oracular (3) UI::Dialog::Backend::XOSD.3pm.gz

UI::Dialog::Backend::XOSD - backend for the osd_cat(1).
use UI::Dialog::Backend::XOSD; my $xosd = new UI::Dialog::Backend::XOSD (); $xosd->line( text => "Something to display...");
UI::Dialog::Backend::XOSD is an OOPerl wrapper for the osd_cat(1) program.
Use this module to present feedback to the end user via an on-screen display (like an on-screen TV volume meter). When you use any of the UI::Dialog meta classes (UI::Dialog, UI::Dialog::GNOME, etc.) access to this backend is provided via the $d->xosd method. ie: replace $xosd with $d->xosd in the synopsis example (provided you made $d with something like my $d = new UI::Dialog...). Also, UI::Dialog (and friends) only load this module when you first use the $d->xosd method (this may silently fail, but you can test by ref() for success).
new( @options ) EXAMPLE my $xosd = new UI::Dialog::Backend::XOSD ( ); DESCRIPTION This is the Class Constructor method. It accepts a list of key => value pairs and uses them as the defaults when interacting with the various widgets. All methods accept the same arguments as new() except that the arguments passed to the methods are temporarily used instead of making them the default as the new() method does. In the case of the 'wait' option, any (non-zero) value enables the option as it's a switch and not a string argument. RETURNS A blessed object reference of the UI::Dialog::Backend::XOSD class. OPTIONS The (...)'s after each option indicate the default for the option. An * denotes support by all the widget methods on a per-use policy defaulting to the values decided during object creation. offset = \d+ (0) * align = \w+ ('left') * indent = \d+ (0) * font = "x-font-string" ('fixed') * colour = \w+ ('red') * delay = \d+ (5) * lines = \d+ (5) * shadow = \d+ (0) * age = \d+ (0) * wait = 0,1 (0) *
line( ) EXAMPLE $xosd->line( text => "some text to display" ); DESCRIPTION Display a simple string on the screen. RETURNS Nothing. file( ) EXAMPLE $xosd->file( file => "/path/to/a/file" ); DESCRIPTION Display a file on the screen. RETURNS Nothing. gauge( ) EXAMPLE $xosd->gauge( text => "", percent => $current_percentage, length => 40, bar => "-", mark => "|" ); DESCRIPTION Display a gauge bar with a percentage mark on the screen with an optional message. RETURNS Nothing. display_start( ) EXAMPLE $xosd->display_start( ); DESCRIPTION Opens a pipe command to the osd_cat(1) program for prolonged interactivity. This accepts all of the standard options but has nothing else to offer. The other display_*() methods (detailed below) return zero unless this method has been used and has created the command pipe. RETURNS TRUE (1) for success and FALSE (0) otherwise. display_text( ) EXAMPLE $xosd->display_start(); $xosd->display_text( "Some string to display." ); DESCRIPTION Uses the command pipe created by display_start() and prints the first argument to the screen. This method does not have any options, save the one string scalar. RETURNS TRUE (1) for success and FALSE (0) otherwise. display_gauge( ) EXAMPLE $xosd->display_start(); $xosd->display_gauge( 50, "display an optional text string." ); DESCRIPTION Uses the command pipe created by display_start() and prints a gauge identical to the regular (stand-alone) gauge() method. There are only to accepted arguments; the desired percentage and an optional text string. RETURNS TRUE (1) for success and FALSE (0) otherwise. display_stop( ) EXAMPLE $xosd->display_start(); $xosd->display_text( "about to stop!" ); $xosd->display_stop(); DESCRIPTION This closes the command pipe opened by the display_start() method. This method takes no arguments and performs only the task for closing and existing command pipe. RETURNS TRUE (1) for success and FALSE (0) otherwise.
PERLDOC UI::Dialog UI::Dialog::Backend MAN FILES osd_cat(1)
Please email the author with any bug reports. Include the name of the module in the subject line.
Kevin C. Krinke, <kevin@krinke.ca>
Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Kevin C. Krinke <kevin@krinke.ca> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA