oracular (3) JSON::WebToken.3pm.gz

JSON::WebToken - JSON Web Token (JWT) implementation
use Test::More; use JSON; use JSON::WebToken; my $claims = { iss => 'joe', exp => 1300819380, 'http://example.com/is_root' => JSON::true, }; my $secret = 'secret'; my $jwt = encode_jwt $claims, $secret; my $got = decode_jwt $jwt, $secret; is_deeply $got, $claims; done_testing;
JSON::WebToken is JSON Web Token (JWT) implementation for Perl THIS MODULE IS ALPHA LEVEL INTERFACE.
encode($claims [, $secret, $algorithm, $extra_headers ]) : String This method is encoding JWT from hash reference. my $jwt = JSON::WebToken->encode({ iss => 'joe', exp => 1300819380, 'http://example.com/is_root' => JSON::true, }, 'secret'); # $jwt = join '.', # 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9', # 'eyJleHAiOjEzMDA4MTkzODAsImh0dHA6Ly9leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9pc19yb290Ijp0cnVlLCJpc3MiOiJqb2UifQ' # '4ldFxjibgJGz_uaIRCIq89b5ipR-sbI2Uq7B2WNEDs0' Default encryption algorithm is "HS256". You can change algorithm as following: my $pricate_key_string = '...'; my $public_key_string = '...'; my $jwt = JSON::WebToken->encode({ iss => 'joe', exp => 1300819380, 'http://example.com/is_root' => JSON::true, }, $pricate_key_string, 'RS256'); my $claims = JSON::WebToken->decode($jwt, $public_key_string); When you use RS256, RS384 or RS512 algorithm then, We need Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA. If you want to create a "Plaintext JWT", should be specify "none" for the algorithm. my $jwt = JSON::WebToken->encode({ iss => 'joe', exp => 1300819380, 'http://example.com/is_root' => JSON::true, }, '', 'none'); # $jwt = join '.', # 'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0', # 'eyJleHAiOjEzMDA4MTkzODAsImh0dHA6Ly9leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9pc19yb290Ijp0cnVlLCJpc3MiOiJqb2UifQ', # '' decode($jwt [, $secret, $verify_signature, $accepted_algorithms ]) : HASH This method is decoding hash reference from JWT string. my $claims = JSON::WebToken->decode($jwt, $secret, 1, ["RS256"]); Any signing algorithm (except "none") is acceptable by default, so you should check it with $accepted_algorithms parameter. add_signing_algorithm($algorithm, $class) This method is adding signing algorithm. # resolve JSON::WebToken::Crypt::MYALG JSON::WebToken->add_signing_algorithm('MYALGXXX' => 'MYALG'); # resolve Some::Class::Algorithm JSON::WebToken->add_signing_algorithm('SOMEALGXXX' => '+Some::Class::Algorithm'); SEE ALSO JSON::WebToken::Crypt::HMAC or JSON::WebToken::Crypt::RAS.
encode_jwt($claims [, $secret, $algorithm, $extra_headers ]) : String Same as "encode()" method. decode_jwt($jwt [, $secret, $verify_signature, $accepted_algorithms ]) : Hash Same as "decode()" method.
JSON::WebToken::Exception will be thrown with following code. ERROR_JWT_INVALID_PARAMETER When some method arguments are not valid. ERROR_JWT_MISSING_SECRET When secret is required. ("alg != "none"") ERROR_JWT_INVALID_SEGMENT_COUNT When JWT segment count is not between 2 and 4. ERROR_JWT_INVALID_SEGMENT_ENCODING When each JWT segment is not encoded by base64url. ERROR_JWT_UNWANTED_SIGNATURE When "alg == "none"" but signature segment found. ERROR_JWT_INVALID_SIGNATURE When JWT signature is invalid. ERROR_JWT_NOT_SUPPORTED_SIGNING_ALGORITHM When given signing algorithm is not supported. ERROR_JWT_UNACCEPTABLE_ALGORITHM When given signing algorithm is not included in acceptable_algorithms.
xaicron <xaicron@cpan.org> zentooo
Copyright 2012 - xaicron
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.