Provided by: guestfish_1.52.0-5ubuntu3_amd64 bug


       guestfish - ゲスト・ファイルシステム・シェル


        guestfish [--options] [commands]


        guestfish [--ro|--rw] -a disk.img

        guestfish [--ro|--rw] -a disk.img -m dev[:mountpoint]

        guestfish -d libvirt-domain

        guestfish [--ro|--rw] -a disk.img -i

        guestfish -d libvirt-domain -i


       guestfish は仮想マシンのファイルシステムを検査および変更するために 使用するシェルおよびコ
       マンドラインツールです。 これは libguestfs を使用し、 guestfs API のすべての機能を提供しま
       す。 詳細は guestfs(3) を参照してください。

       guestfish は、シェルスクリプト、コマンドライン、対話式シェルから libguestfs API への構造的
       なアクセスを提供します。 壊れた仮想マシンイメージを救出したい場合、 virt-rescue(1) コマン

        $ guestfish

       guestfish へようこそ。仮想マシンのファイルシステムを 編集するためのゲスト・ファイルシステ
        入力: コマンド一覧の表示は 'help'
              マニュアルの参照は 'man'
              シェルの終了は 'quit'

        ><fs> add-ro disk.img
        ><fs> run
        ><fs> list-filesystems
        /dev/sda1: ext4
        /dev/vg_guest/lv_root: ext4
        /dev/vg_guest/lv_swap: swap
        ><fs> mount /dev/vg_guest/lv_root /
        ><fs> cat /etc/fstab
        # /etc/fstab
        # Created by anaconda
        ><fs> exit

       Create a new /etc/motd file in a guest or disk image:

        guestfish <<_EOF_
        add disk.img
        mount /dev/vg_guest/lv_root /
        write /etc/motd "Welcome, new users"

       ディスクイメージにある LVM 論理ボリュームを一覧表示します:

        guestfish -a disk.img --ro <<_EOF_


        guestfish -a disk.img --ro <<_EOF_

   コマンドライン 1 行において
       Update /etc/resolv.conf in a guest:

        guestfish \
          add disk.img : run : mount /dev/vg_guest/lv_root / : \
          write /etc/resolv.conf "nameserver"

       Edit /boot/grub/grub.conf interactively:

        guestfish --rw --add disk.img \
          --mount /dev/vg_guest/lv_root \
          --mount /dev/sda1:/boot \
          edit /boot/grub/grub.conf

       仮想マシンからディスクを自動的にマウントするには -i オプションを使用します:

        guestfish --ro -a disk.img -i cat /etc/group

        guestfish --ro -d libvirt-domain -i cat /etc/group

       Another way to edit /boot/grub/grub.conf interactively is:

        guestfish --rw -a disk.img -i edit /boot/grub/grub.conf

       ext2 フォーマット済みパーティションを含む 100MB ディスクを作成します:

        #!/usr/bin/guestfish -f
        sparse test1.img 100M
        part-disk /dev/sda mbr
        mkfs ext2 /dev/sda1

       Create a 1G disk called test1.img containing a single ext2-formatted partition:

        guestfish -N fs


        guestfish -N help | less

       SSH を使用してリモートディスクにアクセスします:

        guestfish -a ssh://

        eval "`guestfish --listen`"
        guestfish --remote add-ro disk.img
        guestfish --remote run
        guestfish --remote lvs



           すべての利用可能な guestfish コマンドを一覧表示します。

       -h CMD
       --cmd-help CMD
           単一のコマンド "cmd" の詳細なヘルプを表示します。

       -a IMAGE
       --add IMAGE

           ディスクイメージの形式は自動検知されます。 これを上書きして強制的に特定の形式を使用す
           る場合、 --format=.. オプションを使用します。

           このフラグを使用することは "add" コマンドを使用することとほぼ同じです。 --ro フラグが
           指定された場合、"readonly:true" と同じです。 --format=... フラグが指定された場
           合、"format:..." と同じです。

       -a URI
       --add URI
           リモートディスクを追加します。 "リモートストレージの追加" 参照。

           This parameter sets the sector size of the disk image.  It affects all explicitly
           added subsequent disks after this parameter.  Using --blocksize with no argument
           switches the disk sector size to the default value which is usually 512 bytes.  See
           also "guestfs_add_drive_opts" in guestfs(3).

       -c URI
       --connect URI
            I<-d> オプションと同時に使用するとき、 これは使用する libvirt URI を指定します。 標準状態で標準の libvirt 接続を使用します。

           --listen オプションと csh 系シェルを使用している場合、 このオプションを使用します。 以
           下の "リモート制御と csh" のセクションを参照してください。

       --domain LIBVIRT-DOMAIN
           名前付き libvirt 仮想マシンからディスクを追加します。 --ro オプションも使用されている
           場合、すべての libvirt 仮想マシンを使用できます。 しかしながら、書き込みモードでは、
           停止状態の libvirt 仮想マシンのみ指定できます。

           名前の代わりに仮想マシンの UUID を使用できます。

           このフラグを使用することは、"add-domain" コマンドを使用することとほぼ同等です。 --ro
           フラグを指定した場合、"readonly:true" が付きます。 --format=... フラグを指定した場
           合、"format:..." が付きます。

           キーやパスフレーズを入力するとき、通常 guestfish はエコーを無効化します。 そのため、入
           力内容を確認できません。 テンペスト攻撃の心配がなく、 部屋に誰も居なければ、 入力内容

       -f FILE
       --file FILE
           Read commands from "FILE".  To write pure guestfish scripts, use:

            #!/usr/bin/guestfish -f

           -a オプションは標準状態でディスクイメージの形式を自動検知します。 これを使用することに
           より、コマンドラインで後続の -a オプションのディスク形式を強制的に指定できます。 引数
           なしで --format を使用することにより、 後続の -a オプションに対して自動検知に戻せま


            guestfish --format=raw -a disk.img

           forces raw format (no auto-detection) for disk.img.

            guestfish --format=raw -a disk.img --format -a another.img

           forces raw format (no auto-detection) for disk.img and reverts to auto-detection for

           仮想マシンのディスクイメージが信頼できない raw 形式である場合、 ディスク形式を指定する
           ためにこのオプションを使用すべきです。 これにより、悪意のある仮想マシンにより起こり得
           る セキュリティ問題を回避できます (CVE-2010-3851)。 "add" 参照。

           virt-inspector(1) コードを使用すると、 オペレーティングシステムを判定するためにディス
           クを検査します。 また、実際の仮想マシンにマウントすることと同じように ファイルシステム


            guestfish -d myguest -i

           (myguest という停止状態の libvirt 仮想マシンの場合)、または:

            guestfish --ro -d myguest -i

           (動作中の仮想マシンの場合、読み込み専用)、 またはブロックデバイスを直接指定します:

            guestfish --rw -a /dev/Guests/MyGuest -i

           コマンドライン構文が古いバージョンの guestfish から少し変更されたことに注意してくださ
           い。 まだ古い構文を使用することができます:

            guestfish [--ro] -i disk.img

            guestfish [--ro] -i libvirt-domain

           このフラグを使用することは、 "inspect-os" コマンドを使用することとほぼ同じです。 検出
           されたファイルシステムをマウントするために 他のコマンドを使用します。

       --key SELECTOR
           Specify a key for LUKS, to automatically open a LUKS device when using the inspection.

           --key NAME:key:KEY_STRING
           --key UUID:key:KEY_STRING
           --key all:key:KEY_STRING
               "NAME" is the libguestfs device name (eg. "/dev/sda1").  "UUID" is the device
               UUID.  "all" means try the key against any encrypted device.

               Use the specified "KEY_STRING" as passphrase.

           --key NAME:file:FILENAME
           --key UUID:file:FILENAME
           --key all:file:FILENAME
               Read the passphrase from FILENAME.

           --key NAME:clevis
           --key UUID:clevis
           --key all:clevis
               Attempt passphrase-less unlocking for the device with Clevis, over the network.
               Please refer to "ENCRYPTED DISKS" in guestfs(3) for more information on network-
               bound disk encryption (NBDE).

               Note that if any such option is present on the command line, QEMU user networking
               will be automatically enabled for the libguestfs appliance.

           Read key or passphrase parameters from stdin.  The default is to try to read
           passphrases from the user by opening /dev/tty.

           If there are multiple encrypted devices then you may need to supply multiple keys on
           stdin, one per line.

           バックグラウンドにフォークし、リモートコマンドをリッスンします。 以下の "REMOTE

       -m dev[:mountpoint[:options[:fstype]]]
       --mount dev[:mountpoint[:options[:fstype]]]
           指定されたマウントポイントにある、 名前付きパーティションまたは論理ボリュームをマウン

           If the mountpoint is omitted, it defaults to /.

           You have to mount something on / before most commands will work.

           何らかの -m または --mount オプションが指定されると、 仮想マシンが自動的に起動されま

           If you don’t know what filesystems a disk image contains, you can either run guestfish
           without this option, then list the partitions, filesystems and LVs available (see
           "list-partitions", "list-filesystems" and "lvs" commands), or you can use the
           virt-filesystems(1) program.

           マウントパラメーターの三番目の (ほとんど使用されない) 項目は、 バックエンドのファイル
           システムをマウントするために使用される マウントオプションの一覧です。 これが指定されて
           いない場合、 マウントオプションは空文字列または "ro" (--ro フラグが使用されている場合)

            -m /dev/sda1:/:acl,user_xattr

           このフラグを使用することは、 "mount-options" コマンドを使用することと同等です。

           パラメーターの四番目の項目は使用するファイルシステムドライバー ("ext3" や "ntfs" など)
           です。 これはほとんど必要ありません。 しかし、複数のドライバーがファイルシステムに対し
           て有効である場合 (例: "ext2" と "ext3")、 または libguestfs がファイルシステムを誤検知
           している場合、 これは有用です。

           仮想マシンにおいて QEMU のユーザーモードのネットワークを有効にします。

       --new [FILENAME=]TYPE
       -N help
           Prepare a fresh disk image formatted as "TYPE".  This is an alternative to the -a
           option: whereas -a adds an existing disk, -N creates a preformatted disk with a
           filesystem and adds it.  See "PREPARED DISK IMAGES" below.

           自動同期を無効化します。 これは標準で有効化されています。 guestfs(3) マニュアルページ
           の自動同期に関する記載を 参照してください。

           Don’t tab-complete paths on the guest filesystem.  It is useful to be able to hit the
           tab key to complete paths on the guest filesystem, but this causes extra "hidden"
           guestfs calls to be made, so this option is here to allow this feature to be disabled.

           コマンドのパイプ (以下の "パイプ" 参照) への書き込みに失敗した場合、 このコマンドがエ

           標準状態では、(歴史的な理由から) そのようなエラーは次のために無視されます。

            ><fs> command_with_lots_of_output | head


           guestfish が非対話式モードを使用している場合でも、 進行状況バーを有効にします。

           guestfish を対話式シェルで使用するとき、 進行状況バーが標準で有効になっています。


           リモートコマンドを $GUESTFISH_PID または "pid" に送信します。 以下の "REMOTE CONTROL

           ディスクが追加され、読み込み専用でマウントされるよう、 -a, -d, -m オプションを変更しま

           ディスクイメージまたは仮想マシンが使用中の場合、 必ずこのオプションを使用する必要があ
           ります。 また、ディスクへの書き込みアクセスが不要な場合、 このオプションが一般的に推奨

           -N オプションで作成された準備済みディスクイメージは、 このオプションの効果がないことに
           注意してください。 "add" のようなコマンドも影響を受けません。 必要があれ
           ば、"readonly:true" オプションを明示的に指定する必要があります。


           This option is provided for backwards compatibility and does nothing.

           非常に冗長なメッセージを出力します。  バグを探す場合、とくに有用です。

           guestfish / libguestfs のバージョン番号を表示して、終了します。

           ディスクが追加され、読み書き可能でマウントされるよう、 -a, -d, -m オプションを変更しま


       -x  各コマンドを実行する前にエコーします。


       Any additional (non-option) arguments are treated as commands to execute.

       Commands to execute should be separated by a colon (":"), where the colon is a separate
       parameter.  Thus:

        guestfish cmd [args...] : cmd [args...] : cmd [args...] ...

       If there are no additional arguments, then we enter a shell, either an interactive shell
       with a prompt (if the input is a terminal) or a non-interactive shell.

       In either command line mode or non-interactive shell, the first command that gives an
       error causes the whole shell to exit.  In interactive mode (with a prompt) if a command
       fails, you can continue to enter commands.

       Note that arguments of the commands will be considered as guestfish options if they start
       with a dash ("-"): you can always separate the guestfish options and the rest of the
       commands (with their arguments)  using a double dash ("--").  For example:

        guestfish -- disk_create overlay.qcow2 qcow2 -1 backingfile:image.img

launch (または run) の使用法

       As with guestfs(3), you must first configure your guest by adding disks, then launch it,
       then mount any disks you need, and finally issue actions/commands.  So the general order
       of the day is:

       •   add or -a/--add

       •   launch (別名 run)

       •   mount または -m/--mount

       •   any other commands

       "run" is a synonym for "launch".  You must "launch" (or "run")  your guest before mounting
       or performing any other commands.

       The only exception is that if any of the -i, -m, --mount, -N or --new options were given
       then "run" is done automatically, simply because guestfish can't perform the action you
       asked for without doing this.


       The guestfish, guestmount(1) and virt-rescue(1) options --ro and --rw affect whether the
       other command line options -a, -c, -d, -i and -m open disk images read-only or for

       In libguestfs ≤ 1.10, guestfish, guestmount and virt-rescue defaulted to opening disk
       images supplied on the command line for write.  To open a disk image read-only you have to
       do -a image --ro.

       This matters: If you accidentally open a live VM disk image writable then you will cause
       irreversible disk corruption.

       In a future libguestfs we intend to change the default the other way.  Disk images will be
       opened read-only.  You will have to either specify guestfish --rw, guestmount --rw, virt-
       rescue --rw, or change the configuration file in order to get write access for disk images
       specified by those other command line options.

       This version of guestfish, guestmount and virt-rescue has a --rw option which does nothing
       (it is already the default).  However it is highly recommended that you use this option to
       indicate that you need write access, and prepare your scripts for the day when this option
       will be required for write access.

       Note: This does not affect commands like "add" and "mount", or any other libguestfs
       program apart from guestfish and guestmount.


       You can quote ordinary parameters using either single or double quotes.  For example:

        add "file with a space.img"

        rm '/file name'

        rm '/"'

       A few commands require a list of strings to be passed.  For these, use a whitespace-
       separated list, enclosed in quotes.  Strings containing whitespace to be passed through
       must be enclosed in single quotes.  A literal single quote must be escaped with a

        vgcreate VG "/dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1"
        command "/bin/echo 'foo      bar'"
        command "/bin/echo \'foo\'"

       In double-quoted arguments (only) use backslash to insert special characters:









           8 進値 ooo を持つ文字。(C とは異なり)ちょうど 3 桁である必要があります。

           16 進数値 hh を持つ文字。ちょうど 2 桁である必要があります。

           In the current implementation "\000" and "\x00" cannot be used in strings.



       Some commands take optional arguments.  These arguments appear in this documentation as
       "[argname:..]".  You can use them as in these examples:

        add filename

        add filename readonly:true

        add filename format:qcow2 readonly:false

       Each optional argument can appear at most once.  All optional arguments must appear after
       the required ones.




       k または K または KiB
           キロ(1024 の掛け算)バイト単位の容量です。

       KB  国際単位系(SI)の 1000 バイト単位の容量です。

       M または MiB
           メガ(1048576 の掛け算)バイト単位の容量です。

       MB  国際単位系(SI)の 1000000 バイト単位の容量です。

       G または GiB
           ギガ(2 の 30 乗の掛け算)バイト単位の容量です。

       GB  国際単位系(SI)の 10 の 9 乗バイト単位の容量です。

       T または TiB
           テラ(2 の 40 乗の掛け算)バイト単位の容量です。

       TB  国際単位系(SI)の 10 の 12 乗バイト単位の容量です。

       P または PiB
           ペタ(2 の 50 乗の掛け算)バイト単位の容量です。

       PB  国際単位系(SI)の 10 の 15 乗バイト単位の容量です。

       E または EiB
           エクサ(2 の 60 乗の掛け算)バイト単位の容量です。

       EB  国際単位系(SI)の 10 の 18 乗バイト単位の容量です。

       Z または ZiB
           ゼタ(2 の 70 乗の掛け算)バイト単位の容量です。

       ZB  国際単位系(SI)の 10 の 21 乗バイト単位の容量です。

       Y または YiB
           ヨタ(2 の 80 乗の掛け算)バイト単位の容量です。

       YB  国際単位系(SI)の 10 の 24 乗バイト単位の容量です。


        truncate-size /file 1G

       ファイルを 1 ギガバイトに切り詰めます。

       いくつかのコマンドはキロバイトまたはメガバイト単位の容量をとるので注意してください (たとえ
       ば、"memsize" のパラメーターはすでにメガバイト単位で指定されています)。接尾辞をつけること

   10 進数値および 16 進数値
       For specifying the radix (base) use the C convention: 0 to prefix an octal number or "0x"
       to prefix a hexadecimal number.  For example:

        1234      10 進数 1234
        02322     8 進数、10 進数の 1234
        0x4d2     16 進数、10 進数の 1234

       When using the "chmod" command, you almost always want to specify an octal number for the
       mode, and you must prefix it with 0 (unlike the Unix chmod(1) program):

        chmod 0777 /public  # 正解
        chmod 777 /public   # 誤り! このモードは 10 進 777 = 8 進 01411 です。

       Commands that return numbers usually print them in decimal, but some commands print
       numbers in other radices (eg. "umask" prints the mode in octal, preceded by 0).


       Neither guestfish nor the underlying guestfs API performs wildcard expansion (globbing) by
       default.  So for example the following will not do what you expect:

        rm-rf /home/*

       Assuming you don’t have a directory called literally /home/* then the above command will
       return an error.

       ワイルドカードの展開を実行するには "glob" コマンドを使用します。

        glob rm-rf /home/*

       runs "rm-rf" on each path that matches (ie. potentially running the command many times),
       equivalent to:

        rm-rf /home/jim
        rm-rf /home/joe
        rm-rf /home/mary

       "glob" only works on simple guest paths and not on device names.

       If you have several parameters, each containing a wildcard, then glob will perform a
       Cartesian product.


       Any line which starts with a # character is treated as a comment and ignored.  The # can
       optionally be preceded by whitespace, but not by a command.  For example:

        # これはコメントです
                # これはコメントです
        foo # コメントではありません



       Any line which starts with a ! character is treated as a command sent to the local shell
       (/bin/sh or whatever system(3) uses).  For example:

        !mkdir local
        tgz-out /remote local/remote-data.tar.gz

       will create a directory "local" on the host, and then export the contents of /remote on
       the mounted filesystem to local/remote-data.tar.gz. (See "tgz-out").

       To change the local directory, use the "lcd" command.  "!cd" will have no effect, due to
       the way that subprocesses work in Unix.

       If a line starts with <! then the shell command is executed (as for !), but subsequently
       any output (stdout) of the shell command is parsed and executed as guestfish commands.

       Thus you can use shell script to construct arbitrary guestfish commands which are then
       parsed by guestfish.

       For example it is tedious to create a sequence of files (eg. /foo.1 through /foo.100)
       using guestfish commands alone.  However this is simple if we use a shell script to create
       the guestfish commands for us:

        <! for n in `seq 1 100`; do echo write /foo.$n $n; done

       or with names like /foo.001:

        <! for n in `seq 1 100`; do printf "write /foo.%03d %d\n" $n $n; done

       When using guestfish interactively it can be helpful to just run the shell script first
       (ie. remove the initial "<" character so it is just an ordinary ! local command), see what
       guestfish commands it would run, and when you are happy with those prepend the "<"
       character to run the guestfish commands for real.


       Use "command <space> | command" to pipe the output of the first command (a guestfish
       command) to the second command (any host command).  For example:

        cat /etc/passwd | awk -F: '$3 == 0 { print }'

       (where "cat" is the guestfish cat command, but "awk" is the host awk program).  The above
       command would list all accounts in the guest filesystem which have UID 0, ie. root
       accounts including backdoors.  Other examples:

        hexdump /bin/ls | head
        list-devices | tail -1
        tgz-out / - | tar ztf -

       The space before the pipe symbol is required, any space after the pipe symbol is optional.
       Everything after the pipe symbol is just passed straight to the host shell, so it can
       contain redirections, globs and anything else that makes sense on the host side.

       To use a literal argument which begins with a pipe symbol, you have to quote it, eg:

        echo "|"


       If a parameter starts with the character "~" then the tilde may be expanded as a home
       directory path (either "~" for the current user's home directory, or "~user" for another

       Note that home directory expansion happens for users known on the host, not in the guest

       To use a literal argument which begins with a tilde, you have to quote it, eg:

        echo "~"


       Libguestfs has some support for Linux guests encrypted according to the Linux Unified Key
       Setup (LUKS) standard, which includes nearly all whole disk encryption systems used by
       modern Linux guests, and Windows BitLocker.

       Identify encrypted block devices and partitions using "vfs-type":

        ><fs> vfs-type /dev/sda2


        ><fs> vfs-type /dev/sda2

       Then open those devices using "cryptsetup-open".  This creates a device-mapper device
       called /dev/mapper/name.

        ><fs> cryptsetup-open /dev/sda2 name
        Enter key or passphrase ("key"): <enter the passphrase>

       For Linux guests you have to tell LVM to scan for volume groups on the newly created
       mapper device:

        vg-activate-all true

       The filesystems or logical volumes can now be mounted in the usual way.

       Before closing an encrypted device you must unmount any logical volumes on it and
       deactivate the volume groups by calling "vg-activate false VG" on each one.  Then you can
       close the mapper device:

        vg-activate false /dev/VG
        cryptsetup-close /dev/mapper/name

Windows のパス

       If a path is prefixed with "win:" then you can use Windows-style drive letters and paths
       (with some limitations).  The following commands are equivalent:

        file /WINDOWS/system32/config/system.LOG

        file win:\windows\system32\config\system.log

        file WIN:C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM.LOG

       The parameter is rewritten "behind the scenes" by looking up the position where the drive
       is mounted, prepending that to the path, changing all backslash characters to forward
       slash, then resolving the result using "case-sensitive-path".  For example if the E: drive
       was mounted on /e then the parameter might be rewritten like this:

        win:e:\foo\bar => /e/FOO/bar

       This only works in argument positions that expect a path.


       For commands such as "upload", "download", "tar-in", "tar-out" and others which upload
       from or download to a local file, you can use the special filename "-" to mean "from
       stdin" or "to stdout".  For example:

        upload - /foo

       reads stdin and creates from that a file /foo in the disk image, and:

        tar-out /etc - | tar tf -

       writes the tarball to stdout and then pipes that into the external "tar" command (see

       When using "-" to read from stdin, the input is read up to the end of stdin.  You can also
       use a special "heredoc"-like syntax to read up to some arbitrary end marker:

        upload -<<END /foo
        input line 1
        input line 2
        input line 3

       Any string of characters can be used instead of "END".  The end marker must appear on a
       line of its own, without any preceding or following characters (not even spaces).

       Note that the "-<<" syntax only applies to parameters used to upload local files (so-
       called "FileIn" parameters in the generator).


       By default, guestfish will ignore any errors when in interactive mode (ie. taking commands
       from a human over a tty), and will exit on the first error in non-interactive mode
       (scripts, commands given on the command line).

       If you prefix a command with a - character, then that command will not cause guestfish to
       exit, even if that (one) command returns an error.

guestfish のソケット経由のリモート制御

       Guestfish can be remote-controlled over a socket.  This is useful particularly in shell
       scripts where you want to make several different changes to a filesystem, but you don't
       want the overhead of starting up a guestfish process each time.

