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mkosi – Maßgeschneiderte Betriebssystemabbilder bauen
mkosi [Optionen…] summary mkosi [Optionen…] build [Befehlszeile…] mkosi [Optionen…] shell [Befehlszeile…] mkosi [Optionen…] boot [Nspawn-Einstellungen…] mkosi [Optionen…] qemu [Qemu-Parameter…] mkosi [Optionen…] vmspawn [Vmspawn-Einstellungen…] mkosi [Optionen…] ssh [Befehlszeile…] mkosi [Optionen…] journalctl [Befehlszeile…] mkosi [Optionen…] coredumpctl [Befehlszeile…] mkosi [Optionen…] clean mkosi [Optionen…] serve mkosi [Optionen…] burn <Gerät> mkosi [Optionen…] bump mkosi [Optionen…] genkey mkosi [Optionen…] documentation mkosi [Optionen…] help
mkosi ist ein Werkzeug zum leichten Bau angepasster Betriebssystemabbilder. Es ist kunstvolle Hülle für dnf --installroot, apt, pacman und zypper, die Plattenabbilder mit einer Reihe von Schnickschack erstellen können. Unterbefehle Die folgenden Unterbefehle werden erkannt: summary Gibt eine menschenlesbare Zusammenfassung aller für den Bau des Abbilds verwandten Optionena aus. Dies wird die Befehlszeile und mkosi.conf wie bei einem build auswerten, aber nur ausgeben, wofür es konfiguriert ist und nicht wirklich etwas bauen. build Dies baut das Abbild basierend auf den auf der Befehlszeile übergebenen oder aus den Konfigurationsdateien gelesenen Einstellungen. Diese Befehl ist die Vorgabe, falls kein Unterbefehl explizit angegeben ist. Falls irgenwelche Befehlszeilenargumente angegeben sind, werden sie direkt an das Bauskript übergeben, falls eines definiert ist. shell Dies baut das Abbild, falls es noch nicht gebaut ist, und ruft dann systemd-nspawn(1) auf, um darin eine interaktive Shell-Eingabeauforderung zu erlanben. Nach dem Unterbefehl shell kann eine optionale Befehlszeile angegeben werden, die anstelle der Shell in dem Container aufgerufen werden soll. Verwenden Sie -f, um das Abbild bedingungslos vor dem Erlangen der Shell neuzubauen, siehe unten. Dieser Befehl muss als root ausgeführt werden. boot Ähnlich wie shell, startet das Abbild aber mittels systemd-nspawn(1). Nach dem Unterbefehl boot kann eine optionale Befehlszeile angegeben werden, die zusätzliche Nspawn-Optionen sowie Argumente enthalten kann, die an die Kernelbefehlszeile des Init-Systems im Abbild übergeben werden. qemu Ähnlich wie boot, verwendet aber qemu, um das Abbild zu starten, d.h. anstelle einer Container-Virtualisierung wird eine Virtualisierung einer virtuellen Maschine verwandt. Dieser Unterbefehl wird nur für Plattenabbilder unterstützt, die ein Systemstartladeprogramm und CPIO-Abbilder enthalten, in denen ein Kernel installiert wurde. Für CPIO-Abbilder kann ein Kernel auch durch Übergabe des Qemu-Arguments -kernel an den Unterbefehl qemu bereitgestellt werden. Alle nach dem Unterbefehl qemu angegebenen Argumente werden an den Aufruf von qemu angehängt. vmspawn Ähnlich wie boot, verwendet aber systemd-vmspawn(1), um das Abbild zu starten, d.h. anstelle einer Container-Virtualisierung wird eine Virtualisierung einer virtuellen Maschine verwandt. Dieser Unterbefehl wird nur für platten- und verzeichnisartige Abbilder unterstützt. Alle nach dem Unterbefehl vmspawn angegebenen Argumente werden an den Aufruf von systemd-vmspawn(1) angehängt. ssh Wenn das Abbild mit der Option Ssh=yes gebaut wird, verbindet dieser Befehl die gestartete virtuelle Maschine (qemu) mittels SSH. Stellen Sie sicher, dass mkosi ssh mit der gleichen Konfiguration wie mkosi build ausgeführt wird, so dass es die notwendigen Informationen hat, um sich mit der laufenden virtuellen Maschine mittels SSH zu verbinden. Insbesondere wird der private SSH-Schlüssel aus der Einstellung SshKey= verwandt, um sich mit der virtuellen Maschine zu verbinden. Verwenden Sie mkosi genkey, um automatisch einen Schlüssel und ein Zertifikat zu erstellen, das von Mkosi aufgenommen wird. Alle nach dem Unterbefehl ssh übergebene Argumente werden als Argumente an den Aufruf von ssh(1) übergeben. Um sich mit einem Container zu verbinden, verwenden Sie machinectl login oder machinectl shell. journalctl Verwendet journalctl(1), um das Journal innerhalb des Abbildes zu untersuchen. Alle nach dem Unterbefehl journalctl angegebenen Argumente werden an den Aufruf von journalctl(1) angehängt. coredumpctl Verwendet coredumpctl(1), um nach Speicherauszügen innerhalb des Abbilds zu suchen. Alle nach dem Unterbefehl coredumpctl angegebenen Argumente werden an den Aufruf von coredumpctl(1) angehängt. clean Entfernt aus vorherigen Bauläufen erstellte Bauartefakte. Falls mit -f kombiniert, werden auch inkrementelle Bauzwischenspeicher-Abbilder entfernt. Falls -f zweimal angegeben ist, werden sämtliche Paketzwischenspeicher entfernt. serve Dies baut das Abbild, falls es noch nicht gebaut wurde und liefert dann das Ausgabeverzeichnis (d.h. normalerweise mkosi.output/, s.u.) über einen kleinen eingebauten HTTP-Server, der auf Port 8081 auf Anfragen wartet, aus. Kombinieren Sie dies mit -f, um das Abbild bedingungslos neuzubauen, bevor es ausgeliefert wird. Dieser Befehl ist für das Testen netzwerkbasierten Erwerbens von Betriebssystemabbildern nützlich, beispielsweise mittels machinectl pull-raw … und machinectl pull-tar …. burn <Gerät> Dies baut das Abbild, falls es noch nicht gebaut wurde und schreibt es dann auf das angegebene Blockgerät. Die Partitionsinhalte werden unverändert geschrieben, aber die GPT-Partitionstabelle wird korrigiert, so dass sie auf die Sektor- und Blockgrößen des angegebenen Mediums passt. bump Erhöht die Version des Abbildes aus mkosi.version und schreibt die resultierende Versionszeichenkette nach mkosi.version. Dies ist zur Implementierung eines einfachen Versionierungsschematas nützlich: jedes Mal, wenn dieser Unterbefehl aufgerufen wird, wird die Version als Vorbereitung für den nächsten Bau erhöht. Beachten Sie, dass --auto-bump/-B zum automatischen Erhöhen der Version nach jedem erfolgreichen Bau verwandt werden kann. genkey Erstellt ein Paar von SecureBoot-Schlüsseln zur Verwendung mit den Optionen SecureBootKey=/--secure-boot-key= und SecureBootCertificate=/--secure-boot-certificate=. documentation Zeigt die Dokumentation von mkosi an. Standardmäßig wird dieser Unterbefehl verschiedene Arten zur Ausgabe der Dokumentation ausprobieren, eine bestimmte Option kann mit der Option --doc-format ausgewählt werden. Paketierer von Distributionen wird empfohlen, eine Datei mkosi.1 in das Verzeichnis mkosi/resources des Python-Pakets abzulegen, falls sie dort fehlt, sowie sie im geeigneten Suchpfad für Handbuchseiten zu installieren. Die Handbuchseite kann aus der Markdown-Datei mkosi/resources/ zum Beispiel mittels pandoc -t man -s -o mkosi.1 erstellt werden. help Dieser Unterbefehl ist identisch zum nachfolgend dokumentierten Schalter --help: Er zeigt eine kurze Erklärung zur Verwendung. Reine Befehlszeilenoptionen Diese Einstellungen können nicht mittels der Konfigurationsdateien konfiguriert werden. --force, -f Ersetzt beim Bau eines Abbildes die Ausgabedatei, falls sie bereits existiert. Standardmäßig verweigert mkosi eine Aktion, wenn ein Abbild und ein Ausgabeartefakt bereits existiert. Geben Sie diese Option einmal an, um alle Bauartefakte aus einem vorherigen Lauf vor dem Neubau des Abbildes zu entfernen. Falls inkrementelle Bauten aktiviert sind, wird zweimalige Angabe sicherstellen, dass inkrementelle Zwischenspeicherdateien auch entfernt werden, bevor der Neubau eingeleitet wird. Falls ein Paketzwischenspeicher verwandt wird (siehe auch den nachfolgenden Abschnitt Dateien) wird die dreimalige Angabe sicherstellen, dass auch der Paketzwischenspeicher entfernt wird, bevor der Neubau eingeleitet wird. Für die Aktion clean hat diese Option eine leicht andere Auswirkung: Standardmäßig wird der Unterbefehl nur Bauartefakte aus dem vorherigen Lauf entfernen, durch einmalige Angabe werden auch die inkrementellen Zwischenspeicherdateien gelöscht, bei doppelter Angabe wird auch der Paketezwischenspeicher entfernt. --directory=, -C Akzeptiert einen Pfad zu einem Verzeichnis. Bevor es etwas macht, wechselt mkosi in dieses Verzeichnis. Beachten Sie, dass in diesem Verzeichnis nach den verschiedenen Konfigurationsdateien gesucht wird, daher ist die Verwendung dieser Option ein wirksammes Mittel, ein Projekt zu bauen, das sich in einem bestimmten Verzeichnis befindet. --debug= Aktiviert zusätzliche Fehlersuchausgabe. --debug-shell Falls die Ausführung eines Befehls in dem Abbild fehlschlägt, wird Mkosi eine interaktive Shell in dem Abbild starten, um weitere Fehlersuche zu ermöglichen. --debug-workspace= Falls ein Fehler auftritt, wird das Arbeitsbereichsverzeichnis nicht gelöscht. --version Zeigt die Paketversion. --help, -h Zeigt einen kurzen Hinweis zum Aufruf. --genkey-common-name= Allgemeiner Name, der bei der Erzeugung von Schlüsseln mittels des Befehls genkey von Mkosi verwandt wird. Standardmäßig mkosi of %u, wobei %u auf den Benutzernamen des Benutzer, der Mkosi aufruft, erweitert wird. --genkey-valid-days= Anzahl an Tagen, die Schlüssel gültig bleiben sollen, wenn Schlüssel mit dem Befehl genkey von Mkosi erstellt werden. Standardmäßig zwei Jahre (730 Tage). --auto-bump=, -B Falls angegeben wird nach jedem erfolgreichen Bau in Vorbereitung des nächsten Baus die Version auf eine ähnliche Art wie beim Unterbefehl bump erhöht. Dies ist für einfaches, lineares Versionsmanagement nützlich: jeder Bau in einer Reihe wird eine um eins gegenüber dem vorherigen Bau erhöhte Versionsnummer haben. --doc-format Das Format, in dem die Dokumentation angezeigt werden soll. Unterstützt die Werte markdown, man, pandoc, system und auto. Im Falle von markdown wird die Dokumentation im usrpünglichen Markdown-Format angezeigt. man zeigt die Dokumentation im Handbuchseitenformat, falls dies verfügbar ist. pandoc erstellt das Handbuchseitenformat dynamisch, falls pandoc(1) verfügbar ist. system zeigt die systemweite Handbuchseite für mkosi, die nicht zwingend der Version entspricht, die Sie verwenden, abhängig davon, wie mkosi installiert wurde. auto (die Vorgabe) wird alle Methoden in der Reihenfolge man, pandoc, markdown, system ausprobieren. --json Zeigt die zusammenfassende Ausgabe als JSON-SEQ. Unterstützte Ausgabeformate Die folgenden Ausgabeformate werden unterstützt: • Rohes GPT-Plattenabbild, mittels systemd-repart(8) (Platte) erstellt. • Einfaches Verzeichnis, enthält den Betriebssystembaum (Verzeichnis) • TAR-Archiv (tar) • CPIO-Archiv (cpio) Das Ausgabeformat kann auch auf none gesetzt werden, wenn Sie möchten, dass mkosi überhaupt kein Abbild erstellt. Dies kann nützlich sein, falls Sie das Abbild nur dazu verwenden möchten, eine andere Ausgabe in den Bauskripten zu erstellen (z.B. ein RPM zu bauen). Wenn ein GPT-Plattenabbild erstellt wird, können Repart-Partitionsdefinitionsdateien in mkosi.repart/ abgelegt werden, um das erstellte Plattenabbild zu konfigurieren. Es wird nachdrücklich empfohlen, mkosi auf einem Dateisystem auszuführen, das Reflinks unterstützt, wie xfs(5) und btrfs(5) und alle zusammengehörigen Verzeichnisse auf dem gleichen Dateisystem zu behalten. Dies ermöglicht es mkosi, Abbilder sehr schnell durch Verwendung von Reflinks zur Durchführung von Kopieren-Beim-Schreiben-Aktionen zu erstellen. Konfigurationseinstellungen Die folgenden Einstellungen können über Konfigurationsdateien (der Syntax mit EineEinstellung=Wert) und auf der Befehlszeile (der Syntax mit --Eine-Einstellung=Wert) gesetzt werden. Für einige Befehlszeilenparameter ist auch eine Abkürzung mit einem Buchstaben erlaubt. In den Konfigurationsdateien muss die Einstellung in dem korrekten Abschnitt erfolgen, daher sind die Einstellungen nachfolgend gemäß des Abschnittes gruppiert. Die Konfiguration wird in der folgenden Reihenfolge ausgewertet: • Die Befehlszeilenargumente werden ausgewertet • mkosi.local.conf wird ausgewertet, falls es existiert. Diese Datei sollte in gitignore (oder äquivalent) sein und ist für lokale Konfiguration gedacht. • Alle Vorgabepfade (abhängig von der Option) werden konfiguriert, falls der entsprechende Pfad existiert. • mkosi.conf wird ausgewertet, falls es in dem mit --directory= konfigurierten Verzeichnis liegt oder im aktuellen Verzeichnis, falls --directory= nicht verwandt wird. • mkosi.conf.d/ wird im gleichen Verzeichnis ausgewertet, falls sie existiert. Jedes Verzeichnis und jede Datei mit der Endung .conf in mkosi.conf.d/ wird ausgewertet. Jedes Verzeichnis in mkosi.conf.d wird ausgewertet, also ob es ein normales Verzeichnis auf der obersten Ebene wäre. Beachten Sie, dass bei doppelter Konfiguration einer Einstellung die