYPE

           addZone(s: zone, (sssbsasa(ss)asba(ssss)asasasasa(ss)): settings) → o
               Add zone with given settings into permanent configuration. Settings are in format:
               version, name, description, UNUSED, target, array of services, array of ports
               (port, protocol), array of icmp-blocks, masquerade, array of forward-ports (port,
               protocol, to-port, to-addr), array of interfaces, array of sources, array of rich
               rules, array of protocols and array of source-ports (port, protocol).

               version (s): see version attribute of zone tag in

               name (s): see short tag in

               description (s): see description tag in

               UNUSED (b): this boolean value is no longer used for anything.

               target (s): see target attribute of zone tag in

               services (as): array of service names, see service tag in

               ports (a(ss)): array of port and protocol pairs. See port tag in

               icmp-blocks (as): array of icmp-blocks. See icmp-block tag in

               masquerade (b): see masquerade tag in

               forward-ports (a(ssss)): array of (port, protocol, to-port, to-addr). See
               forward-port tag in

               interfaces (as): array of interfaces. See interface tag in

               source addresses (as): array of source addresses. See source tag in

               rich rules (as): array of rich-language rules. See rule tag in

               protocols (as): array of protocols. See protocol tag in

               source-ports (a(ss)): array of port and protocol pairs. See source-port tag in

               Possible errors: NAME_CONFLICT, INVALID_NAME, INVALID_TYPE

           getHelperByName(s: helper) → o
               Return object path (permanent configuration) of helper with given name.

               Possible errors: INVALID_HELPER

           getHelperNames() → as
               Return list of helper names (permanent configuration).

           getIPSetByName(s: ipset) → o
               Return object path (permanent configuration) of ipset with given name.

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPSET

           getIPSetNames() → as
               Return list of ipset names (permanent configuration).

           getIcmpTypeByName(s: icmptype) → o
               Return object path (permanent configuration) of icmptype with given name.

               Possible errors: INVALID_ICMPTYPE

           getIcmpTypeNames() → as
               Return list of icmptype names (permanent configuration).

           getServiceByName(s: service) → o
               Return object path (permanent configuration) of service with given name.

               Possible errors: INVALID_SERVICE

           getServiceNames() → as
               Return list of service names (permanent configuration).

           getZoneByName(s: zone) → o
               Return object path (permanent configuration) of zone with given name.

               Possible errors: INVALID_ZONE

           getZoneNames() → as
               Return list of zone names (permanent configuration) of.

           getZoneOfInterface(s: iface) → s
               Return name of zone the iface is bound to or empty string.

           getZoneOfSource(s: source) → s
               Return name of zone the source is bound to or empty string.

           listHelpers() → ao
               Return array of object paths (o) of helper in permanent configuration. For runtime
               configuration see org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.Methods.getHelpers.

           listIPSets() → ao
               Return array of object paths (o) of ipset in permanent configuration. For runtime
               configuration see org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.ipset.Methods.getIPSets.

           listIcmpTypes() → ao
               Return array of object paths (o) of icmp types in permanent configuration. For
               runtime configuration see org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.Methods.listIcmpTypes.

           listServices() → ao
               Return array of objects paths (o) of services in permanent configuration. For
               runtime configuration see org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.Methods.listServices.

           listZones() → ao
               List object paths of zones known to permanent environment. For list of zones known
               to runtime environment see The
               lists (of zones known to runtime and permanent environment) will contain same
               zones in most cases, but might differ for example if
               org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.config.Methods.addZone has been called recently, but
               firewalld has not been reloaded since then.

           HelperAdded(s: helper)
               Emitted when helper has been added.

           IPSetAdded(s: ipset)
               Emitted when ipset has been added.

           IcmpTypeAdded(s: icmptype)
               Emitted when icmptype has been added.

           ServiceAdded(s: service)
               Emitted when service has been added.

           ZoneAdded(s: zone)
               Emitted when zone has been added.

           AutomaticHelpers - s - (rw)
               Indicates whether automatic helper assignment in kernel should be used or not.
               With the system setting this is left to the kernel or system default.

           CleanupOnExit - s - (rw)
               If firewalld stops, it cleans up all firewall rules. Setting this option to no or
               false leaves the current firewall rules untouched.

           DefaultZone - s - (ro)
               Default zone for connections or interfaces if the zone is not selected or
               specified by NetworkManager, initscripts or command line tool.

           IPv6_rpfilter - s - (rw)
               Indicates whether the reverse path filter test on a packet for IPv6 is enabled. If
               a reply to the packet would be sent via the same interface that the packet arrived
               on, the packet will match and be accepted, otherwise dropped.

           IndividualCalls - s - (ro)
               Indicates whether individual calls combined -restore calls are used. If enabled,
               this increases the time that is needed to apply changes and to start the daemon,
               but is good for debugging.

           Lockdown - s - (rw)
               If this property is enabled, firewall changes with the D-Bus interface will be
               limited to applications that are listed in the lockdown whitelist.

           LogDenied - s - (rw)
               If LogDenied is enabled, then logging rules are added right before reject and drop
               rules in the INPUT, FORWARD and OUTPUT chains for the default rules and also final
               reject and drop rules in zones. Possible values are: all, unicast, broadcast,
               multicast and off.

