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RTPDataQueue - A packet queue handler for building different kinds of RTP protocol systems.
#include <ioqueue.h> Inherits IncomingDataQueue, and OutgoingDataQueue. Inherited by QueueRTCPManager, and RTPDuplex. Public Types enum Tos { tosBestEffort, tosEnhanced } rtp.h cc++/rtp.h Public Member Functions void setTypeOfService (Tos tos) Specify the kind of service the application expects to use. void enableStack () Enable packet queue processing in the stack. void disableStack () Disable packet queue processing in the stack. bool isActive () const Get active connection state flag. uint32 getCurrentTimestamp () const Get the timestamp that should be given for a packet whose payload sampling instant corresponds to the current system time. void setSessionBandwidth (uint32 bw) Specify the bandwidth of the current session. uint32 getDefaultSessionBandwidth () const uint32 getSessionBandwidth () const void setTimeclock () Set the packet timeclock for synchronizing timestamps. timeout_t getTimeclock () const Get the packet timeclock for synchronizing timestamps. Public Member Functions inherited from IncomingDataQueue SyncSourcesIterator begin () SyncSourcesIterator end () const AppDataUnit * getData (uint32 stamp, const SyncSource *src=NULL) Retreive data from a specific timestamped packet if such a packet is currently available in the receive buffer. bool isWaiting (const SyncSource *src=NULL) const Determine if packets are waiting in the reception queue. uint32 getFirstTimestamp (const SyncSource *src=NULL) const Get timestamp of first packet waiting in the queue. void setMinValidPacketSequence (uint8 packets) When receiving packets from a new source, it may be convenient to reject a first few packets before we are really sure the source is valid. uint8 getDefaultMinValidPacketSequence () const uint8 getMinValidPacketSequence () const Get the minimun number of consecutive packets that must be received from a source before accepting its data packets. void setMaxPacketMisorder (uint16 packets) uint16 getDefaultMaxPacketMisorder () const uint16 getMaxPacketMisorder () const void setMaxPacketDropout (uint16 packets) It also prevents packets sent after a restart of the source being immediately accepted. uint16 getDefaultMaxPacketDropout () const uint16 getMaxPacketDropout () const void setInQueueCryptoContext (CryptoContext *cc) Set input queue CryptoContext. void removeInQueueCryptoContext (CryptoContext *cc) Remove input queue CryptoContext. CryptoContext * getInQueueCryptoContext (uint32 ssrc) Get an input queue CryptoContext identified by SSRC. Public Member Functions inherited from IncomingDataQueueBase size_t getDefaultMaxRecvPacketSize () const size_t getMaxRecvPacketSize () const void setMaxRecvPacketSize (size_t maxsize) Public Member Functions inherited from RTPQueueBase bool setPayloadFormat (const PayloadFormat &pf) Set the payload format in use, for timing and payload type identification purposes. uint32 getLocalSSRC () const uint32 getCurrentRTPClockRate () const Get the clock rate in RTP clock units (for instance, 8000 units per second for PCMU, or 90000 units per second for MP2T). PayloadType getCurrentPayloadType () const timeval getInitialTime () const Public Member Functions inherited from OutgoingDataQueue bool addDestination (const InetHostAddress &ia, tpport_t dataPort=DefaultRTPDataPort, tpport_t controlPort=0) bool addDestination (const InetMcastAddress &ia, tpport_t dataPort=DefaultRTPDataPort, tpport_t controlPort=0) bool forgetDestination (const InetHostAddress &ia, tpport_t dataPort=DefaultRTPDataPort, tpport_t controlPort=0) bool forgetDestination (const InetMcastAddress &ia, tpport_t dataPort=DefaultRTPDataPort, tpport_t controlPort=0) void addContributor (uint32 csrc) Add csrc as the CSRC identifier of a new contributor. bool removeContributor (uint32 csrc) Remove CSRC from the list of contributors. bool isSending () const Determine if outgoing packets are waiting to send. void putData (uint32 stamp, const unsigned char *data=NULL, size_t len=0) This is used to create a data packet in the send queue. void sendImmediate (uint32 stamp, const unsigned char *data=NULL, size_t len=0) This is used to create a