spätere Zuweisung die frühere Zuweisung außer Kraft setzt, außer die Zuweisung ist eine Listen-basierte Einstellung. Beachten Sie auch, dass vor v16 das Gegenteil passierte, wo eine frühere Zuweisung statt einer späteren Zuweisung verwandt worden wäre. Einstellungen, die einen Listenwert akzeptieren, werden zusammengeführt, indem neue Werte an die bereits konfigurierten Werte angehängt werden. Durch Zuweisung einer leeren Zeichenkette zu einer solchen Einstellung werden alle vorher zugewiesenen Werte entfernt und auch alle konfigurierten Standardwerte außer Kraft gesetzt. Falls dem Namen einer Einstellung in der Konfigurationsdatei @ vorangestellt wird, konfiguriert sie den für diese Einstellung verwandten Vorgabewert, falls kein expliziter Vorgabewert gesetzt ist. Dies kann zum Setzen angepasster Vorgabewerte in Konfigurationsdateien verwandt werden, die weiterhin durch explizite Angabe der Einstellung auf der Befehlszeile außer Kraft gesetzt werden können. Um Konfigurationsdateien bedingt einzubinden, kann der Abschnitt [Match] verwandt werden. Ein Abschnitt [Match] besteht aus einzelnen Bedingungen. Bedingungen können ein Weiterleitungssymbol (|) nach dem Gleichheitszeichen verwenden (…=|…). Dadurch wird die Bedingung eine auslösende Bedingung. Die Konfigurationsdatei wird eingebunden, falls das logische UND aller nicht auslösenden Bedingungen und das logische ODER aller auslösenden Bedingungen erfüllt wird. Um das Ergebnis einer Bedingung zu negieren, stellen Sie dem Argument ein Ausrufezeichen voran. Falls einem Argument ein Weiterleitungssymbol und ein Ausrufezeichen vorangestellt wird, muss das Weiterleitungssymbol zuerst angegeben werden und anschließend das Ausrufezeichen. Beachten Sie, dass die Bedingungen in [Match] mit den aktuellen Werten einer bestimmten Einstellung verglichen werden und keine Änderungen an Einstellungen berücksichtigen, die in Konfigurationsdateien bereits erfolgten, aber noch nicht ausgewertet wurden. Beachten Sie auch, dass das Prüfen der Übereinstimmung mit einer Einstellung und das anschließende Ändern in einer anderen Konfigurationsdatei zu unerwarteten Ergebnissen führen kann. The [Match] section of a mkosi.conf file in a directory applies to the entire directory. If the conditions are not satisfied, the entire directory is skipped. The [Match] sections of files in mkosi.conf.d/ and mkosi.local.conf only apply to the file itself. Falls es mehrere Abschnitte [Match] in der gleichen Konfigurationsdatei gibt, muss jede erfüllt werden, damit die Konfigurationsdatei eingebunden wird. Insbesondere gelten auslösende Bedingungen nur für den aktuellen Abschnitt [Match] und werden zwischen mehreren Abschnitten [Match] zurückgesetzt. In dem folgenden Beispiel erfolgt nur eine Übereinstimmung, falls das Ausgabeformat entweder disk oder directory ist und die Architektur entweder x86-64 oder arm64 ist: [Match] Format=|disk Format=|directory [Match] Architecture=|x86-64 Architecture=|arm64 The [TriggerMatch] section can be used to indicate triggering match sections. These are identical to triggering conditions except they apply to the entire match section instead of just a single condition. As an example, the following will match if the distribution is debian and the release is bookworm or if the distribution is ubuntu and the release is focal. [TriggerMatch] Distribution=debian Release=bookworm [TriggerMatch] Distribution=ubuntu Release=focal The semantics of conditions in [TriggerMatch] sections is the same as in [Match], i.e. all normal conditions are joined by a logical AND and all triggering conditions are joined by a logical OR. When mixing [Match] and [TriggerMatch] sections, a match is achieved when all [Match] sections match and at least one [TriggerMatch] section matches. No match sections are valued as true. Logically this means: (⋀ᵢ Matchᵢ) ∧ (⋁ᵢ TriggerMatchᵢ) Command line options that take no argument are shown without = in their long version. In the config files, they should be specified with a boolean argument: either 1, yes, or true to enable, or 0, no, false to disable. Abschnitt [Match] Profile= Übereinstimmung mit dem konfigurierten Profil. Distribution= Übereinstimmung mit der konfigurierten Distribution. Release= Übereinstimmung mit der konfigurierten Distributionsveröffentlichung. Falls diese Bedingung verwandt wird und noch keine Distribution explizit konfiguriert wurde, wird die Distribution und Veröffentlichung der Wirtmaschine verwandt. Architecture= Übereinstimmung mit der konfigurierten Architektur. Falls diese Bedingung verwandt wird und noch keine Architektur explizit konfiguriert wurde, wird die Architektur des Wirtsystems verwandt. PathExists= Diese Bedingung ist erfüllt, wenn der angegebene Pfad existiert. Relative Pfade werden als relativ zum Elternverzeichnis der Konfigurationsdatei interpretiert, aus der diese Bedingung ausgelesen wurde. ImageId= Übereinstimmung mit der konfigurierten Abbildkennung, Globs werden unterstützt. Falls diese Bedingung verwandt wird und noch keine Abbildkennung explizit konfiguriert wurde, schlägt diese Bedingung fehl. ImageVersion= Matches against the configured image version. Image versions can be prepended by the operators ==, !=, >=, <=, <, > for rich version comparisons according to the UAPI group version format specification. If no operator is prepended, the equality operator is assumed by default. If this condition is used and no image version has been explicitly configured yet, this condition fails. Bootable= Matches against the configured value for the Bootable= feature. Takes a boolean value or auto. Format= Matches against the configured value for the Format= option. Takes an output format (see the Format= option). SystemdVersion= Matches against the systemd version on the host (as reported by systemctl --version). Values can be prepended by the operators ==, !=, >=, <=, <, > for rich version comparisons according to the UAPI group version format specification. If no operator is prepended, the equality operator is assumed by default. BuildSources= Takes a build source target path (see BuildSources=). This match is satisfied if any of the configured build sources uses this target path. For example, if we have a mkosi.conf file containing: [Content] BuildSources=../abc/qed:kernel Und eine Ergänzung, die folgendes enthält: [Match] BuildSources=kernel The drop-in will be included. Alle an diese Einstellung übergebenen absoluten Pfade werden relativ zum aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnis interpretiert. HostArchitecture= Matches against the host’s native architecture. See the Architecture= setting for a list of possible values. Übereinstimmer Globs Umfangreicher Vorgabe Vergleich ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Profile= no no Übereinstimmung schlägt fehl Distribution= no no Übereinstimmung mit Distribution des Wirtsystems Release= no no Übereinstimmung mit Veröffentlichung des Wirtsystems Architecture= no no Übereinstimmung mit Architektur des Wirtsystems PathExists= no no n.Z. ImageId= yes no Übereinstimmung schlägt fehl ImageVersion= no yes Übereinstimmung schlägt fehl Bootable= no no Übereinstimmung mit automatischer Funktionalität Format= no no Übereinstimmung mit Standardformat SystemdVersion= no yes n.Z. BuildSources= no no Übereinstimmung schlägt fehl HostArchitecture= no no n.Z. Abschnitt [Config] Profile=, --profile= Select the given profile. A profile is a configuration file or directory in the mkosi.profiles/ directory. When selected, this configuration file or directory is included after parsing the mkosi.conf file, but before any mkosi.conf.d/*.conf drop in configuration. Include=, --include= Bindet zusätzliche Konfiguration aus der angegebenen Datei oder dem Verzeichnis ein. Die zusätzliche Konfiguration wird direkt nach der Auswertung der Einstellung eingebunden, außer wenn mittels @Include= eine Vorgabe gesetzt wird. In letzterem Fall wird die Konfiguration nach der Auswertung aller anderen Konfigurationsdateien eingebunden. Beachten Sie, dass jeder Pfad, der zusätzliche Konfiguration enthält, nur einmal ausgewertet wird, selbst wenn er mehr als einmal mit Include= eingebunden wird. Die eingebaute Konfiguration für die Standard-Mkosi-Initrd und dem Standardwerkzeugbaum kann durch Einbinden des wörtlichen Wertes mkosi-initrd bzw. mkosi-tools erfolgen. Beachten Sie: Eingebundene Namen, die mit einem der wörtlichen Zeichenketten mkosi- oder contrib- beginnen, sind für die Verwendung durch Mkosi selbst reserviert. InitrdInclude=, --initrd-include= Same as Include=, but the extra configuration files or directories are included when building the default initrd. Images=, --image= Falls verwandt wird nur das angegebene Abbild gebaut. Kann mehrfach zum Bau mehrerer Abbilder verwandt werden. Alle angegeben Abbilder und ihre Abhängigkeiten werden gebaut. Falls nicht verwandt werden alle Abbilder gebaut. Siehe den Abschnitt Bau mehrerer Abbilder für weitere Informationen. Beachten Sie, dass dieser Abschnitt nur berücksichtigt wird, wenn er in der globalen Konfigurationsdatei verwandt wird. In Abbild-spezifischen Einstellungen hat er keine Auswirkung. Dependencies=, --dependency= The images that this image depends on specified as a comma-separated list. All images configured in this option will be built before this image and will be pulled in as dependencies of this image when Images= is used. MinimumVersion=, --minimum-version= Die minimale Version von Mkosi, die zum Bau dieser Konfiguration benötigt wird. Falls mehrfach angegeben, wird die höchste festgelegte Version verwandt. Abschnitt [Distribution] Distribution=, --distribution=, -d The distribution to install in the image. Takes one of the following arguments: fedora, debian, ubuntu, arch, opensuse, mageia, centos, rhel, rhel-ubi, openmandriva, rocky, alma, custom. If not specified, defaults to the distribution of the host or custom if the distribution of the host is not a supported distribution. Release=, --release=, -r The release of the distribution to install in the image. The precise syntax of the argument this takes depends on the distribution used, and is either a numeric string (in case of Fedora Linux, CentOS, ..., e.g. 29), or a distribution version name (in case of Debian, Ubuntu, ..., e.g. artful). Defaults to a recent version of the chosen distribution, or the version of the distribution running on the host if it matches the configured distribution. Architecture=, --architecture= The architecture to build the image for. The architectures that are actually supported depends on the distribution used and whether a bootable image is requested or not. When building for a foreign architecture, you’ll also need to install and register a user mode emulator for that architecture. One of the following architectures can be specified per image built: alpha, arc, arm, arm64, ia64, loongarch64, mips64-le, mips-le, parisc, ppc, ppc64, ppc64-le, riscv32, riscv64, s390, s390x, tilegx, x86, x86-64. Mirror=, --mirror=, -m Der Spiegel für das Herunterladen der Distributionspakete. Erwartet eine Spiegel-URL als Argument. Falls nicht angegeben wird der Standard-Spiegel für die Distribution verwandt. Die Standard-Spiegel fürjede Distribution ist wie folgt (sofern nicht angegeben, wird der gleiche Spiegel für alle Architekturen verwandt): X86-64 Aarch64 ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Debian arch Opensuse Ubuntu Centos Rocky Alma Fedora RHEL-ubi Mageia Openmandriva LocalMirror=, --local-mirror= The mirror will be used as a local, plain and direct mirror instead of using it as a prefix for the full set of repositories normally supported by distributions. Useful for fully offline builds with a single repository. Supported on deb/rpm/arch based distributions. Overrides --mirror= but only for the local mkosi build, it will not be configured inside the final image, --mirror= (or the default repository) will be configured inside the final image instead. RepositoryKeyCheck=, --repository-key-check= Controls signature/key checks when using repositories, enabled by default. Useful to disable checks when combined with --local-mirror= and using only a repository from a local filesystem. Not used for DNF-based distros yet. Repositories=, --repositories= Aktiviert standardmäßig deaktivierte Paket-Depots. Dies kann zur Aktivierung der EPEL-Depots für CentOS oder anderer Komponenten der Debian/Ubuntu-Depots verwandt werden. CacheOnly=, --cache-only= Takes one of none, metadata or always. If always, the package manager is instructed