       Start a guestfish server process using:

        eval "`guestfish --listen`"

       and then send it commands by doing:

        guestfish --remote cmd [...]

       To cause the server to exit, send it the exit command:

        guestfish --remote exit

       Note that the server will normally exit if there is an error in a command. You can change
       this in the usual way.  See section "EXIT ON ERROR BEHAVIOUR".

       The "eval" statement sets the environment variable $GUESTFISH_PID, which is how the
       --remote option knows where to send the commands.  You can have several guestfish listener
       processes running using:

        eval "`guestfish --listen`"
        eval "`guestfish --listen`"
        guestfish --remote=$pid1 cmd
        guestfish --remote=$pid2 cmd

       csh 系のシェル (csh, tcsh など) を使用するとき、--csh オプションを追加する必要があります:

        eval "`guestfish --listen --csh`"

       Remote control happens over a Unix domain socket called /tmp/.guestfish-$UID/socket-$PID,
       where $UID is the effective user ID of the process, and $PID is the process ID of the

       Guestfish client and server versions must match exactly.

       Older versions of guestfish were vulnerable to CVE-2013-4419 (see "CVE-2013-4419" in
       guestfs(3)).  This is fixed in the current version.

       From Bash, you can use the following code which creates a guestfish instance, correctly
       quotes the command line, handles failure to start, and cleans up guestfish when the script

        #!/bin/bash -

        set -e


        eval $("${guestfish[@]}")
        if [ -z "$GUESTFISH_PID" ]; then
            echo "error: guestfish didn't start up, see error messages above"
            exit 1

        cleanup_guestfish ()
            guestfish --remote -- exit >/dev/null 2>&1 ||:
        trap cleanup_guestfish EXIT ERR

        guestfish --remote -- run

        # ...

       Options such as -a, --add, -N, --new etc don’t interact properly with remote support.
       They are processed locally, and not sent through to the remote guestfish.  In particular
       this won't do what you expect:

        guestfish --remote --add disk.img

       Don’t use these options.  Use the equivalent commands instead, eg:

        guestfish --remote add-drive disk.img


        guestfish --remote
        ><fs> add disk.img

       Using the "run" (or "launch") command remotely in a command substitution context hangs,
       ie. don't do (note the backquotes):

        a=`guestfish --remote run`

       Since the "run" command produces no output on stdout, this is not useful anyway.  For
       further information see


       Use the -N [filename=]type or --new [filename=]type parameter to select one of a set of
       preformatted disk images that guestfish can make for you to save typing.  This is
       particularly useful for testing purposes.  This option is used instead of the -a option,
       and like -a can appear multiple times (and can be mixed with -a).

       The new disk is called test1.img for the first -N, test2.img for the second and so on.
       Existing files in the current directory are overwritten.  You can use a different filename
       by specifying "filename=" before the type (see examples below).

       The type briefly describes how the disk should be sized, partitioned, how filesystem(s)
       should be created, and how content should be added. Optionally the type can be followed by
       extra parameters, separated by ":" (colon) characters.  For example, -N fs creates a
       default 1G, sparsely-allocated disk, containing a single partition, with the partition
       formatted as ext2.  -N fs:ext4:2G is the same, but for an ext4 filesystem on a 2GB disk

       Note that the prepared filesystem is not mounted.  You would usually have to use the
       "mount /dev/sda1 /" command or add the -m /dev/sda1 option.

       If any -N or --new options are given, the libguestfs appliance is automatically launched.

       Create a 1G disk with an ext4-formatted partition, called test1.img in the current

        guestfish -N fs:ext4

       VFAT フォーマットのパーティションを持つ 32MB ディスクを作成して、マウントします:

        guestfish -N fs:vfat:32M -m /dev/sda1

       200MB の空ディスクを作成します:

        guestfish -N disk:200M

       Create a blank 200MB disk called blankdisk.img (instead of test1.img):

        guestfish -N blankdisk.img=disk:200M

   -N disk - create a blank disk
       "guestfish -N [filename=]disk[:size]"

       Create a blank disk, size 1G (by default).

       The default size can be changed by supplying an optional parameter.


        Name          Default value
        size          1G            the size of the disk image

   -N part - create a partitioned disk
       "guestfish -N [filename=]part[:size[:partition]]"

       Create a disk with a single partition.  By default the size of the disk is 1G (the
       available space in the partition will be a tiny bit smaller)  and the partition table will
       be MBR (old DOS-style).

       These defaults can be changed by supplying optional parameters.


        Name          Default value
        size          1G            the size of the disk image
        partition     mbr           partition table type

   -N fs - create a filesystem
       "guestfish -N [filename=]fs[:filesystem[:size[:partition]]]"

       Create a disk with a single partition, with the partition containing an empty filesystem.
       This defaults to creating a 1G disk (the available space in the filesystem will be a tiny
       bit smaller) with an MBR (old DOS-style) partition table and an ext2 filesystem.

       These defaults can be changed by supplying optional parameters.


        Name          Default value
        filesystem    ext2          the type of filesystem to use
        size          1G            the size of the disk image
        partition     mbr           partition table type

   -N lv - create a disk with logical volume
       "guestfish -N [filename=]lv[:name[:size[:partition]]]"

       Create a disk with a single partition, set up the partition as an LVM2 physical volume,
       and place a volume group and logical volume on there.  This defaults to creating a 1G disk
       with the VG and LV called "/dev/VG/LV".  You can change the name of the VG and LV by
       supplying an alternate name as the first optional parameter.

       Note this does not create a filesystem.  Use 'lvfs' to do that.


        Name          Default value
        name          /dev/VG/LV    the name of the VG and LV to use
        size          1G            the size of the disk image
        partition     mbr           partition table type

   -N lvfs - create a disk with logical volume and filesystem
       "guestfish -N [filename=]lvfs[:name[:filesystem[:size[:partition]]]]"

       Create a disk with a single partition, set up the partition as an LVM2 physical volume,
       and place a volume group and logical volume on there.  Then format the LV with a
       filesystem.  This defaults to creating a 1G disk with the VG and LV called "/dev/VG/LV",
       with an ext2 filesystem.


        Name          Default value
        name          /dev/VG/LV    the name of the VG and LV to use
        filesystem    ext2          the type of filesystem to use
        size          1G            the size of the disk image
        partition     mbr           partition table type

   -N bootroot - create a boot and root filesystem
       "guestfish -N [filename=]bootroot[:bootfs[:rootfs[:size[:bootsize[:partition]]]]]"

       Create a disk with two partitions, for boot and root filesystem.  Format the two
       filesystems independently.  There are several optional parameters which control the exact
       layout and filesystem types.


        Name          Default value
        bootfs        ext2          the type of filesystem to use for boot
        rootfs        ext2          the type of filesystem to use for root
        size          1G            the size of the disk image
        bootsize      128M          the size of the boot filesystem
        partition     mbr           partition table type

   -N bootrootlv - create a boot and root filesystem using LVM
       "guestfish -N

       This is the same as "bootroot" but the root filesystem (only) is placed on a logical
       volume, named by default "/dev/VG/LV".  There are several optional parameters which
       control the exact layout.


        Name          Default value
        name          /dev/VG/LV    the name of the VG and LV for root
        bootfs        ext2          the type of filesystem to use for boot
        rootfs        ext2          the type of filesystem to use for root
        size          1G            the size of the disk image
        bootsize      128M          the size of the boot filesystem
        partition     mbr           partition table type


       For API-level documentation on this topic, see "guestfs_add_drive_opts" in guestfs(3) and
       "REMOTE STORAGE" in guestfs(3).

       On the command line, you can use the -a option to add network block devices using a URI-
       style format, for example:

        guestfish -a ssh://

       URIs cannot be used with the "add" command.  The equivalent command using the API directly

        ><fs> add /disk.img protocol:ssh username:root

       The possible -a URI formats are described below.

   -a disk.img
   -a file:///path/to/disk.img
       Add the local disk image (or device) called disk.img.

   -a ftp://[user@][:port]/disk.img
   -a ftps://[user@][:port]/disk.img
   -a http://[user@][:port]/disk.img
   -a https://[user@][:port]/disk.img
   -a tftp://[user@][:port]/disk.img
       Add a disk located on a remote FTP, HTTP or TFTP server.

       The equivalent API command would be:

        ><fs> add /disk.img protocol:(ftp|...)

   -a gluster://[:port]/volname/image
       Add a disk image located on GlusterFS storage.

       The server is the one running "glusterd", and may be "localhost".

       The equivalent API command would be:

        ><fs> add volname/image protocol:gluster

   -a iscsi://[:port]/target-iqn-name[/lun]
       Add a disk located on an iSCSI server.

       The equivalent API command would be:

        ><fs> add target-iqn-name/lun protocol:iscsi

   -a nbd://[:port]
   -a nbd://[:port]/exportname
   -a nbd://?socket=/socket
   -a nbd:///exportname?socket=/socket
       Add a disk located on Network Block Device (nbd) storage.

       The exportname part of the URI specifies an NBD export name, but is usually left empty.

       The optional ?socket parameter can be used to specify a Unix domain socket that we talk to
       the NBD server over.  Note that you cannot mix server name (ie. TCP/IP) and socket path.

       The equivalent API command would be (no export name):

        ><fs> add "" protocol:nbd server:[|unix:/socket]

   -a rbd:///pool/disk
   -a rbd://[:port]/pool/disk
       Add a disk image located on a Ceph (RBD/librbd) storage volume.

       Although libguestfs and Ceph supports multiple servers, only a single server can be
       specified when using this URI syntax.

       The equivalent API command would be:

        ><fs> add pool/disk protocol:rbd

   -a sheepdog://[[:port]]/volume/image
       Add a disk image located on a Sheepdog volume.

       The server name is optional.  Although libguestfs and Sheepdog supports multiple servers,
       only at most one server can be specified when using this URI syntax.

       The equivalent API command would be:

        ><fs> add volume protocol:sheepdog []

   -a ssh://[user@][:port]/disk.img
       Add a disk image located on a remote server, accessed using the Secure Shell (ssh) SFTP
       protocol.  SFTP is supported out of the box by all major SSH servers.

       The equivalent API command would be:

        ><fs> add /disk protocol:ssh [username:user]

       Note that the URIs follow the syntax of RFC 3986: in particular, there are restrictions on
       the allowed characters for the various components of the URI.  Characters such as ":",
       "@", and "/" must be percent-encoded:

        $ guestfish -a ssh://

       In this case, the password is "pass@word".


       Some (not all) long-running commands send progress notification messages as they are
       running.  Guestfish turns these messages into progress bars.

       When a command that supports progress bars takes longer than two seconds to run, and if
       progress bars are enabled, then you will see one appearing below the command:

        ><fs> copy-size /large-file /another-file 2048M
        / 10% [#####-----------------------------------------] 00:30

       The spinner on the left hand side moves round once for every progress notification
       received from the backend.  This is a (reasonably) golden assurance that the command is
       "doing something" even if the progress bar is not moving, because the command is able to
       send the progress notifications. When the bar reaches 100% and the command finishes, the
       spinner disappears.

       Progress bars are enabled by default when guestfish is used interactively. You can enable
       them even for non-interactive modes using --progress-bars, and you can disable them
       completely using --no-progress-bars.


       You can change or add colours to the default prompt ("><fs>") by setting the
       "GUESTFISH_PS1" environment variable.  A second string ("GUESTFISH_OUTPUT") is printed
       after the command has been entered and before the output, allowing you to control the
       colour of the output.  A third string ("GUESTFISH_INIT")  is printed before the welcome
       message, allowing you to control the colour of that message.  A fourth string
       ("GUESTFISH_RESTORE") is printed before guestfish exits.

       A simple prompt can be set by setting "GUESTFISH_PS1" to an alternate string:

        $ GUESTFISH_PS1='(type a command) '
        $ export GUESTFISH_PS1
        $ guestfish
        (type a command) ▂

       You can also use special escape sequences, as described in the table below:

       \\  文字としてのバックスラッシュ文字。

       \]  (These should only be used in "GUESTFISH_PS1".)

           Place non-printing characters (eg. terminal control codes for colours) between
           "\[...\]".  What this does it to tell the readline(3) library that it should treat
           this subsequence as zero-width, so that command-line redisplay, editing etc works.

       \a  ベル文字。

       \e  ASCII ESC (エスケープ) 文字。

       \n  改行。

       \r  復帰。

           コードの8 進値が NNN の ASCII 文字。

           コードの 16 進値が NN の ASCII 文字。

       Note that these examples require a terminal that supports ANSI escape codes.


            GUESTFISH_PS1='\[\e[1;30m\]><fs>\[\e[0;30m\] '

           A bold black version of the ordinary prompt.


            GUESTFISH_PS1='\[\e[1;32m\]><fs>\[\e[0;31m\] '

           Blue welcome text, green prompt, red commands, black command output.


       Windows 8 "fast startup" can prevent guestfish from mounting NTFS partitions.  See

guestfish コマンド

       The commands in this section are guestfish convenience commands, in other words, they are
       not part of the guestfs(3) API.

        help cmd
        help -l|--list

       Without any parameter, this provides general help.

       With a "cmd" parameter, this displays detailed help for that command.

       With -l or --list, this list all commands.

       これは guestfish を終了します。"^D" キーを使用することもできます。

        alloc filename size

       This creates an empty (zeroed) file of the given size, and then adds so it can be further

       For more advanced image creation, see "disk-create".

       Size can be specified using standard suffixes, eg. "1M".

       スパースなファイルを作成するには、代わりに "sparse" を使用します。非スパースなディスクイ
       メージを作成するには、 "準備済みディスクイメージ" を参照してください。

        copy-in local [local ...] /remotedir

       "copy-in" copies local files or directories recursively into the disk image, placing them
       in the directory called /remotedir (which must exist).  This guestfish meta-command turns
       into a sequence of "tar-in" and other commands as necessary.

       Multiple local files and directories can be specified, but the last parameter must always
       be a remote directory.  Wildcards cannot be used.

        copy-out remote [remote ...] localdir

       "copy-out" copies remote files or directories recursively out of the disk image, placing
       them on the host disk in a local directory called "localdir" (which must exist).  This
       guestfish meta-command turns into a sequence of "download", "tar-out" and other commands
       as necessary.

       Multiple remote files and directories can be specified, but the last parameter must always
       be a local directory.  To download to the current directory, use "." as in:

        copy-out /home .

       Wildcards cannot be used in the ordinary command, but you can use them with the help of
       "glob" like this:

        glob copy-out /home/* .

        delete-event name

       Delete the event handler which was previously registered as "name".  If multiple event
       handlers were registered with the same name, they are all deleted.

       guestfish コマンドの "event" および "list-events" 参照。

        display filename

       Use "display" (a graphical display program) to display an image file.  It downloads the
       file, and runs "display" on it.

       To use an alternative program, set the "GUESTFISH_DISPLAY_IMAGE" environment variable.
       For example to use the GNOME display program:

        export GUESTFISH_DISPLAY_IMAGE=eog

       display(1) 参照。

        echo [params ...]


        edit filename

       This is used to edit a file.  It downloads the file, edits it locally using your editor,
       then uploads the result.

       The editor is $EDITOR.  However if you use the alternate commands "vi" or "emacs" you will
       get those corresponding editors.

        event name eventset "shell script ..."

       Register a shell script fragment which is executed when an event is raised. See
       "guestfs_set_event_callback" in guestfs(3) for a discussion of the event API in

       The "name" parameter is a name that you give to this event handler.  It can be any string
       (even the empty string) and is simply there so you can delete the handler using the
       guestfish "delete-event" command.

       The "eventset" parameter is a comma-separated list of one or more events, for example
       "close" or "close,trace".  The special value "*" means all events.

       The third and final parameter is the shell script fragment (or any external command) that
       is executed when any of the events in the eventset occurs.  It is executed using "$SHELL
       -c", or if $SHELL is not set then /bin/sh -c.

       The shell script fragment receives callback parameters as arguments $1, $2 etc.  The
       actual event that was called is available in the environment variable $EVENT.

        event "" close "echo closed"
        event messages appliance,library,trace "echo $@"
        event "" progress "echo progress: $3/$4"
        event "" * "echo $EVENT $@"

       guestfish コマンドの "delete-event" および "list-events" 参照。

        glob command args...

       Expand wildcards in any paths in the args list, and run "command" repeatedly on each
       matching path.


        hexedit <filename|device>
        hexedit <filename|device> <max>
        hexedit <filename|device> <start> <max>

       Use hexedit (a hex editor) to edit all or part of a binary file or block device.

       This command works by downloading potentially the whole file or device, editing it
       locally, then uploading it.  If the file or device is large, you have to specify which
       part you wish to edit by using "max" and/or "start" "max" parameters.  "start" and "max"
       are specified in bytes, with the usual modifiers allowed such as "1M" (1 megabyte).

       For example to edit the first few sectors of a disk you might do:

        hexedit /dev/sda 1M

       which would allow you to edit anywhere within the first megabyte of the disk.

       To edit the superblock of an ext2 filesystem on /dev/sda1, do:

        hexedit /dev/sda1 0x400 0x400

       (assuming the superblock is in the standard location).

       This command requires the external hexedit(1) program.  You can specify another program to
       use by setting the "HEXEDITOR" environment variable.

       "hexdump" 参照。

        lcd directory

       Change the local directory, ie. the current directory of guestfish itself.

       Note that "!cd" won't do what you might expect.


       List the event handlers registered using the guestfish "event" command.


       guestfish のマニュアルページを開きます。

        more filename

        less filename


       デフォルトのビューアーは $PAGER です。  しかし代替のコマンド "less" を使用すると、明示的に
       "less" コマンドが使えます。


       Close and reopen the libguestfs handle.  It is not necessary to use this normally, because
       the handle is closed properly when guestfish exits. However this is occasionally useful
       for testing.

         setenv VAR value

       環境変数 "VAR" を文字列 "value" に設定します。


        !echo $VAR

        sparse filename size

       This creates an empty sparse file of the given size, and then adds so it can be further

       In all respects it works the same as the "alloc" command, except that the image file is
       allocated sparsely, which means that disk blocks are not assigned to the file until they
       are needed.  Sparse disk files only use space when written to, but they are slower and
       there is a danger you could run out of real disk space during a write operation.

       For more advanced image creation, see "disk-create".

       Size can be specified using standard suffixes, eg. "1M".

       See also the guestfish "scratch" command.


       This command returns a list of the optional groups known to the daemon, and indicates
       which ones are supported by this build of the libguestfs appliance.

       "AVAILABILITY" in guestfs(3) 参照。

        time command args...

       Run the command as usual, but print the elapsed time afterwards.  This can be useful for
       benchmarking operations.

         unsetenv VAR

       環境から "VAR" を削除します。


        acl-delete-def-file dir

       この関数はディレクトリー "dir" に設定されている標準の POSIX アクセス制御リスト (ACL:
       Access Control List) を削除します。

       This command depends on the feature "acl".  See also "feature-available".

        acl-get-file path acltype

       This function returns the POSIX Access Control List (ACL) attached to "path".  The ACL is
       returned in "long text form" (see acl(5)).

       The "acltype" parameter may be:

           Return the ordinary (access) ACL for any file, directory or other filesystem object.

           Return the default ACL.  Normally this only makes sense if "path" is a directory.

       This command depends on the feature "acl".  See also "feature-available".

        acl-set-file path acltype acl

       This function sets the POSIX Access Control List (ACL) attached to "path".

       The "acltype" parameter may be:

           Set the ordinary (access) ACL for any file, directory or other filesystem object.

           Set the default ACL.  Normally this only makes sense if "path" is a directory.

       The "acl" parameter is the new ACL in either "long text form" or "short text form" (see
       acl(5)).  The new ACL completely replaces any previous ACL on the file.  The ACL must
       contain the full Unix permissions (eg. "u::rwx,g::rx,o::rx").

       If you are specifying individual users or groups, then the mask field is also required
       (eg. "m::rwx"), followed by the "u:ID:..." and/or "g:ID:..." field(s).  A full ACL string
       might therefore look like this:

        \ Unix permissions / \mask/ \      ACL        /

       You should use numeric UIDs and GIDs.  To map usernames and groupnames to the correct
       numeric ID in the context of the guest, use the Augeas functions (see "aug-init").

       This command depends on the feature "acl".  See also "feature-available".

        add-cdrom filename

       この関数は仮想 CD-ROM ディスクイメージを仮想マシンに追加します。

       The image is added as read-only drive, so this function is equivalent of "add-drive-ro".

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "add-drive-ro" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        add-domain dom [libvirturi:..] [readonly:true|false] [iface:..] [live:true|false] [allowuuid:true|false] [readonlydisk:..] [cachemode:..] [discard:..] [copyonread:true|false]

       This function adds the disk(s) attached to the named libvirt domain "dom". It works by
       connecting to libvirt, requesting the domain and domain XML from libvirt, parsing it for
       disks, and calling "add-drive-opts" on each one.

       The number of disks added is returned.  This operation is atomic: if an error is returned,
       then no disks are added.

       This function does some minimal checks to make sure the libvirt domain is not running
       (unless "readonly" is true).  In a future version we will try to acquire the libvirt lock
       on each disk.

       Disks must be accessible locally.  This often means that adding disks from a remote
       libvirt connection (see  will fail unless those disks are
       accessible via the same device path locally too.

       The optional "libvirturi" parameter sets the libvirt URI (see  If this is not set then we connect to the default libvirt
       URI (or one set through an environment variable, see the libvirt documentation for full

       The optional "live" flag is ignored in libguestfs ≥ 1.48.

       If the "allowuuid" flag is true (default is false) then a UUID may be passed instead of
       the domain name.  The "dom" string is treated as a UUID first and looked up, and if that
       lookup fails then we treat "dom" as a name as usual.

       The optional "readonlydisk" parameter controls what we do for disks which are marked
       <readonly/> in the libvirt XML.  Possible values are:

       readonlydisk = "error"
           "readonly" が偽ならば:

           The whole call is aborted with an error if any disk with the <readonly/> flag is

           "readonly" が真ならば:

           <readonly/> フラグを持つディスクは読み込み専用で追加されます。

       readonlydisk = "read"
           "readonly" が偽ならば:

           <readonly/> フラグを持つディスクは読み込み専用で追加されます。他のディスクは読み書き用

           "readonly" が真ならば:

           <readonly/> フラグを持つディスクは読み込み専用で追加されます。

       readonlydisk = "write" (デフォルト)
           "readonly" が偽ならば:

           <readonly/> フラグを持つディスクは読み書き用で追加されます。

           "readonly" が真ならば:

           <readonly/> フラグを持つディスクは読み込み専用で追加されます。

       readonlydisk = "ignore"
           "readonly" が真または偽ならば:

           <readonly/> フラグのあるディスクはスキップされます

       If present, the value of "logical_block_size" attribute of <blockio/> tag in libvirt XML
       will be passed as "blocksize" parameter to "add-drive-opts".

       他のオプション引数は直接 "add-drive-opts" に渡されます。

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        add-drive filename [readonly:true|false] [format:..] [iface:..] [name:..] [label:..] [protocol:..] [server:..] [username:..] [secret:..] [cachemode:..] [discard:..] [copyonread:true|false] [blocksize:N]

       This function adds a disk image called filename to the handle. filename may be a regular
       host file or a host device.

       When this function is called before "launch" (the usual case) then the first time you call
       this function, the disk appears in the API as /dev/sda, the second time as /dev/sdb, and
       so on.

       You don't necessarily need to be root when using libguestfs.  However you obviously do
       need sufficient permissions to access the filename for whatever operations you want to
       perform (ie. read access if you just want to read the image or write access if you want to
       modify the image).

       This call checks that filename exists.

       filename may be the special string "/dev/null".  See "NULL DISKS" in guestfs(3).