           MinimalMark - i - (rw)
               For some firewall settings several rules are needed in different tables to be able
               to handle packets in the correct way. To achieve that these packets are marked
               using the MARK target. With the MinimalMark property a block of marks can be
               reserved for private use; only marks over this value are used.
       Interface for permanent direct configuration, see also For runtime
       direct configuration see interface.

           addChain(s: ipv, s: table, s: chain) → Nothing
               Add a new chain to table for ipv being either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables)
               or eb (ebtables). Make sure there's no other chain with this name already. There
               already exist basic chains to use with direct methods, for example INPUT_direct
               chain. These chains are jumped into before chains for zones, i.e. every rule put
               into INPUT_direct will be checked before rules in zones. For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPV, INVALID_TABLE, ALREADY_ENABLED

           addPassthrough(s: ipv, as: args) → Nothing
               Add a passthrough rule with the arguments args for ipv being either ipv4
               (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables). For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPV, ALREADY_ENABLED

           addRule(s: ipv, s: table, s: chain, i: priority, as: args) → Nothing
               Add a rule with the arguments args to chain in table with priority for ipv being
               either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables). The priority is used
               to order rules. Priority 0 means add rule on top of the chain, with a higher
               priority the rule will be added further down. Rules with the same priority are on
               the same level and the order of these rules is not fixed and may change. If you
               want to make sure that a rule will be added after another one, use a low priority
               for the first and a higher for the following. For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPV, INVALID_TABLE, ALREADY_ENABLED

           getAllChains() → a(sss)
               Get all chains added to all tables in format: ipv, table, chain. This concerns
               only chains previously added with addChain. Return value is a array of (ipv,
               table, chain). For runtime operation see

               ipv (s): either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables).

               table (s): one of filter, mangle, nat, raw, security

               chain (s): name of a chain.

           getAllPassthroughs() → a(sas)
               Get all passthrough rules added in all ipv types in format: ipv, rule. This
               concerns only rules previously added with addPassthrough. Return value is a array
               of (ipv, array of arguments). For runtime operation see

               ipv (s): either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables).

               arguments (as): array of commands, parameters and other
               iptables/ip6tables/ebtables command line options.

           getAllRules() → a(sssias)
               Get all rules added to all chains in all tables in format: ipv, table, chain,
               priority, rule. This concerns only rules previously added with addRule. Return
               value is a array of (ipv, table, chain, priority, array of arguments). For runtime
               operation see

               ipv (s): either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables).

               table (s): one of filter, mangle, nat, raw, security

               chain (s): name of a chain.

               priority (i): used to order rules.

               arguments (as): array of commands, parameters and other
               iptables/ip6tables/ebtables command line options.

           getChains(s: ipv, s: table) → as
               Return an array of chains (s) added to table for ipv being either ipv4 (iptables)
               or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables). This concerns only chains previously added
               with addChain. For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPV, INVALID_TABLE

           getPassthroughs(s: ipv) → aas
               Get tracked passthrough rules added in either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables)
               or eb (ebtables). This concerns only rules previously added with addPassthrough.
               Return value is a array of (array of arguments). For runtime operation see

               arguments (as): array of commands, parameters and other
               iptables/ip6tables/ebtables command line options.

           getRules(s: ipv, s: table, s: chain) → a(ias)
               Get all rules added to chain in table for ipv being either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6
               (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables). This concerns only rules previously added with
               addRule. Return value is a array of (priority, array of arguments). For runtime
               operation see

               priority (i): used to order rules.

               arguments (as): array of commands, parameters and other
               iptables/ip6tables/ebtables command line options.

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPV, INVALID_TABLE

           getSettings() → (a(sss)a(sssias)a(sas))
               Get settings of permanent direct configuration in format: array of chains, array
               of rules, array of passthroughs.

               chains (a(sss)): array of (ipv, table, chain), see 'chain' in
                                 .PP rules (a(sssias)): array of (ipv, table, chain, priority,
               array of arguments), see 'rule' in
                                 .PP passthroughs (a(sas)): array of (ipv, array of arguments),
               see passthrough in

           queryChain(s: ipv, s: table, s: chain) → b
               Return whether a chain exists in table for ipv being either ipv4 (iptables) or
               ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables). This concerns only chains previously added with
               addChain. For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPV, INVALID_TABLE

           queryPassthrough(s: ipv, as: args) → b
               Return whether a tracked passthrough rule with the arguments args exists for ipv
               being either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables). This concerns
               only rules previously added with addPassthrough. For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPV

           queryRule(s: ipv, s: table, s: chain, i: priority, as: args) → b
               Return whether a rule with priority and the arguments args exists in chain in
               table for ipv being either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables).
               This concerns only rules previously added with addRule. For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPV, INVALID_TABLE

           removeChain(s: ipv, s: table, s: chain) → Nothing
               Remove a chain from table for ipv being either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables)
               or eb (ebtables). Only chains previously added with addChain can be removed this
               way. For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPV, INVALID_TABLE, NOT_ENABLED

           removePassthrough(s: ipv, as: args) → Nothing
               Remove a passthrough rule with arguments args for ipv being either ipv4 (iptables)
               or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables). Only rules previously added with
               addPassthrough can be removed this way. For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPV, NOT_ENABLED

           removeRule(s: ipv, s: table, s: chain, i: priority, as: args) → Nothing
               Remove a rule with priority and arguments args from chain in table for ipv being
               either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6 (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables). Only rules previously
               added with addRule can be removed this way. For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPV, INVALID_TABLE, NOT_ENABLED

           removeRules(s: ipv, s: table, s: chain) → Nothing
               Remove all rules from chain in table for ipv being either ipv4 (iptables) or ipv6
               (ip6tables) or eb (ebtables). This concerns only rules previously added with
               addRule. For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_IPV, INVALID_TABLE

           update((a(sss)a(sssias)a(sas)): settings) → Nothing
               Update permanent direct configuration with given settings. Settings are in format:
               array of chains, array of rules, array of passthroughs.

               chains (a(sss)): array of (ipv, table, chain), see 'chain' in
                                 .PP rules (a(sssias)): array of (ipv, table, chain, priority,
               array of arguments), see 'rule' in
                                 .PP passthroughs (a(sas)): array of (ipv, array of arguments),
               see passthrough in
                               .sp Possible errors: INVALID_TYPE

               Emitted when configuration has been updated.

       Interface for permanent lockdown-whitelist configuration, see also firewalld.lockdown-
       whitelist(5). For runtime configuration see org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.policies

           addLockdownWhitelistCommand(s: command) → Nothing
               Add command to whitelist. See command option in firewalld.lockdown-whitelist(5).
               For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED, INVALID_TYPE

           addLockdownWhitelistContext(s: context) → Nothing
               Add context to whitelist. See selinux option in firewalld.lockdown-whitelist(5).
               For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED, INVALID_TYPE

           addLockdownWhitelistUid(i: uid) → Nothing
               Add user id uid to whitelist. See user option in firewalld.lockdown-whitelist(5).
               For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED, INVALID_TYPE

           addLockdownWhitelistUser(s: user) → Nothing
               Add user name to whitelist. See user option in firewalld.lockdown-whitelist(5).
               For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED, INVALID_TYPE

           getLockdownWhitelist() → (asasasai)
               Get settings of permanent lockdown-whitelist configuration in format: commands,
               selinux contexts, users, uids

               commands (as): see command option in firewalld.lockdown-whitelist(5).

               selinux contexts (as): see selinux option in firewalld.lockdown-whitelist(5).

               users (as): see name attribute of user option in firewalld.lockdown-whitelist(5).

               uids (ai): see id attribute of user option in firewalld.lockdown-whitelist(5).

           getLockdownWhitelistCommands() → as
               List all command lines (s) that are on whitelist. For runtime operation see

           getLockdownWhitelistContexts() → as
               List all contexts (s) that are on whitelist. For runtime operation see

           getLockdownWhitelistUids() → ai
               List all user ids (i) that are on whitelist. For runtime operation see

           getLockdownWhitelistUsers() → as
               List all users (s) that are on whitelist. For runtime operation see

           queryLockdownWhitelistCommand(s: command) → b
               Query whether command is on whitelist. For runtime operation see

           queryLockdownWhitelistContext(s: context) → b
               Query whether context is on whitelist. For runtime operation see

           queryLockdownWhitelistUid(i: uid) → b
               Query whether user id uid is on whitelist. For runtime operation see

           queryLockdownWhitelistUser(s: user) → b
               Query whether user is on whitelist. For runtime operation see

           removeLockdownWhitelistCommand(s: command) → Nothing
               Remove command from whitelist. For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           removeLockdownWhitelistContext(s: context) → Nothing
               Remove context from whitelist. For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           removeLockdownWhitelistUid(i: uid) → Nothing
               Remove user id uid from whitelist. For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           removeLockdownWhitelistUser(s: user) → Nothing
               Remove user from whitelist. For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           setLockdownWhitelist((asasasai): settings) → Nothing
               Set permanent lockdown-whitelist configuration to settings. Settings are in
               format: commands, selinux contexts, users, uids

               commands (as): see command option in firewalld.lockdown-whitelist(5).

               selinux contexts (as): see selinux option in firewalld.lockdown-whitelist(5).

               users (as): see name attribute of user option in firewalld.lockdown-whitelist(5).

               uids (ai): see id attribute of user option in firewalld.lockdown-whitelist(5).

               Possible errors: INVALID_TYPE

               Emitted when permanent lockdown-whitelist configuration has been updated.

       Interface for permanent ipset configuration, see also firewalld.ipset(5).

           addEntry(s: entry) → Nothing
               Permanently add entry to list of entries of ipset. See entry tag in
               firewalld.ipset(5). For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED

           addOption(s: key, s: value) → Nothing
               Permanently add (key, value) to the ipset. See option tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED

           getDescription() → s
               Get description of ipset. See description tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

           getEntries() → as
               Get list of entries added to ipset. See entry tag in firewalld.ipset(5). For
               runtime operation see org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.ipset.Methods.getEntries.

               Possible errors: IPSET_WITH_TIMEOUT

           getOptions() → a{ss}
               Get dictionary of options set for ipset. See option tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

           getSettings() → (ssssa{ss}as)
               Return permament settings of the ipset. For getting runtime settings see
               org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.ipset.Methods.getIPSetSettings. Settings are in
               format: version, name, description, type, dictionary of options and array of

               version (s): see version attribute of ipset tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

               name (s): see short tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

               description (s): see description tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

               type (s): see type attribute of ipset tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

               options (a{ss}): dictionary of {option : value} . See options tag in

               entries (as): array of entries, see entry tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

           getShort() → s
               Get name of ipset. See short tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

           getType() → s
               Get type of ipset. See type attribute of ipset tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

           getVersion() → s
               Get version of ipset. See version attribute of ipset tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

           loadDefaults() → Nothing
               Load default settings for built-in ipset.

               Possible errors: NO_DEFAULTS

           queryEntry(s: entry) → b
               Return whether entry has been added to ipset. For runtime operation see

           queryOption(s: key, s: value) → b
               Return whether (key, value) has been added to options of the ipset.

           remove() → Nothing
               Remove not built-in ipset.

               Possible errors: BUILTIN_IPSET

           removeEntry(s: entry) → Nothing
               Permanently remove entry from ipset. See entry tag in firewalld.ipset(5). For
               runtime operation see org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.ipset.Methods.removeEntry.

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           removeOption(s: key) → Nothing
               Permanently remove key from the ipset. See option tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           rename(s: name) → Nothing
               Rename not built-in ipset to name.