data packet and send it immediately. void setPadding (uint8 paddinglen) Set padding. void setMark (bool mark) Set marker bit for the packet in which the next data provided will be send. bool getMark () const Get whether the mark bit will be set in the next packet. size_t setPartial (uint32 timestamp, unsigned char *data, size_t offset, size_t max) Set partial data for an already queued packet. microtimeout_t getDefaultSchedulingTimeout () const void setSchedulingTimeout (microtimeout_t to) Set the default scheduling timeout to use when no data packets are waiting to be sent. microtimeout_t getDefaultExpireTimeout () const void setExpireTimeout (microtimeout_t to) Set the 'expired' timer for expiring packets pending in the send queue which have gone unsent and are already 'too late' to be sent now. microtimeout_t getExpireTimeout () const uint32 getSendPacketCount () const Get the total number of packets sent so far. uint32 getSendOctetCount () const Get the total number of octets (payload only) sent so far. uint16 getSequenceNumber () const Get the sequence number of the next outgoing packet. void setOutQueueCryptoContext (CryptoContext *cc) Set output queue CryptoContext. void removeOutQueueCryptoContext (CryptoContext *cc) Remove output queue CryptoContext. CryptoContext * getOutQueueCryptoContext (uint32 ssrc) Get an output queue CryptoContext identified by SSRC. Public Member Functions inherited from OutgoingDataQueueBase size_t getDefaultMaxSendSegmentSize () void setMaxSendSegmentSize (size_t size) Set maximum payload segment size before fragmenting sends. size_t getMaxSendSegmentSize () Protected Member Functions RTPDataQueue (uint32 size=defaultMembersHashSize) Constructor. RTPDataQueue (uint32 *ssrc, uint32 size=defaultMembersHashSize) Using this constructor you can start a session with the given ssrc, instead of the usual randomly generated one. virtual ~RTPDataQueue () The queue destructor flushes the queue and stops all services. virtual void timerTick () A plugin point for timer tick driven events. void renewLocalSSRC () void endQueue () This method ends the queue. virtual bool isPendingData (microtimeout_t timeout)=0 This function is used to check for and schedule against arriving packets based on the derived connection type. Protected Member Functions inherited from IncomingDataQueue IncomingDataQueue (uint32 size) virtual ~IncomingDataQueue () bool checkSSRCInIncomingRTPPkt (SyncSourceLink &sourceLink, bool is_new, InetAddress &na, tpport_t tp) Apply collision and loop detection and correction algorithm when receiving RTP data packets. void setSourceExpirationPeriod (uint8 intervals) Set the number of RTCP intervals that the stack will wait to change the state of a source from stateActive to stateInactive, or to delete the source after being in stateInactive. virtual size_t takeInDataPacket () This function is used by the service thread to process the next incoming packet and place it in the receive list. IncomingDataQueue::IncomingRTPPktLink * getWaiting (uint32 timestamp, const SyncSource *src=NULL) This is used to fetch a packet in the receive queue and to expire packets older than the current timestamp. bool recordReception (SyncSourceLink &srcLink, const IncomingRTPPkt &pkt, const timeval recvtime) Log reception of a new RTP packet from this source. void recordExtraction (const IncomingRTPPkt &pkt) Log extraction of a packet from this source from the scheduled reception queue. void purgeIncomingQueue () virtual void onNewSyncSource (const SyncSource &) Virtual called when a new synchronization source has joined the session. virtual bool onRTPPacketRecv (IncomingRTPPkt &) A virtual function to support parsing of arriving packets to determine if they should be kept in the queue and to dispatch events. virtual void onExpireRecv (IncomingRTPPkt &) A hook to filter packets in the receive queue that are being expired. virtual bool onSRTPPacketError (IncomingRTPPkt &pkt, int32 errorCode) A hook that gets called if the decoding of an incoming SRTP was erroneous. virtual bool end2EndDelayed (IncomingRTPPktLink &) bool insertRecvPacket (IncomingRTPPktLink *packetLink) Insert a just received packet in the queue (both general and source specific queues). virtual size_t