           If true then the image is treated as read-only.  Writes are still allowed, but they
           are stored in a temporary snapshot overlay which is discarded at the end.  The disk
           that you add is not modified.

           This forces the image format.  If you omit this (or use "add-drive" or "add-drive-ro")
           then the format is automatically detected.  Possible formats include "raw" and

           Automatic detection of the format opens you up to a potential security hole when
           dealing with untrusted raw-format images.  See CVE-2010-3851 and RHBZ#642934.
           Specifying the format closes this security hole.

           This rarely-used option lets you emulate the behaviour of the deprecated "add-drive-
           with-if" call (q.v.)

           This field used to be passed as a hint for guest inspection, but it is no longer used.

           Give the disk a label.  The label should be a unique, short string using only ASCII
           characters "[a-zA-Z]".  As well as its usual name in the API (such as /dev/sda), the
           drive will also be named /dev/disk/guestfs/label.

           "ディスクラベル" in guestfs(3)を参照してください。

           The optional protocol argument can be used to select an alternate source protocol.

           See also: "REMOTE STORAGE" in guestfs(3).

           "protocol = "file""
               filename is interpreted as a local file or device.  This is the default if the
               optional protocol parameter is omitted.

           "protocol = "ftp"|"ftps"|"http"|"https"|"tftp""
               Connect to a remote FTP, HTTP or TFTP server.  The "server" parameter must also be
               supplied - see below.

               See also: "FTP, HTTP AND TFTP" in guestfs(3)

           "protocol = "gluster""
               Connect to the GlusterFS server.  The "server" parameter must also be supplied -
               see below.

               See also: "GLUSTER" in guestfs(3)

           "protocol = "iscsi""
               Connect to the iSCSI server.  The "server" parameter must also be supplied - see
               below.  The "username" parameter may be supplied.  See below.  The "secret"
               parameter may be supplied.  See below.

               See also: "ISCSI" in guestfs(3).

           "protocol = "nbd""
               Connect to the Network Block Device server.  The "server" parameter must also be
               supplied - see below.

               See also: "NETWORK BLOCK DEVICE" in guestfs(3).

           "protocol = "rbd""
               Connect to the Ceph (librbd/RBD) server.  The "server" parameter must also be
               supplied - see below.  The "username" parameter may be supplied.  See below.  The
               "secret" parameter may be supplied.  See below.

               See also: "CEPH" in guestfs(3).

           "protocol = "sheepdog""
               Connect to the Sheepdog server.  The "server" parameter may also be supplied - see

               See also: "SHEEPDOG" in guestfs(3).

           "protocol = "ssh""
               Connect to the Secure Shell (ssh) server.

               The "server" parameter must be supplied.  The "username" parameter may be
               supplied.  See below.

               See also: "SSH" in guestfs(3).

           For protocols which require access to a remote server, this is a list of server(s).

            Protocol       Number of servers required
            --------       --------------------------
            file           List must be empty or param not used at all
            ftp|ftps|http|https|tftp  Exactly one
            gluster        Exactly one
            iscsi          Exactly one
            nbd            Exactly one
            rbd            Zero or more
            sheepdog       Zero or more
            ssh            Exactly one

           Each list element is a string specifying a server.  The string must be in one of the
           following formats:


           If the port number is omitted, then the standard port number for the protocol is used
           (see /etc/services).

           For the "ftp", "ftps", "http", "https", "iscsi", "rbd", "ssh" and "tftp" protocols,
           this specifies the remote username.

           If not given, then the local username is used for "ssh", and no authentication is
           attempted for ceph.  But note this sometimes may give unexpected results, for example
           if using the libvirt backend and if the libvirt backend is configured to start the
           qemu appliance as a special user such as "qemu.qemu".  If in doubt, specify the remote
           username you want.

           For the "rbd" protocol only, this specifies the ‘secret’ to use when connecting to the
           remote device.  It must be base64 encoded.

           If not given, then a secret matching the given username will be looked up in the
           default keychain locations, or if no username is given, then no authentication will be

           Choose whether or not libguestfs will obey sync operations (safe but slow) or not
           (unsafe but fast).  The possible values for this string are:

           "cachemode = "writeback""

               Write operations in the API do not return until a write(2) call has completed in
               the host [but note this does not imply that anything gets written to disk].

               Sync operations in the API, including implicit syncs caused by filesystem
               journalling, will not return until an fdatasync(2) call has completed in the host,
               indicating that data has been committed to disk.

           "cachemode = "unsafe""
               In this mode, there are no guarantees.  Libguestfs may cache anything and ignore
               sync requests.  This is suitable only for scratch or temporary disks.

           Enable or disable discard (a.k.a. trim or unmap) support on this drive.  If enabled,
           operations such as "fstrim" will be able to discard / make thin / punch holes in the
           underlying host file or device.

           Possible discard settings are:

           "discard = "disable""
               Disable discard support.  This is the default.

           "discard = "enable""
               Enable discard support.  Fail if discard is not possible.

           "discard = "besteffort""
               Enable discard support if possible, but don't fail if it is not supported.

               Since not all backends and not all underlying systems support discard, this is a
               good choice if you want to use discard if possible, but don't mind if it doesn't

           The boolean parameter "copyonread" enables copy-on-read support.  This only affects
           disk formats which have backing files, and causes reads to be stored in the overlay
           layer, speeding up multiple reads of the same area of disk.

           The default is false.

           This parameter sets the sector size of the disk.  Possible values are 512 (the default
           if the parameter is omitted) or 4096.  Use 4096 when handling an "Advanced Format"
           disk that uses 4K sector size (

           Only a subset of the backends support this parameter (currently only the libvirt and
           direct backends do).

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        add-drive-ro filename

       This function is the equivalent of calling "add-drive-opts" with the optional parameter
       "GUESTFS_ADD_DRIVE_OPTS_READONLY" set to 1, so the disk is added read-only, with the
       format being detected automatically.

        add-drive-ro-with-if filename iface

       This is the same as "add-drive-ro" but it allows you to specify the QEMU interface
       emulation to use at run time.  Both the direct and the libvirt backends ignore "iface".

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "add-drive" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        add-drive-scratch size [name:..] [label:..] [blocksize:N]

       This command adds a temporary scratch drive to the handle.  The "size" parameter is the
       virtual size (in bytes).  The scratch drive is blank initially (all reads return zeroes
       until you start writing to it).  The drive is deleted when the handle is closed.

       The optional arguments "name", "label" and "blocksize" are passed through to "add-drive-

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        add-drive-with-if filename iface

       This is the same as "add-drive" but it allows you to specify the QEMU interface emulation
       to use at run time.  Both the direct and the libvirt backends ignore "iface".

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "add-drive" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        aug-clear augpath

       Set the value associated with "path" to "NULL".  This is the same as the augtool(1)
       "clear" command.


       Close the current Augeas handle and free up any resources used by it.  After calling this,
       you have to call "aug-init" again before you can use any other Augeas functions.

        aug-defnode name expr val

       その値が "expr" を評価した結果である変数 "name" を定義します。

       If "expr" evaluates to an empty nodeset, a node is created, equivalent to calling "aug-
       set" "expr", "val".  "name" will be the nodeset containing that single node.


        aug-defvar name expr

       "expr" を評価した結果の値である Augeas 変数 "name" を定義します。 "expr" が NULL ならば、
       "name" が定義されません。

       成功した場合、"expr" にあるノード数が返されます。または、"expr" がノードセット以外のもので
       あると評価された場合、0 が返されます。

        aug-get augpath

       "path" と関連づけられた値を検索します。"path" がちょうど一つのノードと一致した場
       合、"value" が返されます。

        aug-init root flags

       Create a new Augeas handle for editing configuration files.  If there was any previous
       Augeas handle associated with this guestfs session, then it is closed.

       You must call this before using any other "aug-*" commands.

       "root" is the filesystem root.  "root" must not be NULL, use / instead.

       The flags are the same as the flags defined in <augeas.h>, the logical or of the following

       "AUG_SAVE_BACKUP" = 1
           ".augsave" 拡張子を付けて元のファイルを保持します。

       "AUG_SAVE_NEWFILE" = 2
           拡張子 ".augnew" を付けたファイルに変更点を保存し、元を上書きしませ
           ん。"AUG_SAVE_BACKUP" を上書きします。

       "AUG_TYPE_CHECK" = 4
           Typecheck lenses.

           This option is only useful when debugging Augeas lenses.  Use of this option may
           require additional memory for the libguestfs appliance.  You may need to set the
           "LIBGUESTFS_MEMSIZE" environment variable or call "set-memsize".

       "AUG_NO_STDINC" = 8

       "AUG_SAVE_NOOP" = 16
           Make save a no-op, just record what would have been changed.

       "AUG_NO_LOAD" = 32
           "aug-init" にあるツリーを読み込みません。

       ハンドルを閉じるには、"aug-close" を呼び出す必要があります。

       Augeas に関する詳細は を参照してください。

        aug-insert augpath label true|false

       Create a new sibling "label" for "path", inserting it into the tree before or after "path"
       (depending on the boolean flag "before").

       "path" must match exactly one existing node in the tree, and "label" must be a label, ie.
       not contain /, "*" or end with a bracketed index "[N]".

        aug-label augpath

       The label (name of the last element) of the Augeas path expression "augpath" is returned.
       "augpath" must match exactly one node, else this function returns an error.



       See "aug_load" in the Augeas documentation for the full gory details.

        aug-ls augpath

       This is just a shortcut for listing "aug-match" "path/*" and sorting the resulting nodes
       into alphabetical order.

        aug-match augpath

       Returns a list of paths which match the path expression "path".  The returned paths are
       sufficiently qualified so that they match exactly one node in the current tree.

        aug-mv src dest

       ノード "src" を "dest" に移動します。 "src" はただ一つのノードである必要があります。
       "dest" は存在すると上書きされます。

        aug-rm augpath

       "path" とすべての子を削除します。




       The flags which were passed to "aug-init" affect exactly how files are saved.

        aug-set augpath val

       Set the value associated with "augpath" to "val".

       In the Augeas API, it is possible to clear a node by setting the value to NULL.  Due to an
       oversight in the libguestfs API you cannot do that with this call.  Instead you must use
       the "aug-clear" call.

        aug-setm base sub val

       Change multiple Augeas nodes in a single operation.  "base" is an expression matching
       multiple nodes.  "sub" is a path expression relative to "base".  All nodes matching "base"
       are found, and then for each node, "sub" is changed to "val".  "sub" may also be "NULL" in
       which case the "base" nodes are modified.

       This returns the number of nodes modified.

        aug-transform lens file [remove:true|false]

       Add an Augeas transformation for the specified "lens" so it can handle "file".

       If "remove" is true ("false" by default), then the transformation is removed.

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        available 'groups ...'

       This command is used to check the availability of some groups of functionality in the
       appliance, which not all builds of the libguestfs appliance will be able to provide.

       The libguestfs groups, and the functions that those groups correspond to, are listed in
       "AVAILABILITY" in guestfs(3).  You can also fetch this list at runtime by calling

       The argument "groups" is a list of group names, eg: "["inotify", "augeas"]" would check
       for the availability of the Linux inotify functions and Augeas (configuration file
       editing) functions.

       The command returns no error if all requested groups are available.

       It fails with an error if one or more of the requested groups is unavailable in the

       If an unknown group name is included in the list of groups then an error is always


       •   "feature-available" is the same as this call, but with a slightly simpler to use API:
           that call returns a boolean true/false instead of throwing an error.

       •   You must call "launch" before calling this function.

           The reason is because we don't know what groups are supported by the appliance/daemon
           until it is running and can be queried.

       •   If a group of functions is available, this does not necessarily mean that they will
           work.  You still have to check for errors when calling individual API functions even
           if they are available.

       •   It is usually the job of distro packagers to build complete functionality into the
           libguestfs appliance.  Upstream libguestfs, if built from source with all requirements
           satisfied, will support everything.

       •   This call was added in version 1.0.80.  In previous versions of libguestfs all you
           could do would be to speculatively execute a command to find out if the daemon
           implemented it.  See also "version".

       "filesystem-available" 参照。


       This command returns a list of all optional groups that this daemon knows about.  Note
       this returns both supported and unsupported groups.  To find out which ones the daemon can
       actually support you have to call "available" / "feature-available" on each member of the
       returned list.

       See also "available", "feature-available" and "AVAILABILITY" in guestfs(3).

        base64-in (base64file|-) filename

       This command uploads base64-encoded data from "base64file" to filename.

       標準入力/標準出力から読み込み/書き込みするには、ファイル名の代わりに "-" を使用します。

        base64-out filename (base64file|-)

       This command downloads the contents of filename, writing it out to local file "base64file"
       encoded as base64.

       標準入力/標準出力から読み込み/書き込みするには、ファイル名の代わりに "-" を使用します。

        blkdiscard device

       This discards all blocks on the block device "device", giving the free space back to the

       This operation requires support in libguestfs, the host filesystem, qemu and the host
       kernel.  If this support isn't present it may give an error or even appear to run but do
       nothing.  You must also set the "discard" attribute on the underlying drive (see "add-

       This command depends on the feature "blkdiscard".  See also "feature-available".

        blkdiscardzeroes device

       This call returns true if blocks on "device" that have been discarded by a call to
       "blkdiscard" are returned as blocks of zero bytes when read the next time.

       If it returns false, then it may be that discarded blocks are read as stale or random

       This command depends on the feature "blkdiscardzeroes".  See also "feature-available".

        blkid device

       This command returns block device attributes for "device". The following fields are
       usually present in the returned hash. Other fields may also be present.



           blkid コマンドのバージョン。

           このデバイスのファイルシステム形式または RAID。

           このデバイスの使用法です。たとえば、"filesystem" や "raid"。

        blockdev-flushbufs device

       "device" と関連づけられている内部バッファーをフラッシュするようカーネルに指示します。

       これは blockdev(8) コマンドを使用します。

        blockdev-getbsz device


       Note: this is different from both size in blocks and filesystem block size.  Also this
       setting is not really used by anything.  You should probably not use it for anything.
       Filesystems have their own idea about what block size to choose.

       これは blockdev(8) コマンドを使用します。

        blockdev-getro device


       これは blockdev(8) コマンドを使用します。

        blockdev-getsize64 device


       "blockdev-getsz" 参照。

       これは blockdev(8) コマンドを使用します。

        blockdev-getss device

       これはブロックデバイスのセクター容量を返します。通常は 512 ですが、最近のデバイスはより大

       (これはセクターのサイズではありません、そのためには "blockdev-getsz" を使用する必要がある

       これは blockdev(8) コマンドを使用します。

        blockdev-getsz device

       This returns the size of the device in units of 512-byte sectors (even if the sectorsize
       isn't 512 bytes ... weird).

       See also "blockdev-getss" for the real sector size of the device, and "blockdev-getsize64"
       for the more useful size in bytes.

       これは blockdev(8) コマンドを使用します。

        blockdev-rereadpt device

       "device" のパーティションテーブルを再読み込みします。

       これは blockdev(8) コマンドを使用します。

        blockdev-setbsz device blocksize

       This call does nothing and has never done anything because of a bug in blockdev.  Do not
       use it.

       If you need to set the filesystem block size, use the "blocksize" option of "mkfs".

       This function is deprecated. There is no replacement.  Consult the API documentation in
       guestfs(3) for further information.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        blockdev-setra device sectors

       Set readahead (in 512-byte sectors) for the device.

       これは blockdev(8) コマンドを使用します。

        blockdev-setro device

       "device" という名前のブロックデバイスを読み込み専用に設定します。

       これは blockdev(8) コマンドを使用します。

        blockdev-setrw device

       "device" という名前のブロックデバイスを読み書きに設定します。

       これは blockdev(8) コマンドを使用します。

        btrfs-balance-cancel path

       Cancel a running balance on a btrfs filesystem.

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-balance-pause path

       Pause a running balance on a btrfs filesystem.

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-balance-resume path

       Resume a paused balance on a btrfs filesystem.

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-balance-status path

       Show the status of a running or paused balance on a btrfs filesystem.

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-device-add 'devices ...' fs

       "devices" にあるデバイスの一覧を "fs" にマウントされた btrfs ファイルシステムに追加しま
       す。もし "devices" が空の一覧ならば、何もしません。

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-device-delete 'devices ...' fs

       "devices" にあるデバイスの一覧を "fs" にマウントされた btrfs ファイルシステムから削除しま
       す。もし "devices" が空の一覧ならば、何もしません。

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-filesystem-balance fs

       Balance the chunks in the btrfs filesystem mounted at "fs" across the underlying devices.

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-filesystem-defragment path [flush:true|false] [compress:..]

       Defragment a file or directory on a btrfs filesystem. compress is one of zlib or lzo.

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-filesystem-resize mountpoint [size:N]

       このコマンドは btrfs ファイルシステムの容量を変更します。

       Note that unlike other resize calls, the filesystem has to be mounted and the parameter is
       the mountpoint not the device (this is a requirement of btrfs itself).



       btrfs(8) 参照。

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-filesystem-show device

       Show all the devices where the filesystems in "device" is spanned over.

       If not all the devices for the filesystems are present, then this function fails and the
       "errno" is set to "ENODEV".

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-filesystem-sync fs

       "fs" にマウントされた btrfs ファイルシステムにおいて強制同期します。

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-fsck device [superblock:N] [repair:true|false]

       btrfs ファイルシステムをチェックするために使用されると、"device" はファイルシステムが保存

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-image 'source ...' image [compresslevel:N]

       This is used to create an image of a btrfs filesystem.  All data will be zeroed, but
       metadata and the like is preserved.

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-qgroup-assign src dst path

       Add qgroup "src" to parent qgroup "dst". This command can group several qgroups into a
       parent qgroup to share common limit.

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-qgroup-create qgroupid subvolume

       Create a quota group (qgroup) for subvolume at "subvolume".

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-qgroup-destroy qgroupid subvolume

       Destroy a quota group.

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-qgroup-limit subvolume size

       Limit the size of the subvolume with path "subvolume".

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-qgroup-remove src dst path

       Remove qgroup "src" from the parent qgroup "dst".

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-qgroup-show path

       Show all subvolume quota groups in a btrfs filesystem, including their usages.

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-quota-enable fs true|false

       Enable or disable subvolume quota support for filesystem which contains "path".

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-quota-rescan fs

       Trash all qgroup numbers and scan the metadata again with the current config.

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-replace srcdev targetdev mntpoint

       Replace device of a btrfs filesystem. On a live filesystem, duplicate the data to the
       target device which is currently stored on the source device. After completion of the
       operation, the source device is wiped out and removed from the filesystem.

       The "targetdev" needs to be same size or larger than the "srcdev". Devices which are
       currently mounted are never allowed to be used as the "targetdev".

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-rescue-chunk-recover device

       Recover the chunk tree of btrfs filesystem by scanning the devices one by one.

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-rescue-super-recover device

       Recover bad superblocks from good copies.

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-scrub-cancel path

       Cancel a running scrub on a btrfs filesystem.

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-scrub-resume path

       Resume a previously canceled or interrupted scrub on a btrfs filesystem.

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-scrub-start path

       Reads all the data and metadata on the filesystem, and uses checksums and the duplicate
       copies from RAID storage to identify and repair any corrupt data.

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-scrub-status path

       Show status of running or finished scrub on a btrfs filesystem.

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-set-seeding device true|false

       btrfs ファイルシステムを含むデバイスの seeding 機能を有効化または無効化します。

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-subvolume-create dest [qgroupid:..]

       Create a btrfs subvolume.  The "dest" argument is the destination directory and the name
       of the subvolume, in the form /path/to/dest/name.  The optional parameter "qgroupid"
       represents the qgroup which the newly created subvolume will be added to.

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-subvolume-delete subvolume

       Delete the named btrfs subvolume or snapshot.

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-subvolume-get-default fs

       Get the default subvolume or snapshot of a filesystem mounted at "mountpoint".

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-subvolume-list fs

       "fs" にマウントされている btrfs ファイルシステムの btrfs スナップショットとサブディレクト

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-subvolume-set-default id fs

       Set the subvolume of the btrfs filesystem "fs" which will be mounted by default.  See
       "btrfs-subvolume-list" to get a list of subvolumes.

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-subvolume-show subvolume

       Return detailed information of the subvolume.

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfs-subvolume-snapshot source dest [ro:true|false] [qgroupid:..]

       Create a snapshot of the btrfs subvolume "source".  The "dest" argument is the destination
       directory and the name of the snapshot, in the form /path/to/dest/name. By default the
       newly created snapshot is writable, if the value of optional parameter "ro" is true, then
       a readonly snapshot is created. The optional parameter "qgroupid" represents the qgroup
       which the newly created snapshot will be added to.

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfstune-enable-extended-inode-refs device

       This will Enable extended inode refs.

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfstune-enable-skinny-metadata-extent-refs device

       This enable skinny metadata extent refs.

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        btrfstune-seeding device true|false

       Enable seeding of a btrfs device, this will force a fs readonly so that you can use it to
       build other filesystems.

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".


       In non-C language bindings, this allows you to retrieve the underlying C pointer to the
       handle (ie. "h *").  The purpose of this is to allow other libraries to interwork with

        canonical-device-name device

       This utility function is useful when displaying device names to the user. It takes a
       number of irregular device names and returns them in a consistent format:

           These are returned as /dev/sdX.  Note this works for device names and partition names.
           This is approximately the reverse of the algorithm described in "BLOCK DEVICE NAMING"
           in guestfs(3).

           Converted to /dev/VG/LV form using "lvm-canonical-lv-name".


        cap-get-file path

       This function returns the Linux capabilities attached to "path".  The capabilities set is
       returned in text form (see cap_to_text(3)).

       If no capabilities are attached to a file, an empty string is returned.

       This command depends on the feature "linuxcaps".  See also "feature-available".

        cap-set-file path cap

       This function sets the Linux capabilities attached to "path".  The capabilities set "cap"
       should be passed in text form (see cap_from_text(3)).

       This command depends on the feature "linuxcaps".  See also "feature-available".

        case-sensitive-path path

       This can be used to resolve case insensitive paths on a filesystem which is case
       sensitive.  The use case is to resolve paths which you have read from Windows
       configuration files or the Windows Registry, to the true path.

       The command handles a peculiarity of the Linux ntfs-3g filesystem driver (and probably
       others), which is that although the underlying filesystem is case-insensitive, the driver
       exports the filesystem to Linux as case-sensitive.

       One consequence of this is that special directories such as C:\windows may appear as
       /WINDOWS or /windows (or other things) depending on the precise details of how they were
       created.  In Windows itself this would not be a problem.

       Bug or feature? You decide:

       "case-sensitive-path" attempts to resolve the true case of each element in the path. It
       will return a resolved path if either the full path or its parent directory exists. If the
       parent directory exists but the full path does not, the case of the parent directory will
       be correctly resolved, and the remainder appended unmodified. For example, if the file
       "/Windows/System32/netkvm.sys" exists:

       "case-sensitive-path" ("/windows/system32/netkvm.sys")

       "case-sensitive-path" ("/windows/system32/NoSuchFile")

       "case-sensitive-path" ("/windows/system33/netkvm.sys")

       Note: Because of the above behaviour, "case-sensitive-path" cannot be used to check for
       the existence of a file.

       Note: This function does not handle drive names, backslashes etc.

       "realpath" 参照。

        cat path

       "path" という名前のファイルの内容を返します。

       Because, in C, this function returns a "char *", there is no way to differentiate between
       a "\0" character in a file and end of string.  To handle binary files, use the "read-file"
       or "download" functions.

        checksum csumtype path

       この呼び出しは "path" という名前のファイルの MD5, SHAx または CRC チェックサムを計算しま

       計算するチェックサムの種類は、以下の値のどれかである "csumtype" パラメーターにより与えられ

           "cksum" コマンドに対して POSIX により指定された巡回冗長検査 (CRC: cyclic redundancy
           check) を計算します。

           Compute the MD5 hash (using the md5sum(1) program).