               Possible errors: BUILTIN_IPSET

           setDescription(s: description) → Nothing
               Permanently set description of ipset to description. See description tag in

           setEntries(as: entries) → Nothing
               Permanently set list of entries to entries. See entry tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

           setOptions(a{ss}: options) → Nothing
               Permanently set dict of options to options. See option tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

           setShort(s: short) → Nothing
               Permanently set name of ipset to short. See short tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

           setType(s: ipset_type) → Nothing
               Permanently set type of ipset to ipset_type. See type attribute of ipset tag in

           setVersion(s: version) → Nothing
               Permanently set version of ipset to version. See version attribute of ipset tag in

           update((ssssa{ss}as): settings) → Nothing
               Update settings of ipset to settings. Settings are in format: version, name,
               description, type, dictionary of options and array of entries.

               version (s): see version attribute of ipset tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

               name (s): see short tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

               description (s): see description tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

               type (s): see type attribute of ipset tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

               options (a{ss}): dictionary of {option : value} . See options tag in

               entries (as): array of entries, see entry tag in firewalld.ipset(5).

               Possible errors: INVALID_TYPE

           Removed(s: name)
               Emitted when ipset with name has been removed.

           Renamed(s: name)
               Emitted when ipset has been renamed to name.

           Updated(s: name)
               Emitted when ipset with name has been updated.

           builtin - b - (ro)
               True if ipset is build-in, false else.

           default - b - (ro)
               True if build-in ipset has default settings. False if it has been modified. Always
               False for not build-in ipsets.

           filename - s - (ro)
               Name (including .xml extension) of file where the configuration is stored.

           name - s - (ro)
               Name of ipset.

           path - s - (ro)
               Path to directory where the ipset configuration is stored. Should be either
               /usr/lib/firewalld/ipsets or /etc/firewalld/ipsets.
       Interface for permanent zone configuration, see also

           addForwardPort(s: port, s: protocol, s: toport, s: toaddr) → Nothing
               Permanently add (port, protocol, toport, toaddr) to list of forward ports of zone.
               See forward-port tag in For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED

           addIcmpBlock(s: icmptype) → Nothing
               Permanently add icmptype to list of icmp types blocked in zone. See icmp-block tag
               in For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED

           addIcmpBlock(s: icmptype) → Nothing
               Permanently add icmp block inversion to zone. See icmp-block-inversion tag in
      For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED

           addInterface(s: interface) → Nothing
               Permanently add interface to list of interfaces bound to zone. See interface tag
               in For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED

           addMasquerade() → Nothing
               Permanently enable masquerading in zone. See masquerade tag in
               For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED

           addPort(s: port, s: protocol) → Nothing
               Permanently add (port, protocol) to list of ports of zone. See port tag in
      For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED

           addProtocol(s: protocol) → Nothing
               Permanently add protocol into zone. The protocol can be any protocol supported by
               the system. Please have a look at /etc/protocols for supported protocols. For
               runtime operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_PROTOCOL, ALREADY_ENABLED

           addRichRule(s: rule) → Nothing
               Permanently add rule to list of rich-language rules in zone. See rule tag in
      For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED

           addService(s: service) → Nothing
               Permanently add service to list of services used in zone. See service tag in
      For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED

           addSource(s: source) → Nothing
               Permanently add source to list of source addresses bound to zone. See source tag
               in For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED

           addSourcePort(s: port, s: protocol) → Nothing
               Permanently add (port, protocol) to list of source ports of zone. See source-port
               tag in For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED

           getDescription() → s
               Get description of zone. See description tag in

           getForwardPorts() → a(ssss)
               Get list of (port, protocol, toport, toaddr) defined in zone. See forward-port tag
               in For runtime operation see

           getIcmpBlockInversion() → b
               Get icmp block inversion flag of zone. See icmp-block-inversion tag in

           getIcmpBlocks() → as
               Get list of icmp type names blocked in zone. See icmp-block tag in
      For runtime operation see

           getInterfaces() → as
               Get list of interfaces bound to zone. See interface tag in For
               runtime operation see

           getMasquerade() → b
               Return whether masquerade is enabled in zone. This is the same as
               queryMasquerade() method. See masquerade tag in

           getPorts() → a(ss)
               Get list of (port, protocol) defined in zone. See port tag in
               For runtime operation see

           getProtocols() → as
               Return array of protocols (s) previously enabled in zone. For getting runtime
               settings see

           getRichRules() → as
               Get list of rich-language rules in zone. See rule tag in For
               runtime operation see

           getServices() → as
               Get list of service names used in zone. See service tag in For
               runtime operation see

           getSettings() → (sssbsasa(ss)asba(ssss)asasasasa(ss))
               Return permanent settings of given zone. For getting runtime settings see
               org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.Methods.getZoneSettings. Settings are in format:
               version, name, description, UNUSED, target, array of services, array of ports
               (port, protocol), array of icmp-blocks, masquerade, array of forward-ports (port,
               protocol, to-port, to-addr), array of interfaces, array of sources, array of rich
               rules, array of protocols and array of source-ports (port, protocol).

               version (s): see version attribute of zone tag in

               name (s): see short tag in

               description (s): see description tag in

               UNUSED (b): this boolean value is no longer used for anything.

               target (s): see target attribute of zone tag in

               services (as): array of service names, see service tag in

               ports (a(ss)): array of port and protocol pairs. See port tag in

               icmp-blocks (as): array of icmp-blocks. See icmp-block tag in

               masquerade (b): see masquerade tag in

               forward-ports (a(ssss)): array of (port, protocol, to-port, to-addr). See
               forward-port tag in

               interfaces (as): array of interfaces. See interface tag in

               source addresses (as): array of source addresses. See source tag in

               rich rules (as): array of rich-language rules. See rule tag in

               protocols (as): array of protocols. See protocol tag in

               source-ports (a(ss)): array of port and protocol pairs. See source-port tag in

           getShort() → s
               Get name of zone. See short tag in

           getSourcePorts() → a(ss)
               Get list of (port, protocol) defined in zone. See source-port tag in
      For runtime operation see

           getSources() → as
               Get list of source addresses bound to zone. See source tag in
               For runtime operation see

           getTarget() → s
               Get target of zone. See target attribute of zone tag in

           getVersion() → s
               Get version of zone. See version attribute of zone tag in

           loadDefaults() → Nothing
               Load default settings for built-in zone.

