Provided by: pcp-gui_6.3.0-1_amd64 bug


       pmdumptext - dump performance metrics to an ASCII table


       pmdumptext  [-CFGHilmMNoruVXz?]   [-a  archive]  [-A align] [-c config] [-d delimiter] [-f
       format] [-h host] [-n pmnsfile] [-O offset] [-P precision]  [-R  lines]  [-s  sample]  [-S
       starttime] [-t interval] [-T endtime] [-U string] [-w width] [-Z timezone] [metric ...]


       pmdumptext  outputs  the  values  of  performance  metrics collected live or from a set of
       Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) archives.  By default, the metric values are displayed  in  tab
       separated columns, prefixed by a timestamp.

       Unless  directed  to  another host by the -h option, or to one or more sets of archives by
       the -a option, or an explict host: or archive/ prefix in the metric (see  below  for  more
       information),  pmdumptext  will contact the Performance Metrics Collector Daemon (PMCD) on
       the local host to obtain the required information.

       pmdumptext may be run in interactive mode with the -i option which displays the values  in
       equal  width  columns.   Without  this  option,  no  attempt is made to line up any values
       allowing the output to be easily parsed by other applications.

       The format of the output can be further controlled by changing the precision of the values
       with -P, the width of the columns with -w, and the format of the values with the -G and -F
       options for the shortest of  scientific  or  fixed  digits,  and  a  fixed  width  format,

       By  default  pmdumptext  will scale metric values to ``canonical'' units of bytes, seconds
       and counts.  The one exception is with the -r option where the values are not scaled.  The
       -u option reports the units of each metric.

       The  metrics to be dumped can be listed on the command line, in a config file, or piped to
       pmdumptext on stdin.  A metric consists of an  optional  source  (host  or  archive),  the
       metric name, and an optional instance list immediately after the name.  A colon is used to
       separate a host name from the metric, and a forward slash (``/'') to separate  an  archive
       name  from  the  metric.   Instances  are  enclosed in square brackets and a comma is used
       between each instance if more than one is stated.  For example, some legal metrics are:


       When a metric does not contain a  host:  or  archive/  prefix,  e.g.   kernel.all.cpu.idle
       above, then the source of the metric is determined by the following rules:
       (a) PMCD on host from the -h option if any, else
       (b) the archive from the first -a option if any, else
       (c) the host from the first metric prior to this one with a host: prefix if any, else
       (d) the  archive  from  the first metric prior to this one with an archive/ prefix if any,
       (e) PMCD on the local host, which is equivalent to local::metric.

       The format of a metric is further described  in  PCPIntro(1)  in  the  PERFORMANCE  METRIC
       SPECIFICATIONS  section.   A  normalization value may optionally follow a metric name in a
       config file or on stdin.  The metric value will be scaled by this value.  For example,  if
       the  file system ``/dev/root'' has a capacity of 1965437 bytes, then the percentage of the
       file system that is used could be dumped with this config:

               filesys.used[/dev/root] 19654.37

       A normalization value may not be used with metrics specified as command line arguments.

       A metric name is not required to be a leaf node in  the  Performance  Metrics  Name  Space
       (PMNS),  except  when  one or more instances are specified.  For example, to dump all file
       system  metrics,  only  filesys  is  required  to  dump  filesys.capacity,   filesys.used, etc.


       The  command  line  options  -A (or --align), -O (or --origin), -S (or --start) and -T (or
       --finish) control the alignment, offset, start and end time when visualizing metrics  from
       archives.   These  options  are  common  to  most Performance Co-Pilot tools and are fully
       described in PCPIntro(1).

       The other available options are:

       -a archive, --archive=archive
            Specifies the historical archive from which metrics can be obtained for a  particular
            host.   archive  is  the  full  path  to an individual archive file, or the name of a
            directory containing archives, or the basename of an archive - all previously created
            by  pmlogger(1).   Multiple  sets of archives (separated by commas or in different -a
            options) from different hosts may be given, but only one set of archives per host  is
            permitted.   Any metrics that are not associated with a specific host or archive will
            use the first archive as their source.

       -c config, --config=config
            If no metrics are listed on the command line, a config file can be  used  to  specify
            the  metrics  to  be  dumped.   Unlike  the  command line metrics, each metric may be
            followed by a normalization value.  Empty lines and lines that begin with  ``#''  are

       -C, --check
            Exit  before  dumping any values, but after parsing the metrics.  Metrics, instances,
            normals and units are listed if -m, -l, -N and/or -u are specified.

       -d delimiter, --delimiter=delimiter
            Specify the delimiter that separates each column of output.  The delimiter  may  only
            be a single character.

       -f format, --time-format=format
            Use  the  format  string  for  formatting the timestamp with each set of values.  The
            syntax of this string is the same as that described in strftime(3).  An empty  format
            string (e.g. '') will remove the timestamps from the output.

       -F, --fixed
            Output  the  values  in  a  fixed width format of 6 characters.  Positive numbers are
            represented as dd.ddu and negative numbers as [-]d.ddu.  The postfix  multiplier  may
            have  the  values K(10^3), M(10^6), G(10^9) and T(10^12).  For example, 4567 would be
            displayed as 4.57K, even if the units of the metric are bytes.

       -G, --scientific
            Output the values using the shortest of a scientific format or a decimal notation.

       -h host, --host=host
            Fetch performance metrics from pmcd(1) on host, rather than the default localhost.

       -H, --headers
            Show all headers before dumping any metric values.  This is equivalent to -lmNu.

       -i, --interactive
            Output the data in fixed width columns using fixed width values (see -F) so  that  it
            is human-readable.  This option may not be used with -P as fixed point values are not
            fixed width.  This option will also affect the output of -m and  -u  options  as  the
            metric, instance and unit names will be truncated.