           Compute the SHA1 hash (using the sha1sum(1) program).

           Compute the SHA224 hash (using the sha224sum(1) program).

           Compute the SHA256 hash (using the sha256sum(1) program).

           Compute the SHA384 hash (using the sha384sum(1) program).

           Compute the SHA512 hash (using the sha512sum(1) program).


       デバイスのチェックサムを取得するには "checksum-device" を使用します。

       多くのファイルのチェックサムを取得するには "checksums-out" を使用します。

        checksum-device csumtype device

       This call computes the MD5, SHAx or CRC checksum of the contents of the device named
       "device".  For the types of checksums supported see the "checksum" command.

        checksums-out csumtype directory (sumsfile|-)

       This command computes the checksums of all regular files in directory and then emits a
       list of those checksums to the local output file "sumsfile".

       This can be used for verifying the integrity of a virtual machine.  However to be properly
       secure you should pay attention to the output of the checksum command (it uses the ones
       from GNU coreutils).  In particular when the filename is not printable, coreutils uses a
       special backslash syntax.  For more information, see the GNU coreutils info file.

       標準入力/標準出力から読み込み/書き込みするには、ファイル名の代わりに "-" を使用します。

        chmod mode path

       Change the mode (permissions) of "path" to "mode".  Only numeric modes are supported.

       Note: When using this command from guestfish, "mode" by default would be decimal, unless
       you prefix it with 0 to get octal, ie. use 0700 not 700.

       実際に設定されるモードは umask により影響されます。

        chown owner group path

       ファイルの所有者を "owner" に、グループを "group" に変更します。

       Only numeric uid and gid are supported.  If you want to use names, you will need to locate
       and parse the password file yourself (Augeas support makes this relatively easy).

        clear-backend-setting name

       If there is a backend setting string matching "name" or beginning with "name=", then that
       string is removed from the backend settings.

       This call returns the number of strings which were removed (which may be 0, 1 or greater
       than 1).

       See "BACKEND" in guestfs(3), "BACKEND SETTINGS" in guestfs(3).

        clevis-luks-unlock device mapname

       This command opens a block device that has been encrypted according to the Linux Unified
       Key Setup (LUKS) standard, using network-bound disk encryption (NBDE).

       "device" is the encrypted block device.

       The appliance will connect to the Tang servers noted in the tree of Clevis pins that is
       bound to a keyslot of the LUKS header.  The Clevis pin tree may comprise "sss" (redudancy)
       pins as internal nodes (optionally), and "tang" pins as leaves.  "tpm2" pins are not
       supported.  The appliance unlocks the encrypted block device by combining responses from
       the Tang servers with metadata from the LUKS header; there is no "key" parameter.

       This command will fail if networking has not been enabled for the appliance. Refer to

       The command creates a new block device called /dev/mapper/mapname.  Reads and writes to
       this block device are decrypted from and encrypted to the underlying "device"
       respectively.  Close the decrypted block device with "cryptsetup-close".

       "mapname" cannot be "control" because that name is reserved by device-mapper.

       If this block device contains LVM volume groups, then calling "lvm-scan" with the
       "activate" parameter "true" will make them visible.

       Use "list-dm-devices" to list all device mapper devices.

       This command depends on the feature "clevisluks".  See also "feature-available".

        command 'arguments ...'

       This call runs a command from the guest filesystem.  The filesystem must be mounted, and
       must contain a compatible operating system (ie. something Linux, with the same or
       compatible processor architecture).

       The single parameter is an argv-style list of arguments.  The first element is the name of
       the program to run.  Subsequent elements are parameters.  The list must be non-empty (ie.
       must contain a program name).  Note that the command runs directly, and is not invoked via
       the shell (see "sh").

       The return value is anything printed to stdout by the command.

       If the command returns a non-zero exit status, then this function returns an error
       message.  The error message string is the content of stderr from the command.

       The $PATH environment variable will contain at least /usr/bin and /bin.  If you require a
       program from another location, you should provide the full path in the first parameter.

       Shared libraries and data files required by the program must be available on filesystems
       which are mounted in the correct places.  It is the caller’s responsibility to ensure all
       filesystems that are needed are mounted at the right locations.

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

        command-lines 'arguments ...'

       This is the same as "command", but splits the result into a list of lines.

       関連項目: "sh-lines"

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

        compress-device-out ctype device (zdevice|-) [level:N]

       This command compresses "device" and writes it out to the local file "zdevice".

       The "ctype" and optional "level" parameters have the same meaning as in "compress-out".

       標準入力/標準出力から読み込み/書き込みするには、ファイル名の代わりに "-" を使用します。

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        compress-out ctype file (zfile|-) [level:N]

       This command compresses file and writes it out to the local file zfile.

       The compression program used is controlled by the "ctype" parameter. Currently this
       includes: "compress", "gzip", "bzip2", "xz" or "lzop". Some compression types may not be
       supported by particular builds of libguestfs, in which case you will get an error
       containing the substring "not supported".

       The optional "level" parameter controls compression level.  The meaning and default for
       this parameter depends on the compression program being used.

       標準入力/標準出力から読み込み/書き込みするには、ファイル名の代わりに "-" を使用します。

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        config hvparam hvvalue

       This can be used to add arbitrary hypervisor parameters of the form -param value.
       Actually it’s not quite arbitrary - we prevent you from setting some parameters which
       would interfere with parameters that we use.

       The first character of "hvparam" string must be a "-" (dash).

       "hvvalue" can be NULL.

        copy-attributes src dest [all:true|false] [mode:true|false] [xattributes:true|false] [ownership:true|false]

       Copy the attributes of a path (which can be a file or a directory)  to another path.

       By default no attribute is copied, so make sure to specify any (or "all" to copy

       The optional arguments specify which attributes can be copied:

           Copy part of the file mode from "source" to "destination". Only the UNIX permissions
           and the sticky/setuid/setgid bits can be copied.

           Copy the Linux extended attributes (xattrs) from "source" to "destination".  This flag
           does nothing if the linuxxattrs feature is not available (see "feature-available").

           Copy the owner uid and the group gid of "source" to "destination".

           Copy all the attributes from "source" to "destination". Enabling it enables all the
           other flags, if they are not specified already.

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        copy-device-to-device src dest [srcoffset:N] [destoffset:N] [size:N] [sparse:true|false] [append:true|false]

       The four calls "copy-device-to-device", "copy-device-to-file", "copy-file-to-device", and
       "copy-file-to-file" let you copy from a source (device|file) to a destination

       Partial copies can be made since you can specify optionally the source offset, destination
       offset and size to copy.  These values are all specified in bytes.  If not given, the
       offsets both default to zero, and the size defaults to copying as much as possible until
       we hit the end of the source.



       If the destination is a file and the "append" flag is not set, then the destination file
       is truncated.  If the "append" flag is set, then the copy appends to the destination file.
       The "append" flag currently cannot be set for devices.

       If the "sparse" flag is true then the call avoids writing blocks that contain only zeroes,
       which can help in some situations where the backing disk is thin-provisioned.  Note that
       unless the target is already zeroed, using this option will result in incorrect copying.

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        copy-device-to-file src dest [srcoffset:N] [destoffset:N] [size:N] [sparse:true|false] [append:true|false]

       この呼び出しの一般的な概要は "copy-device-to-device" を参照してください。

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        copy-file-to-device src dest [srcoffset:N] [destoffset:N] [size:N] [sparse:true|false] [append:true|false]

       この呼び出しの一般的な概要は "copy-device-to-device" を参照してください。

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        copy-file-to-file src dest [srcoffset:N] [destoffset:N] [size:N] [sparse:true|false] [append:true|false]

       この呼び出しの一般的な概要は "copy-device-to-device" を参照してください。

       This is not the function you want for copying files.  This is for copying blocks within
       existing files.  See "cp", "cp-a" and "mv" for general file copying and moving functions.

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        copy-size src dest size

       This command copies exactly "size" bytes from one source device or file "src" to another
       destination device or file "dest".

       Note this will fail if the source is too short or if the destination is not large enough.

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "copy-device-to-device" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        cp src dest

       ファイルを "src" から "dest" にコピーします。ここで "dest" は宛先ファイル名または宛先ディ

        cp-a src dest

       ファイルまたはディレクトリを "src" から "dest" に "cp -a" コマンドを使用して再帰的にコピー

        cp-r src dest

       This copies a file or directory from "src" to "dest" recursively using the "cp -rP"

       Most users should use "cp-a" instead.  This command is useful when you don't want to
       preserve permissions, because the target filesystem does not support it (primarily when
       writing to DOS FAT filesystems).

        cpio-out directory (cpiofile|-) [format:..]

       This command packs the contents of directory and downloads it to local file "cpiofile".

       The optional "format" parameter can be used to select the format.  Only the following
       formats are currently permitted:

           New (SVR4) portable format.  This format happens to be compatible with the cpio-like
           format used by the Linux kernel for initramfs.

           This is the default format.

           New (SVR4) portable format with a checksum.

       標準入力/標準出力から読み込み/書き込みするには、ファイル名の代わりに "-" を使用します。

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        cryptsetup-close device

       This closes an encrypted device that was created earlier by "cryptsetup-open".  The
       "device" parameter must be the name of the mapping device (ie. /dev/mapper/mapname)  and
       not the name of the underlying block device.

       This command depends on the feature "luks".  See also "feature-available".

        cryptsetup-open device mapname [readonly:true|false] [crypttype:..]

       This command opens a block device which has been encrypted according to the Linux Unified
       Key Setup (LUKS) standard, Windows BitLocker, or some other types.

       "device" is the encrypted block device or partition.

       The caller must supply one of the keys associated with the encrypted block device, in the
       "key" parameter.

       This creates a new block device called /dev/mapper/mapname.  Reads and writes to this
       block device are decrypted from and encrypted to the underlying "device" respectively.

       "mapname" cannot be "control" because that name is reserved by device-mapper.

       If the optional "crypttype" parameter is not present then libguestfs tries to guess the
       correct type (for example LUKS or BitLocker).  However you can override this by specifying
       one of the following types:

           A Linux LUKS device.

           A Windows BitLocker device.

       The optional "readonly" flag, if set to true, creates a read-only mapping.

       If this block device contains LVM volume groups, then calling "lvm-scan" with the
       "activate" parameter "true" will make them visible.

       Use "list-dm-devices" to list all device mapper devices.

       This command has one or more key or passphrase parameters.  Guestfish will prompt for
       these separately.

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       This command depends on the feature "luks".  See also "feature-available".

        dd src dest

       This command copies from one source device or file "src" to another destination device or
       file "dest".  Normally you would use this to copy to or from a device or partition, for
       example to duplicate a filesystem.

       If the destination is a device, it must be as large or larger than the source file or
       device, otherwise the copy will fail.  This command cannot do partial copies (see "copy-

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "copy-device-to-device" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        device-index device

       この関数はデバイス名 (例: "/dev/sdb") を取得し、デバイスの一覧にあるデバイスのインデックス

       Index numbers start from 0.  The named device must exist, for example as a string returned
       from "list-devices".

       See also "list-devices", "part-to-dev", "device-name".

        device-name index

       This function takes a device index and returns the device name.  For example index 0 will
       return the string "/dev/sda".

       The drive index must have been added to the handle.

       See also "list-devices", "part-to-dev", "device-index".


       This command runs the df(1) command to report disk space used.

       This command is mostly useful for interactive sessions.  It is not intended that you try
       to parse the output string.  Use "statvfs" from programs.


       このコマンドはディスク使用状況を読みやすい形式で報告するために "df -h" コマンドを実行しま

       This command is mostly useful for interactive sessions.  It is not intended that you try
       to parse the output string.  Use "statvfs" from programs.

        disk-create filename format size [backingfile:..] [backingformat:..] [preallocation:..] [compat:..] [clustersize:N]

       Create a blank disk image called filename (a host file)  with format "format" (usually
       "raw" or "qcow2").  The size is "size" bytes.

       If used with the optional "backingfile" parameter, then a snapshot is created on top of
       the backing file.  In this case, "size" must be passed as -1.  The size of the snapshot is
       the same as the size of the backing file, which is discovered automatically.  You are
       encouraged to also pass "backingformat" to describe the format of "backingfile".

       If filename refers to a block device, then the device is formatted.  The "size" is ignored
       since block devices have an intrinsic size.

       The other optional parameters are:

           If format is "raw", then this can be either "off" (or "sparse")  or "full" to create a
           sparse or fully allocated file respectively.  The default is "off".

           If format is "qcow2", then this can be "off" (or "sparse"), "metadata" or "full".
           Preallocating metadata can be faster when doing lots of writes, but uses more space.
           The default is "off".

           "qcow2" only: Pass the string 1.1 to use the advanced qcow2 format supported by qemu ≥

           "qcow2" only: Change the qcow2 cluster size.  The default is 65536 (bytes) and this
           setting may be any power of two between 512 and 2097152.

       Note that this call does not add the new disk to the handle.  You may need to call "add-
       drive-opts" separately.

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        disk-format filename

       Detect and return the format of the disk image called filename. filename can also be a
       host device, etc.  If the format of the image could not be detected, then "unknown" is

       Note that detecting the disk format can be insecure under some circumstances.  See
       "CVE-2010-3851" in guestfs(3).

       関連項目: "ディスクイメージ形式" in guestfs(3)

        disk-has-backing-file filename

       Detect and return whether the disk image filename has a backing file.

       Note that detecting disk features can be insecure under some circumstances. See
       "CVE-2010-3851" in guestfs(3).

        disk-virtual-size filename

       Detect and return the virtual size in bytes of the disk image called filename.

       Note that detecting disk features can be insecure under some circumstances. See
       "CVE-2010-3851" in guestfs(3).


       This returns the kernel messages (dmesg(1) output) from the guest kernel.  This is
       sometimes useful for extended debugging of problems.

       Another way to get the same information is to enable verbose messages with "set-verbose"
       or by setting the environment variable "LIBGUESTFS_DEBUG=1" before running the program.

        download remotefilename (filename|-)

       Download file remotefilename and save it as filename on the local machine.

       filename can also be a named pipe.

       "upload", "cat" 参照。

       標準入力/標準出力から読み込み/書き込みするには、ファイル名の代わりに "-" を使用します。

        download-blocks device start stop (filename|-) [unallocated:true|false]

       Download the data units from start address to stop from the disk partition (eg. /dev/sda1)
       and save them as filename on the local machine.

       The use of this API on sparse disk image formats such as QCOW, may result in large zero-
       filled files downloaded on the host.

       The size of a data unit varies across filesystem implementations.  On NTFS filesystems
       data units are referred as clusters while on ExtX ones they are referred as fragments.

       If the optional "unallocated" flag is true (default is false), only the unallocated blocks
       will be extracted.  This is useful to detect hidden data or to retrieve deleted files
       which data units have not been overwritten yet.

       標準入力/標準出力から読み込み/書き込みするには、ファイル名の代わりに "-" を使用します。

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       This command depends on the feature "sleuthkit".  See also "feature-available".

        download-inode device inode (filename|-)

       Download a file given its inode from the disk partition (eg. /dev/sda1) and save it as
       filename on the local machine.

       It is not required to mount the disk to run this command.

       The command is capable of downloading deleted or inaccessible files.

       標準入力/標準出力から読み込み/書き込みするには、ファイル名の代わりに "-" を使用します。

       This command depends on the feature "sleuthkit".  See also "feature-available".

        download-offset remotefilename (filename|-) offset size

       Download file remotefilename and save it as filename on the local machine.

       remotefilename is read for "size" bytes starting at "offset" (this region must be within
       the file or device).

       Note that there is no limit on the amount of data that can be downloaded with this call,
       unlike with "pread", and this call always reads the full amount unless an error occurs.

       "download", "pread" 参照。

       標準入力/標準出力から読み込み/書き込みするには、ファイル名の代わりに "-" を使用します。

        drop-caches whattodrop

       This instructs the guest kernel to drop its page cache, and/or dentries and inode caches.
       The parameter "whattodrop" tells the kernel what precisely to drop, see

       "whattodrop" を 3 に設定することにより、すべてのものを破棄します。

       This automatically calls sync(2) before the operation, so that the maximum guest memory is

        du path

       このコマンドは "path" のファイル空間使用量を見積もるために "du -s" コマンドを実行します。

       "path" can be a file or a directory.  If "path" is a directory then the estimate includes
       the contents of the directory and all subdirectories (recursively).

       結果は キロバイト (つまり 1024 バイトの単位) の見積もり容量です。

        e2fsck device [correct:true|false] [forceall:true|false]

       This runs the ext2/ext3 filesystem checker on "device".  It can take the following
       optional arguments:

           Automatically repair the file system. This option will cause e2fsck to automatically
           fix any filesystem problems that can be safely fixed without human intervention.

           This option may not be specified at the same time as the "forceall" option.

           Assume an answer of ‘yes’ to all questions; allows e2fsck to be used non-

           このオプションは "correct" オプションと同時に指定できません。

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        e2fsck-f device

       This runs "e2fsck -p -f device", ie. runs the ext2/ext3 filesystem checker on "device",
       noninteractively (-p), even if the filesystem appears to be clean (-f).

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "e2fsck" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        echo-daemon 'words ...'

       This command concatenates the list of "words" passed with single spaces between them and
       returns the resulting string.

       You can use this command to test the connection through to the daemon.

       "ping-daemon" 参照。

        egrep regex path

       This calls the external egrep(1) program and returns the matching lines.

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "grep" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        egrepi regex path

       これは外部の "egrep -i" プログラムを呼び出し、一致した行を返します。

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "grep" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        equal file1 file2

       This compares the two files file1 and file2 and returns true if their content is exactly
       equal, or false otherwise.

       外部の cmp(1) プログラムが比較のために使用されます。

        exists path

       This returns "true" if and only if there is a file, directory (or anything) with the given
       "path" name.

       "is-file", "is-dir", "stat" 参照。

        extlinux directory

       Install the SYSLINUX bootloader on the device mounted at directory. Unlike "syslinux"
       which requires a FAT filesystem, this can be used on an ext2/3/4 or btrfs filesystem.

       The directory parameter can be either a mountpoint, or a directory within the mountpoint.

       You also have to mark the partition as "active" ("part-set-bootable") and a Master Boot
       Record must be installed (eg. using "pwrite-device") on the first sector of the whole
       disk.  The SYSLINUX package comes with some suitable Master Boot Records.  See the
       extlinux(1) man page for further information.

       Additional configuration can be supplied to SYSLINUX by placing a file called
       extlinux.conf on the filesystem under directory.  For further information about the
       contents of this file, see extlinux(1).

       See also "syslinux".

       This command depends on the feature "extlinux".  See also "feature-available".

        f2fs-expand device

       This expands a f2fs filesystem to match the size of the underlying device.

       This command depends on the feature "f2fs".  See also "feature-available".

        fallocate path len

       This command preallocates a file (containing zero bytes) named "path" of size "len" bytes.
       If the file exists already, it is overwritten.

       Do not confuse this with the guestfish-specific "alloc" command which allocates a file in
       the host and attaches it as a device.

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "fallocate64" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        fallocate64 path len

       This command preallocates a file (containing zero bytes) named "path" of size "len" bytes.
       If the file exists already, it is overwritten.

       Note that this call allocates disk blocks for the file.  To create a sparse file use
       "truncate-size" instead.

       The deprecated call "fallocate" does the same, but owing to an oversight it only allowed
       30 bit lengths to be specified, effectively limiting the maximum size of files created
       through that call to 1GB.

       Do not confuse this with the guestfish-specific "alloc" and "sparse" commands which create
       a file in the host and attach it as a device.

        feature-available 'groups ...'

       This is the same as "available", but unlike that call it returns a simple true/false
       boolean result, instead of throwing an exception if a feature is not found.  For other
       documentation see "available".

        fgrep pattern path

       This calls the external fgrep(1) program and returns the matching lines.

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "grep" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        fgrepi pattern path

       外部の "fgrep -i" プログラムを呼び出し、一致した行を返します。

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "grep" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        file path

       この呼び出しは、ファイルの形式または内容を決定するために、標準的な file(1) コマンドを使用

       This call will also transparently look inside various types of compressed file.

       The filename is not prepended to the output (like the file command -b option).

       The output depends on the output of the underlying file(1) command and it can change in
       future in ways beyond our control.  In other words, the output is not guaranteed by the

       関連項目: file(1), "vfs-type", "lstat", "is-file", "is-blockdev" (etc), "is-zero"

        file-architecture filename

       This detects the architecture of the binary filename, and returns it if known.


           64 bit ARM.

           32 bit ARM.

           この文字列は、バイナリーの正確なプロセッサー要求にかかわりなく、すべての 32 ビット
           i386, i486, i586, i686 バイナリーに対して返されます。

           Intel Itanium.

           32 ビット Power PC.

           64 bit Power PC (big endian).

           64 bit Power PC (little endian).

           RISC-V 32-, 64- or 128-bit variants.

           31 bit IBM S/390.

           64 bit IBM S/390.

           32 ビット SPARC.

           64 ビット SPARC V9 およびそれ以降.

           64 ビット x86-64.

       libguestfs は将来他のアーキテクチャー文字列を返すかもしれません。


       •   多くの種類の Un*x および Linux バイナリー

       •   多くの種類の Un*x および Linux 共有ライブラリー

       •   Windows Win32 および Win64 バイナリー

       •   Windows Win32 および Win64 DLL

           Win32 バイナリーと DLL が "i386" を返します。

           Win64 バイナリーと DLL が "x86_64" を返します。

       •   Linux カーネルモジュール

       •   新形式の Linux initrd イメージ

       •   いくつかの非 x86 Linux vmlinuz カーネル


       •   静的ライブラリー (libfoo.a)

       •   圧縮された ext2 ファイルシステムとして Linux 旧形式の initrd (RHEL 3)

       •   x86 Linux vmlinuz カーネル

           x86 vmlinuz images (bzImage format) consist of a mix of 16-, 32- and compressed code,
           and are horribly hard to unpack.  If you want to find the architecture of a kernel,
           use the architecture of the associated initrd or kernel module(s) instead.

        filesize file

       This command returns the size of file in bytes.

       ファイルに関する他の統計を取得するには use "stat", "lstat", "is-dir", "is-file" などを使用
       します。ブロックデバイスの容量を取得するには "blockdev-getsize64" を使用します。

        filesystem-available filesystem

       Check whether libguestfs supports the named filesystem.  The argument "filesystem" is a
       filesystem name, such as "ext3".

       このコマンドを使用する前に "launch" を呼び出す必要があります。

       This is mainly useful as a negative test.  If this returns true, it doesn't mean that a
       particular filesystem can be created or mounted, since filesystems can fail for other
       reasons such as it being a later version of the filesystem, or having incompatible
       features, or lacking the right mkfs.<fs> tool.

       See also "available", "feature-available", "AVAILABILITY" in guestfs(3).

        filesystem-walk device

       Walk through the internal structures of a disk partition (eg. /dev/sda1) in order to
       return a list of all the files and directories stored within.

       It is not necessary to mount the disk partition to run this command.

       All entries in the filesystem are returned. This function can list deleted or unaccessible
       files. The entries are not sorted.

       The "tsk_dirent" structure contains the following fields.

           Filesystem reference number of the node. It might be 0 if the node has been deleted.

           Basic file type information.  See below for a detailed list of values.

           File size in bytes. It might be -1 if the node has been deleted.

           The file path relative to its directory.

           Bitfield containing extra information regarding the entry.  It contains the logical OR
           of the following values:

               If set to 1, the file is allocated and visible within the filesystem. Otherwise,
               the file has been deleted.  Under certain circumstances, the function
               "download_inode" can be used to recover deleted files.