               Possible errors: NO_DEFAULTS

           queryForwardPort(s: port, s: protocol, s: toport, s: toaddr) → b
               Return whether (port, protocol, toport, toaddr) is in list of forward ports of
               zone. See forward-port tag in For runtime operation see

           queryIcmpBlock(s: icmptype) → b
               Return whether icmptype is in list of icmp types blocked in zone. See icmp-block
               tag in For runtime operation see

           queryIcmpBlockInversion() → b
               Return whether icmp block inversion is in enabled in zone. See
               icmp-block-inversion tag in For runtime operation see

           queryInterface(s: interface) → b
               Return whether interface is in list of interfaces bound to zone. See interface tag
               in For runtime operation see

           queryMasquerade() → b
               Return whether masquerade is enabled in zone. This is the same as getMasquerade()
               method. See masquerade tag in For runtime operation see

           queryPort(s: port, s: protocol) → b
               Return whether (port, protocol) is in list of ports of zone. See port tag in
      For runtime operation see

           queryProtocol(s: protocol) → b
               Return whether protocol has been added in zone. For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_PROTOCOL

           queryRichRule(s: rule) → b
               Return whether rule is in list of rich-language rules in zone. See rule tag in
      For runtime operation see

           queryService(s: service) → b
               Return whether service is in list of services used in zone. See service tag in
      For runtime operation see

           querySource(s: source) → b
               Return whether source is in list of source addresses bound to zone. See source tag
               in For runtime operation see

           querySourcePort(s: port, s: protocol) → b
               Return whether (port, protocol) is in list of source ports of zone. See
               source-port tag in For runtime operation see

           remove() → Nothing
               Remove not built-in zone.

               Possible errors: BUILTIN_ZONE

           removeForwardPort(s: port, s: protocol, s: toport, s: toaddr) → Nothing
               Permanently remove (port, protocol, toport, toaddr) from list of forward ports of
               zone. See forward-port tag in For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           removeIcmpBlock(s: icmptype) → Nothing
               Permanently remove icmptype from list of icmp types blocked in zone. See
               icmp-block tag in For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           removeIcmpBlockInversion() → Nothing
               Permanently remove icmp block inversion from the zone. See icmp-block-inversion
               tag in For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           removeInterface(s: interface) → Nothing
               Permanently remove interface from list of interfaces bound to zone. See interface
               tag in For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           removeMasquerade() → Nothing
               Permanently disable masquerading in zone. See masquerade tag in
               For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           removePort(s: port, s: protocol) → Nothing
               Permanently remove (port, protocol) from list of ports of zone. See port tag in
      For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           removeProtocol(s: protocol) → Nothing
               Permanently remove protocol from zone. For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: INVALID_PROTOCOL, NOT_ENABLED

           removeRichRule(s: rule) → Nothing
               Permanently remove rule from list of rich-language rules in zone. See rule tag in
      For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           removeService(s: service) → Nothing
               Permanently remove service from list of services used in zone. See service tag in
      For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           removeSource(s: source) → Nothing
               Permanently remove source from list of source addresses bound to zone. See source
               tag in For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           removeSourcePort(s: port, s: protocol) → Nothing
               Permanently remove (port, protocol) from list of source ports of zone. See
               source-port tag in For runtime operation see

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           rename(s: name) → Nothing
               Rename not built-in zone to name.

               Possible errors: BUILTIN_ZONE

           setDescription(s: description) → Nothing
               Permanently set description of zone to description. See description tag in

           setForwardPorts(a(ssss): ports) → Nothing
               Permanently set forward ports of zone to list of (port, protocol, toport, toaddr).
               See forward-port tag in

           setIcmpBlockInversion(b: flag) → Nothing
               Permanently set icmp block inversion flag of zone to flag. See
               icmp-block-inversion tag in

           setIcmpBlocks(as: icmptypes) → Nothing
               Permanently set list of icmp types blocked in zone to icmptypes. See icmp-block
               tag in

           setInterfaces(as: interfaces) → Nothing
               Permanently set list of interfaces bound to zone to interfaces. See interface tag

           setMasquerade(b: masquerade) → Nothing
               Permanently set masquerading in zone to masquerade. See masquerade tag in

           setPorts(a(ss): ports) → Nothing
               Permanently set ports of zone to list of (port, protocol). See port tag in

           setProtocols(as: protocols) → Nothing
               Permanently set list of protocols used in zone to protocols. See protocol tag in

           setRichRules(as: rules) → Nothing
               Permanently set list of rich-language rules to rules. See rule tag in

           setServices(as: services) → Nothing
               Permanently set list of services used in zone to services. See service tag in

           setShort(s: short) → Nothing
               Permanently set name of zone to short. See short tag in

           setSourcePorts(a(ss): ports) → Nothing
               Permanently set source-ports of zone to list of (port, protocol). See source-port
               tag in

           setSources(as: sources) → Nothing
               Permanently set list of source addresses bound to zone to sources. See source tag

           setTarget(s: target) → Nothing
               Permanently set target of zone to target. See target attribute of zone tag in

           setVersion(s: version) → Nothing
               Permanently set version of zone to version. See version attribute of zone tag in

           update((sssbsasa(ss)asba(ssss)asasasasa(ss)): settings) → Nothing
               Update settings of zone to settings. Settings are in format: version, name,
               description, UNUSED, target, array of services, array of ports (port, protocol),
               array of icmp-blocks, masquerade, array of forward-ports (port, protocol, to-port,
               to-addr), array of interfaces, array of sources, array of rich rules, array of
               protocols and array of source-ports (port, protocol).