recvData (unsigned char *buffer, size_t length, InetHostAddress &host, tpport_t &port)=0 This function performs the physical I/O for reading a packet from the source. virtual size_t getNextDataPacketSize () const =0 Protected Member Functions inherited from IncomingDataQueueBase IncomingDataQueueBase () virtual ~IncomingDataQueueBase () Protected Member Functions inherited from RTPQueueBase RTPQueueBase (uint32 *ssrc=NULL) void setLocalSSRC (uint32 ssrc) uint32 getLocalSSRCNetwork () const virtual ~RTPQueueBase () virtual size_t dispatchBYE (const std::string &) A plugin point for posting of BYE messages. Protected Member Functions inherited from MembershipBookkeeping MembershipBookkeeping (uint32 initialSize=defaultMembersHashSize) The initial size is a hint to allocate the resources needed in order to keep the members' identifiers and associated information. virtual ~MembershipBookkeeping () Purges all RTPSource structures created during the session, as well as the hash table and the list of sources. SyncSourceLink * getLink (const SyncSource &source) const bool isMine (const SyncSource &source) const Get whether a synchronization source is recorded in this membership controller. bool isRegistered (uint32 ssrc) Returns whether there is already a synchronizacion source with 'ssrc' SSRC identifier. SyncSourceLink * getSourceBySSRC (uint32 ssrc, bool &created) Get the description of a source by its ssrc identifier. bool BYESource (uint32 ssrc) Mark the source identified by ssrc as having sent a BYE packet. bool removeSource (uint32 ssrc) Remove the description of the source identified by ssrc SyncSourceLink * getFirst () SyncSourceLink * getLast () uint32 getMembersCount () void setMembersCount (uint32 n) uint32 getSendersCount () size_t getDefaultMembersHashSize () Protected Member Functions inherited from SyncSourceHandler SyncSourceHandler () virtual ~SyncSourceHandler () void * getLink (const SyncSource &source) const This requires SyncSource - SyncSourceHandler friendship. void setLink (SyncSource &source, void *link) void setParticipant (SyncSource &source, Participant &p) void setState (SyncSource &source, SyncSource::State ns) void setSender (SyncSource &source, bool active) void setDataTransportPort (SyncSource &source, tpport_t p) void setControlTransportPort (SyncSource &source, tpport_t p) void setNetworkAddress (SyncSource &source, InetAddress addr) Protected Member Functions inherited from ParticipantHandler ParticipantHandler () virtual ~ParticipantHandler () void setSDESItem (Participant *part, SDESItemType item, const std::string &val) void setPRIVPrefix (Participant *part, const std::string val) Protected Member Functions inherited from ApplicationHandler ApplicationHandler () virtual ~ApplicationHandler () void addParticipant (RTPApplication &app, Participant &part) void removeParticipant (RTPApplication &app, RTPApplication::ParticipantLink *pl) Protected Member Functions inherited from ConflictHandler ConflictHandler () virtual ~ConflictHandler () ConflictingTransportAddress * searchDataConflict (InetAddress na, tpport_t dtp) ConflictingTransportAddress * searchControlConflict (InetAddress na, tpport_t ctp) void updateConflict (ConflictingTransportAddress &ca) void addConflict (const InetAddress &na, tpport_t dtp, tpport_t ctp) Protected Member Functions inherited from OutgoingDataQueue OutgoingDataQueue () virtual ~OutgoingDataQueue () void dispatchImmediate (OutgoingRTPPkt *packet) This is used to write the RTP data packet to one or more destinations. microtimeout_t getSchedulingTimeout () This computes the timeout period for scheduling transmission of the next packet at the 'head' of the send buffer. size_t dispatchDataPacket () This function is used by the service thread to process the next outgoing packet pending in the sending queue. void setNextSeqNum (uint32 seqNum) For thoses cases in which the application requires a method to set the sequence number for the outgoing stream (such as for implementing the RTSP PLAY command). uint32 getCurrentSeqNum (void) void setInitialTimestamp (uint32 ts) uint32 getInitialTimestamp () void purgeOutgoingQueue () virtual void setControlPeer (const InetAddress &host, tpport_t port) Protected Member Functions inherited