not to contact the network. This provides a minimal level of reproducibility, as long as the package cache is already fully populated. If set to metadata, the package manager can still download packages, but we won’t sync the repository metadata. If set to none, the repository metadata is synced and packages can be downloaded during the build. PackageManagerTrees=, --package-manager-tree= This option mirrors the above SkeletonTrees= option and defaults to the same value if not configured otherwise, but installs the files to a subdirectory of the workspace directory instead of the OS tree. This subdirectory of the workspace is used to configure the package manager. mkosi will look for the package manager configuration and related files in the configured package manager trees. Unless specified otherwise, it will use the configuration files from their canonical locations in /usr or /etc in the package manager trees. For example, it will look for etc/dnf/dnf.conf in the package manager trees if dnf is used to install packages. SkeletonTrees= and PackageManagerTrees= fulfill similar roles. Use SkeletonTrees= if you want the files to be present in the final image. Use PackageManagerTrees= if you don’t want the files to be present in the final image, e.g. when building an initrd or if you want to refer to paths outside of the image in your repository configuration. Abschnitt [Output] Format=, --format=, -t The image format type to generate. One of directory (for generating an OS image directly in a local directory), tar (similar, but a tarball of the OS image is generated), cpio (similar, but a cpio archive is generated), disk (a block device OS image with a GPT partition table), uki (a unified kernel image with the OS image in the .initrd PE section), esp (uki but wrapped in a disk image with only an ESP partition), sysext, confext, portable or none (the OS image is solely intended as a build image to produce another artifact). If the disk output format is used, the disk image is generated using systemd-repart. The repart partition definition files to use can be configured using the RepartDirectories= setting or via mkosi.repart/. When verity partitions are configured using systemd-repart’s Verity= setting, mkosi will automatically parse the verity hash partition’s roothash from systemd-repart’s JSON output and include it in the kernel command line of every unified kernel image built by mkosi. ManifestFormat=, --manifest-format= The manifest format type or types to generate. A comma-delimited list consisting of json (the standard JSON output format that describes the packages installed), changelog (a human-readable text format designed for diffing). By default no manifest is generated. Output=, --output=, -o Name to use for the generated output image file or directory. All outputs will be prefixed with the given name. Defaults to image or, if ImageId= is specified, it is used as the default output name, optionally suffixed with the version set with ImageVersion=. Note that this option does not allow configuring the output directory, use OutputDirectory= for that. Note that this only specifies the output prefix, depending on the specific output format, compression and image version used, the full output name might be image_7.8.raw.xz. CompressOutput=, --compress-output= Configure compression for the resulting image or archive. The argument can be either a boolean or a compression algorithm (xz, zstd). zstd compression is used by default, except CentOS and derivatives up to version 8, which default to xz. Note that when applied to block device image types, compression means the image cannot be started directly but needs to be decompressed first. This also means that the shell, boot, qemu verbs are not available when this option is used. Implied for tar, cpio, uki, and esp. CompressLevel=, --compress-level= Konfiguriert die zu verwendende Komprimierungsstufe. Akzeptiert eine Ganzzahl. Die möglichen Werte hängen von der verwandten Komprimierung ab. OutputDirectory=, --output-dir=, -O Path to a directory where to place all generated artifacts. If this is not specified and the directory mkosi.output/ exists in the local directory, it is automatically used for this purpose. WorkspaceDirectory=, --workspace-dir= Path to a directory where to store data required temporarily while building the image. This directory should have enough space to store the full OS image, though in most modes the actually used disk space is smaller. If not specified, a subdirectory of $XDG_CACHE_HOME (if set), $HOME/.cache (if set) or /var/tmp is used. The data in this directory is removed automatically after each build. It’s safe to manually remove the contents of this directory should an mkosi invocation be aborted abnormally (for example, due to reboot/power failure). CacheDirectory=, --cache-dir= Takes a path to a directory to use as the incremental cache directory for the incremental images produced when the Incremental= option is enabled. If this option is not used, but a mkosi.cache/ directory is found in the local directory it is automatically used for this purpose. PackageCacheDirectory=, --package-cache-dir Akzeptiert einen Pfad zu einem Verzeichnis, das als Paketzwischenspeicherverzeichnis für den eingesetzten Distributionspaketverwalter verwandt wird. Falls nicht gesetzt, wird ein geeignetes Verzeichnis in dem Home-Verzeichnis des Benutzers oder des Systems verwandt. BuildDirectory=, --build-dir= Takes a path to a directory to use as the build directory for build systems that support out-of-tree builds (such as Meson). The directory used this way is shared between repeated builds, and allows the build system to reuse artifacts (such as object files, executable, ...) generated on previous invocations. The build scripts can find the path to this directory in the $BUILDDIR environment variable. This directory is mounted into the image’s root directory when mkosi-chroot is invoked during execution of the build scripts. If this option is not specified, but a directory mkosi.builddir/ exists in the local directory it is automatically used for this purpose (also see the Files section below). ImageVersion=, --image-version= Configure the image version. This accepts any string, but it is recommended to specify a series of dot separated components. The version may also be configured in a file mkosi.version in which case it may be conveniently managed via the bump verb or the --auto-bump option. When specified the image version is included in the default output file name, i.e. instead of image.raw the default will be image_0.1.raw for version 0.1 of the image, and similar. The version is also passed via the $IMAGE_VERSION to any build scripts invoked (which may be useful to patch it into /etc/os-release or similar, in particular the IMAGE_VERSION= field of it). ImageId=, --image-id= Configure the image identifier. This accepts a freeform string that shall be used to identify the image with. If set the default output file will be named after it (possibly suffixed with the version). The identifier is also passed via the $IMAGE_ID to any build scripts invoked. The image ID is automatically added to /usr/lib/os-release. SplitArtifacts=, --split-artifacts If specified and building a disk image, pass --split=yes to systemd-repart to have it write out split partition files for each configured partition. Read the man ( page for more information. This is useful in A/B update scenarios where an existing disk image shall be augmented with a new version of a root or /usr partition along with its Verity partition and unified kernel. RepartDirectories=, --repart-dir= Paths to directories containing systemd-repart partition definition files that are used when mkosi invokes systemd-repart when building a disk image. If mkosi.repart/ exists in the local directory, it will be used for this purpose as well. Note that mkosi invokes repart with --root= set to the root of the image root, so any CopyFiles= source paths in partition definition files will be relative to the image root directory. SectorSize=, --sector-size= Setzt die Standardsektorgröße, die systemd-repart(8) zum Bau eines Plattenabilds benutzt, außer Kraft. RepartOffline=, --repart-offline= Specifies whether to build disk images using loopback devices. Enabled by default. When enabled, systemd-repart will not use loopback devices to build disk images. When disabled, systemd-repart will always use loopback devices to build disk images. Note that when using RepartOffline=no mkosi cannot run unprivileged and the image build has to be done as the root user outside of any containers and with loopback devices available on the host system. There are currently two known scenarios where RepartOffline=no has to be used. The first is when using Subvolumes= in a repart partition definition file, as subvolumes cannot be created without using loopback devices. The second is when creating a system with SELinux and an XFS root partition. Because mkfs.xfs does not support populating an XFS filesystem with extended attributes, loopback devices have to be used to ensure the SELinux extended attributes end up in the generated XFS filesystem. Overlay=, --overlay When used together with BaseTrees=, the output will consist only out of changes to the specified base trees. Each base tree is attached as a lower layer in an overlayfs structure, and the output becomes the upper layer, initially empty. Thus files that are not modified compared to the base trees will not be present in the final output. This option may be used to create systemd system extensions or portable services ( UseSubvolumes=, --use-subvolumes= Takes a boolean or auto. Enables or disables use of btrfs subvolumes for directory tree outputs. If enabled, mkosi will create the root directory as a btrfs subvolume and use btrfs subvolume snapshots where possible to copy base or cached trees which is much faster than doing a recursive copy. If explicitly enabled and btrfs is not installed or subvolumes cannot be created, an error is raised. If auto, missing btrfs or failures to create subvolumes are ignored. Seed=, --seed= Takes a UUID as argument or the special value random. Overrides the seed that systemd-repart(8) ( uses when building a disk image. This is useful to achieve reproducible builds, where deterministic UUIDs and other partition metadata should be derived on each build. SourceDateEpoch=, --source-date-epoch= Takes a timestamp as argument. Resets file modification times of all files to this timestamp. The variable is also propagated to systemd-repart and scripts executed by mkosi. If not set explicitly, SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH from --environment and from the host environment are tried in that order. This is useful to make builds reproducible. See SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH ( for more information. Abschnitt [Content] Packages=, --package=, -p Install the specified distribution packages (i.e. RPM, DEB, ...) in the image. Takes a comma separated list of package specifications. This option may be used multiple times in which case the specified package lists are combined. Use BuildPackages= to specify packages that shall only be installed in an overlay that is mounted when the prepare scripts are executed with the build argument and when the build scripts are executed. The types and syntax of package specifications that are allowed depend on the package installer (e.g. dnf for rpm-based distros or apt for deb-based distros), but may include package names, package names with version and/or architecture, package name globs, paths to packages in the file system, package groups, and virtual provides, including file paths. Example: when using a distro that uses dnf, the following configuration would install the meson package (in the latest version), the 32-bit version of the libfdisk-devel package, all available packages that start with the git- prefix, a systemd rpm from the local file system, one of the packages that provides /usr/bin/ld, the packages in the Development Tools group, and the package that contains the mypy python module. Packages=meson libfdisk-devel.i686 git-* prebuilt/rpms/systemd-249-rc1.local.rpm /usr/bin/ld @development-tools python3dist(mypy) : Note that since mkosi runs in a sandbox with most of the host files unavailable, any local packages have to be mounted into the sandbox explicitly using BuildSources=. For example, let’s say we have a local package located at ../my-packages/abc.rpm