               version (s): see version attribute of zone tag in

               name (s): see short tag in

               description (s): see description tag in

               UNUSED (b): this boolean value is no longer used for anything.

               target (s): see target attribute of zone tag in

               services (as): array of service names, see service tag in

               ports (a(ss)): array of port and protocol pairs. See port tag in

               icmp-blocks (as): array of icmp-blocks. See icmp-block tag in

               masquerade (b): see masquerade tag in

               forward-ports (a(ssss)): array of (port, protocol, to-port, to-addr). See
               forward-port tag in

               interfaces (as): array of interfaces. See interface tag in

               source addresses (as): array of source addresses. See source tag in

               rich rules (as): array of rich-language rules. See rule tag in

               protocols (as): array of protocols. See protocol tag in

               source-ports (a(ss)): array of port and protocol pairs. See source-port tag in

               Possible errors: INVALID_TYPE

           Removed(s: name)
               Emitted when zone with name has been removed.

           Renamed(s: name)
               Emitted when zone has been renamed to name.

           Updated(s: name)
               Emitted when zone with name has been updated.

           builtin - b - (ro)
               True if zone is build-in, false else.

           default - b - (ro)
               True if build-in zone has default settings. False if it has been modified. Always
               False for not build-in zones.

           filename - s - (ro)
               Name (including .xml extension) of file where the configuration is stored.

           name - s - (ro)
               Name of zone.

           path - s - (ro)
               Path to directory where the zone configuration is stored. Should be either
               /usr/lib/firewalld/zones or /etc/firewalld/zones.

       Interface for permanent service configuration, see also firewalld.service(5).

           addModule(s: module) → Nothing
               Permanently add module to list of modules (netfilter kernel helpers) used in
               service. See module tag in firewalld.service(5).

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED

           addPort(s: port, s: protocol) → Nothing
               Permanently add (port, protocol) to list of ports in service. See port tag in

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED

           addProtocol(s: protocol) → Nothing
               Permanently add protocol into zone. The protocol can be any protocol supported by
               the system. Please have a look at /etc/protocols for supported protocols. See
               protocol tag in firewalld.service(5).

               Possible errors: INVALID_PROTOCOL, ALREADY_ENABLED

           addSourcePort(s: port, s: protocol) → Nothing
               Permanently add (port, protocol) to list of source ports in service. See
               source-port tag in firewalld.service(5).

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED

           getDescription() → s
               Get description of service. See description tag in firewalld.service(5).

           getDestination(s: family) → s
               Get destination for IP family being either 'ipv4' or 'ipv6'. See destination tag
               in firewalld.service(5).

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED

           getDestinations() → a{ss}
               Get list of destinations. Return value is a dictionary of {IP family : IP address}
               where 'IP family' key can be either 'ipv4' or 'ipv6'. See destination tag in

           getModules() → as
               Get list of modules (netfilter kernel helpers) used in service. See module tag in

           getPorts() → a(ss)
               Get list of (port, protocol) defined in service. See port tag in

           getProtocols() → as
               Return array of protocols (s) defined in service. See protocol tag in

           getSettings() → (sssa(ss)asa{ss}asa(ss))
               Return permanent settings of a service. For getting runtime settings see
               org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.Methods.getServiceSettings. Settings are in format:
               version, name, description, array of ports (port, protocol), array of module
               names, dictionary of destinations, array of protocols and array of source-ports
               (port, protocol).

               version (s): see version attribute of service tag in firewalld.service(5).

               name (s): see short tag in firewalld.service(5).

               description (s): see description tag in firewalld.service(5).

               ports (a(ss)): array of port and protocol pairs. See port tag in

               module names (as): array of kernel netfilter helpers, see module tag in

               destinations (a{ss}): dictionary of {IP family : IP address} where 'IP family' key
               can be either 'ipv4' or 'ipv6'. See destination tag in firewalld.service(5).

               protocols (as): array of protocols. See protocol tag in firewalld.service(5).

               source-ports (a(ss)): array of port and protocol pairs. See source-port tag in

           getShort() → s
               Get name of service. See short tag in firewalld.service(5).

           getSourcePorts() → a(ss)
               Get list of (port, protocol) defined in service. See source-port tag in

           getVersion() → s
               Get version of service. See version attribute of service tag in

           loadDefaults() → Nothing
               Load default settings for built-in service.

               Possible errors: NO_DEFAULTS

           queryDestination(s: family, s: address) → b
               Return whether a destination is in dictionary of destinations of this service.
               destination is in format: (IP family, IP address) where IP family can be either
               'ipv4' or 'ipv6'. See destination tag in firewalld.service(5).

           queryModule(s: module) → b
               Return whether module is in list of modules (netfilter kernel helpers) used in
               service. See module tag in firewalld.service(5).

           queryPort(s: port, s: protocol) → b
               Return whether (port, protocol) is in list of ports in service. See port tag in

           queryProtocol(s: protocol) → b
               Return whether protocol is in list of protocols in service. See protocol tag in

           querySourcePort(s: port, s: protocol) → b
               Return whether (port, protocol) is in list of source ports in service. See
               source-port tag in firewalld.service(5).

           remove() → Nothing
               Remove not built-in service.

               Possible errors: BUILTIN_SERVICE

           removeDestination(s: family) → Nothing
               Permanently remove a destination with family ('ipv4' or 'ipv6') from service. See
               destination tag in firewalld.service(5).

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           removeModule(s: module) → Nothing
               Permanently remove module from list of modules (netfilter kernel helpers) used in
               service. See module tag in firewalld.service(5).