               Filesystem such as NTFS and Ext2 or greater, separate the file name from the
               metadata structure.  The bit is set to 1 when the file name is in an unallocated
               state and the metadata structure is in an allocated one.  This generally implies
               the metadata has been reallocated to a new file. Therefore, information such as
               file type, file size, timestamps, number of links and symlink target might not
               correspond with the ones of the original deleted entry.

               The bit is set to 1 when the file is compressed using filesystem native
               compression support (NTFS). The API is not able to detect application level

           Respectively, access, modification, last status change and creation time in Unix
           format in seconds and nanoseconds.

           Number of file names pointing to this entry.

           If the entry is a symbolic link, this field will contain the path to the target file.

       The "tsk_type" field will contain one of the following characters:

       'b' ブロック特殊

       'c' キャラクター特殊

       'd' ディレクトリ

       'f' FIFO (名前付きパイプ)

       'l' シンボリックリンク

       'r' 通常のファイル

       's' ソケット

       'h' Shadow inode (Solaris)

       'w' Whiteout inode (BSD)

       'u' 未知のファイル種別

       This command depends on the feature "libtsk".  See also "feature-available".

        fill c len path

       このコマンドは "path" という新しいファイルを作成します。初期の内容は "len" オクテットの
       "c" です。ここで "c" は "[0..255]" の範囲の数値である必要があります。

       To fill a file with zero bytes (sparsely), it is much more efficient to use "truncate-
       size".  To create a file with a pattern of repeating bytes use "fill-pattern".

        fill-dir dir nr

       This function, useful for testing filesystems, creates "nr" empty files in the directory
       "dir" with names 00000000 through "nr-1" (ie. each file name is 8 digits long padded with

        fill-pattern pattern len path

       This function is like "fill" except that it creates a new file of length "len" containing
       the repeating pattern of bytes in "pattern".  The pattern is truncated if necessary to
       ensure the length of the file is exactly "len" bytes.

        find directory

       This command lists out all files and directories, recursively, starting at directory.  It
       is essentially equivalent to running the shell command "find directory -print" but some
       post-processing happens on the output, described below.

       This returns a list of strings without any prefix.  Thus if the directory structure was:


       then the returned list from "find" /tmp would be 4 elements:


       If directory is not a directory, then this command returns an error.


        find0 directory (files|-)

       This command lists out all files and directories, recursively, starting at directory,
       placing the resulting list in the external file called files.

       This command works the same way as "find" with the following exceptions:

       •   The resulting list is written to an external file.

       •   Items (filenames) in the result are separated by "\0" characters.  See find(1) option

       •   結果の一覧はソートされていません。

       標準入力/標準出力から読み込み/書き込みするには、ファイル名の代わりに "-" を使用します。

        find-inode device inode

       Searches all the entries associated with the given inode.

       For each entry, a "tsk_dirent" structure is returned.  See "filesystem_walk" for more
       information about "tsk_dirent" structures.

       This command depends on the feature "libtsk".  See also "feature-available".

        findfs-label label

       This command searches the filesystems and returns the one which has the given label.  An
       error is returned if no such filesystem can be found.

       ファイルシステムのラベルを検索するには "vfs-label" を使用します。

        findfs-uuid uuid

       This command searches the filesystems and returns the one which has the given UUID.  An
       error is returned if no such filesystem can be found.

       ファイルシステムの UUID を検索するには "vfs-uuid" を使用します。

        fsck fstype device

       This runs the filesystem checker (fsck) on "device" which should have filesystem type

       返された整数は状態です。 "fsck" からの状態コードの一覧は fsck(8) を参照してください。


       •   複数の状態コードが同時に合計されるかもしれません。

       •   A non-zero return code can mean "success", for example if errors have been corrected
           on the filesystem.

       •   Checking or repairing NTFS volumes is not supported (by linux-ntfs).

       This command is entirely equivalent to running "fsck -a -t fstype device".

        fstrim mountpoint [offset:N] [length:N] [minimumfreeextent:N]

       Trim the free space in the filesystem mounted on "mountpoint".  The filesystem must be
       mounted read-write.

       The filesystem contents are not affected, but any free space in the filesystem is
       "trimmed", that is, given back to the host device, thus making disk images more sparse,
       allowing unused space in qcow2 files to be reused, etc.

       This operation requires support in libguestfs, the mounted filesystem, the host
       filesystem, qemu and the host kernel.  If this support isn't present it may give an error
       or even appear to run but do nothing.

       In the case where the kernel vfs driver does not support trimming, this call will fail
       with errno set to "ENOTSUP".  Currently this happens when trying to trim FAT filesystems.

       See also "zero-free-space".  That is a slightly different operation that turns free space
       in the filesystem into zeroes.  It is valid to call "fstrim" either instead of, or after
       calling "zero-free-space".

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       This command depends on the feature "fstrim".  See also "feature-available".


       Return the additional kernel options which are added to the libguestfs appliance kernel
       command line.

       "NULL" ならば、オプションが追加されません。


       Return the current backend.

       See "set-backend" and "BACKEND" in guestfs(3).

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "get-backend" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.


       autosync フラグを取得します。


       Return the current backend.

       This handle property was previously called the "attach method".

       See "set-backend" and "BACKEND" in guestfs(3).

        get-backend-setting name

       Find a backend setting string which is either "name" or begins with "name=".  If "name",
       this returns the string "1".  If "name=", this returns the part after the equals sign
       (which may be an empty string).

       If no such setting is found, this function throws an error.  The errno (see "last-errno")
       will be "ESRCH" in this case.

       See "BACKEND" in guestfs(3), "BACKEND SETTINGS" in guestfs(3).


       Return the current backend settings.

       This call returns all backend settings strings.  If you want to find a single backend
       setting, see "get-backend-setting".

       See "BACKEND" in guestfs(3), "BACKEND SETTINGS" in guestfs(3).




       Return the direct appliance mode flag.

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "internal-get-console-socket" call

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        get-e2attrs file

       This returns the file attributes associated with file.

       The attributes are a set of bits associated with each inode which affect the behaviour of
       the file.  The attributes are returned as a string of letters (described below).  The
       string may be empty, indicating that no file attributes are set for this file.

       These attributes are only present when the file is located on an ext2/3/4 filesystem.
       Using this call on other filesystem types will result in an error.

       The characters (file attributes) in the returned string are currently:

       'A' ファイルがアクセスされたとき、アクセス日時 (atime) を変更しません。

       'a' ファイルは追記専用です。

       'c' ファイルはディスクにおいて圧縮されます。

       'D' (ディレクトリーのみ。) このディレクトリーへの変更がディスクに同期的に書き込まれます。

       'd' The file is not a candidate for backup (see dump(8)).

       'E' ファイルは圧縮エラーがあります。

       'e' ファイルは拡張属性を使用しています。

       'h' The file is storing its blocks in units of the filesystem blocksize instead of

       'I' (ディレクトリーのみ。)  ディレクトリーはハッシュツリーを使用しています。

       'i' The file is immutable.  It cannot be modified, deleted or renamed.  No link can be
           created to this file.

       'j' ファイルはジャーナル付きデータです。

       's' ファイルが削除されるとき、そのブロックはすべてゼロが書き込みされます。

       'S' このファイルへの変更は同期的にディスクに書き込まれます。

       'T' (Directories only.)  This is a hint to the block allocator that subdirectories
           contained in this directory should be spread across blocks. If not present, the block
           allocator will try to group subdirectories together.

       't' For a file, this disables tail-merging.  (Not used by upstream implementations of

       'u' When the file is deleted, its blocks will be saved, allowing the file to be undeleted.

       'X' 圧縮ファイルの内容にアクセスできます。

       'Z' 圧縮されたファイルがダーティーです。

       More file attributes may be added to this list later.  Not all file attributes may be set
       for all kinds of files.  For detailed information, consult the chattr(1) man page.

       "set-e2attrs" 参照。

       Don't confuse these attributes with extended attributes (see "getxattr").

        get-e2generation file

       This returns the ext2 file generation of a file.  The generation (which used to be called
       the "version") is a number associated with an inode.  This is most commonly used by NFS

       The generation is only present when the file is located on an ext2/3/4 filesystem.  Using
       this call on other filesystem types will result in an error.

       "set-e2generation" 参照。

        get-e2label device

       これは "device" にあるファイルシステムの ext2/3/4 ファイルシステムラベルを返します。

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "vfs-label" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        get-e2uuid device

       これは "device" にあるファイルシステムの ext2/3/4 ファイルシステム UUID を返します。

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "vfs-uuid" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.


       Return the current hypervisor binary.

       This is always non-NULL.  If it wasn't set already, then this will return the default qemu
       binary name.


       Get the handle identifier.  See "set-identifier".

        get-libvirt-requested-credential-challenge index

       Get the challenge (provided by libvirt) for the "index"'th requested credential.  If
       libvirt did not provide a challenge, this returns the empty string "".

       See "LIBVIRT AUTHENTICATION" in guestfs(3) for documentation and example code.

        get-libvirt-requested-credential-defresult index

       Get the default result (provided by libvirt) for the "index"'th requested credential.  If
       libvirt did not provide a default result, this returns the empty string "".

       See "LIBVIRT AUTHENTICATION" in guestfs(3) for documentation and example code.

        get-libvirt-requested-credential-prompt index

       Get the prompt (provided by libvirt) for the "index"'th requested credential.  If libvirt
       did not provide a prompt, this returns the empty string "".

       See "LIBVIRT AUTHENTICATION" in guestfs(3) for documentation and example code.


       This should only be called during the event callback for events of type

       Return the list of credentials requested by libvirt.  Possible values are a subset of the
       strings provided when you called "set-libvirt-supported-credentials".

       See "LIBVIRT AUTHENTICATION" in guestfs(3) for documentation and example code.


       This gets the memory size in megabytes allocated to the hypervisor.

       If "set-memsize" was not called on this handle, and if "LIBGUESTFS_MEMSIZE" was not set,
       then this returns the compiled-in default value for memsize.

       libguestfs のアーキテクチャーの詳細は guestfs(3) を参照してください。





       This is always non-NULL.  If it wasn't set already, then this will return the default




       Return the process ID of the hypervisor.  If there is no hypervisor running, then this
       will return an error.

       This is an internal call used for debugging and testing.


       Get the program name.  See "set-program".


       Return the current hypervisor binary (usually qemu).

       This is always non-NULL.  If it wasn't set already, then this will return the default qemu
       binary name.

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "get-hv" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.




       This returns the current setting of the selinux flag which is passed to the appliance at
       boot time.  See "set-selinux".

       libguestfs のアーキテクチャーの詳細は guestfs(3) を参照してください。

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "selinux-relabel" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.


       This returns the number of virtual CPUs assigned to the appliance.


       Get the directory used by the handle to store temporary socket and PID files.

       This is different from "get-tmpdir", as we need shorter paths for sockets (due to the
       limited buffers of filenames for UNIX sockets), and "get-tmpdir" may be too long for them.
       Furthermore, sockets and PID files must be accessible to such background services started
       by libguestfs that may not have permission to access the temporary directory returned by

       The environment variable "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" controls the default value: If
       "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" is set, then that is the default.  Else /tmp is the default.


       Get the directory used by the handle to store temporary files.




       Return the current umask.  By default the umask is 022 unless it has been set by calling




       これはデーモンの SELinux セキュリティコンテキストを取得します。

       guestfs(3) の SELINUX および "setcon" に関するドキュメントを参照してください

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "selinux-relabel" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

       This command depends on the feature "selinux".  See also "feature-available".

        getxattr path name

       Get a single extended attribute from file "path" named "name".  This call follows
       symlinks.  If you want to lookup an extended attribute for the symlink itself, use

       Normally it is better to get all extended attributes from a file in one go by calling
       "getxattrs".  However some Linux filesystem implementations are buggy and do not provide a
       way to list out attributes.  For these filesystems (notably ntfs-3g)  you have to know the
       names of the extended attributes you want in advance and call this function.

       Extended attribute values are blobs of binary data.  If there is no extended attribute
       named "name", this returns an error.

       関連項目: "getxattrs", "lgetxattr", attr(5)

       This command depends on the feature "linuxxattrs".  See also "feature-available".

        getxattrs path

       This call lists the extended attributes of the file or directory "path".

       At the system call level, this is a combination of the listxattr(2) and getxattr(2) calls.

       関連項目: "lgetxattrs", attr(5)

       This command depends on the feature "linuxxattrs".  See also "feature-available".

        glob-expand pattern [directoryslash:true|false]

       This command searches for all the pathnames matching "pattern" according to the wildcard
       expansion rules used by the shell.

       If no paths match, then this returns an empty list (note: not an error).

       It is just a wrapper around the C glob(3) function with flags "GLOB_MARK|GLOB_BRACE".  See
       that manual page for more details.

       "directoryslash" controls whether use the "GLOB_MARK" flag for glob(3), and it defaults to
       true.  It can be explicitly set as off to return no trailing slashes in filenames of

       Notice that there is no equivalent command for expanding a device name (eg. /dev/sd*).
       Use "list-devices", "list-partitions" etc functions instead.

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        grep regex path [extended:true|false] [fixed:true|false] [insensitive:true|false] [compressed:true|false]

       This calls the external grep(1) program and returns the matching lines.


           Use extended regular expressions.  This is the same as using the -E flag.

           Match fixed (don't use regular expressions).  This is the same as using the -F flag.

           Match case-insensitive.  This is the same as using the -i flag.

           Use zgrep(1) instead of grep(1).  This allows the input to be compress- or gzip-

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

        grepi regex path

       これは外部の "grep -i" プログラムを呼び出し、一致する行を返します。

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "grep" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        grub-install root device

       This command installs GRUB 1 (the Grand Unified Bootloader) on "device", with the root
       directory being "root".


       •   There is currently no way in the API to install grub2, which is used by most modern
           Linux guests.  It is possible to run the grub2 command from the guest, although see
           the caveats in "RUNNING COMMANDS" in guestfs(3).

       •   This uses grub-install(8) from the host.  Unfortunately grub is not always compatible
           with itself, so this only works in rather narrow circumstances.  Careful testing with
           each guest version is advisable.

       •   If grub-install reports the error "No suitable drive was found in the generated device
           map." it may be that you need to create a /boot/grub/ file first that
           contains the mapping between grub device names and Linux device names.  It is usually
           sufficient to create a file containing:

            (hd0) /dev/vda

           replacing /dev/vda with the name of the installation device.

       This command depends on the feature "grub".  See also "feature-available".

        head path

       このコマンドは文字列の一覧として、ファイルの先頭 10 行までを返します。

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

        head-n nrlines path

       パラメーター "nrlines" が正の数ならば、これはファイル "path" の先頭 "nrlines" 行を返しま

       パラメーター "nrlines" が負の数ならば、これはファイル "path" の末尾 "nrlines" 行を取り除い

       パラメーター "nrlines" が 0 ならば、空の一覧を返します。

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

        hexdump path

       指定された "path" において "hexdump -C" を実行します。結果は、読みやすい形式になり、ファイ
       ルの正規化された 16 進ダンプです。

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).


       現在の hivex ハンドルを閉じます。

       これは同じ名前の hivex(3) のラッパーです。

       This command depends on the feature "hivex".  See also "feature-available".

        hivex-commit filename


       If the optional filename parameter is null, then the changes are written back to the same
       hive that was opened.  If this is not null then they are written to the alternate filename
       given and the original hive is left untouched.

       これは同じ名前の hivex(3) のラッパーです。

       This command depends on the feature "hivex".  See also "feature-available".

        hivex-node-add-child parent name

       子ノードに "name" という名前の "parent" を追加します。

       これは同じ名前の hivex(3) のラッパーです。

       This command depends on the feature "hivex".  See also "feature-available".

        hivex-node-children nodeh

       "nodeh" のサブキーであるノードの一覧を返します。

       これは同じ名前の hivex(3) のラッパーです。

       This command depends on the feature "hivex".  See also "feature-available".

        hivex-node-delete-child nodeh

       "nodeh" を削除します。必要に応じて、再帰的に削除します。

       これは同じ名前の hivex(3) のラッパーです。

       This command depends on the feature "hivex".  See also "feature-available".

        hivex-node-get-child nodeh name

       Return the child of "nodeh" with the name "name", if it exists.  This can return 0 meaning
       the name was not found.

       これは同じ名前の hivex(3) のラッパーです。

       This command depends on the feature "hivex".  See also "feature-available".

        hivex-node-get-value nodeh key

       Return the value attached to "nodeh" which has the name "key", if it exists.  This can
       return 0 meaning the key was not found.

       これは同じ名前の hivex(3) のラッパーです。

       This command depends on the feature "hivex".  See also "feature-available".

        hivex-node-name nodeh

       "nodeh" の名前を返します。

       これは同じ名前の hivex(3) のラッパーです。

       This command depends on the feature "hivex".  See also "feature-available".

        hivex-node-parent nodeh

       "nodeh" の親ノードを返します。

       これは同じ名前の hivex(3) のラッパーです。

       This command depends on the feature "hivex".  See also "feature-available".

        hivex-node-set-value nodeh key t val

       Set or replace a single value under the node "nodeh".  The "key" is the name, "t" is the
       type, and "val" is the data.

       これは同じ名前の hivex(3) のラッパーです。

       This command depends on the feature "hivex".  See also "feature-available".

        hivex-node-values nodeh

       Return the array of (key, datatype, data) tuples attached to "nodeh".

       これは同じ名前の hivex(3) のラッパーです。

       This command depends on the feature "hivex".  See also "feature-available".

        hivex-open filename [verbose:true|false] [debug:true|false] [write:true|false] [unsafe:true|false]

       Open the Windows Registry hive file named filename.  If there was any previous hivex
       handle associated with this guestfs session, then it is closed.

       これは同じ名前の hivex(3) のラッパーです。

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       This command depends on the feature "hivex".  See also "feature-available".



       これは同じ名前の hivex(3) のラッパーです。

       This command depends on the feature "hivex".  See also "feature-available".

        hivex-value-key valueh

       (key, datatype, data) 組のキー (name) 項目を返します。

       これは同じ名前の hivex(3) のラッパーです。

       This command depends on the feature "hivex".  See also "feature-available".

        hivex-value-string valueh

       This calls "hivex-value-value" (which returns the data field from a hivex value tuple).
       It then assumes that the field is a UTF-16LE string and converts the result to UTF-8 (or
       if this is not possible, it returns an error).

       This is useful for reading strings out of the Windows registry.  However it is not
       foolproof because the registry is not strongly-typed and fields can contain arbitrary or
       unexpected data.

       This command depends on the feature "hivex".  See also "feature-available".

        hivex-value-type valueh

       (key, datatype, data) 組の datatype 項目を返します。

       これは同じ名前の hivex(3) のラッパーです。

       This command depends on the feature "hivex".  See also "feature-available".

        hivex-value-utf8 valueh

       This calls "hivex-value-value" (which returns the data field from a hivex value tuple).
       It then assumes that the field is a UTF-16LE string and converts the result to UTF-8 (or
       if this is not possible, it returns an error).

       This is useful for reading strings out of the Windows registry.  However it is not
       foolproof because the registry is not strongly-typed and fields can contain arbitrary or
       unexpected data.

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "hivex-value-string" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

       This command depends on the feature "hivex".  See also "feature-available".

        hivex-value-value valueh

       (key, datatype, data) 組のデータ項目を返します。

       これは同じ名前の hivex(3) のラッパーです。

       関連項目: "hivex-value-utf8"

       This command depends on the feature "hivex".  See also "feature-available".

        initrd-cat initrdpath filename

       This command unpacks the file filename from the initrd file called initrdpath.  The
       filename must be given without the initial / character.

       For example, in guestfish you could use the following command to examine the boot script
       (usually called /init)  contained in a Linux initrd or initramfs image:

        initrd-cat /boot/initrd-<version>.img init

       "initrd-list" 参照。

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

        initrd-list path

       このコマンドは initrd に含まれるファイルを一覧表示します。

       The files are listed without any initial / character.  The files are listed in the order
       they appear (not necessarily alphabetical).  Directory names are listed as separate items.

       古い Linux カーネル (2.4 およびそれ以前) は initrd として圧縮 ext2 ファイルシステムを使用
       していました。新しい initramfs 形式 (圧縮 cpio ファイル) のみ をサポートします。

        inotify-add-watch path mask

       "mask" に一覧化されたイベントに対して "path" を監視します。

       Note that if "path" is a directory then events within that directory are watched, but this
       does not happen recursively (in subdirectories).

       Note for non-C or non-Linux callers: the inotify events are defined by the Linux kernel
       ABI and are listed in /usr/include/sys/inotify.h.

       This command depends on the feature "inotify".  See also "feature-available".


       This closes the inotify handle which was previously opened by inotify_init. It removes all
       watches, throws away any pending events, and deallocates all resources.

       This command depends on the feature "inotify".  See also "feature-available".


       This function is a helpful wrapper around "inotify-read" which just returns a list of
       pathnames of objects that were touched.  The returned pathnames are sorted and

       This command depends on the feature "inotify".  See also "feature-available".

        inotify-init maxevents

       This command creates a new inotify handle.  The inotify subsystem can be used to notify
       events which happen to objects in the guest filesystem.

       "maxevents" is the maximum number of events which will be queued up between calls to
       "inotify-read" or "inotify-files".  If this is passed as 0, then the kernel (or previously
       set)  default is used.  For Linux 2.6.29 the default was 16384 events.  Beyond this limit,
       the kernel throws away events, but records the fact that it threw them away by setting a
       flag "IN_Q_OVERFLOW" in the returned structure list (see "inotify-read").

       Before any events are generated, you have to add some watches to the internal watch list.
       See: "inotify-add-watch" and "inotify-rm-watch".

       Queued up events should be read periodically by calling "inotify-read" (or "inotify-files"
       which is just a helpful wrapper around "inotify-read"). If you don't read the events out
       often enough then you risk the internal queue overflowing.

       The handle should be closed after use by calling "inotify-close".  This also removes any
       watches automatically.

       See also inotify(7) for an overview of the inotify interface as exposed by the Linux
       kernel, which is roughly what we expose via libguestfs.  Note that there is one global
       inotify handle per libguestfs instance.

       This command depends on the feature "inotify".  See also "feature-available".


       Return the complete queue of events that have happened since the previous read call.


       Note: In order to make sure that all events have been read, you must call this function
       repeatedly until it returns an empty list.  The reason is that the call will read events
       up to the maximum appliance-to-host message size and leave remaining events in the queue.

       This command depends on the feature "inotify".  See also "feature-available".

        inotify-rm-watch wd

       前に定義された inotify ウォッチを削除します。 "inotify-add-watch" 参照。

       This command depends on the feature "inotify".  See also "feature-available".

        inspect-get-arch root

       This returns the architecture of the inspected operating system.  The possible return
       values are listed under "file-architecture".

       アーキテクチャーが決められなければ、文字列 "unknown" が返されます。

       詳細は "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) を参照してください。

        inspect-get-build-id root

       This returns the build ID of the system, or the string "unknown" if the system does not
       have a build ID.

       For Windows, this gets the build number.  Although it is returned as a string, it is (so
       far) always a number.  See for some possible values.

       For Linux, this returns the "BUILD_ID" string from /etc/os-release, although this is not
       often used.

       詳細は "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) を参照してください。

        inspect-get-distro root



           Alpine Linux.

           ALT Linux.

           Arch Linux.

           Buildroot 派生のディストリビューション. 具体的にどれかを認識しません.










           Kali Linux.


           Linux Mint.




           Microsoft DOS.




           OpenMandriva Lx.


           Oracle Linux.


           PLD Linux.

           いくつかの Red Hat 派生ディストリビューション.

           Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

           Rocky Linux.

           Scientific Linux.


           SuSE Linux Enterprise Server または Desktop.

           いくつかの openSuSE 派生ディストリビューション.




           Void Linux.