       -l, --source
            Show  the  source  of  the  metrics.  In interactive mode, the host of the metrics is
            shown.  In non-interactive mode, this option shows the source of the metrics with the
            metric name even if -m is not specified.

       -m, --metrics
            Output  the  metric  names  before  the  metric  values.  The source and units of the
            metrics may also  be  dumped  with  the  -l  and  -u  options  respectively.   If  in
            interactive  mode,  the metrics names may be truncated, and the instance names, where
            relevant, are also truncated on the follow line.

       -M   Output the column number and complete metric names before dumping any values.  If the
            -l flag is also specified, the source of the metrics is also shown.

       -n pmnsfile, --namespace=pmnsfile
            Load an alternative local PMNS from the file pmnsfile.

       -o, --offset
            When  a timestamp is being reported (i.e. unless an empty format string is given with
            the -f option), the timestamp is prefixed with the offset in seconds from  the  start
            of the set of archives or the beginning of the execution of pmdumptext.

       -N   Output the normalization factors before the metric values.

       -p precision, --precision=precision
            Set  the  precision  of  the  values.   This  option  may  not be used with -F as the
            precision is constant.  The default precision is 3.

       -r, --raw
            Output the raw metric values, do not convert counters  to  rates  and  do  not  scale
            values  to  ``canonical''  units.   This  option also causes pmdumptext to ignore the
            normalization values for each metric.

       -R lines, --repeat=lines
            Repeat the header every lines of output.  This option is useful in  interactive  mode
            when  using  a  graphical  window  to  avoid the header scrolling beyond the window's
            buffer, and to realign the header if the window is resized.

       -s samples, --samples=samples
            pmdumptext will terminate after this many samples.

       -t interval, --interval=interval
            The interval option follows the syntax described in PCPIntro(1), and in the  simplest
            form  may  be  an unsigned integer (the implied units in this case are seconds).  The
            default interval is 1 second.

       -u, --units
            Output the units of the metrics before the first values, but after the  metric  names
            if -m is also specified.

       -U string, --unavailable=string
            Change  the  output  when  values  are  unavailable to string.  The default string is

       -V, --version
            Display version number and exit.

       -w width, --widthfR=width
            Set the column width of the output.  Strings will be truncated  to  this  width,  and
            maybe postfixed by ``...'' if the width is greater than 5.

       -X, --extended
            Output the column number and complete metric names, one-per-line, both before dumping
            the first set of values and again each time the header is repeated.

       -z, --hostzone
            Use the local timezone of the host that is the source of the performance metrics,  as
            identified  by  either  the  -h  or  the first -a options.  The default is to use the
            timezone of the local host.

       -Z timezone, --timezone=timezone
            Use timezone for the date and time.  Timezone is in the  format  of  the  environment
            variable TZ as described in environ(7).

       -?, --help
            Display usage message and exit.


       pmdumptext  supports  the  dumping of metrics from multiple hosts or set of archives.  The
       metrics listed on the command line or in the config file may have no  specific  source  or
       come from different sources.

       However, restrictions apply when archives are specified on the command line (-a) and/or in
       the configuration file.  Firstly, there may be only one set of archives for any one  host.
       Secondly,  the hosts of any metrics with host sources must correspond to the host of a set
       of archives, either on the command line or previously as the source of another metric.

       The options -a and -h may not be used together.


       All metrics that have the semantics of counters are automatically converted to rates  over
       the  sample  time interval.  In interactive mode, pmdumptext will also change the units of
       some metrics so that they are easier to comprehend:

       o      All metrics with space units (bytes to terabytes) are scaled to bytes.   Note  that
              1024 bytes with be represented as 1.02K, not 1.00K.

       o      Metrics  that  are  counters  with time units (nanoseconds to hours) represent time
              utilization over the sample interval.  The unit strings of such metrics is  changed
              to ``Time Utilization'' or abbreviated to ``util'' and the values are normalized to
              the range zero to one.


       o To examine the load on two hosts foo and bar, simultaneously:

     $ pmdumptext -il 'foo:kernel.all.load[1]' 'bar:kernel.all.load[1]'
                  Source        foo     bar
     Wed Jul 30 11:37:53      0.309   0.409
     Wed Jul 30 11:37:54      0.309   0.409
     Wed Jul 30 11:37:55      0.309   0.409

       o To output the memory utilization on a remote host called bong with a simpler timestamp:

     $ pmdumptext -imu -h bong -f '%H:%M:%S' mem.util
       Metric        kernel  fs_ctl  _dirty  _clean    free    user
        Units             b       b       b       b       b       b
     09:32:28         8.98M   0.97M   0.00    3.90M   7.13M  46.13M
     09:32:29         8.99M   0.98M   0.00    5.71M   5.39M  46.03M
     09:32:30         8.99M   1.07M   0.00    5.81M   4.55M  46.69M
     09:32:31         9.03M   1.16M   0.00    6.45M   3.48M  47.00M
     09:32:32         9.09M   1.18M  20.48K   6.23M   3.29M  47.30M

       o To dump all metrics collected in an archive at a  30  second  interval  to  a  file  for
       processing by another tool:

     $ pminfo -a archive | pmdumptext -t 30s -m -a archive > outfile


            default PMNS specification files


       Environment variables with the prefix PCP_ are used to parameterize the file and directory
       names used by PCP.  On each installation, the file /etc/pcp.conf contains the local values
       for  these  variables.   The  $PCP_CONF  variable  may  be  used to specify an alternative
       configuration file, as described in pcp.conf(5).

       For environment variables affecting PCP tools, see pmGetOptions(3).


       PCPIntro(1),  pmcd(1),  pmchart(1),  pmlogger(1),  pmrep(1),  PMAPI(3),  strftime(3)   and