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           removePort(s: port, s: protocol) → Nothing
               Permanently remove (port, protocol) from list of ports in service. See port tag in

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           removeProtocol(s: protocol) → Nothing
               Permanently remove protocol from list of protocols in service. See protocol tag in

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           removeSourcePort(s: port, s: protocol) → Nothing
               Permanently remove (port, protocol) from list of source ports in service. See
               source-port tag in firewalld.service(5).

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           rename(s: name) → Nothing
               Rename not built-in service to name.

               Possible errors: BUILTIN_SERVICE

           setDescription(s: description) → Nothing
               Permanently set description of service to description. See description tag in

           setDestination(s: family, s: address) → Nothing
               Permanently set a destination address. destination is in format: (IP family, IP
               address) where IP family can be either 'ipv4' or 'ipv6'. See destination tag in

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED

           setDestinations(a{ss}: destinations) → Nothing
               Permanently set destinations of service to destinations, which is a dictionary of
               {IP family : IP address} where 'IP family' key can be either 'ipv4' or 'ipv6'. See
               destination tag in firewalld.service(5).

           setModules(as: modules) → Nothing
               Permanently set list of modules (netfilter kernel helpers) used in service to
               modules. See module tag in firewalld.service(5).

           setPorts(a(ss): ports) → Nothing
               Permanently set ports of service to list of (port, protocol). See port tag in

           setProtocols(as: protocols) → Nothing
               Permanently set protocols of service to list of protocols. See protocol tag in

           setShort(s: short) → Nothing
               Permanently set name of service to short. See short tag in firewalld.service(5).

           setSourcePorts(a(ss): ports) → Nothing
               Permanently set source-ports of service to list of (port, protocol). See
               source-port tag in firewalld.service(5).

           setVersion(s: version) → Nothing
               Permanently set version of service to version. See version attribute of service
               tag in firewalld.service(5).

           update((sssa(ss)asa{ss}asa(ss)): settings) → Nothing
               Update settings of service to settings. Settings are in format: version, name,
               description, array of ports (port, protocol), array of module names, dictionary of
               destinations, array of protocols and array of source-ports (port, protocol).

               version (s): see version attribute of service tag in firewalld.service(5).

               name (s): see short tag in firewalld.service(5).

               description (s): see description tag in firewalld.service(5).

               ports (a(ss)): array of port and protocol pairs. See port tag in

               module names (as): array of kernel netfilter helpers, see module tag in

               destinations (a{ss}): dictionary of {IP family : IP address} where 'IP family' key
               can be either 'ipv4' or 'ipv6'. See destination tag in firewalld.service(5).

               protocols (as): array of protocols. See protocol tag in firewalld.service(5).

               Possible errors: INVALID_TYPE

           Removed(s: name)
               Emitted when service with name has been removed.

           Renamed(s: name)
               Emitted when service has been renamed to name.

           Updated(s: name)
               Emitted when service with name has been updated.

           builtin - b - (ro)
               True if service is build-in, false else.

           default - b - (ro)
               True if build-in service has default settings. False if it has been modified.
               Always False for not build-in services.

           filename - s - (ro)
               Name (including .xml extension) of file where the configuration is stored.

           name - s - (ro)
               Name of service.

           path - s - (ro)
               Path to directory where the configuration is stored. Should be either
               /usr/lib/firewalld/services or /etc/firewalld/services.

       Interface for permanent helper configuration, see also firewalld.helper(5).

           addPort(s: port, s: protocol) → Nothing
               Permanently add (port, protocol) to list of ports in helper. See port tag in

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED

           getDescription() → s
               Get description of helper. See description tag in firewalld.helper(5).

           getFamily() → s
               Get family being 'ipv4', 'ipv6' or empty for both. See family tag in

           getModule() → s
               Get modules (netfilter kernel helpers) used in helper. See module tag in

           getPorts() → a(ss)
               Get list of (port, protocol) defined in helper. See port tag in

           getSettings() → (sssssa(ss))
               Return permanent settings of a helper. For getting runtime settings see
               org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.Methods.getHelperSettings. Settings are in format:
               version, name, description, family, module, array of ports (port, protocol).

               version (s): see version attribute of helper tag in firewalld.helper(5).

               name (s): see short tag in firewalld.helper(5).

               description (s): see description tag in firewalld.helper(5).

               family (s): see family tag in firewalld.helper(5).

               module (s): see module tag in firewalld.helper(5).

               ports (a(ss)): array of port and protocol pairs. See port tag in

           getShort() → s
               Get name of helper. See short tag in firewalld.helper(5).

           getVersion() → s
               Get version of helper. See version attribute of helper tag in firewalld.helper(5).

           loadDefaults() → Nothing
               Load default settings for built-in helper.

               Possible errors: NO_DEFAULTS

           queryFamily(s: module) → b
               Return whether family is set for helper. See family tag in firewalld.helper(5).

           queryModule(s: module) → b
               Return whether module (netfilter kernel helpers) is used in helper. See module tag
               in firewalld.helper(5).

           queryPort(s: port, s: protocol) → b
               Return whether (port, protocol) is in list of ports in helper. See port tag in

           remove() → Nothing
               Remove not built-in helper.

               Possible errors: BUILTIN_HELPER

           removePort(s: port, s: protocol) → Nothing
               Permanently remove (port, protocol) from list of ports in helper. See port tag in

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           rename(s: name) → Nothing
               Rename not built-in helper to name.