           Windows はディストリビューションがありません。OS 種別が Windows ならば、この文字列は返

       libguestfs の将来のバージョンは、ここに他の文字列を返す可能性があります。呼び出し元はあら

       詳細は "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) を参照してください。

        inspect-get-drive-mappings root

       This call is useful for Windows which uses a primitive system of assigning drive letters
       (like C:\) to partitions.  This inspection API examines the Windows Registry to find out
       how disks/partitions are mapped to drive letters, and returns a hash table as in the
       example below:

        C      =>     /dev/vda2
        E      =>     /dev/vdb1
        F      =>     /dev/vdc1

       Note that keys are drive letters.  For Windows, the key is case insensitive and just
       contains the drive letter, without the customary colon separator character.

       In future we may support other operating systems that also used drive letters, but the
       keys for those might not be case insensitive and might be longer than 1 character.  For
       example in OS-9, hard drives were named "h0", "h1" etc.

       For Windows guests, currently only hard drive mappings are returned. Removable disks (eg.
       DVD-ROMs) are ignored.

       For guests that do not use drive mappings, or if the drive mappings could not be
       determined, this returns an empty hash table.

       Please read "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) for more details.  See also "inspect-get-
       mountpoints", "inspect-get-filesystems".

        inspect-get-filesystems root

       This returns a list of all the filesystems that we think are associated with this
       operating system.  This includes the root filesystem, other ordinary filesystems, and non-
       mounted devices like swap partitions.

       In the case of a multi-boot virtual machine, it is possible for a filesystem to be shared
       between operating systems.

       詳細は "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) を読んでください。  "inspect-get-mountpoints" 参照。

        inspect-get-format root

       Before libguestfs 1.38, there was some unreliable support for detecting installer CDs.
       This API would return:


           く、ブート可能な インストールディスク、ライブ CD、または似たようなものです。


       In libguestfs ≥ 1.38, this only returns "installed".  Use libosinfo directly to detect
       installer CDs.

       詳細は "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) を参照してください。

       This function is deprecated. There is no replacement.  Consult the API documentation in
       guestfs(3) for further information.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        inspect-get-hostname root

       This function returns the hostname of the operating system as found by inspection of the
       guest’s configuration files.

       If the hostname could not be determined, then the string "unknown" is returned.

       詳細は "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) を参照してください。

        inspect-get-icon root [favicon:true|false] [highquality:true|false]

       This function returns an icon corresponding to the inspected operating system.  The icon
       is returned as a buffer containing a PNG image (re-encoded to PNG if necessary).

       If it was not possible to get an icon this function returns a zero-length (non-NULL)
       buffer.  Callers must check for this case.

       Libguestfs will start by looking for a file called /etc/favicon.png or C:\etc\favicon.png
       and if it has the correct format, the contents of this file will be returned.  You can
       disable favicons by passing the optional "favicon" boolean as false (default is true).

       If finding the favicon fails, then we look in other places in the guest for a suitable

       If the optional "highquality" boolean is true then only high quality icons are returned,
       which means only icons of high resolution with an alpha channel.  The default (false) is
       to return any icon we can, even if it is of substandard quality.


       •   Unlike most other inspection API calls, the guest’s disks must be mounted up before
           you call this, since it needs to read information from the guest filesystem during the

       •   Security: The icon data comes from the untrusted guest, and should be treated with
           caution.  PNG files have been known to contain exploits. Ensure that libpng (or other
           relevant libraries) are fully up to date before trying to process or display the icon.

       •   The PNG image returned can be any size.  It might not be square.  Libguestfs tries to
           return the largest, highest quality icon available.  The application must scale the
           icon to the required size.

       •   Extracting icons from Windows guests requires the external wrestool(1) program from
           the "icoutils" package, and several programs (bmptopnm(1), pnmtopng(1), pamcut(1))
           from the "netpbm" package.  These must be installed separately.

       •   Operating system icons are usually trademarks.  Seek legal advice before using
           trademarks in applications.

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        inspect-get-major-version root

       This returns the major version number of the inspected operating system.

       Windows uses a consistent versioning scheme which is not reflected in the popular public
       names used by the operating system.  Notably the operating system known as "Windows 7" is
       really version 6.1 (ie. major = 6, minor = 1).  You can find out the real versions
       corresponding to releases of Windows by consulting Wikipedia or MSDN.

       If the version could not be determined, then 0 is returned.

       詳細は "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) を参照してください。

        inspect-get-minor-version root


       If the version could not be determined, then 0 is returned.

       詳細は "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) を読んでください。  "inspect-get-major-version" 参照。

        inspect-get-mountpoints root

       This returns a hash of where we think the filesystems associated with this operating
       system should be mounted.  Callers should note that this is at best an educated guess made
       by reading configuration files such as /etc/fstab.  In particular note that this may
       return filesystems which are non-existent or not mountable and callers should be prepared
       to handle or ignore failures if they try to mount them.

       Each element in the returned hashtable has a key which is the path of the mountpoint (eg.
       /boot) and a value which is the filesystem that would be mounted there (eg. /dev/sda1).

       Non-mounted devices such as swap devices are not returned in this list.

       For operating systems like Windows which still use drive letters, this call will only
       return an entry for the first drive "mounted on" /.  For information about the mapping of
       drive letters to partitions, see "inspect-get-drive-mappings".

       詳細は "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) を読んでください。  "inspect-get-filesystems" 参照。

        inspect-get-osinfo root

       This function returns a possible short ID for libosinfo corresponding to the guest.

       Note: The returned ID is only a guess by libguestfs, and nothing ensures that it actually
       exists in osinfo-db.

       If no ID could not be determined, then the string "unknown" is returned.

        inspect-get-package-format root

       This function and "inspect-get-package-management" return the package format and package
       management tool used by the inspected operating system. For example for Fedora these
       functions would return "rpm" (package format), and "yum" or "dnf" (package management).

       This returns the string "unknown" if we could not determine the package format or if the
       operating system does not have a real packaging system (eg. Windows).

       Possible strings include: "rpm", "deb", "ebuild", "pisi", "pacman", "pkgsrc", "apk",
       "xbps".  Future versions of libguestfs may return other strings.

       詳細は "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) を参照してください。

        inspect-get-package-management root

       "inspect-get-package-format" and this function return the package format and package
       management tool used by the inspected operating system.  For example for Fedora these
       functions would return "rpm" (package format), and "yum" or "dnf" (package management).

       This returns the string "unknown" if we could not determine the package management tool or
       if the operating system does not have a real packaging system (eg. Windows).

       Possible strings include: "yum", "dnf", "up2date", "apt" (for all Debian derivatives),
       "portage", "pisi", "pacman", "urpmi", "zypper", "apk", "xbps".  Future versions of
       libguestfs may return other strings.

       詳細は "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) を参照してください。

        inspect-get-product-name root

       This returns the product name of the inspected operating system.  The product name is
       generally some freeform string which can be displayed to the user, but should not be
       parsed by programs.

       If the product name could not be determined, then the string "unknown" is returned.

       詳細は "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) を参照してください。

        inspect-get-product-variant root

       This returns the product variant of the inspected operating system.

       For Windows guests, this returns the contents of the Registry key
       "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" "InstallationType" which is usually a
       string such as "Client" or "Server" (other values are possible).  This can be used to
       distinguish consumer and enterprise versions of Windows that have the same version number
       (for example, Windows 7 and Windows 2008 Server are both version 6.1, but the former is
       "Client" and the latter is "Server").

       For enterprise Linux guests, in future we intend this to return the product variant such
       as "Desktop", "Server" and so on.  But this is not implemented at present.

       If the product variant could not be determined, then the string "unknown" is returned.

       Please read "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) for more details.  See also "inspect-get-product-
       name", "inspect-get-major-version".


       This function is a convenient way to get the list of root devices, as returned from a
       previous call to "inspect-os", but without redoing the whole inspection process.

       This returns an empty list if either no root devices were found or the caller has not
       called "inspect-os".

       詳細は "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) を参照してください。

        inspect-get-type root

       This returns the type of the inspected operating system.  Currently defined types are:

           すべての Linux ベースのオペレーティングシステム.

           すべての Microsoft Windows オペレーティングシステム.





           MS-DOS, FreeDOS およびその他.



       libguestfs の将来のバージョンは、ここに他の文字列を返す可能性があります。呼び出し元はあら

       詳細は "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) を参照してください。

        inspect-get-windows-current-control-set root

       これは検査した仮想マシンの Windows CurrentControlSet を返します。 CurrentControlSet は
       "ControlSet001" のようなレジストリキーの名前です。

       この呼び出しは、仮想マシンが Windows であり、レジストリが検査により確認できることを仮定し

       詳細は "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) を参照してください。

        inspect-get-windows-software-hive root

       This returns the path to the hive (binary Windows Registry file) corresponding to

       This call assumes that the guest is Windows and that the guest has a software hive file
       with the right name.  If this is not the case then an error is returned.  This call does
       not check that the hive is a valid Windows Registry hive.

       You can use "hivex-open" to read or write to the hive.

       詳細は "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) を参照してください。

        inspect-get-windows-system-hive root

       This returns the path to the hive (binary Windows Registry file) corresponding to

       This call assumes that the guest is Windows and that the guest has a system hive file with
       the right name.  If this is not the case then an error is returned.  This call does not
       check that the hive is a valid Windows Registry hive.

       You can use "hivex-open" to read or write to the hive.

       詳細は "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) を参照してください。

        inspect-get-windows-systemroot root

       This returns the Windows systemroot of the inspected guest.  The systemroot is a directory
       path such as /WINDOWS.

       This call assumes that the guest is Windows and that the systemroot could be determined by
       inspection.  If this is not the case then an error is returned.

       詳細は "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) を参照してください。

        inspect-is-live root

       This is deprecated and always returns "false".

       詳細は "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) を参照してください。

       This function is deprecated. There is no replacement.  Consult the API documentation in
       guestfs(3) for further information.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        inspect-is-multipart root

       This is deprecated and always returns "false".

       詳細は "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) を参照してください。

       This function is deprecated. There is no replacement.  Consult the API documentation in
       guestfs(3) for further information.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        inspect-is-netinst root

       This is deprecated and always returns "false".

       詳細は "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) を参照してください。

       This function is deprecated. There is no replacement.  Consult the API documentation in
       guestfs(3) for further information.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        inspect-list-applications root

       Return the list of applications installed in the operating system.

       Note: This call works differently from other parts of the inspection API.  You have to
       call "inspect-os", then "inspect-get-mountpoints", then mount up the disks, before calling
       this.  Listing applications is a significantly more difficult operation which requires
       access to the full filesystem.  Also note that unlike the other "inspect-get-*" calls
       which are just returning data cached in the libguestfs handle, this call actually reads
       parts of the mounted filesystems during the call.

       This returns an empty list if the inspection code was not able to determine the list of

       The application structure contains the following fields:

           The name of the application.  For Linux guests, this is the package name.

           The display name of the application, sometimes localized to the install language of
           the guest operating system.

           If unavailable this is returned as an empty string "".  Callers needing to display
           something can use "app_name" instead.

           For package managers which use epochs, this contains the epoch of the package (an
           integer).  If unavailable, this is returned as 0.

           The version string of the application or package.  If unavailable this is returned as
           an empty string "".

           The release string of the application or package, for package managers that use this.
           If unavailable this is returned as an empty string "".

           The installation path of the application (on operating systems such as Windows which
           use installation paths).  This path is in the format used by the guest operating
           system, it is not a libguestfs path.

           If unavailable this is returned as an empty string "".

           The install path translated into a libguestfs path.  If unavailable this is returned
           as an empty string "".

           The name of the publisher of the application, for package managers that use this.  If
           unavailable this is returned as an empty string "".

           The URL (eg. upstream URL) of the application.  If unavailable this is returned as an
           empty string "".

           For packaging systems which support this, the name of the source package. If
           unavailable this is returned as an empty string "".

           A short (usually one line) description of the application or package.  If unavailable
           this is returned as an empty string "".

           A longer description of the application or package.  If unavailable this is returned
           as an empty string "".

       詳細は "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) を参照してください。

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "inspect-list-applications2" call

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        inspect-list-applications2 root

       Return the list of applications installed in the operating system.

       Note: This call works differently from other parts of the inspection API.  You have to
       call "inspect-os", then "inspect-get-mountpoints", then mount up the disks, before calling
       this.  Listing applications is a significantly more difficult operation which requires
       access to the full filesystem.  Also note that unlike the other "inspect-get-*" calls
       which are just returning data cached in the libguestfs handle, this call actually reads
       parts of the mounted filesystems during the call.

       This returns an empty list if the inspection code was not able to determine the list of

       The application structure contains the following fields:

           The name of the application.  For Linux guests, this is the package name.

           The display name of the application, sometimes localized to the install language of
           the guest operating system.

           If unavailable this is returned as an empty string "".  Callers needing to display
           something can use "app2_name" instead.

           For package managers which use epochs, this contains the epoch of the package (an
           integer).  If unavailable, this is returned as 0.

           The version string of the application or package.  If unavailable this is returned as
           an empty string "".

           The release string of the application or package, for package managers that use this.
           If unavailable this is returned as an empty string "".

           The architecture string of the application or package, for package managers that use
           this.  If unavailable this is returned as an empty string "".

           The installation path of the application (on operating systems such as Windows which
           use installation paths).  This path is in the format used by the guest operating
           system, it is not a libguestfs path.

           If unavailable this is returned as an empty string "".

           The install path translated into a libguestfs path.  If unavailable this is returned
           as an empty string "".

           The name of the publisher of the application, for package managers that use this.  If
           unavailable this is returned as an empty string "".

           The URL (eg. upstream URL) of the application.  If unavailable this is returned as an
           empty string "".

           For packaging systems which support this, the name of the source package. If
           unavailable this is returned as an empty string "".

           A short (usually one line) description of the application or package.  If unavailable
           this is returned as an empty string "".

           A longer description of the application or package.  If unavailable this is returned
           as an empty string "".

       詳細は "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) を参照してください。


       This function uses other libguestfs functions and certain heuristics to inspect the
       disk(s) (usually disks belonging to a virtual machine), looking for operating systems.

       The list returned is empty if no operating systems were found.

       If one operating system was found, then this returns a list with a single element, which
       is the name of the root filesystem of this operating system. It is also possible for this
       function to return a list containing more than one element, indicating a dual-boot or
       multi-boot virtual machine, with each element being the root filesystem of one of the
       operating systems.

       You can pass the root string(s) returned to other "inspect-get-*" functions in order to
       query further information about each operating system, such as the name and version.

       This function uses other libguestfs features such as "mount-ro" and "umount-all" in order
       to mount and unmount filesystems and look at the contents.  This should be called with no
       disks currently mounted.  The function may also use Augeas, so any existing Augeas handle
       will be closed.

       This function cannot decrypt encrypted disks.  The caller must do that first (supplying
       the necessary keys) if the disk is encrypted.

       詳細は "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) を参照してください。

       "list-filesystems" 参照。

        is-blockdev path [followsymlinks:true|false]


       If the optional flag "followsymlinks" is true, then a symlink (or chain of symlinks) that
       ends with a block device also causes the function to return true.

       This call only looks at files within the guest filesystem.  Libguestfs partitions and
       block devices (eg. /dev/sda) cannot be used as the "path" parameter of this call.

       "stat" 参照。

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        is-chardev path [followsymlinks:true|false]

       This returns "true" if and only if there is a character device with the given "path" name.

       If the optional flag "followsymlinks" is true, then a symlink (or chain of symlinks) that
       ends with a chardev also causes the function to return true.

       "stat" 参照。

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"


       This returns true iff this handle is being configured (in the "CONFIG" state).

       For more information on states, see guestfs(3).

        is-dir path [followsymlinks:true|false]

       This returns "true" if and only if there is a directory with the given "path" name.  Note
       that it returns false for other objects like files.

       If the optional flag "followsymlinks" is true, then a symlink (or chain of symlinks) that
       ends with a directory also causes the function to return true.

       "stat" 参照。

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        is-fifo path [followsymlinks:true|false]

       This returns "true" if and only if there is a FIFO (named pipe)  with the given "path"

       If the optional flag "followsymlinks" is true, then a symlink (or chain of symlinks) that
       ends with a FIFO also causes the function to return true.

       "stat" 参照。

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        is-file path [followsymlinks:true|false]

       This returns "true" if and only if there is a regular file with the given "path" name.
       Note that it returns false for other objects like directories.

       If the optional flag "followsymlinks" is true, then a symlink (or chain of symlinks) that
       ends with a file also causes the function to return true.

       "stat" 参照。

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        is-lv mountable

       This command tests whether "mountable" is a logical volume, and returns true iff this is
       the case.

        is-socket path [followsymlinks:true|false]

       This returns "true" if and only if there is a Unix domain socket with the given "path"

       If the optional flag "followsymlinks" is true, then a symlink (or chain of symlinks) that
       ends with a socket also causes the function to return true.

       "stat" 参照。

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        is-symlink path

       This returns "true" if and only if there is a symbolic link with the given "path" name.

       "stat" 参照。

        is-whole-device device

       This returns "true" if and only if "device" refers to a whole block device. That is, not a
       partition or a logical device.

        is-zero path

       This returns true iff the file exists and the file is empty or it contains all zero bytes.

        is-zero-device device

       This returns true iff the device exists and contains all zero bytes.

       Note that for large devices this can take a long time to run.

        isoinfo isofile

       This is the same as "isoinfo-device" except that it works for an ISO file located inside
       some other mounted filesystem.  Note that in the common case where you have added an ISO
       file as a libguestfs device, you would not call this.  Instead you would call "isoinfo-

        isoinfo-device device

       "device" is an ISO device.  This returns a struct of information read from the primary
       volume descriptor (the ISO equivalent of the superblock) of the device.

       Usually it is more efficient to use the isoinfo(1) command with the -d option on the host
       to analyze ISO files, instead of going through libguestfs.

       For information on the primary volume descriptor fields, see


       Close the journal handle.

       This command depends on the feature "journal".  See also "feature-available".


       Read the current journal entry.  This returns all the fields in the journal as a set of
       "(attrname, attrval)" pairs.  The "attrname" is the field name (a string).

       The "attrval" is the field value (a binary blob, often but not always a string).  Please
       note that "attrval" is a byte array, not a \0-terminated C string.

       The length of data may be truncated to the data threshold (see: "journal-set-data-
       threshold", "journal-get-data-threshold").

       If you set the data threshold to unlimited (0) then this call can read a journal entry of
       any size, ie. it is not limited by the libguestfs protocol.

       This command depends on the feature "journal".  See also "feature-available".


       Get the current data threshold for reading journal entries.  This is a hint to the journal
       that it may truncate data fields to this size when reading them (note also that it may not
       truncate them).  If this returns 0, then the threshold is unlimited.

       See also "journal-set-data-threshold".

       This command depends on the feature "journal".  See also "feature-available".


       Get the realtime (wallclock) timestamp of the current journal entry.

       This command depends on the feature "journal".  See also "feature-available".


       Move to the next journal entry.  You have to call this at least once after opening the
       handle before you are able to read data.

       The returned boolean tells you if there are any more journal records to read.  "true"
       means you can read the next record (eg. using "journal-get"), and "false" means you have
       reached the end of the journal.

       This command depends on the feature "journal".  See also "feature-available".

        journal-open directory

       Open the systemd journal located in directory.  Any previously opened journal handle is

       The contents of the journal can be read using "journal-next" and "journal-get".

       After you have finished using the journal, you should close the handle by calling

       This command depends on the feature "journal".  See also "feature-available".

        journal-set-data-threshold threshold

       Set the data threshold for reading journal entries.  This is a hint to the journal that it
       may truncate data fields to this size when reading them (note also that it may not
       truncate them).  If you set this to 0, then the threshold is unlimited.

       See also "journal-get-data-threshold".

       This command depends on the feature "journal".  See also "feature-available".

        journal-skip skip

       Skip forwards ("skip ≥ 0") or backwards ("skip < 0") in the journal.

       The number of entries actually skipped is returned (note "rskip ≥ 0").  If this is not the
       same as the absolute value of the skip parameter ("|skip|") you passed in then it means
       you have reached the end or the start of the journal.

       This command depends on the feature "journal".  See also "feature-available".


       This kills the hypervisor.

       これを呼び出さないでください。代わりに "shutdown" を参照してください。

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "shutdown" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.


       You should call this after configuring the handle (eg. adding drives) but before
       performing any actions.

       Do not call "launch" twice on the same handle.  Although it will not give an error (for
       historical reasons), the precise behaviour when you do this is not well defined.  Handles
       are very cheap to create, so create a new one for each launch.

        lchown owner group path

       Change the file owner to "owner" and group to "group".  This is like "chown" but if "path"
       is a symlink then the link itself is changed, not the target.

       Only numeric uid and gid are supported.  If you want to use names, you will need to locate
       and parse the password file yourself (Augeas support makes this relatively easy).


       This function scans all block devices looking for Windows dynamic disk volumes and
       partitions, and creates devices for any that were found.

       Call "list-ldm-volumes" and "list-ldm-partitions" to return all devices.

       Note that you don't normally need to call this explicitly, since it is done automatically
       at "launch" time.

       This command depends on the feature "ldm".  See also "feature-available".

        ldmtool-diskgroup-disks diskgroup

       Return the disks in a Windows dynamic disk group.  The "diskgroup" parameter should be the
       GUID of a disk group, one element from the list returned by "ldmtool-scan".

       This command depends on the feature "ldm".  See also "feature-available".

        ldmtool-diskgroup-name diskgroup

       Return the name of a Windows dynamic disk group.  The "diskgroup" parameter should be the
       GUID of a disk group, one element from the list returned by "ldmtool-scan".

       This command depends on the feature "ldm".  See also "feature-available".

        ldmtool-diskgroup-volumes diskgroup

       Return the volumes in a Windows dynamic disk group.  The "diskgroup" parameter should be
       the GUID of a disk group, one element from the list returned by "ldmtool-scan".

       This command depends on the feature "ldm".  See also "feature-available".


       This is essentially the opposite of "ldmtool-create-all".  It removes the device mapper
       mappings for all Windows dynamic disk volumes

       This command depends on the feature "ldm".  See also "feature-available".


       This function scans for Windows dynamic disks.  It returns a list of identifiers (GUIDs)
       for all disk groups that were found.  These identifiers can be passed to other "ldmtool-*"

       This function scans all block devices.  To scan a subset of block devices, call "ldmtool-
       scan-devices" instead.

       This command depends on the feature "ldm".  See also "feature-available".

        ldmtool-scan-devices 'devices ...'

       This function scans for Windows dynamic disks.  It returns a list of identifiers (GUIDs)
       for all disk groups that were found.  These identifiers can be passed to other "ldmtool-*"

       The parameter "devices" is a list of block devices which are scanned.  If this list is
       empty, all block devices are scanned.

       This command depends on the feature "ldm".  See also "feature-available".

        ldmtool-volume-hint diskgroup volume

       Return the hint field of the volume named "volume" in the disk group with GUID
       "diskgroup".  This may not be defined, in which case the empty string is returned.  The
       hint field is often, though not always, the name of a Windows drive, eg. "E:".

       This command depends on the feature "ldm".  See also "feature-available".

        ldmtool-volume-partitions diskgroup volume

       Return the list of partitions in the volume named "volume" in the disk group with GUID

       This command depends on the feature "ldm".  See also "feature-available".

        ldmtool-volume-type diskgroup volume

       Return the type of the volume named "volume" in the disk group with GUID "diskgroup".

       Possible volume types that can be returned here include: "simple", "spanned", "striped",
       "mirrored", "raid5".  Other types may also be returned.

       This command depends on the feature "ldm".  See also "feature-available".

        lgetxattr path name

       Get a single extended attribute from file "path" named "name".  If "path" is a symlink,
       then this call returns an extended attribute from the symlink.