relative to the mkosi working directory, then we’d be able to install it as follows: BuildSources=../my-packages:my-packages-in-sandbox Packages=my-packages-in-sandbox/abc.rpm BuildPackages=, --build-package= Similar to Packages=, but configures packages to install only in an overlay that is made available on top of the image to the prepare scripts when executed with the build argument and the build scripts. This option should be used to list packages containing header files, compilers, build systems, linkers and other build tools the scripts require to operate. Note that packages listed here will be absent in the final image. PackageDirectories=, --package-directory= Specify directories containing extra packages to be made available during the build. mkosi will create a local repository containing all packages in these directories and make it available when installing packages or running scripts. Note that this local repository is also made available when running scripts. Build scripts can add more packages to the local repository by placing the built packages in $PACKAGEDIR. WithRecommends=, --with-recommends= Konfiguriert, ob empfohlene Pakete oder schwache Abhängigkeiten installiert werden, abhängig davon, wie sie vom verwandten Paketverwalter benannt werden. Standardmäßig werden empfohlene Pakete nicht installiert. Dies wird nur von Paketverwaltern unterstützt, die dieses Konzept unterstützen. Derzeit sind dies apt(8), dnf(8) und zypper(8). WithDocs=, --with-docs Include documentation in the image. Enabled by default. When disabled, if the underlying distribution package manager supports it documentation is not included in the image. The $WITH_DOCS environment variable passed to the scripts is set to 0 or 1 depending on whether this option is enabled or disabled. BaseTrees=, --base-tree= Takes a comma separated list of paths to use as base trees. When used, these base trees are each copied into the OS tree and form the base distribution instead of installing the distribution from scratch. Only extra packages are installed on top of the ones already installed in the base trees. Note that for this to work properly, the base image still needs to contain the package manager metadata by setting CleanPackageMetadata=no (see CleanPackageMetadata=). Instead of a directory, a tar file or a disk image may be provided. In this case it is unpacked into the OS tree. This mode of operation allows setting permissions and file ownership explicitly, in particular for projects stored in a version control system such as git which retain full file ownership and access mode metadata for committed files. SkeletonTrees=, --skeleton-tree= Takes a comma separated list of colon separated path pairs. The first path of each pair refers to a directory to copy into the OS tree before invoking the package manager. The second path of each pair refers to the target directory inside the image. If the second path is not provided, the directory is copied on top of the root directory of the image. The second path is always interpreted as an absolute path. Use this to insert files and directories into the OS tree before the package manager installs any packages. If the mkosi.skeleton/ directory is found in the local directory it is also used for this purpose with the root directory as target (also see the Files section below). Note that skeleton trees are cached and any changes to skeleton trees after a cached image has been built (when using Incremental=) are only applied when the cached image is rebuilt (by using -ff or running mkosi -f clean). As with the base tree logic above, instead of a directory, a tar file may be provided too. mkosi.skeleton.tar will be automatically used if found in the local directory. ExtraTrees=, --extra-tree= Takes a comma separated list of colon separated path pairs. The first path of each pair refers to a directory to copy from the host into the image. The second path of each pair refers to the target directory inside the image. If the second path is not provided, the directory is copied on top of the root directory of the image. The second path is always interpreted as an absolute path. Use this to override any default configuration files shipped with the distribution. If the mkosi.extra/ directory is found in the local directory it is also used for this purpose with the root directory as target. (also see the Files section below). As with the base tree logic above, instead of a directory, a tar file may be provided too. mkosi.extra.tar will be automatically used if found in the local directory. RemovePackages=, --remove-package= Takes a comma-separated list of package specifications for removal, in the same format as Packages=. The removal will be performed as one of the last steps. This step is skipped if CleanPackageMetadata=no is used. RemoveFiles=, --remove-files= Akzeptiert eine Kommata-getrennte Liste von Globs. Dateien im Abbild, die auf die Globs passen, werden am Ende vollständig entfernt. CleanPackageMetadata=, --clean-package-metadata= Enable/disable removal of package manager databases and repository metadata at the end of installation. Can be specified as true, false, or auto (the default). With auto, package manager databases and repository metadata will be removed if the respective package manager executable is not present at the end of the installation. SyncScripts=, --sync-script= Akzeptiert eine Kommata-getrennte Liste von Pfaden zu Programmen, die als Synchronisationsskripte für dieses Abbild verwandt werden. Siehe den Abschnitt Skripte für weitere Informationen. PrepareScripts=, --prepare-script= Akzeptiert eine Kommata-getrennte Liste von Pfaden zu Programmen, die als Vorbereitungsskripte für dieses Abbild verwandt werden. Siehe den Abschnitt Skripte für weitere Informationen. BuildScripts=, --build-script= Akzeptiert eine Kommata-getrennte Liste von Pfaden zu Programmen, die als Bauskripte für dieses Abbild verwandt werden. Siehe den Abschnitt Skripte für weitere Informationen. PostInstallationScripts=, --postinst-script= Akzeptiert eine Kommata-getrennte Liste von Pfaden zu Programmen, die als Post-Installationsskripte für dieses Abbild verwandt werden. Siehe den Abschnitt Skripte für weitere Informationen. FinalizeScripts=, --finalize-script= Akzeptiert eine Kommata-getrennte Liste von Pfaden zu Programmen, die als Finalisierungsskripte für dieses Abbild verwandt werden. Siehe den Abschnitt Skripte für weitere Informationen. BuildSources=, --build-sources= Takes a comma separated list of colon separated path pairs. The first path of each pair refers to a directory to mount from the host. The second path of each pair refers to the directory where the source directory should be mounted when running scripts. Every target path is prefixed with /work/src and all build sources are sorted lexicographically by their target before mounting, so that top level paths are mounted first. If not configured explicitly, the current working directory is mounted to /work/src. BuildSourcesEphemeral=, --build-sources-ephemeral= Takes a boolean. Disabled by default. Configures whether changes to source directories (The working directory and configured using BuildSources=) are persisted. If enabled, all source directories will be reset to their original state after scripts (except sync scripts) finish executing. Environment=, --environment= Adds variables to the environment that package managers and the prepare/build/postinstall/finalize scripts are executed with. Takes a space-separated list of variable assignments or just variable names. In the latter case, the values of those variables will be passed through from the environment in which mkosi was invoked. This option may be specified more than once, in which case all listed variables will be set. If the same variable is set twice, the later setting overrides the earlier one. EnvironmentFiles=, --env-file= Takes a comma-separated list of paths to files that contain environment variable definitions to be added to the scripting environment. Uses mkosi.env if it is found in the local directory. The variables are first read from mkosi.env if it exists, then from the given list of files and then from the Environment= settings. WithTests=, --without-tests, -T If set to false (or when the command-line option is used), the $WITH_TESTS environment variable is set to 0 when the scripts are invoked. This is supposed to be used by the build scripts to bypass any unit or integration tests that are normally run during the source build process. Note that this option has no effect unless the build scripts honor it. WithNetwork=, --with-network= When true, enables network connectivity while the build scripts are invoked. By default, the build scripts run with networking turned off. The $WITH_NETWORK environment variable is passed to the build scripts indicating whether the build is done with or without network. Bootable=, --bootable= Takes a boolean or auto. Enables or disables generation of a bootable image. If enabled, mkosi will install an EFI bootloader, and add an ESP partition when the disk image output is used. If the selected EFI bootloader (See Bootloader=) is not installed or no kernel images can be found, the build will fail. auto behaves as if the option was enabled, but the build won’t fail if either no kernel images or the selected EFI bootloader can’t be found. If disabled, no bootloader will be installed even if found inside the image, no unified kernel images will be generated and no ESP partition will be added to the image if the disk output format is used. Bootloader=, --bootloader= Takes one of none, systemd-boot, uki or grub. Defaults to systemd-boot. If set to none, no EFI bootloader will be installed into the image. If set to systemd-boot, systemd-boot will be installed and for each installed kernel, a UKI will be generated and stored in EFI/Linux in the ESP. If set to uki, a single UKI will be generated for the latest installed kernel (the one with the highest version) which is installed to EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI in the ESP. If set to grub, for each installed kernel, a UKI will be generated and stored in EFI/Linux in the ESP. For each generated UKI, a menu entry is appended to the grub configuration in grub/grub.cfg in the ESP which chainloads into the UKI. A shim grub.cfg is also written to EFI/<distribution>/grub.cfg in the ESP which loads grub/grub.cfg in the ESP for compatibility with signed versions of grub which load the grub configuration from this location. Note that we do not yet install grub to the ESP when Bootloader= is set to grub. This has to be done manually in a postinst or finalize script. The grub EFI binary should be installed to /efi/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI (or similar depending on the architecture) and should be configured to load its configuration from EFI/<distribution>/grub.cfg in the ESP. Signed versions of grub shipped by distributions will load their configuration from this location by default. BiosBootloader=, --bios-bootloader= Takes one of none or grub. Defaults to none. If set to none, no BIOS bootloader will be installed. If set to grub, grub is installed as the BIOS boot loader if a bootable image is requested with the Bootable= option. If no repart partition definition files are configured, mkosi will add a grub BIOS boot partition and an EFI system partition to the default partition definition files. Note that this option is not mutually exclusive with Bootloader=. It is possible to have an image that is both bootable on UEFI and BIOS by configuring both Bootloader= and BiosBootloader=. The grub BIOS boot partition should have UUID 21686148-6449-6e6f-744e-656564454649 and should be at least 1MB. Even if no EFI bootloader is installed, we still need an ESP for BIOS boot as that’s where we store the kernel, initrd and grub modules. ShimBootloader=, --shim-bootloader= Takes one of none, unsigned, or signed. Defaults to none. If set to none, shim and MokManager will not be installed to the ESP. If set to unsigned, mkosi will search for unsigned shim and MokManager EFI binaries and install them. If SecureBoot= is enabled, mkosi will sign the unsigned EFI binaries before installing thel. If set to signed, mkosi will search for signed EFI binaries and install those. Even if SecureBoot= is enabled, mkosi won’t sign these binaries again. Note that this option only takes effect when an image that is bootable on UEFI firmware is requested using other options (Bootable=, Bootloader=). Note that when this option is enabled, mkosi will only install already signed bootloader binaries, kernel image files and unified kernel images as self-signed binaries would not be accepted by the signed version of shim. UnifiedKernelImages=, --unified-kernel-images= Specifies whether to use unified kernel images or not when Bootloader= is set to systemd-boot or grub. Takes a boolean value or auto. Defaults to auto. If enabled, unified kernel images are always used and the build will fail if any components required to build unified kernel images are missing. If set to auto, unified kernel images will be used if all necessary components are available. Otherwise Type 1 entries as defined by the Boot Loader Specification will be used instead. If disabled, Type 1 entries will always be used. Initrds=, --initrd Vom Benutzer bereitgestellte Initrd(s). Akzeptiert eine Kommata-getrennte Liste von Pfaden zu Initrd-Dateien. Diese Option kann mehrfach angewendet werden. Dann werden die aufgeführten Initrd-Listen kombiniert. Falls keine Initirds angegeben sind und ein startbares Medium erbeten wurde, wird Mkosi automatisch eine Standard-Initrd bauen. InitrdPackages=, --initrd-package= Extra-Pakete, die in die Standard-Initrd installiert werden sollen. Akzeptiert eine Kommata-getrennte Liste von Paketspezifikationen. Diese Option kann mehrfach angewendet werden. Dann werden die aufgeführten Paketlisten kombiniert. MicrocodeHost=, --microcode-host= Wenn auf wahr gesetzt, wird nur der Mikrocode für die CPU des Wirtsystems in dem Abbild aufgenommen. KernelCommandLine=, --kernel-command-line= Use the specified kernel command line when building images. Defaults to console=ttyS0. For arm, s390 and ppc, ttyS0 is replaced with ttyAMA0, ttysclp0 or hvc0, respectively. KernelModulesInclude=, --kernel-modules-include= Takes a list of regex patterns that specify kernel modules to include in the image. Patterns should be relative to the /usr/lib/modules/<kver>/kernel directory. mkosi checks for a match anywhere in the module path (e.g. i915 will match against drivers/gpu/drm/i915.ko). All modules that match any of the specified patterns are included in the image. All module and firmware dependencies of the matched modules are included in the image as well. This setting takes priority over KernelModulesExclude= and only makes sense when used in combination with it because all kernel modules are included in the image by default. KernelModulesExclude=, --kernel-modules-exclude= Takes a list of regex patterns that specify modules to exclude from the image. Behaves the same as KernelModulesInclude= except that all modules that match any of the specified patterns are excluded from the image. KernelModulesIncludeHost=, --kernel-modules-include-host= Takes a boolean. Specifies whether to include the currently loaded modules on the host system in the image. This setting takes priority over KernelModulesExclude= and only makes sense when used in combination with it because all kernel modules are included in the image by default. KernelModulesInitrd=, --kernel-modules-initrd= Aktiviert/Deaktiviert beim Bau eines startbaren Abbilds die Erstellung von Kernelmodulen in der Initrd. Standardmäßig aktiviert. Falls aktiviert, wird beim Bau eines startbaren Abbilds für jeden Kernel, für den ein vereinigtes Kernelabbild zusammengebaut wird, eine zusätzliche Initrd erstellt, die nur die Kernelmodule für diese Kernelversion enthält und diese an die vorabgebaute Initrd angehängt. Dies ermöglicht es, Kernel-unabhängige Initrds zu erstellen, die mit den notwendigen kernelmodulen ergänzt werden, wenn das UKI zusammengebaut wird. KernelModulesInitrdInclude=, --kernel-modules-initrd-include= Like KernelModulesInclude=, but applies to the kernel modules included in the kernel modules initrd. KernelModulesInitrdExclude=, --kernel-modules-initrd-exclude= Like KernelModulesExclude=, but applies to the kernel modules included in the kernel modules initrd. KernelModulesInitrdIncludeHost=, --kernel-modules-initrd-include-host= Like KernelModulesIncludeHost=, but applies to the kernel modules included in the kernel modules initrd. Locale=, --locale=, LocaleMessages=, --locale-messages=, Keymap=, --keymap=, Timezone=, --timezone=, Hostname=, --hostname=, RootShell=, --root-shell= The settings Locale=, --locale=, LocaleMessages=, --locale-messages=, Keymap=, --keymap=, Timezone=, --timezone=, Hostname=, --hostname=, RootShell=, --root-shell= correspond to the identically named systemd-firstboot options. See the systemd firstboot manpage ( for more information. Additionally, where applicable, the corresponding systemd credentials for these settings are written to /usr/lib/credstore, so that they apply even if only /usr is shipped in the image. RootPassword=, --root-password=, Set the system root password. If this option is not used, but a mkosi.rootpw file is found in the local directory, the password is automatically read from it. If the password starts with hashed:, it is treated as an already hashed root password. The root password is also stored in /usr/lib/credstore under the appropriate systemd credential so that it applies even if only /usr is shipped in the image. To create an unlocked account without any password use hashed: without a hash. Autologin=, --autologin Enable autologin for the root user on /dev/pts/0 (nspawn), /dev/tty1 and /dev/ttyS0. MakeInitrd=, --make-initrd Add /etc/initrd-release and /init to the image so that it can be used as an initramfs. Ssh=, --ssh If specified, an sshd socket unit and matching service are installed in the final image that expose SSH over VSock. When building with this option and running the image using mkosi qemu, the mkosi ssh command can be used to connect to the container/VM via SSH. Note that you still have to make sure openssh is installed in the image to make this option behave correctly. Run mkosi genkey to automatically generate an X509 certificate and private key to be used by mkosi to enable SSH access to any virtual machines via mkosi ssh. To access images booted using mkosi boot, use machinectl. SELinuxRelabel=, --selinux-relabel= Specifies whether to relabel files to match the image’s SELinux policy. Takes a boolean value or auto. Defaults to auto. If disabled, files will not relabeled. If enabled, an SELinux policy has to be installed in the image and setfiles has to be available to relabel files. If any errors occur during setfiles, the build will fail. If set to auto, files will be relabeled if an SELinux policy is installed in the image and if setfiles is available. Any errors occurred during setfiles will be ignored. Note that when running unprivileged, setfiles will fail to set any labels that are not in the host’s SELinux policy. To ensure setfiles succeeds without errors, make sure to run mkosi as root or build from a host system with the same SELinux policy as the image you’re building. Abschnitt [Validation] SecureBoot=, --secure-boot Signiert systemd-boot(7) (falls es noch nicht signiert ist) und sämtliche vereinigten Kernelabbilder für UEFI SecureBoot. SecureBootAutoEnroll=, --secure-boot-auto-enroll= Set up automatic enrollment of the secure boot keys in virtual machines as documented in the systemd-boot man page ( if SecureBoot= is used. Note that systemd-boot will only do automatic secure boot key enrollment in virtual machines starting from systemd v253. To do auto enrollment on systemd v252 or on bare metal machines, write a systemd-boot configuration file to /efi/loader/loader.conf using an extra tree with secure-boot-enroll force or secure-boot-enroll manual in it. Auto enrollment is not supported on systemd versions older than v252. Defaults to yes. SecureBootKey=, --secure-boot-key= Path to the PEM file containing the secret key for signing the UEFI kernel image if SecureBoot= is used and PCR signatures when SignExpectedPcr= is also used. When SecureBootKeySource= is specified, the input type depends on the source. SecureBootKeySource=, --secure-boot-key-source= Quelle von SecureBootKey=, um OpenSSL-Einheiten zu unterstützen. Beispiel: --secure-boot-key-source=engine:pkcs11 SecureBootCertificate=, --secure-boot-certificate= Path to the X.509 file containing the certificate for the signed UEFI kernel image, if SecureBoot= is used. SecureBootSignTool=, --secure-boot-sign-tool Tool to use to sign secure boot PE binaries. Takes one of sbsign, pesign or auto. Defaults to auto. If set to auto, either sbsign or pesign are used if available, with sbsign being preferred if both are installed. VerityKey=, --verity-key= Path to the PEM file containing the secret key for signing the verity signature, if a verity signature partition is added with systemd-repart. When VerityKeySource= is specified, the input type depends on the source. VerityKeySource=, --verity-key-source= Source of VerityKey=, to support OpenSSL engines. E.g.: --verity-key-source=engine:pkcs11 VerityCertificate=, --verity-certificate= Pfad zu einer X.509-Datei, die das Zertifikat zum Signieren der Verity-Signatur enthält, falls eine Verity-Signaturpartition mittels systemd-repart(8) hinzugefügt wird. SignExpectedPcr=, --sign-expected-pcr Measure the components of the unified kernel image (UKI) using systemd-measure and embed the PCR signature into the unified kernel image. This option takes a boolean value or the special value auto, which is the default, which is equal to a true value if the systemd-measure binary is in PATH. Depends on SecureBoot= being enabled and key from SecureBootKey=. Passphrase=, --passphrase Specify the path to a file containing the passphrase to use for LUKS encryption. It should contain the passphrase literally, and not end in a newline character (i.e. in the same format as cryptsetup and /etc/crypttab expect the passphrase files). The file must have an access mode of 0600 or less. Checksum=, --checksum Generate a SHA256SUMS file of all generated artifacts after the build is complete. Sign=, --sign Sign the generated SHA256SUMS using gpg after completion. Key=, --key= Select the gpg key to use for signing SHA256SUMS. This key must be already present in the gpg keyring. Abschnitt [Host] Incremental=, --incremental=, -i Enable incremental build mode. In this mode, a copy of the OS image is created immediately after all OS packages are installed and the prepare scripts have executed but before the scripts are invoked (or anything that happens after it). On subsequent invocations of mkosi with the -i switch this cached image may be used to skip the OS package installation, thus drastically speeding up repetitive build times. Note that while there is some rudimentary cache invalidation, it is definitely not perfect. In order to force rebuilding of the cached image, combine -i with -ff to ensure the cached image is first removed and then re-created. NSpawnSettings=, --settings= Specifies a .nspawn settings file for systemd-nspawn to use in the boot and shell verbs, and to place next to the generated image file. This is useful to configure the systemd-nspawn environment when the image is run. If this setting is not used but an mkosi.nspawn file found in the local directory it is automatically used for this purpose. ExtraSearchPaths=, --extra-search-path= List of colon-separated paths to look for tools in, before using the regular $PATH search path. QemuGui=, --qemu-gui= Falls aktiviert, wird Qemu mit seiner graphischen Oberfläche anstelle einer seriellen Konsole ausgeführt. QemuSmp=, --qemu-smp= When used with the qemu verb, this options sets qemu’s -smp argument which controls the number of guest’s CPUs. Defaults to 2. QemuMem=, --qemu-mem= When used with the qemu verb, this options sets qemu’s -m argument which controls the amount of guest’s RAM. Defaults to 2G. QemuKvm=, --qemu-kvm= When used with the qemu verb, this option specifies whether QEMU should use KVM acceleration. Takes a boolean value or auto. Defaults to auto. QemuVsock=, --qemu-vsock= When used with the qemu verb, this option specifies whether QEMU should be configured with a vsock. Takes a boolean value or auto. Defaults to auto. QemuVsockConnectionId=, --qemu-vsock-cid= When used with the qemu verb, this option specifies the vsock connection ID to use. Takes a number in the interval [3, 0xFFFFFFFF) or hash or auto. Defaults to hash. When set to hash, the connection ID will be derived from the full path to the image. When set to auto, mkosi will try to find a free connection ID automatically. Otherwise, the provided number will be used as