               Possible errors: BUILTIN_HELPER

           setDescription(s: description) → Nothing
               Permanently set description of helper to description. See description tag in

           setFamily(s: family) → Nothing
               Permanently set family of helper to family. See family tag in firewalld.helper(5).

           setModule(s: module) → Nothing
               Permanently set module of helper to description. See module tag in

           setPorts(a(ss): ports) → Nothing
               Permanently set ports of helper to list of (port, protocol). See port tag in

           setShort(s: short) → Nothing
               Permanently set name of helper to short. See short tag in firewalld.helper(5).

           setVersion(s: version) → Nothing
               Permanently set version of helper to version. See version attribute of helper tag
               in firewalld.helper(5).

           update((sssssa(ss)): settings) → Nothing
               Update settings of helper to settings. Settings are in format: version, name,
               description, family, module and array of ports.

               version (s): see version attribute of helper tag in firewalld.helper(5).

               name (s): see short tag in firewalld.helper(5).

               description (s): see description tag in firewalld.helper(5).

               family (s): see family tag in firewalld.helper(5).

               module (s): see module tag in firewalld.helper(5).

               ports (a(ss)): array of port and protocol pairs. See port tag in

               Possible errors: INVALID_HELPER

           Removed(s: name)
               Emitted when helper with name has been removed.

           Renamed(s: name)
               Emitted when helper has been renamed to name.

           Updated(s: name)
               Emitted when helper with name has been updated.

           builtin - b - (ro)
               True if helper is build-in, false else.

           default - b - (ro)
               True if build-in helper has default settings. False if it has been modified.
               Always False for not build-in helpers.

           filename - s - (ro)
               Name (including .xml extension) of file where the configuration is stored.

           name - s - (ro)
               Name of helper.

           path - s - (ro)
               Path to directory where the configuration is stored. Should be either
               /usr/lib/firewalld/helpers or /etc/firewalld/helpers.

       Interface for permanent icmp type configuration, see also firewalld.icmptype(5).

           addDestination(s: destination) → Nothing
               Permanently add a destination ('ipv4' or 'ipv6') to list of destinations of this
               icmp type. See destination tag in firewalld.icmptype(5).

               Possible errors: ALREADY_ENABLED

           getDescription() → s
               Get description of icmp type. See description tag in firewalld.icmptype(5).

           getDestinations() → as
               Get list of destinations. See destination tag in firewalld.icmptype(5).

           getSettings() → (sssas)
               Return permanent settings of icmp type. For getting runtime settings see
               org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.Methods.getIcmpTypeSettings. Settings are in format:
               version, name, description, array of destinations.

               version (s): see version attribute of icmptype tag in firewalld.icmptype(5).

               name (s): see short tag in firewalld.icmptype(5).

               description (s): see description tag in firewalld.icmptype(5).

               destinations (as): array, either empty or containing strings 'ipv4' and/or 'ipv6',
               see destination tag in firewalld.icmptype(5).

           getShort() → s
               Get name of icmp type. See short tag in firewalld.icmptype(5).

           getVersion() → s
               Get version of icmp type. See version attribute of icmptype tag in

           loadDefaults() → Nothing
               Load default settings for built-in icmp type.

               Possible errors: NO_DEFAULTS

           queryDestination(s: destination) → b
               Return whether a destination ('ipv4' or 'ipv6') is in list of destinations of this
               icmp type. See destination tag in firewalld.icmptype(5).

           remove() → Nothing
               Remove not built-in icmp type.

               Possible errors: BUILTIN_ICMPTYPE

           removeDestination(s: destination) → Nothing
               Permanently remove a destination ('ipv4' or 'ipv6') from list of destinations of
               this icmp type. See destination tag in firewalld.icmptype(5).

               Possible errors: NOT_ENABLED

           rename(s: name) → Nothing
               Rename not built-in icmp type to name.

               Possible errors: BUILTIN_ICMPTYPE

           setDescription(s: description) → Nothing
               Permanently set description of icmp type to description. See description tag in

           setDestinations(as: destinations) → Nothing
               Permanently set destinations of icmp type to destinations, which is array, either
               empty or containing strings 'ipv4' and/or 'ipv6'. See destination tag in

           setShort(s: short) → Nothing
               Permanently set name of icmp type to short. See short tag in

           setVersion(s: version) → Nothing
               Permanently set version of icmp type to version. See version attribute of icmptype
               tag in firewalld.icmptype(5).

           update((sssas): settings) → Nothing
               Update permanent settings of icmp type to settings. Settings are in format:
               version, name, description, array of destinations.

               version (s): see version attribute of icmptype tag in firewalld.icmptype(5).

               name (s): see short tag in firewalld.icmptype(5).

               description (s): see description tag in firewalld.icmptype(5).

               destinations (as): array, either empty or containing strings 'ipv4' and/or 'ipv6',
               see destination tag in firewalld.icmptype(5).

           Removed(s: name)
               Emitted when icmp type with name has been removed.

           Renamed(s: name)
               Emitted when icmp type has been renamed to name.

           Updated(s: name)
               Emitted when icmp type with name has been updated.

           builtin - b - (ro)
               True if icmptype is build-in, false else.

           default - b - (ro)
               True if build-in icmp type has default settings. False if it has been modified.
               Always False for not build-in zones.

           filename - s - (ro)
               Name (including .xml extension) of file where the configuration is stored.

           name - s - (ro)
               Name of icmp type.

           path - s - (ro)
               Path to directory where the icmp type configuration is stored. Should be either
               /usr/lib/firewalld/icmptypes or /etc/firewalld/icmptypes.


       firewall-applet(1), firewalld(1), firewall-cmd(1), firewall-config(1), firewallctl(1),
       firewalld.conf(5),, firewalld.dbus(5), firewalld.icmptype(5),
       firewalld.lockdown-whitelist(5), firewall-offline-cmd(1), firewalld.richlanguage(5),
       firewalld.service(5),, firewalld.zones(5), firewalld.ipset(5),


       firewalld home page:

       More documentation with examples:


       Thomas Woerner <>

       Jiri Popelka <>