from OutgoingDataQueueBase OutgoingDataQueueBase () virtual ~OutgoingDataQueueBase () Protected Member Functions inherited from DestinationListHandler void writeLockDestinationList () const bool addDestinationToList (const InetAddress &ia, tpport_t data, tpport_t control) Locks the object before modifying it. bool removeDestinationFromList (const InetAddress &ia, tpport_t dataPort, tpport_t controlPort) Locks the object before modifying it. DestinationListHandler () ~DestinationListHandler () bool isSingleDestination () const Get whether there is only a destination in the list. TransportAddress * getFirstDestination () const void lockDestinationList () const void unlockDestinationList () const Additional Inherited Members Static Public Member Functions inherited from IncomingDataQueue static size_t getDefaultMembersSize () Protected Attributes inherited from IncomingDataQueue ThreadLock recvLock IncomingRTPPktLink * recvFirst IncomingRTPPktLink * recvLast uint8 minValidPacketSequence uint16 maxPacketMisorder uint16 maxPacketDropout uint8 sourceExpirationPeriod Mutex cryptoMutex std::list< CryptoContext * > cryptoContexts Protected Attributes inherited from ConflictHandler ConflictingTransportAddress * firstConflict ConflictingTransportAddress * lastConflict Protected Attributes inherited from OutgoingDataQueue Mutex cryptoMutex std::list< CryptoContext * > cryptoContexts Protected Attributes inherited from DestinationListHandler std::list< TransportAddress * > destList Static Protected Attributes inherited from IncomingDataQueue static const uint8 defaultMinValidPacketSequence static const uint16 defaultMaxPacketMisorder static const uint16 defaultMaxPacketDropout static const size_t defaultMembersSize Static Protected Attributes inherited from MembershipBookkeeping static const size_t defaultMembersHashSize static const uint32 SEQNUMMOD
Detailed Description
A packet queue handler for building different kinds of RTP protocol systems. The queue manages both incoming and outgoing RTP packets, as well as synchronization and transmission/reception timers. By making the queue handler a seperate base class it becomes possible to define RTP classes for RTP profiles and sessions of different types. Outgoing packets are sent via the OutgoingDataQueue::putData method. Incoming packets can be retrieved via IncomingDataQueue::getData method. Author David Sugar dyfet@ostel.com RTP data queue handler.
Member Enumeration Documentation
enum RTPDataQueue::Tos rtp.h cc++/rtp.h Type of network service the application uses. If the application uses enhanced network service, for instance Integrated Services or Differentiated Services, it has not to ensure fair competition with TCP, provided that the requested service is actually being delivered. Whenever the application uses best-effort service or the requested enhanced service is not actually being delivered, it has to ensure fair competition with TCP. By default, best-effot is assumed. Note Although not required, RTP packets are always sent on top of UDP segments. No other underlying transport protocol is supported at present. Enumerator tosBestEffort Best-effort network service. tosEnhanced Enhanced network service.
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
RTPDataQueue::RTPDataQueue (uint32 size = defaultMembersHashSize) [protected] Constructor. This will generate a random application SSRC identifier. Parameters size an estimation of the number of participants in the session RTPDataQueue::RTPDataQueue (uint32 * ssrc, uint32 size = defaultMembersHashSize) [protected] Using this constructor you can start a session with the given ssrc, instead of the usual randomly generated one. This is necessary when you need to initiate several sessions having the same SSRC identifier, for instance, to implement layered encoding, in which case each layer is managed through a different session but all sessions share the same SSRC identifier. Warning This doesn't seem to be a good solution Parameters ssrc Synchronization SouRCe identifier for this session size an estimation of the number of participants in the session virtual RTPDataQueue::~RTPDataQueue () [inline], [protected], [virtual] The queue destructor flushes the queue and stops all services.