is. Note that when set to auto, mkosi ssh cannot be used as we cannot figure out which free connection ID we found when booting the image earlier. QemuSwtpm=, --qemu-swtpm= When used with the qemu verb, this option specifies whether to start an instance of swtpm to be used as a TPM with qemu. This requires swtpm to be installed on the host. Takes a boolean value or auto. Defaults to auto. QemuCdrom=, --qemu-cdrom= When used with the qemu verb, this option specifies whether to attach the image to the virtual machine as a CD-ROM device. Takes a boolean. Defaults to no. QemuFirmware=, --qemu-firmware= When used with the qemu verb, this option specifies which firmware to use. Takes one of uefi, uefi-secure-boot, bios, linux, or auto. Defaults to auto. When set to uefi, the OVMF firmware without secure boot support is used. When set to uefi-secure-boot, the OVMF firmware with secure boot support is used. When set to bios, the default SeaBIOS firmware is used. When set to linux, direct kernel boot is used. See the QemuKernel= option for more details on which kernel image is used with direct kernel boot. When set to auto, uefi-secure-boot is used if possible and linux otherwise. QemuFirmwareVariables=, --qemu-firmware-variables= When used with the qemu verb, this option specifies the path to the the firmware variables file to use. Currently, this option is only taken into account when the uefi or uefi-secure-boot firmware is used. If not specified, mkosi will search for the default variables file and use that instead. When set to microsoft, a firmware variables file with the Microsoft secure boot certificates already enrolled will be used. When set to custom, the secure boot certificate from SecureBootCertificate= will be enrolled into the default firmware variables file. virt-fw-vars from the virt-firmware ( project can be used to customize OVMF variable files. QemuKernel=, --qemu-kernel= Set the kernel image to use for qemu direct kernel boot. If not specified, mkosi will use the kernel provided via the command line (-kernel option) or latest the kernel that was installed into the image (or fail if no kernel was installed into the image). Note that when the cpio output format is used, direct kernel boot is used regardless of the configured firmware. Depending on the configured firmware, qemu might boot the kernel itself or using the configured firmware. QemuDrives=, --qemu-drive= Add a qemu drive. Takes a colon-delimited string of format <id>:<size>[:<directory>[:<options>]]. id specifies the qemu id we assign to the drive. This can be used as the drive= property in various qemu devices. size specifies the size of the drive. This takes a size in bytes. Additionally, the suffixes K, M and G can be used to specify a size in kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes respectively. directory optionally specifies the directory in which to create the file backing the drive. options optionally specifies extra comma-delimited properties which are passed verbatim to qemu’s -drive option. Example usage: [Host] QemuDrives=btrfs:10G ext4:20G QemuArgs=-device nvme,serial=btrfs,drive=btrfs -device nvme,serial=ext4,drive=ext4 QemuArgs= Leerzeichen-begrenzte Liste von zusätzlich beim Aufruf von Qemu zu übergebenen Argumenten. Ephemeral=, --ephemeral When used with the shell, boot, or qemu verbs, this option runs the specified verb on a temporary snapshot of the output image that is removed immediately when the container terminates. Taking the temporary snapshot is more efficient on file systems that support reflinks natively (btrfs or xfs) than on more traditional file systems that do not (ext4). Credentials=, --credential= Set credentials to be passed to systemd-nspawn or qemu respectively when mkosi shell/boot or mkosi qemu are used. This option takes a space separated list of key=value assignments. KernelCommandLineExtra=, --kernel-command-line-extra= Setzt zusätzliche Kernelbefehlszeilenargumente, die zur Laufzeit beim Starten des Abbilds an die Kernelbefehlszeile angehängt werden. Beim Systemstart in einen Container werden diese als zusätzliches Argument an systemd(1) übergeben. Beim Systemstart in eine VM werden diese mittels der SMBIOS-OEM-Zeichenkette io.systemd.stub.kernel-cmdline-extra an die Kernelbefehlszeile angehängt. Dies wird von systemd-boot(7)/systemd-stub(7) erst ab Version v254 aufgenommen. Acl=, --acl= Falls angegeben, werden ACLS auf allen erstellten Wurzeldateisystemverzeichnissen erstellt, die dem Benutzer, der Mkosi ausführt, erlauben, diese ohne zusätzlich benötigte Privilegien zu entfernen. ToolsTree=, --tools-tree= If specified, programs executed by mkosi to build and boot an image are looked up inside the given tree instead of in the host system. Use this option to make image builds more reproducible by always using the same versions of programs to build the final image instead of whatever version is installed on the host system. If this option is not used, but the directory is found in the local directory it is automatically used for this purpose with the root directory as target. Note that when looking up binaries in --tools-tree=, only /usr/bin and /usr/sbin are considered. Specifically, paths specified by --extra-search-path= are ignored when looking up binaries in the given tools tree. If set to default, mkosi will automatically add an extra tools tree image and use it as the tools tree. The following table shows for which distributions default tools tree packages are defined and which packages are included in those default tools trees: Fedora CentOS Debian Ubuntu Arch openSUSE ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── acl X X X X X X apt X X X X X archlinux-keyring X X X X attr X X X X X X bash X X X X X X btrfs-progs X X X X X bubblewrap X X X X X X ca-certificates X X X X X X coreutils X X X X X X cpio X X X X X X curl X X X X X X debian-keyring X X X X X diffutils X X X X X X distribution-gpg-keys X X X dnf X X X X X X dnf-plugins-core X X X dnf5 X dnf5-plugins X dosfstools X X X X X X e2fsprogs X X X X X X edk2-ovmf X X X X X X erofs-utils X X X X X findutils X X X X X X git X X X X X X grep X X X X X X jq X X X X X X kmod X X X X X X less X X X X X X mtools X X X X X X nano X X X X X X openssh X X X X X X openssl X X X X X X sed X X X X X X pacman X X X X pesign X X X X X X policycoreutils X X X X X qemu X X X X X X sbsigntools X X X X X socat X X X X X X squashfs-tools X X X X X X strace X X X X X X swtpm X X X X X X systemd X X X X X X ukify X X X X X tar X X X X X X ubuntu-keyring X X X X X util-linux X X X X X X virtiofsd X X X X virt-firmware X X X xfsprogs X X X X X X xz X X X X X X zstd X X X X X X zypper X X X X ToolsTreeDistribution=, --tools-tree-distribution= Setzt die für den Standard-Werkzeugbaum zu verwendende Distribution. Standardmäßig wird die gleiche Distribution wie für das zu bauende Abbild verwandt, außer für CentOS- und Ubuntu-Abbilder, bei denen Fedora bzw. Debian verwandt werden. ToolsTreeRelease=, --tools-tree-release= Setzt die für den Standard-Werkzeugbaum zu verwendende Distributionsveröffentlichung. Standardmäßig wird die in Mkosi fest eingebaute Standard-Veröffentlichung für die Distribution verwandt. ToolsTreeMirror=, --tools-tree-mirror= Setzt den für den Standardbaum zu verwendenen Spiegel. Standardmäßig wird der Standardspiegel für die Werkzeugbaumdistribution verwandt. ToolsTreeRepositories=, --tools-tree-repository Identisch zu Repositories=, aber für den Standardwerkzeugbaum. ToolsTreePackageManagerTrees=, --tools-tree-package-manager-tree= Identisch zu PackageManagerTrees=, aber für den Standardwerkzeugbaum. ToolsTreePackages=, --tools-tree-packages= Zusätzliche Pakete, die in den Standardwerkzeugbaum installiert werden sollen. Akzeptiert eine Kommata-getrennte Liste von Paketspezifikationen. Diese Option kann mehrfach verwandt werden, dann werden die angegebenen Paketlisten kombiniert. RuntimeTrees=, --runtime-tree= Takes a colon separated pair of paths. The first path refers to a directory to mount into any machine (container or VM) started by mkosi. The second path refers to the target directory inside the machine. If the second path is not provided, the directory is mounted below /root/src in the machine. If the second path is relative, it is interpreted relative to /root/src in the machine. For each mounted directory, the uid and gid of the user running mkosi are mapped to the root user in the machine. This means that all the files and directories will appear as if they’re owned by root in the machine, and all new files and directories created by root in the machine in these directories will be owned by the user running mkosi on the host. Note that when using mkosi qemu with this feature systemd v254 or newer has to be installed in the image. RuntimeSize=, --runtime-size= If specified, disk images are grown to the specified size before they’re booted with systemd-nspawn or qemu. Takes a size in bytes. Additionally, the suffixes K, M and G can be used to specify a size in kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes respectively. RuntimeScratch=: --runtime-scratch= Takes a boolean value or auto. Specifies whether to mount extra scratch space to /var/tmp. If enabled, practically unlimited scratch space is made available under /var/tmp when booting the image with mkosi qemu, mkosi boot or mkosi shell. Note that using this feature with mkosi qemu requires systemd v254 or newer in the guest. RuntimeNetwork=: --runtime-network= Takes one of user, interface or none. Defaults to user. Specifies the networking to set up when booting the image. user sets up usermode networking. interface sets up a virtual network connection between the host and the image. This translates to a veth interface for mkosi shell and mkosi boot and a tap interface for mkosi qemu and mkosi vmspawn. Note that when using interface, mkosi does not automatically configure the host interface. It is expected that a recent version of systemd-networkd is running on the host which will automatically configure the host interface of the link. SshKey=, --ssh-key= Path to the X509 private key in PEM format to use to connect to a virtual machine started with mkosi qemu and built with the Ssh= option enabled via the mkosi ssh command. If not configured and mkosi.key exists in the working directory, it will automatically be used for this purpose. Run mkosi genkey to automatically generate a key in mkosi.key. SshCertificate=, --ssh-certificate= Path to the X509 certificate in PEM format to provision as the SSH public key in virtual machines started with mkosi qemu. If not configured and mkosi.crt exists in the working directory, it will automatically be used for this purpose. Run mkosi genkey to automatically generate a certificate in mkosi.crt. Kennzeichner The current value of various settings can be accessed when parsing configuration files by using specifiers. To write a literal % character in a configuration file without treating it as a specifier, use %%. The following specifiers are understood: Einstellung Kennzeichner ──────────────────────────────── Distribution= %d Release= %r Architecture= %a Format= %t Output= %o OutputDirectory= %O ImageId= %i ImageVersion= %v Unterstützte Distributionen Für die folgenden Distributionen können Abbilder zur Installation erstellt werden: • Fedora Linux • Debian • Ubuntu • Arch Linux • openSUSE • Mageia • CentOS • RHEL • RHEL UBI • OpenMandriva • Rocky Linux • Alma Linux • None (Dazu muss der Benutzer ein bereits gebautes Rootfs bereitstellen) In theory, any distribution may be used on the host for building images containing any other distribution, as long as the necessary tools are available. Specifically, any distribution that packages apt may be used to build Debian or Ubuntu images. Any distribution that packages dnf may be used to build images for any of the rpm-based distributions. Any distro that packages pacman may be used to build Arch Linux images. Any distribution that packages zypper may be used to build openSUSE images. Other distributions and build automation tools for embedded Linux systems such as Buildroot, OpenEmbedded and Yocto Project may be used by selecting the custom distribution, and populating the rootfs via a combination of base trees, skeleton trees, and prepare scripts. Derzeit paketiert Fedora Linux alle relevanten Werkzeuge seit Fedora 28. Note that when not using a custom mirror, RHEL images can only be built from a host system with a RHEL subscription (established using e.g. subscription-manager).