       Normally it is better to get all extended attributes from a file in one go by calling
       "getxattrs".  However some Linux filesystem implementations are buggy and do not provide a
       way to list out attributes.  For these filesystems (notably ntfs-3g)  you have to know the
       names of the extended attributes you want in advance and call this function.

       Extended attribute values are blobs of binary data.  If there is no extended attribute
       named "name", this returns an error.

       関連項目: "lgetxattrs", "getxattr", attr(5)

       This command depends on the feature "linuxxattrs".  See also "feature-available".

        lgetxattrs path

       This is the same as "getxattrs", but if "path" is a symbolic link, then it returns the
       extended attributes of the link itself.

       This command depends on the feature "linuxxattrs".  See also "feature-available".


       This call does nothing and returns an error.

       This function is deprecated. There is no replacement.  Consult the API documentation in
       guestfs(3) for further information.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.



       The full block device names are returned, eg. /dev/sda.

       "list-filesystems" 参照。


       If you add drives using the optional "label" parameter of "add-drive-opts", you can use
       this call to map between disk labels, and raw block device and partition names (like
       /dev/sda and /dev/sda1).

       This returns a hashtable, where keys are the disk labels (without the /dev/disk/guestfs
       prefix), and the values are the full raw block device and partition names (eg. /dev/sda
       and /dev/sda1).



       The returned list contains /dev/mapper/* devices, eg. ones created by a previous call to

       Device mapper devices which correspond to logical volumes are not returned in this list.
       Call "lvs" if you want to list logical volumes.


       This inspection command looks for filesystems on partitions, block devices and logical
       volumes, returning a list of "mountables" containing filesystems and their type.

       The return value is a hash, where the keys are the devices containing filesystems, and the
       values are the filesystem types.  For example:

        "/dev/sda1" => "ntfs"
        "/dev/sda2" => "ext2"
        "/dev/vg_guest/lv_root" => "ext4"
        "/dev/vg_guest/lv_swap" => "swap"

       The key is not necessarily a block device. It may also be an opaque ‘mountable’ string
       which can be passed to "mount".

       The value can have the special value "unknown", meaning the content of the device is
       undetermined or empty.  "swap" means a Linux swap partition.

       In libguestfs ≤ 1.36 this command ran other libguestfs commands, which might have included
       "mount" and "umount", and therefore you had to use this soon after launch and only when
       nothing else was mounted.  This restriction is removed in libguestfs ≥ 1.38.

       Not all of the filesystems returned will be mountable.  In particular, swap partitions are
       returned in the list.  Also this command does not check that each filesystem found is
       valid and mountable, and some filesystems might be mountable but require special options.
       Filesystems may not all belong to a single logical operating system (use "inspect-os" to
       look for OSes).


       This function returns all Windows dynamic disk partitions that were found at launch time.
       It returns a list of device names.

       This command depends on the feature "ldm".  See also "feature-available".


       This function returns all Windows dynamic disk volumes that were found at launch time.  It
       returns a list of device names.

       This command depends on the feature "ldm".  See also "feature-available".


       すべての Linux md デバイスを一覧表示します。


       List all the partitions detected on all block devices.

       The full partition device names are returned, eg. /dev/sda1

       これは論理ボリュームを返しません。  そのためには "lvs" を呼び出す必要があります。

       "list-filesystems" 参照。

        ll directory

       List the files in directory (relative to the root directory, there is no cwd) in the
       format of "ls -la".

        llz directory

       List the files in directory in the format of "ls -laZ".

       意図はありませんThis function is deprecated. In new code, use the "lgetxattrs" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        ln target linkname

       This command creates a hard link.

        ln-f target linkname

       This command creates a hard link, removing the link "linkname" if it exists already.

        ln-s target linkname

       このコマンドは "ln -s" コマンドを使用してシンボリックリンクを作成します。

        ln-sf target linkname

       This command creates a symbolic link using the "ln -sf" command, The -f option removes the
       link ("linkname") if it exists already.

        lremovexattr xattr path

       This is the same as "removexattr", but if "path" is a symbolic link, then it removes an
       extended attribute of the link itself.

       This command depends on the feature "linuxxattrs".  See also "feature-available".

        ls directory

       List the files in directory (relative to the root directory, there is no cwd).  The "."
       and ".." entries are not returned, but hidden files are shown.

        ls0 dir (filenames|-)

       This specialized command is used to get a listing of the filenames in the directory "dir".
       The list of filenames is written to the local file filenames (on the host).

       出力ファイルにおいて、ファイル名が "\0" 文字により区切られます。

       "." および ".." は返されません。ファイル名は並べ替えられません。

       標準入力/標準出力から読み込み/書き込みするには、ファイル名の代わりに "-" を使用します。

        lsetxattr xattr val vallen path

       This is the same as "setxattr", but if "path" is a symbolic link, then it sets an extended
       attribute of the link itself.

       This command depends on the feature "linuxxattrs".  See also "feature-available".

        lstat path

       与えられた "path" のファイル情報を返します。

       This is the same as "stat" except that if "path" is a symbolic link, then the link is
       stat-ed, not the file it refers to.

       This is the same as the lstat(2) system call.

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "lstatns" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        lstatlist path 'names ...'

       This call allows you to perform the "lstat" operation on multiple files, where all files
       are in the directory "path".  "names" is the list of files from this directory.

       On return you get a list of stat structs, with a one-to-one correspondence to the "names"
       list.  If any name did not exist or could not be lstat'd, then the "st_ino" field of that
       structure is set to -1.

       This call is intended for programs that want to efficiently list a directory contents
       without making many round-trips.  See also "lxattrlist" for a similarly efficient call for
       getting extended attributes.

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "lstatnslist" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        lstatns path

       与えられた "path" のファイル情報を返します。

       This is the same as "statns" except that if "path" is a symbolic link, then the link is
       stat-ed, not the file it refers to.

       This is the same as the lstat(2) system call.

        lstatnslist path 'names ...'

       This call allows you to perform the "lstatns" operation on multiple files, where all files
       are in the directory "path".  "names" is the list of files from this directory.

       On return you get a list of stat structs, with a one-to-one correspondence to the "names"
       list.  If any name did not exist or could not be lstat'd, then the "st_ino" field of that
       structure is set to -1.

       This call is intended for programs that want to efficiently list a directory contents
       without making many round-trips.  See also "lxattrlist" for a similarly efficient call for
       getting extended attributes.

        luks-add-key device keyslot

       This command adds a new key on LUKS device "device".  "key" is any existing key, and is
       used to access the device.  "newkey" is the new key to add.  "keyslot" is the key slot
       that will be replaced.

       Note that if "keyslot" already contains a key, then this command will fail.  You have to
       use "luks-kill-slot" first to remove that key.

       This command has one or more key or passphrase parameters.  Guestfish will prompt for
       these separately.

       This command depends on the feature "luks".  See also "feature-available".

        luks-close device

       This closes a LUKS device that was created earlier by "luks-open" or "luks-open-ro".  The
       "device" parameter must be the name of the LUKS mapping device (ie. /dev/mapper/mapname)
       and not the name of the underlying block device.

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "cryptsetup-close" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

       This command depends on the feature "luks".  See also "feature-available".

        luks-format device keyslot

       This command erases existing data on "device" and formats the device as a LUKS encrypted
       device.  "key" is the initial key, which is added to key slot "keyslot".  (LUKS supports 8
       key slots, numbered 0-7).

       This command has one or more key or passphrase parameters.  Guestfish will prompt for
       these separately.

       This command depends on the feature "luks".  See also "feature-available".

        luks-format-cipher device keyslot cipher

       This command is the same as "luks-format" but it also allows you to set the "cipher" used.

       This command has one or more key or passphrase parameters.  Guestfish will prompt for
       these separately.

       This command depends on the feature "luks".  See also "feature-available".

        luks-kill-slot device keyslot

       This command deletes the key in key slot "keyslot" from the encrypted LUKS device
       "device".  "key" must be one of the other keys.

       This command has one or more key or passphrase parameters.  Guestfish will prompt for
       these separately.

       This command depends on the feature "luks".  See also "feature-available".

        luks-open device mapname

       This command opens a block device which has been encrypted according to the Linux Unified
       Key Setup (LUKS) standard.

       "device" is the encrypted block device or partition.

       The caller must supply one of the keys associated with the LUKS block device, in the "key"

       This creates a new block device called /dev/mapper/mapname.  Reads and writes to this
       block device are decrypted from and encrypted to the underlying "device" respectively.

       If this block device contains LVM volume groups, then calling "lvm-scan" with the
       "activate" parameter "true" will make them visible.

       Use "list-dm-devices" to list all device mapper devices.

       This command has one or more key or passphrase parameters.  Guestfish will prompt for
       these separately.

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "cryptsetup-open" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

       This command depends on the feature "luks".  See also "feature-available".

        luks-open-ro device mapname

       This is the same as "luks-open" except that a read-only mapping is created.

       This command has one or more key or passphrase parameters.  Guestfish will prompt for
       these separately.

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "cryptsetup-open" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

       This command depends on the feature "luks".  See also "feature-available".

        luks-uuid device

       This returns the UUID of the LUKS device "device".

       This command depends on the feature "luks".  See also "feature-available".

        lvcreate logvol volgroup mbytes

       This creates an LVM logical volume called "logvol" on the volume group "volgroup", with
       "size" megabytes.

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".

        lvcreate-free logvol volgroup percent

       Create an LVM logical volume called /dev/volgroup/logvol, using approximately "percent" %
       of the free space remaining in the volume group. Most usefully, when "percent" is 100 this
       will create the largest possible LV.

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".

        lvm-canonical-lv-name lvname

       This converts alternative naming schemes for LVs that you might find to the canonical
       name.  For example, /dev/mapper/VG-LV is converted to /dev/VG/LV.

       This command returns an error if the "lvname" parameter does not refer to a logical
       volume.  In this case errno will be set to "EINVAL".

       "is-lv", "canonical-device-name" 参照。


       This undoes the effect of "lvm-set-filter".  LVM will be able to see every block device.

       This command also clears the LVM cache and performs a volume group scan.


       This command removes all LVM logical volumes, volume groups and physical volumes.

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".

        lvm-scan true|false

       This scans all block devices and rebuilds the list of LVM physical volumes, volume groups
       and logical volumes.

       If the "activate" parameter is "true" then newly found volume groups and logical volumes
       are activated, meaning the LV /dev/VG/LV devices become visible.

       When a libguestfs handle is launched it scans for existing devices, so you do not normally
       need to use this API.  However it is useful when you have added a new device or deleted an
       existing device (such as when the "luks-open" API is used).

        lvm-set-filter 'devices ...'

       This sets the LVM device filter so that LVM will only be able to "see" the block devices
       in the list "devices", and will ignore all other attached block devices.

       Where disk image(s) contain duplicate PVs or VGs, this command is useful to get LVM to
       ignore the duplicates, otherwise LVM can get confused.  Note also there are two types of
       duplication possible: either cloned PVs/VGs which have identical UUIDs; or VGs that are
       not cloned but just happen to have the same name.  In normal operation you cannot create
       this situation, but you can do it outside LVM, eg.  by cloning disk images or by bit
       twiddling inside the LVM metadata.

       This command also clears the LVM cache and performs a volume group scan.

       You can filter whole block devices or individual partitions.

       You cannot use this if any VG is currently in use (eg.  contains a mounted filesystem),
       even if you are not filtering out that VG.

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".

        lvremove device

       Remove an LVM logical volume "device", where "device" is the path to the LV, such as

       You can also remove all LVs in a volume group by specifying the VG name, /dev/VG.

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".

        lvrename logvol newlogvol

       Rename a logical volume "logvol" with the new name "newlogvol".

        lvresize device mbytes

       これは既存の LVM 論理ボリュームを "mbytes" に容量変更(拡大または縮小)します。縮小すると

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".

        lvresize-free lv percent

       This expands an existing logical volume "lv" so that it fills "pc" % of the remaining free
       space in the volume group.  Commonly you would call this with pc = 100 which expands the
       logical volume as much as possible, using all remaining free space in the volume group.

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".


       List all the logical volumes detected.  This is the equivalent of the lvs(8) command.

       This returns a list of the logical volume device names (eg. /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00).

       "lvs-full", "list-filesystems" 参照。

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".


       List all the logical volumes detected.  This is the equivalent of the lvs(8) command.  The
       "full" version includes all fields.

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".

        lvuuid device

       このコマンドは LVM 論理ボリューム "device" の UUID を返します。

        lxattrlist path 'names ...'

       This call allows you to get the extended attributes of multiple files, where all files are
       in the directory "path".  "names" is the list of files from this directory.

       On return you get a flat list of xattr structs which must be interpreted sequentially.
       The first xattr struct always has a zero-length "attrname". "attrval" in this struct is
       zero-length to indicate there was an error doing "lgetxattr" for this file, or is a C
       string which is a decimal number (the number of following attributes for this file, which
       could be "0").  Then after the first xattr struct are the zero or more attributes for the
       first named file.  This repeats for the second and subsequent files.

       This call is intended for programs that want to efficiently list a directory contents
       without making many round-trips.  See also "lstatlist" for a similarly efficient call for
       getting standard stats.

       This command depends on the feature "linuxxattrs".  See also "feature-available".


       Return the maximum number of disks that may be added to a handle (eg. by "add-drive-opts"
       and similar calls).

       This function was added in libguestfs 1.19.7.  In previous versions of libguestfs the
       limit was 25.

       この話題に関する詳細は "MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DISKS" in guestfs(3) を参照してください。

        md-create name 'devices ...' [missingbitmap:N] [nrdevices:N] [spare:N] [chunk:N] [level:..]

       Create a Linux md (RAID) device named "name" on the devices in the list "devices".


           A bitmap of missing devices.  If a bit is set it means that a missing device is added
           to the array.  The least significant bit corresponds to the first device in the array.


           "devices = ["/dev/sda"]" かつ "missingbitmap = 0x1" ならば、結果の配列は "[<missing>,
           "/dev/sda"]" になります。

           "devices = ["/dev/sda"]" かつ "missingbitmap = 0x2" ならば、結果の配列は "["/dev/sda",
           <missing>]" になります。

           この初期値は 0 です(デバイスがありません)。

           "devices" の長さ + "missingbitmap" に設定されたビット数は "nrdevices" + "spare" と同じ

           稼動中の RAID デバイス数。

           設定されていないと、この初期値は "devices" の長さ + "missingbitmap" に設定されたビット


           設定されていなければ、デフォルトは 0 です。


           The "chunk" parameter does not make sense, and should not be specified, when "level"
           is "raid1" (which is the default; see below).

           The RAID level, which can be one of: "linear", "raid0", 0, "stripe", "raid1", 1,
           "mirror", "raid4", 4, "raid5", 5, "raid6", 6, "raid10", 10.  Some of these are
           synonymous, and more levels may be added in future.

           設定されていないと、この初期値は "raid1" です。

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       This command depends on the feature "mdadm".  See also "feature-available".

        md-detail md

       This command exposes the output of "mdadm -DY <md>".  The following fields are usually
       present in the returned hash.  Other fields may also be present.

           MD デバイスの RAID レベル。

           MD デバイスにあるデバイス数。


           MD デバイスの UUID。

           MD デバイスの名前。

       This command depends on the feature "mdadm".  See also "feature-available".

        md-stat md

       This call returns a list of the underlying devices which make up the single software RAID
       array device "md".

       ソフトウェア RAID デバイスの一覧を取得するには、"list-md-devices" を呼び出します。

       Each structure returned corresponds to one device along with additional status



           Flags associated with this device.  This is a string containing (in no specific order)
           zero or more of the following flags:

           "W" ほとんど書き込み

           "F" デバイス故障

           "S" RAIDスペアデバイス

           "R" 置換

       This command depends on the feature "mdadm".  See also "feature-available".

        md-stop md

       このコマンドは "md" という名前の MD アレイを無効化します。デバイスが停止されますが、破壊ま

       This command depends on the feature "mdadm".  See also "feature-available".

        mkdir path

       "path" という名前のディレクトリーを作成します。

        mkdir-mode path mode

       このコマンドはディレクトリーを作成します、ディレクトリーの初期パーミッションを "mode" に設

       一般的な Linux ファイルシステムに対して、設定されている実際のモードが "mode & ~umask &
       01777" とされます。Linux 固有のファイルシステム以外は他の方法でモードを解釈します。

       "mkdir", "umask" 参照。

        mkdir-p path

       "path" という名前のディレクトリーを作成します、必要に応じて親ディレクトリーを作成しま
       す。これは "mkdir -p" シェルコマンドと似ています。

        mkdtemp tmpl

       This command creates a temporary directory.  The "tmpl" parameter should be a full
       pathname for the temporary directory name with the final six characters being "XXXXXX".

       例: "/tmp/myprogXXXXXX" または "/Temp/myprogXXXXXX"、2 つめの例は Windows ファイルシステム


       一時ディレクトリーがモード 0700 で作成され、root により所有されます。

       The caller is responsible for deleting the temporary directory and its contents after use.

       関連項目: mkdtemp(3)

        mke2fs device [blockscount:N] [blocksize:N] [fragsize:N] [blockspergroup:N] [numberofgroups:N] [bytesperinode:N] [inodesize:N] [journalsize:N] [numberofinodes:N] [stridesize:N] [stripewidth:N] [maxonlineresize:N] [reservedblockspercentage:N] [mmpupdateinterval:N] [journaldevice:..] [label:..] [lastmounteddir:..] [creatoros:..] [fstype:..] [usagetype:..] [uuid:..] [forcecreate:true|false] [writesbandgrouponly:true|false] [lazyitableinit:true|false] [lazyjournalinit:true|false] [testfs:true|false] [discard:true|false] [quotatype:true|false] [extent:true|false] [filetype:true|false] [flexbg:true|false] [hasjournal:true|false] [journaldev:true|false] [largefile:true|false] [quota:true|false] [resizeinode:true|false] [sparsesuper:true|false] [uninitbg:true|false]

       "mke2fs" is used to create an ext2, ext3, or ext4 filesystem on "device".

       The optional "blockscount" is the size of the filesystem in blocks.  If omitted it
       defaults to the size of "device".  Note if the filesystem is too small to contain a
       journal, "mke2fs" will silently create an ext2 filesystem instead.

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        mke2fs-J fstype blocksize device journal

       これは外部ジャーナルを "journal" に持つ ext2/3/4 ファイルシステムを "device" に作成しま

        mke2fs -t fstype -b blocksize -J device=<journal> <device>

       "mke2journal" 参照。

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "mke2fs" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        mke2fs-JL fstype blocksize device label

       これは外部ジャーナルをジャーナルラベル "label" に持つ ext2/3/4 ファイルシステムを "device"

       "mke2journal-L" 参照。

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "mke2fs" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        mke2fs-JU fstype blocksize device uuid

       これは外部ジャーナルを UUID "uuid" のジャーナルに持つ ext2/3/4 ファイルシステムを "device"

       "mke2journal-U" 参照。

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "mke2fs" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

       This command depends on the feature "linuxfsuuid".  See also "feature-available".

        mke2journal blocksize device

       これは "device" に ext2 外部ジャーナルを作成します。次のコマンドと同じです:

        mke2fs -O journal_dev -b blocksize device

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "mke2fs" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        mke2journal-L blocksize label device

       これはラベル "label" を持つ "device" に ext2 外部ジャーナルを作成します。

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "mke2fs" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        mke2journal-U blocksize uuid device

       This creates an ext2 external journal on "device" with UUID "uuid".

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "mke2fs" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

       This command depends on the feature "linuxfsuuid".  See also "feature-available".

        mkfifo mode path

       This call creates a FIFO (named pipe) called "path" with mode "mode".  It is just a
       convenient wrapper around "mknod".

       Unlike with "mknod", "mode" must contain only permissions bits.

       実際に設定されるモードは umask により影響されます。

       This command depends on the feature "mknod".  See also "feature-available".

        mkfs fstype device [blocksize:N] [features:..] [inode:N] [sectorsize:N] [label:..]

       This function creates a filesystem on "device".  The filesystem type is "fstype", for
       example "ext3".


           式に依存します。一般的に Linux ext2/3 ファイルシステムには 1024, 2048 または 4096 で

           For VFAT and NTFS the "blocksize" parameter is treated as the requested cluster size.

           UFS ブロック容量は mkfs.ufs(8) を参照してください。

           これは -O パラメーターを外部の mkfs プログラムに渡します。

           mke2fs(8) および mkfs.ufs(8) を参照してください。

           "gfs" または "gfs2" ファイルシステム形式ではこのオプションのパラメーターを使用できませ

           This passes the -I parameter to the external mke2fs(8) program which sets the inode
           size (only for ext2/3/4 filesystems at present).

           This passes the -S parameter to external mkfs.ufs(8) program, which sets sector size
           for ufs filesystem.

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        mkfs-b fstype blocksize device

       This call is similar to "mkfs", but it allows you to control the block size of the
       resulting filesystem.  Supported block sizes depend on the filesystem type, but typically
       they are 1024, 2048 or 4096 only.

       For VFAT and NTFS the "blocksize" parameter is treated as the requested cluster size.

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "mkfs" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        mkfs-btrfs 'devices ...' [allocstart:N] [bytecount:N] [datatype:..] [leafsize:N] [label:..] [metadata:..] [nodesize:N] [sectorsize:N]

       すべての設定可能なものについて設定を許可して、btrfs ファイルシステムを作成します。オプショ
       ン引数の詳細は mkfs.btrfs(8) を参照してください。

       btrfs ファイルシステムは複数のデバイスを結合できるので、これは非空白のデバイス一覧をとりま

       To create general filesystems, use "mkfs".

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       This command depends on the feature "btrfs".  See also "feature-available".

        mklost-and-found mountpoint

       Make the "lost+found" directory, normally in the root directory of an ext2/3/4 filesystem.
       "mountpoint" is the directory under which we try to create the "lost+found" directory.

        mkmountpoint exemptpath

       "mkmountpoint" and "rmmountpoint" are specialized calls that can be used to create extra
       mountpoints before mounting the first filesystem.

       These calls are only necessary in some very limited circumstances, mainly the case where
       you want to mount a mix of unrelated and/or read-only filesystems together.

       For example, live CDs often contain a "Russian doll" nest of filesystems, an ISO outer
       layer, with a squashfs image inside, with an ext2/3 image inside that.  You can unpack
       this as follows in guestfish:

        add-ro Fedora-11-i686-Live.iso
        mkmountpoint /cd
        mkmountpoint /sqsh
        mkmountpoint /ext3fs
        mount /dev/sda /cd
        mount-loop /cd/LiveOS/squashfs.img /sqsh
        mount-loop /sqsh/LiveOS/ext3fs.img /ext3fs

       The inner filesystem is now unpacked under the /ext3fs mountpoint.

       "mkmountpoint" is not compatible with "umount-all".  You may get unexpected errors if you
       try to mix these calls.  It is safest to manually unmount filesystems and remove
       mountpoints after use.

       "umount-all" unmounts filesystems by sorting the paths longest first, so for this to work
       for manual mountpoints, you must ensure that the innermost mountpoints have the longest
       pathnames, as in the example code above.

       詳細は を参照してください

       Autosync [see "set-autosync", this is set by default on handles] can cause "umount-all" to
       be called when the handle is closed which can also trigger these issues.

        mknod mode devmajor devminor path

       This call creates block or character special devices, or named pipes (FIFOs).

       The "mode" parameter should be the mode, using the standard constants. "devmajor" and
       "devminor" are the device major and minor numbers, only used when creating block and
       character special devices.

       Note that, just like mknod(2), the mode must be bitwise OR'd with S_IFBLK, S_IFCHR,
       S_IFIFO or S_IFSOCK (otherwise this call just creates a regular file).  These constants
       are available in the standard Linux header files, or you can use "mknod-b", "mknod-c" or
       "mkfifo" which are wrappers around this command which bitwise OR in the appropriate
       constant for you.