Member Function Documentation
void RTPDataQueue::disableStack (void) [inline] Disable packet queue processing in the stack. void RTPDataQueue::enableStack (void) [inline] Enable packet queue processing in the stack. This method will not any thread of execution. void RTPDataQueue::endQueue () [protected] This method ends the queue. uint32 RTPDataQueue::getCurrentTimestamp () const Get the timestamp that should be given for a packet whose payload sampling instant corresponds to the current system time. The timestamp applications should provide for each packet represents the sampling instant of its payload and should not be a reading of the system clock. Nevertheless, the internal operation of the RTP stack relies on the accuracy of the provided timestamp, since several computations assume that there is a certain degree of correspondence between the timestamp and the system clock. It is recommended that applications use this method in order to periodically adjust the RTP timestamp. In particular, it is advisable getting the timestamp corresponding to the first sampling instant or any instant after a period of inactivity through a call to this method. Applications should use the nominal sampling or any other value provided by the coder in order to compute the next timestamps with minimum computational requirement. For instance, an application using an RTP profile that specifies a fixed sampling rate of 8 Khz with eight bits per sample, continuously transmitting audio blocks 80 octets long, would transmit 100 packets every second. Every packet would carry a timestamp 80 units greater than the previous one. So, the first timestamp would be obtained from this method, whereas the following ones would be computed adding 80 every time. Also the timestamp should be increased for every block whether it is put in the queue or dropped. The aforementioned increment can be obtained from the RTPDataQueue::getTimestampIncrement() method rather than computing it by hand in the application. Note Frame based applications must follow a specific timestamping method, probably specified in a profile. You should take into account that by default ccRTP assumes that the application begins sampling at the queue creation time. Moreover, the first sampling instant is assigned a 'user visible' timestamp of 0, although the RTP stack will then add internally a ramdom offset unknown to the application. That is to say, the application may count samples from 0 in order to get the timestamp for the next packet, provided that the first sampling instant is the same as the queue creation time. Nevertheless, this simpler way of starting will not be as accurate as it would be if the application got at least the first timestamp through getCurrentTimestamp. We provide this option since ccRTP interface is evolving, but we admit that it is ugly, we could remove this option or even replace uint32 timestamps with a restrictively regulated object; suggestions are gladly welcomed Examples rtphello.cpp. uint32 RTPDataQueue::getDefaultSessionBandwidth () const [inline] uint32 RTPDataQueue::getSessionBandwidth () const [inline] timeout_t RTPDataQueue::getTimeclock () const [inline] Get the packet timeclock for synchronizing timestamps. Returns runtime in milliseconds since last set. bool RTPDataQueue::isActive () const [inline] Get active connection state flag. Returns true if connection 'active'. Examples audiorx.cpp, audiotx.cpp, and rtphello.cpp. virtual bool RTPDataQueue::isPendingData (microtimeout_t timeout) [protected], [pure virtual] This function is used to check for and schedule against arriving packets based on the derived connection type. Returns true if packet waiting for processing. Parameters number of microseconds to wait. Implemented in RTPDuplex, TRTPSessionBase< RTPDataChannel, RTCPChannel, ServiceQueue >, TRTPSessionBase< DualRTPUDPIPv4Channel, DualRTPUDPIPv4Channel, AVPQueue >, and SingleThreadRTPSession< RTPDataChannel, RTCPChannel, ServiceQueue >. void RTPDataQueue::renewLocalSSRC () [inline], [protected], [virtual] Reimplemented from IncomingDataQueue. void RTPDataQueue::setSessionBandwidth (uint32 bw) [inline] Specify the bandwidth of the current session. Parameters bw bandwidth of the current session, in bits/s. See also AVPQueue::setControlBandwidth() void RTPDataQueue::setTimeclock () [inline] Set the packet timeclock for synchronizing timestamps. void RTPDataQueue::setTypeOfService (Tos tos) [inline] Specify the kind of service the application expects to use. Parameters tos type of service the application expects to use Note If enhanced service is specified but packet loss is high (the requested service does not appear to actually be delivered) ccRTP defaults to best-effort suitable behaviour: guarantee fair competition with TCP. virtual void RTPDataQueue::timerTick (void) [inline], [protected], [virtual] A plugin point for timer tick driven events. Reimplemented in SingleThreadRTPSession< RTPDataChannel, RTCPChannel, ServiceQueue >.
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