Execution flow for mkosi build. Default values/calls are shown in parentheses. When building with --incremental mkosi creates a cache of the distribution installation if not already existing and replaces the distribution installation in consecutive runs with data from the cached one. 1. CLI-Optionen auswerten 2. Konfigurationsdateien auswerten 3. If we’re not running as root, unshare the user namespace and map the subuid range configured in /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid into it. 4. Abtrennen des Einhängenamensraums 5. Schreibgeschütztes Einhängen der folgenden Verzeichnisse, falls sie existieren: • /usr • /etc • /opt • /srv • /boot • /efi • /media • /mnt Führen Sie dann für jedes Abbild die folgenden Schritte aus: 1. Kopieren der Paketverwalterbäume in den Arbeitsbereich 2. Synchronisieren der Depot-Metadaten des Paketverwalters 3. Copy base trees (--base-tree=) into the image 4. Wiederbenutzung eines zwischengespeicherten Abbilds, falls verfügbar 5. Kopieren eines Schnappschusses der Depot-Metadaten des Paketverwalters in das Abbild 6. Copy skeleton trees (mkosi.skeleton) into image 7. Installieren der Distributioon und Paketen in das Abbild 8. Run prepare scripts on image with the final argument (mkosi.prepare) 9. Installieren der Baupakete in der Überlagerung, falls irgendwelche Bauskripte konfiguriert sind 10. Run prepare scripts on overlay with the build argument if any build scripts are configured (mkosi.prepare) 11. Cache the image if configured (--incremental) 12. Run build scripts on image + overlay if any build scripts are configured ( 13. Finalize the build if the output format none is configured 14. Kopieren der Bauskripteausgabe in das Abbild 15. Copy the extra trees into the image (mkosi.extra) 16. Run post-install scripts (mkosi.postinst) 17. Write config files required for Ssh=, Autologin= and MakeInitrd= 18. Install systemd-boot and configure secure boot if configured (--secure-boot) 19. Run systemd-sysusers 20. Run systemd-tmpfiles 21. Run systemctl preset-all 22. Run depmod 23. Run systemd-firstboot 24. Run systemd-hwdb 25. Remove packages and files (RemovePackages=, RemoveFiles=) 26. SELinux-Neumarkierung ausführen, falls eine SELinux-Richtlinie installiert ist 27. Run finalize scripts (mkosi.finalize) 28. Vereinigtes Kernelabbild ausführen, falls so konfiguriert 29. Finales Ausgabeformat erstellen
To allow for image customization that cannot be implemented using mkosi’s builtin features, mkosi supports running scripts at various points during the image build process that can customize the image as needed. Scripts are executed on the host system as root (either real root or root within the user namespace that mkosi created when running unprivileged) with a customized environment to simplify modifying the image. For each script, the configured build sources (BuildSources=) are mounted into the current working directory before running the script in the current working directory. $SRCDIR is set to point to the current working directory. The following scripts are supported: • If mkosi.sync (SyncScripts=) exists, it is executed before the image is built. This script may be used to update various sources that are used to build the image. One use case is to run git pull on various source repositories before building the image. Specifically, the BuildSourcesEphemeral= setting does not apply to sync scripts, which means sync scripts can be used to update build sources even if BuildSourcesEphemeral= is enabled. • If mkosi.prepare (PrepareScripts=) exists, it is first called with the final argument, right after the software packages are installed. It is called a second time with the build command line parameter, right after the build packages are installed and the build overlay mounted on top of the image’s root directory . This script has network access and may be used to install packages from other sources than the distro’s package manager (e.g. pip, npm, ...), after all software packages are installed but before the image is cached (if incremental mode is enabled). In contrast to a general purpose installation, it is safe to install packages to the system (pip install, npm install -g) instead of in $SRCDIR itself because the build image is only used for a single project and can easily be thrown away and rebuilt so there’s no risk of conflicting dependencies and no risk of polluting the host system. • If (BuildScripts=) exists, it is executed with the build overlay mounted on top of the image’s root directory. When running the build script, $DESTDIR points to a directory where the script should place any files generated it would like to end up in the image. Note that make/automake/meson based build systems generally honor $DESTDIR, thus making it very natural to build source trees from the build script. After running the build script, the contents of $DESTDIR are copied into the image. • If mkosi.postinst (PostInstallationScripts=) exists, it is executed after the (optional) build tree and extra trees have been installed. This script may be used to alter the images without any restrictions, after all software packages and built sources have been installed. • If mkosi.finalize (FinalizeScripts=) exists, it is executed as the last step of preparing an image. If a script uses the .chroot extension, mkosi will chroot into the image using mkosi-chroot (see below) before executing the script. For example, if mkosi.postinst.chroot exists, mkosi will chroot into the image and execute it as the post-installation script. Von Mkosi ausgeführte Skripte erhalten die folgenden Umgebungsvariablen: • $ARCHITECTURE contains the architecture from the Architecture= setting. If Architecture= is not set, it will contain the native architecture of the host machine. See the documentation of Architecture= for possible values for this variable. • $DISTRIBUTION contains the distribution from the Distribution= setting. • $RELEASE contains the release from the Release= setting. • $PROFILE contains the profile from the Profile= setting. • $CACHED= is set to 1 if a cached image is available, 0 otherwise. • $CHROOT_SCRIPT contains the path to the running script relative to the image root directory. The primary usecase for this variable is in combination with the mkosi-chroot script. See the description of mkosi-chroot below for more information. • $SRCDIR contains the path to the directory mkosi was invoked from, with any configured build sources mounted on top. $CHROOT_SRCDIR contains the value that $SRCDIR will have after invoking mkosi-chroot. • $BUILDDIR is only defined if mkosi.builddir exists and points to the build directory to use. This is useful for all build systems that support out-of-tree builds to reuse already built artifacts from previous runs. $CHROOT_BUILDDIR contains the value that $BUILDDIR will have after invoking mkosi-chroot. • $DESTDIR is a directory into which any installed software generated by a build script may be placed. This variable is only set when executing a build script. $CHROOT_DESTDIR contains the value that $DESTDIR will have after invoking mkosi-chroot. • $OUTPUTDIR points to the staging directory used to store build artifacts generated during the build. $CHROOT_OUTPUTDIR contains the value that $OUTPUTDIR will have after invoking mkosi-chroot. • $PACKAGEDIR points to the directory containing the local package repository. Build scripts can add more packages to the local repository by writing the packages to $PACKAGEDIR. • $BUILDROOT is the root directory of the image being built, optionally with the build overlay mounted on top depending on the script that’s being executed. • $WITH_DOCS is either 0 or 1 depending on whether a build without or with installed documentation was requested (WithDocs=yes). A build script should suppress installation of any package documentation to $DESTDIR in case $WITH_DOCS is set to 0. • $WITH_TESTS is either 0 or 1 depending on whether a build without or with running the test suite was requested (WithTests=no). A build script should avoid running any unit or integration tests in case $WITH_TESTS is 0. • $WITH_NETWORK is either 0 or 1 depending on whether a build without or with networking is being executed (WithNetwork=no). A build script should avoid any network communication in case $WITH_NETWORK is 0. • $SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is defined if requested (SourceDateEpoch=TIMESTAMP, Environment=SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=TIMESTAMP or the host environment variable $SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH). This is useful to make builds reproducible. See SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH ( for more information. • $MKOSI_UID and $MKOSI_GID are the respectively the uid, gid of the user that invoked mkosi, potentially translated to a uid in the user namespace that mkosi is running in. These can be used in combination with setpriv to run commands as the user that invoked mkosi (e.g. setpriv --reuid=$MKOSI_UID --regid=$MKOSI_GID --clear-groups <command>) • $MKOSI_CONFIG is a file containing a json summary of the settings of the current image. This file can be parsed inside scripts to gain access to all settings for the current image. In dieser Tabelle können Sie ersehen, welches Skript welche Umgebungsvariable erhält: Variable mkosi.sync mkosi.prepare mkosi.postinst mkosi.finalize _ ARCHITECTURE X X X X X DISTRIBUTION X X X X X RELEASE X X X X X PROFILE X X X X X CACHED X CHROOT_SCRIPT X X X X SRCDIR X X X X X CHROOT_SRCDIR X X X X BUILDDIR X CHROOT_BUILDDIR X DESTDIR X CHROOT_DESTDIR X OUTPUTDIR X X X CHROOT_OUTPUTDIR X X X BUILDROOT X X X X WITH_DOCS X X WITH_TESTS X X WITH_NETWORK X X SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH X X X X MKOSI_UID X X X X X MKOSI_GID X X X X X MKOSI_CONFIG X X X X X Additionally, when a script is executed, a few scripts are made available via $PATH to simplify common usecases. • mkosi-chroot: This script will chroot into the image and execute the given command. On top of chrooting into the image, it will also mount various files and directories ($SRCDIR, $DESTDIR, $BUILDDIR, $OUTPUTDIR, $CHROOT_SCRIPT) into the image and modify the corresponding environment variables to point to the locations inside the image. It will also mount APIVFS filesystems (/proc, /dev, ...) to make sure scripts and tools executed inside the chroot work properly. It also propagates /etc/resolv.conf from the host into the chroot if requested so that DNS resolution works inside the chroot. After the mkosi-chroot command exits, various mount points are cleaned up. For example, to invoke ls inside of the image, use the following mkosi-chroot ls … To execute the entire script inside the image, add a “.chroot” suffix to the name ( instead of, etc.). • For all of the supported package managers except portage (dnf, rpm, apt, pacman, zypper), scripts of the same name are put into $PATH that make sure these commands operate on the image’s root directory with the configuration supplied by the user instead of on the host system. This means that from a script, you can do e.g. dnf install vim to install vim into the image. Additionally, mkosi-install, mkosi-reinstall, mkosi-upgrade and mkosi-remove will invoke the corresponding operation of the package manager being used to built the image. • mkosi-as-caller: This script uses setpriv to switch from the user root in the user namespace used for various build steps back to the original user that called mkosi. This is useful when we want to invoke build steps which will write to $BUILDDIR and we want to have the files owned by the calling user. For example, a complete script might be the following: set -ex mkosi-as-caller meson setup "$BUILDDIR/build" "$SRCDIR" mkosi-as-caller meson compile -C "$BUILDDIR/build" meson install -C "$BUILDDIR/build" --no-rebuild • git is automatically invoked with* to avoid permissions errors when running as the root user in a user namespace. • useradd and groupadd are automatically invoked with --root=$BUILDROOT when executed outside of the image. When scripts are executed, any directories that are still writable are also made read-only (/home, /var, /root, ...) and only the minimal set of directories that need to be writable remain writable. This is to ensure that scripts can’t mess with the host system when mkosi is running as root. Beachten Sie, dass alle Quellverzeichnisse bei der Ausführung der Skripte flüchtig werden, was bedeutet, das alle Änderungen an den Quellverzeichnissen während der Ausführung der Skripte verworfen werden, wenn die Skripte mit der Ausführung fertig sind. Verwenden Sie die Ausgabe-, Bau- oder Zwischenspeicherverzeichnisse, falls Sie Daten zwischen Bauten weiternutzen wollen.
