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       nl_langinfo, nl_langinfo_l - query language and locale information


       Standard C library (libc, -lc)


       #include <langinfo.h>

       char *nl_langinfo(nl_item item);
       char *nl_langinfo_l(nl_item item, locale_t locale);

   Feature Test Macro Requirements for glibc (see feature_test_macros(7)):

           Since glibc 2.24:
               _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200809L
           glibc 2.23 and earlier:
               _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L


       The  nl_langinfo() and nl_langinfo_l() functions provide access to locale information in a
       more flexible way than localeconv(3).  nl_langinfo() returns a string which is  the  value
       corresponding  to  item in the program's current global locale.  nl_langinfo_l() returns a
       string which is the value corresponding to item for the locale identified  by  the  locale
       object  locale,  which  was previously created by newlocale(3).  Individual and additional
       elements of the locale categories can be queried.  setlocale(3) needs to be executed  with
       proper arguments before.

       Examples for the locale elements that can be specified in item using the constants defined
       in <langinfo.h> are:

              Return a string with the name of  the  character  encoding  used  in  the  selected
              locale,  such  as  "UTF-8",  "ISO-8859-1", or "ANSI_X3.4-1968" (better known as US-
              ASCII).  This is the same string that you get with "locale charmap".  For a list of
              character encoding names, try "locale -m" (see locale(1)).

       D_T_FMT (LC_TIME)
              Return  a  string  that can be used as a format string for strftime(3) to represent
              time and date in a locale-specific way (%c conversion specification).

       D_FMT (LC_TIME)
              Return a string that can be used as a format string for strftime(3) to represent  a
              date in a locale-specific way (%x conversion specification).

       T_FMT (LC_TIME)
              Return  a string that can be used as a format string for strftime(3) to represent a
              time in a locale-specific way (%X conversion specification).

       AM_STR (LC_TIME)
              Return a string that represents affix for ante meridiem (before noon,  "AM")  time.
              (Used in %p strftime(3) conversion specification.)

       PM_STR (LC_TIME)
              Return  a  string  that  represents affix for post meridiem (before midnight, "PM")
              time.  (Used in %p strftime(3) conversion specification.)

              Return a string that can be used as a format string for strftime(3) to represent  a
              time   in   a.m.   or  p.m.  notation  in  a  locale-specific  way  (%r  conversion

       ERA (LC_TIME)
              Return era description, which contains information about how years are counted  and
              displayed  for  each  era in a locale.  Each era description segment shall have the


              according to the definitions below:

              direction   Either a "+" or a "-" character.  The "+"  means  that  years  increase
                          from the start_date towards the end_date, "-" means the opposite.

              offset      The epoch year of the start_date.

              start_date  A  date  in  the  form yyyy/mm/dd, where yyyy, mm, and dd are the year,
                          month, and day numbers respectively of the start of the era.

              end_date    The ending date of the era, in the same format as  the  start_date,  or
                          one  of  the  two  special  values  "-*" (minus infinity) or "+*" (plus

              era_name    The name of the era, corresponding to the  %EC  strftime(3)  conversion

              era_format  The format of the year in the era, corresponding to the %EY strftime(3)
                          conversion specification.

              Era description segments are separated by semicolons.  Most locales do  not  define
              this  value.   Examples  of  locales that do define this value are the Japanese and
              Thai locales.

       ERA_D_T_FMT (LC_TIME)
              Return a string that can be used as a format string for strftime(3) for alternative
              representation   of  time  and  date  in  a  locale-specific  way  (%Ec  conversion

       ERA_D_FMT (LC_TIME)
              Return a string that can be used as a format string for strftime(3) for alternative
              representation of a date in a locale-specific way (%Ex conversion specification).

       ERA_T_FMT (LC_TIME)
              Return a string that can be used as a format string for strftime(3) for alternative
              representation of a time in a locale-specific way (%EX conversion specification).

       DAY_{1–7} (LC_TIME)
              Return name of the n-th day of the week.  [Warning: this follows the US  convention
              DAY_1  =  Sunday,  not  the  international convention (ISO 8601) that Monday is the
              first day of the week.]  (Used in %A strftime(3) conversion specification.)

       ABDAY_{1–7} (LC_TIME)
              Return abbreviated name of the n-th day of  the  week.   (Used  in  %a  strftime(3)
              conversion specification.)

       MON_{1–12} (LC_TIME)
              Return name of the n-th month.  (Used in %B strftime(3) conversion specification.)

       ABMON_{1–12} (LC_TIME)
              Return  abbreviated  name  of  the  n-th month.  (Used in %b strftime(3) conversion

              Return radix character (decimal dot, decimal comma, etc.).

              Return separator character for thousands (groups of three digits).

              Return a regular expression  that  can  be  used  with  the  regex(3)  function  to
              recognize a positive response to a yes/no question.

              Return  a  regular  expression  that  can  be  used  with  the regex(3) function to
              recognize a negative response to a yes/no question.

              Return the currency symbol, preceded by "-" if the symbol should appear before  the
              value, "+" if the symbol should appear after the value, or "." if the symbol should
              replace the radix character.

       The above list covers just some examples of items that  can  be  requested.   For  a  more
       detailed list, consult The GNU C Library Reference Manual.


       On  success, these functions return a pointer to a string which is the value corresponding
       to item in the specified locale.

       If no locale has been selected by setlocale(3) for the appropriate category, nl_langinfo()
       return  a  pointer  to  the  corresponding  string in the "C" locale.  The same is true of
       nl_langinfo_l() if locale specifies a locale where langinfo data is not defined.

       If item is not valid, a pointer to an empty string is returned.

       The pointer returned by these functions may point to static data that may be  overwritten,
       or  the  pointer  itself  may  be  invalidated,  by  a  subsequent  call to nl_langinfo(),
       nl_langinfo_l(), or setlocale(3).  The same statements apply  to  nl_langinfo_l()  if  the
       locale object referred to by locale is freed or modified by freelocale(3) or newlocale(3).

       POSIX  specifies  that  the  application  may  not  modify  the  string  returned by these


       For an explanation of the terms used in this section, see attributes(7).

       │InterfaceAttributeValue          │
       │nl_langinfo()                                           │ Thread safety │ MT-Safe locale │




       POSIX.1-2001, SUSv2.


       The behavior of nl_langinfo_l() is undefined  if  locale  is  the  special  locale  object
       LC_GLOBAL_LOCALE or is not a valid locale object handle.


       The  following  program  sets  the  character type and the numeric locale according to the
       environment and queries the terminal character set and the radix character.

       #include <langinfo.h>
       #include <locale.h>
       #include <stdio.h>
       #include <stdlib.h>

           setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "");
           setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "");

           printf("%s\n", nl_langinfo(CODESET));
           printf("%s\n", nl_langinfo(RADIXCHAR));



       locale(1), localeconv(3), setlocale(3), charsets(7), locale(7)

       The GNU C Library Reference Manual