Um den Bau von Abbildern für Entwicklungsversionen Ihres Projektes zu erleichtern, kann Mkosi Konfigurationsdaten aus lokalen Verzeichnissen unter der Annahme, dass es im einen Quell-Baum aufgerufen wurde, lesen. Insbesondere werden die folgenden Dateien verwandt, falls sie im lokalen Verzeichnis existieren: • The mkosi.skeleton/ directory or mkosi.skeleton.tar archive may be used to insert files into the image. The files are copied before the distribution packages are installed into the image. This allows creation of files that need to be provided early, for example to configure the package manager or set systemd presets. Bei der Verwendung des Verzeichnisses werden Dateieigentümerschaften nicht erhalten: alle kopierten Dateien werden root gehören. Um Eigentümerschaften zu erhalten, verwenden Sie ein Tar-Archiv. • The mkosi.extra/ directory or mkosi.extra.tar archive may be used to insert additional files into the image, on top of what the distribution includes in its packages. They are similar to mkosi.skeleton/ and mkosi.skeleton.tar, but the files are copied into the directory tree of the image after the OS was installed. Bei der Verwendung des Verzeichnisses werden Dateieigentümerschaften nicht erhalten: alle kopierten Dateien werden root gehören. Um Eigentümerschaften zu erhalten, verwenden Sie ein Tar-Archiv. • The mkosi.nspawn nspawn settings file will be copied into the same place as the output image file, if it exists. This is useful since nspawn looks for settings files next to image files it boots, for additional container runtime settings. • The mkosi.cache/ directory, if it exists, is automatically used as package download cache, in order to speed repeated runs of the tool. • The mkosi.builddir/ directory, if it exists, is automatically used as out-of-tree build directory, if the build commands in the scripts support it. Specifically, this directory will be mounted into the build container, and the $BUILDDIR environment variable will be set to it when the build scripts are invoked. A build script may then use this directory as build directory, for automake-style or ninja-style out-of-tree builds. This speeds up builds considerably, in particular when mkosi is used in incremental mode (-i): not only the image and build overlay, but also the build tree is reused between subsequent invocations. Note that if this directory does not exist the $BUILDDIR environment variable is not set, and it is up to the build scripts to decide whether to do in in-tree or an out-of-tree build, and which build directory to use. • The mkosi.rootpw file can be used to provide the password for the root user of the image. If the password is prefixed with hashed: it is treated as an already hashed root password. The password may optionally be followed by a newline character which is implicitly removed. The file must have an access mode of 0600 or less. If this file does not exist, the distribution’s default root password is set (which usually means access to the root user is blocked). • The mkosi.passphrase file provides the passphrase to use when LUKS encryption is selected. It should contain the passphrase literally, and not end in a newline character (i.e. in the same format as cryptsetup and /etc/crypttab expect the passphrase files). The file must have an access mode of 0600 or less. • The mkosi.crt and mkosi.key files contain an X.509 certificate and PEM private key to use when signing is required (UEFI SecureBoot, verity, ...). • The mkosi.output/ directory is used to store all build artifacts. • The mkosi.credentials/ directory is used as a source of extra credentials similar to the Credentials= option. For each file in the directory, the filename will be used as the credential name and the file contents become the credential value, or, if the file is executable, mkosi will execute the file and the command’s output to stdout will be used as the credential value. Output to stderr will be ignored. Credentials configured with Credentials= take precedence over files in mkosi.credentials. • The mkosi.repart/ directory is used as the source for systemd-repart partition definition files which are passed to systemd-repart when building a disk image. If it does not exist and the RepartDirectories= setting is not configured, mkosi will default to the following partition definition files: 00-esp.conf (if we’re building a bootable image): [Partition] Type=esp Format=vfat CopyFiles=/boot:/ CopyFiles=/efi:/ SizeMinBytes=512M SizeMaxBytes=512M 05-bios.conf (if we’re building a BIOS bootable image): [Partition] # UUID of the grub BIOS boot partition which grubs needs on GPT to # embed itself into. Type=21686148-6449-6e6f-744e-656564454649 SizeMinBytes=1M SizeMaxBytes=1M 10-root.conf: [Partition] Type=root Format=<distribution-default-filesystem> CopyFiles=/ Minimize=guess Note that if either mkosi.repart/ is found or RepartDirectories= is used, we will not use any of the default partition definitions. All these files are optional. Note that the location of all these files may also be configured during invocation via command line switches, and as settings in mkosi.conf, in case the default settings are not acceptable for a project.
mkosi supports three different caches for speeding up repetitive re-building of images. Specifically: 1. The package cache of the distribution package manager may be cached between builds. This is configured with the --cache-dir= option or the mkosi.cache/ directory. This form of caching relies on the distribution’s package manager, and caches distribution packages (RPM, DEB, ...) after they are downloaded, but before they are unpacked. 2. If the incremental build mode is enabled with --incremental, cached copies of the final image and build overlay are made immediately before the build sources are copied in (for the build overlay) or the artifacts generated by are copied in (in case of the final image). This form of caching allows bypassing the time-consuming package unpacking step of the distribution package managers, but is only effective if the list of packages to use remains stable, but the build sources and its scripts change regularly. Note that this cache requires manual flushing: whenever the package list is modified the cached images need to be explicitly removed before the next re-build, using the -f switch. 3. Finally, between multiple builds the build artifact directory may be shared, using the mkosi.builddir/ directory. This directory allows build systems such as Meson to reuse already compiled sources from a previous built, thus speeding up the build process of a build script. The package cache and incremental mode are unconditionally useful. The final cache only apply to uses of mkosi with a source tree and build script. When all three are enabled together turn-around times for complete image builds are minimal, as only changed source files need to be recompiled.
Bau mehrerer Abbilder
If the mkosi.images/ directory exists, mkosi will load individual image configurations from it and build each of them. Image configurations can be either directories containing mkosi configuration files or regular files with the .conf extension. When image configurations are found in mkosi.images/, mkosi will build the configured images and all of their dependencies (or all of them if no images were explicitly configured using Images=). To add dependencies between images, the Dependencies= setting can be used. When images are defined, mkosi will first read the global configuration (configuration outside of the mkosi.images/ directory), followed by the image specific configuration. This means that global configuration takes precedence over image specific configuration. Images can refer to outputs of images they depend on. Specifically, for the following options, mkosi will only check whether the inputs exist just before building the image: • BaseTrees= • PackageManagerTrees= • SkeletonTrees= • ExtraTrees= • ToolsTree= • Initrds= To refer to outputs of a image’s dependencies, simply configure any of these options with a relative path to the output to use in the output directory of the dependency. Or use the %O specifier to refer to the output directory. A good example on how to build multiple images can be found in the systemd ( repository.
• $MKOSI_LESS overrides options for less when it is invoked by mkosi to page output. • $MKOSI_DNF can be used to override the executable used as dnf. This is particularly useful to select between dnf and dnf5.
Create and run a raw GPT image with ext4, as image.raw: # mkosi -p systemd --incremental boot Create and run a bootable GPT image, as foobar.raw: $ mkosi -d fedora -p kernel-core -p systemd -p systemd-boot -p udev -o foobar.raw # mkosi --output foobar.raw boot $ mkosi --output foobar.raw qemu Create and run a Fedora Linux image in a plain directory: # mkosi --distribution fedora --format directory boot Create a compressed image image.raw.xz with SSH installed and add a checksum file: $ mkosi --distribution fedora --format disk --checksum --compress-output --package=openssh-clients Inside the source directory of an automake-based project, configure mkosi so that simply invoking mkosi without any parameters builds an OS image containing a built version of the project in its current state: $ cat >mkosi.conf <<EOF [Distribution] Distribution=fedora [Output] Format=disk [Content] Packages=kernel,systemd,systemd-udev,openssh-clients,httpd BuildPackages=make,gcc,libcurl-devel EOF $ cat > <<EOF #!/bin/sh if [ "$container" != "mkosi" ]; then exec mkosi-chroot "$CHROOT_SCRIPT" "$@" fi cd $SRCDIR ./ ./configure --prefix=/usr make -j `nproc` make install EOF $ chmod +x # mkosi --incremental boot # systemd-nspawn -bi image.raw Different ways to boot with qemu The easiest way to boot a virtual machine is to build an image with the required components and let mkosi call qemu with all the right options: $ mkosi -d fedora \ --autologin \ -p systemd-udev,systemd-boot,kernel-core \ build $ mkosi -d fedora qemu … fedora login: root (automatic login) [root@fedora ~]# The default is to boot with a text console only. In this mode, messages from the boot loader, the kernel, and systemd, and later the getty login prompt and shell all use the same terminal. It is possible to switch between the qemu console and monitor by pressing Ctrl-a c. The qemu monitor may for example be used to inject special keys or shut down the machine quickly. To boot with a graphical window, add --qemu-qui: $ mkosi -d fedora --qemu-gui qemu A kernel may be booted directly with mkosi qemu -kernel ... -initrd ... -append '...'. This is a bit faster because no boot loader is used, and it is also easier to experiment with different kernels and kernel commandlines. Note that despite the name, qemu’s -append option replaces the default kernel commandline embedded in the kernel and any previous -append specifications. The UKI is also copied into the output directory and may be booted directly: $ mkosi qemu -kernel mkosi.output/fedora~38/image.efi When booting using an external kernel, we don’t need the kernel in the image, but we would still want the kernel modules to be installed. It is also possible to do a direct kernel boot into a boot loader, taking advantage of the fact that systemd-boot(7) is a valid UEFI binary: $ mkosi qemu -kernel /usr/lib/systemd/boot/efi/systemd-bootx64.efi In this scenario, the kernel is loaded from the ESP in the image by systemd-boot.
mkosi is packaged for various distributions: Debian, Ubuntu, Arch Linux, Fedora Linux, OpenMandriva, Gentoo. Note that it has been a while since the last release and the packages shipped by distributions are very out of date. We currently recommend running mkosi from git until a new release happens. mkosi currently requires systemd 254 to build bootable disk images. When not using distribution packages make sure to install the necessary dependencies. For example, on Fedora Linux you need: # dnf install bubblewrap btrfs-progs apt dosfstools mtools edk2-ovmf e2fsprogs squashfs-tools gnupg python3 tar xfsprogs xz zypper sbsigntools On Debian/Ubuntu it might be necessary to install the ubuntu-keyring, ubuntu-archive-keyring and/or debian-archive-keyring packages explicitly, in addition to apt, depending on what kind of distribution images you want to build. Note that the minimum required Python version is 3.9.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
• Why does mkosi qemu with KVM not work on Debian/Ubuntu? While other distributions are OK with allowing access to /dev/kvm, on Debian/Ubuntu this is only allowed for users in the kvm group. Because mkosi unshares a user namespace when running unprivileged, even if the calling user was in the kvm group, when mkosi unshares the user namespace to run unprivileged, it loses access to the kvm group and by the time we start qemu we don’t have access to /dev/kvm anymore. As a workaround, you can change the permissions of the device nodes to 0666 which is sufficient to make KVM work unprivileged. To persist these settings across reboots, copy /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/static-nodes-permissions.conf to /etc/tmpfiles.d/static-nodes-permissions.conf and change the mode of /dev/kvm from 0660 to 0666. • How do I add a regular user to an image? You can use the following snippet in a post-installation script: useradd --create-home --user-group $USER --password "$(openssl passwd -stdin -6 <$USER_PASSWORD_FILE)" Note that from systemd v256 onwards, if enabled, systemd-homed-firstboot.service will prompt to create a regular user on first boot if there are no regular users.
• Primary mkosi git repository on GitHub ( • mkosi — A Tool for Generating OS Images ( introductory blog post by Lennart Poettering • The mkosi OS generation tool ( story on LWN
systemd-nspawn(1), dnf(8)
Die deutsche Übersetzung dieser Handbuchseite wurde von Helge Kreutzmann <> erstellt. Diese Übersetzung ist Freie Dokumentation; lesen Sie die GNU General Public License Version 3 ⟨⟩ oder neuer bezüglich der Copyright- Bedingungen. Es wird KEINE HAFTUNG übernommen. Wenn Sie Fehler in der Übersetzung dieser Handbuchseite finden, schicken Sie bitte eine E- Mail an die Mailingliste der Übersetzer ⟨⟩. mkosi(1)