       実際に設定されるモードは umask により影響されます。

       This command depends on the feature "mknod".  See also "feature-available".

        mknod-b mode devmajor devminor path

       This call creates a block device node called "path" with mode "mode" and device
       major/minor "devmajor" and "devminor".  It is just a convenient wrapper around "mknod".

       Unlike with "mknod", "mode" must contain only permissions bits.

       実際に設定されるモードは umask により影響されます。

       This command depends on the feature "mknod".  See also "feature-available".

        mknod-c mode devmajor devminor path

       This call creates a char device node called "path" with mode "mode" and device major/minor
       "devmajor" and "devminor".  It is just a convenient wrapper around "mknod".

       Unlike with "mknod", "mode" must contain only permissions bits.

       実際に設定されるモードは umask により影響されます。

       This command depends on the feature "mknod".  See also "feature-available".

        mksquashfs path (filename|-) [compress:..] [excludes:..]

       Create a squashfs filesystem for the specified "path".

       The optional "compress" flag controls compression.  If not given, then the output
       compressed using "gzip".  Otherwise one of the following strings may be given to select
       the compression type of the squashfs: "gzip", "lzma", "lzo", "lz4", "xz".

       The other optional arguments are:

           A list of wildcards.  Files are excluded if they match any of the wildcards.

       Please note that this API may fail when used to compress directories with large files,
       such as the resulting squashfs will be over 3GB big.

       標準入力/標準出力から読み込み/書き込みするには、ファイル名の代わりに "-" を使用します。

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       This command depends on the feature "squashfs".  See also "feature-available".

        mkswap device [label:..] [uuid:..]

       Linux swap パーティションを "device" に作成します。

       The option arguments "label" and "uuid" allow you to set the label and/or UUID of the new
       swap partition.

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        mkswap-L label device

       ラベル "label" を持つ "device" に swap パーティションを作成します。

       Note that you cannot attach a swap label to a block device (eg. /dev/sda), just to a
       partition.  This appears to be a limitation of the kernel or swap tools.

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "mkswap" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        mkswap-U uuid device

       UUID "uuid" の "device" に swap パーティションを作成します。

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "mkswap" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

       This command depends on the feature "linuxfsuuid".  See also "feature-available".

        mkswap-file path

       swap ファイルを作成します。

       This command just writes a swap file signature to an existing file.  To create the file
       itself, use something like "fallocate".

        mktemp tmpl [suffix:..]

       This command creates a temporary file.  The "tmpl" parameter should be a full pathname for
       the temporary directory name with the final six characters being "XXXXXX".

       例: "/tmp/myprogXXXXXX" または "/Temp/myprogXXXXXX"、2 つめの例は Windows ファイルシステム

       The name of the temporary file that was created is returned.

       The temporary file is created with mode 0600 and is owned by root.

       The caller is responsible for deleting the temporary file after use.

       If the optional "suffix" parameter is given, then the suffix (eg. ".txt") is appended to
       the temporary name.

       関連項目: "mkdtemp"

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        modprobe modulename


       This command depends on the feature "linuxmodules".  See also "feature-available".

        mount mountable mountpoint

       Mount a guest disk at a position in the filesystem.  Block devices are named /dev/sda,
       /dev/sdb and so on, as they were added to the guest.  If those block devices contain
       partitions, they will have the usual names (eg. /dev/sda1).  Also LVM /dev/VG/LV-style
       names can be used, or ‘mountable’ strings returned by "list-filesystems" or "inspect-get-

       The rules are the same as for mount(2): A filesystem must first be mounted on / before
       others can be mounted.  Other filesystems can only be mounted on directories which already

       The mounted filesystem is writable, if we have sufficient permissions on the underlying

       Before libguestfs 1.13.16, this call implicitly added the options "sync" and "noatime".
       The "sync" option greatly slowed writes and caused many problems for users.  If your
       program might need to work with older versions of libguestfs, use "mount-options" instead
       (using an empty string for the first parameter if you don't want any options).

        mount-9p mounttag mountpoint [options:..]

       This call does nothing and returns an error.

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       This function is deprecated. There is no replacement.  Consult the API documentation in
       guestfs(3) for further information.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        mount-local localmountpoint [readonly:true|false] [options:..] [cachetimeout:N] [debugcalls:true|false]

       This call exports the libguestfs-accessible filesystem to a local mountpoint (directory)
       called "localmountpoint".  Ordinary reads and writes to files and directories under
       "localmountpoint" are redirected through libguestfs.

       If the optional "readonly" flag is set to true, then writes to the filesystem return error

       "options" is a comma-separated list of mount options.  See guestmount(1) for some useful

       "cachetimeout" sets the timeout (in seconds) for cached directory entries. The default is
       60 seconds.  See guestmount(1) for further information.

       If "debugcalls" is set to true, then additional debugging information is generated for
       every FUSE call.

       When "mount-local" returns, the filesystem is ready, but is not processing requests
       (access to it will block).  You have to call "mount-local-run" to run the main loop.

       完全なドキュメントは "MOUNT LOCAL" in guestfs(3) を参照してください。

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"


       Run the main loop which translates kernel calls to libguestfs calls.

       This should only be called after "mount-local" returns successfully.  The call will not
       return until the filesystem is unmounted.

       Note you must not make concurrent libguestfs calls on the same handle from another thread.

       You may call this from a different thread than the one which called "mount-local", subject
       to the usual rules for threads and libguestfs (see "MULTIPLE HANDLES AND MULTIPLE THREADS"
       in guestfs(3)).

       完全なドキュメントは "MOUNT LOCAL" in guestfs(3) を参照してください。

        mount-loop file mountpoint

       This command lets you mount file (a filesystem image in a file) on a mount point.  It is
       entirely equivalent to the command "mount -o loop file mountpoint".

        mount-options options mountable mountpoint

       This is the same as the "mount" command, but it allows you to set the mount options as for
       the mount(8) -o flag.

       If the "options" parameter is an empty string, then no options are passed (all options
       default to whatever the filesystem uses).

        mount-ro mountable mountpoint

       This is the same as the "mount" command, but it mounts the filesystem with the read-only
       (-o ro) flag.

        mount-vfs options vfstype mountable mountpoint

       This is the same as the "mount" command, but it allows you to set both the mount options
       and the vfstype as for the mount(8) -o and -t flags.

        mountable-device mountable

       Returns the device name of a mountable. In quite a lot of cases, the mountable is the
       device name.

       However this doesn't apply for btrfs subvolumes, where the mountable is a combination of
       both the device name and the subvolume path (see also "mountable-subvolume" to extract the
       subvolume path of the mountable if any).

        mountable-subvolume mountable

       Returns the subvolume path of a mountable. Btrfs subvolumes mountables are a combination
       of both the device name and the subvolume path (see also "mountable-device" to extract the
       device of the mountable).

       If the mountable does not represent a btrfs subvolume, then this function fails and the
       "errno" is set to "EINVAL".


       This call is similar to "mounts".  That call returns a list of devices. This one returns a
       hash table (map) of device name to directory where the device is mounted.


       This returns the list of currently mounted filesystems.  It returns the list of devices
       (eg. /dev/sda1, /dev/VG/LV).

       Some internal mounts are not shown.

       関連項目: "mountpoints"

        mv src dest

       This moves a file from "src" to "dest" where "dest" is either a destination filename or
       destination directory.

       See also: "rename".


       これは追加されたブロックデバイス全体の数を返します。これは "list-devices" により返されるデ

       追加できるデバイスの最大数を確認するには "max-disks" を呼び出しください。

        ntfs-3g-probe true|false device

       This command runs the ntfs-3g.probe(8) command which probes an NTFS "device" for
       mountability.  (Not all NTFS volumes can be mounted read-write, and some cannot be mounted
       at all).

       "rw" is a boolean flag.  Set it to true if you want to test if the volume can be mounted
       read-write.  Set it to false if you want to test if the volume can be mounted read-only.

       The return value is an integer which 0 if the operation would succeed, or some non-zero
       value documented in the ntfs-3g.probe(8) manual page.

       This command depends on the feature "ntfs3g".  See also "feature-available".

        ntfscat-i device inode (filename|-)

       Download a file given its inode from a NTFS filesystem and save it as filename on the
       local machine.

       This allows to download some otherwise inaccessible files such as the ones within the
       $Extend folder.

       The filesystem from which to extract the file must be unmounted, otherwise the call will

       標準入力/標準出力から読み込み/書き込みするには、ファイル名の代わりに "-" を使用します。

        ntfsclone-in (backupfile|-) device

       "backupfile" を(前に "/ntfsclone-out" を呼び出したところから)  "device" に復元します。この

       標準入力/標準出力から読み込み/書き込みするには、ファイル名の代わりに "-" を使用します。

       This command depends on the feature "ntfs3g".  See also "feature-available".

        ntfsclone-out device (backupfile|-) [metadataonly:true|false] [rescue:true|false] [ignorefscheck:true|false] [preservetimestamps:true|false] [force:true|false]

       Stream the NTFS filesystem "device" to the local file "backupfile".  The format used for
       the backup file is a special format used by the ntfsclone(8) tool.

       If the optional "metadataonly" flag is true, then only the metadata is saved, losing all
       the user data (this is useful for diagnosing some filesystem problems).

       オプションの "rescue", "ignorefscheck", "preservetimestamps" および "force" フラグは
       ntfsclone(8) マニュアルページに詳細な意味が説明されています。

       ファイルを libguestfs デバイスに復元するには "ntfsclone-in" を使用します。

       標準入力/標準出力から読み込み/書き込みするには、ファイル名の代わりに "-" を使用します。

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       This command depends on the feature "ntfs3g".  See also "feature-available".

        ntfsfix device [clearbadsectors:true|false]

       このコマンドは、いくつかの基本的な NTFS の不整合を修復し、 NTFS ジャーナルファイルをリセッ
       トし、次回 Windows 起動時に NTFS 完全性チェックをスケジュール化します。

       これは Windows の "chkdsk" と同等では ありません 。不整合に対してファイルシステムをスキャ
       ン しません 。

       オプションの "clearbadsectors" フラグは不良セクターの一覧をクリアします。不良セクターを持

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       This command depends on the feature "ntfs3g".  See also "feature-available".

        ntfsresize device [size:N] [force:true|false]

       このコマンドは NTFS ファイルシステムの容量を変更します。基礎となるデバイスの容量まで拡張ま


           ファイルシステムの新しい容量 (バイト単位)。省略されると、ファイルシステムはコンテナー
           (例: パーティション) に合うよう容量を変更されます。

           If this option is true, then force the resize of the filesystem even if the filesystem
           is marked as requiring a consistency check.

           After the resize operation, the filesystem is always marked as requiring a consistency
           check (for safety).  You have to boot into Windows to perform this check and clear
           this condition.  If you don't set the "force" option then it is not possible to call
           "ntfsresize" multiple times on a single filesystem without booting into Windows
           between each resize.

       ntfsresize(8) 参照。

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       This command depends on the feature "ntfsprogs".  See also "feature-available".

        ntfsresize-size device size

       This command is the same as "ntfsresize" except that it allows you to specify the new size
       (in bytes) explicitly.

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "ntfsresize" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

       This command depends on the feature "ntfsprogs".  See also "feature-available".


       Parse the program’s environment and set flags in the handle accordingly. For example if
       "LIBGUESTFS_DEBUG=1" then the ‘verbose’ flag is set in the handle.

       Most programs do not need to call this.  It is done implicitly when you call "create".

       See "ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES" in guestfs(3) for a list of environment variables that can
       affect libguestfs handles.  See also "guestfs_create_flags" in guestfs(3), and "parse-

        parse-environment-list 'environment ...'

       Parse the list of strings in the argument "environment" and set flags in the handle
       accordingly.  For example if "LIBGUESTFS_DEBUG=1" is a string in the list, then the
       ‘verbose’ flag is set in the handle.

       This is the same as "parse-environment" except that it parses an explicit list of strings
       instead of the program's environment.

        part-add device prlogex startsect endsect

       This command adds a partition to "device".  If there is no partition table on the device,
       call "part-init" first.

       The "prlogex" parameter is the type of partition.  Normally you should pass "p" or
       "primary" here, but MBR partition tables also support "l" (or "logical") and "e" (or
       "extended") partition types.

       "startsect" and "endsect" are the start and end of the partition in sectors.  "endsect"
       may be negative, which means it counts backwards from the end of the disk (-1 is the last

       Creating a partition which covers the whole disk is not so easy.  Use "part-disk" to do

        part-del device partnum

       このコマンドは "device" にある "partnum" 番のパーティションを削除します。

       Note that in the case of MBR partitioning, deleting an extended partition also deletes any
       logical partitions it contains.

        part-disk device parttype

       This command is simply a combination of "part-init" followed by "part-add" to create a
       single primary partition covering the whole disk.

       "parttype" is the partition table type, usually "mbr" or "gpt", but other possible values
       are described in "part-init".

        part-expand-gpt device

       Move backup GPT data structures to the end of the disk.  This is useful in case of in-
       place image expand since disk space after backup GPT header is not usable.  This is
       equivalent to "sgdisk -e".

       See also sgdisk(8).

       This command depends on the feature "gdisk".  See also "feature-available".

        part-get-bootable device partnum

       "device" にあるパーティション "partnum" にブート可能フラグが設定されていると、このコマンド

       "part-set-bootable" 参照。

        part-get-disk-guid device

       Return the disk identifier (GUID) of a GPT-partitioned "device".  Behaviour is undefined
       for other partition types.

       This command depends on the feature "gdisk".  See also "feature-available".

        part-get-gpt-attributes device partnum

       Return the attribute flags of numbered GPT partition "partnum".  An error is returned for
       MBR partitions.

       This command depends on the feature "gdisk".  See also "feature-available".

        part-get-gpt-guid device partnum

       Return the GUID of numbered GPT partition "partnum".

       This command depends on the feature "gdisk".  See also "feature-available".

        part-get-gpt-type device partnum

       Return the type GUID of numbered GPT partition "partnum". For MBR partitions, return an
       appropriate GUID corresponding to the MBR type. Behaviour is undefined for other partition

       This command depends on the feature "gdisk".  See also "feature-available".

        part-get-mbr-id device partnum

       Returns the MBR type byte (also known as the ID byte) from the numbered partition

       Note that only MBR (old DOS-style) partitions have type bytes.  You will get undefined
       results for other partition table types (see "part-get-parttype").

        part-get-mbr-part-type device partnum

       This returns the partition type of an MBR partition numbered "partnum" on device "device".

       It returns "primary", "logical", or "extended".

        part-get-name device partnum

       This gets the partition name on partition numbered "partnum" on device "device".  Note
       that partitions are numbered from 1.

       The partition name can only be read on certain types of partition table. This works on
       "gpt" but not on "mbr" partitions.

        part-get-parttype device

       This command examines the partition table on "device" and returns the partition table type
       (format) being used.

       Common return values include: "msdos" (a DOS/Windows style MBR partition table), "gpt" (a
       GPT/EFI-style partition table).  Other values are possible, although unusual.  See "part-
       init" for a full list.

        part-init device parttype

       This creates an empty partition table on "device" of one of the partition types listed
       below.  Usually "parttype" should be either "msdos" or "gpt" (for large disks).

       Initially there are no partitions.  Following this, you should call "part-add" for each
       partition required.

       Possible values for "parttype" are:

           Intel EFI / GPT パーティションテーブル。

           This is recommended for >= 2 TB partitions that will be accessed from Linux and Intel-
           based Mac OS X.  It also has limited backwards compatibility with the "mbr" format.

           The standard PC "Master Boot Record" (MBR) format used by MS-DOS and Windows.  This
           partition type will only work for device sizes up to 2 TB.  For large disks we
           recommend using "gpt".

       Other partition table types that may work but are not supported include:

           AIX ディスクラベル。

           Amiga "Rigid Disk Block" 形式。

           BSD ディスクラベル.

           DASD, IBM メインフレームにおいて使用.

           MIPS/SGI ボリューム.

           古い Mac パーティション形式。最近の Mac は "gpt" を使用します。

           NEC PC-98 形式。日本において一般的に見られます。

           Sun ディスクラベル

        part-list device

       This command parses the partition table on "device" and returns the list of partitions

       The fields in the returned structure are:

           パーティション番号。1 から数えます。

           Start of the partition in bytes.  To get sectors you have to divide by the device’s
           sector size, see "blockdev-getss".



        part-resize device partnum endsect

       This command resizes the partition numbered "partnum" on "device" by moving the end

       Note that this does not modify any filesystem present in the partition.  If you wish to do
       this, you will need to use filesystem resizing commands like "resize2fs".

       When growing a partition you will want to grow the filesystem afterwards, but when
       shrinking, you need to shrink the filesystem before the partition.

        part-set-bootable device partnum true|false

       デバイス "device" のパーティション番号 "partnum" にブート可能フラグを設定します。パーティ
       ションは 1 から番号が始まることに注意してください。

       The bootable flag is used by some operating systems (notably Windows) to determine which
       partition to boot from.  It is by no means universally recognized.

        part-set-disk-guid device guid

       Set the disk identifier (GUID) of a GPT-partitioned "device" to "guid". Return an error if
       the partition table of "device" isn't GPT, or if "guid" is not a valid GUID.

       This command depends on the feature "gdisk".  See also "feature-available".

        part-set-disk-guid-random device

       Set the disk identifier (GUID) of a GPT-partitioned "device" to a randomly generated
       value.  Return an error if the partition table of "device" isn't GPT.

       This command depends on the feature "gdisk".  See also "feature-available".

        part-set-gpt-attributes device partnum attributes

       Set the attribute flags of numbered GPT partition "partnum" to "attributes". Return an
       error if the partition table of "device" isn't GPT.

       See for a useful list
       of partition attributes.

       This command depends on the feature "gdisk".  See also "feature-available".

        part-set-gpt-guid device partnum guid

       Set the GUID of numbered GPT partition "partnum" to "guid".  Return an error if the
       partition table of "device" isn't GPT, or if "guid" is not a valid GUID.

       This command depends on the feature "gdisk".  See also "feature-available".

        part-set-gpt-type device partnum guid

       Set the type GUID of numbered GPT partition "partnum" to "guid". Return an error if the
       partition table of "device" isn't GPT, or if "guid" is not a valid GUID.

       See for a useful
       list of type GUIDs.

       This command depends on the feature "gdisk".  See also "feature-available".

        part-set-mbr-id device partnum idbyte

       Sets the MBR type byte (also known as the ID byte) of the numbered partition "partnum" to
       "idbyte".  Note that the type bytes quoted in most documentation are in fact hexadecimal
       numbers, but usually documented without any leading "0x" which might be confusing.

       Note that only MBR (old DOS-style) partitions have type bytes.  You will get undefined
       results for other partition table types (see "part-get-parttype").

        part-set-name device partnum name

       This sets the partition name on partition numbered "partnum" on device "device".  Note
       that partitions are numbered from 1.

       The partition name can only be set on certain types of partition table. This works on
       "gpt" but not on "mbr" partitions.

        part-to-dev partition

       This function takes a partition name (eg. "/dev/sdb1") and removes the partition number,
       returning the device name (eg. "/dev/sdb").

       The named partition must exist, for example as a string returned from "list-partitions".

       "part-to-partnum", "device-index" も参照してください。

        part-to-partnum partition

       This function takes a partition name (eg. "/dev/sdb1") and returns the partition number
       (eg. 1).

       The named partition must exist, for example as a string returned from "list-partitions".

       "part-to-dev" 参照。


       This is a test probe into the guestfs daemon running inside the libguestfs appliance.
       Calling this function checks that the daemon responds to the ping message, without
       affecting the daemon or attached block device(s) in any other way.

        pread path count offset

       This command lets you read part of a file.  It reads "count" bytes of the file, starting
       at "offset", from file "path".

       This may read fewer bytes than requested.  For further details see the pread(2) system

       "pwrite", "pread-device" 参照。

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

        pread-device device count offset

       This command lets you read part of a block device.  It reads "count" bytes of "device",
       starting at "offset".

       This may read fewer bytes than requested.  For further details see the pread(2) system

       "pread" 参照。

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

        pvchange-uuid device

       物理ボリューム "device" に対する新しいランダムな UUID を生成します。

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".


       すべての物理ボリュームに対する新しいランダムな UUID を生成します。

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".

        pvcreate device

       This creates an LVM physical volume on the named "device", where "device" should usually
       be a partition name such as /dev/sda1.

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".

        pvremove device

       This wipes a physical volume "device" so that LVM will no longer recognise it.

       The implementation uses the pvremove(8) command which refuses to wipe physical volumes
       that contain any volume groups, so you have to remove those first.

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".

        pvresize device

       This resizes (expands or shrinks) an existing LVM physical volume to match the new size of
       the underlying device.

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".

        pvresize-size device size

       This command is the same as "pvresize" except that it allows you to specify the new size
       (in bytes) explicitly.

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".


       List all the physical volumes detected.  This is the equivalent of the pvs(8) command.

       This returns a list of just the device names that contain PVs (eg. /dev/sda2).

       "pvs-full" 参照。

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".


       List all the physical volumes detected.  This is the equivalent of the pvs(8) command.
       The "full" version includes all fields.

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".

        pvuuid device

       このコマンドは LVM PV "device" の UUID を返します。

        pwrite path content offset

       This command writes to part of a file.  It writes the data buffer "content" to the file
       "path" starting at offset "offset".

       This command implements the pwrite(2) system call, and like that system call it may not
       write the full data requested.  The return value is the number of bytes that were actually
       written to the file.  This could even be 0, although short writes are unlikely for regular
       files in ordinary circumstances.

       "pread", "pwrite-device" 参照。

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

        pwrite-device device content offset

       This command writes to part of a device.  It writes the data buffer "content" to "device"
       starting at offset "offset".

       This command implements the pwrite(2) system call, and like that system call it may not
       write the full data requested (although short writes to disk devices and partitions are
       probably impossible with standard Linux kernels).

       "pwrite" 参照。

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

        read-file path

       This calls returns the contents of the file "path" as a buffer.

       Unlike "cat", this function can correctly handle files that contain embedded ASCII NUL

        read-lines path

       "path" という名前のファイルの内容を返します。

       The file contents are returned as a list of lines.  Trailing "LF" and "CRLF" character
       sequences are not returned.

       Note that this function cannot correctly handle binary files (specifically, files
       containing "\0" character which is treated as end of string).  For those you need to use
       the "read-file" function and split the buffer into lines yourself.

        readdir dir

       This returns the list of directory entries in directory "dir".

       All entries in the directory are returned, including "." and "..".  The entries are not
       sorted, but returned in the same order as the underlying filesystem.

       Also this call returns basic file type information about each file.  The "ftyp" field will
       contain one of the following characters:

       'b' ブロック特殊

       'c' キャラクター特殊

       'd' ディレクトリ

       'f' FIFO (名前付きパイプ)

       'l' シンボリックリンク

       'r' 通常のファイル

       's' ソケット

       'u' 未知のファイル種別

       '?' The readdir(3) call returned a "d_type" field with an unexpected value

       This function is primarily intended for use by programs.  To get a simple list of names,
       use "ls".  To get a printable directory for human consumption, use "ll".

        readlink path


        readlinklist path 'names ...'

       This call allows you to do a "readlink" operation on multiple files, where all files are
       in the directory "path".  "names" is the list of files from this directory.

       On return you get a list of strings, with a one-to-one correspondence to the "names" list.
       Each string is the value of the symbolic link.

       If the readlink(2) operation fails on any name, then the corresponding result string is
       the empty string "".  However the whole operation is completed even if there were
       readlink(2) errors, and so you can call this function with names where you don't know if
       they are symbolic links already (albeit slightly less efficient).

       This call is intended for programs that want to efficiently list a directory contents
       without making many round-trips.

        realpath path

       Return the canonicalized absolute pathname of "path".  The returned path has no ".", ".."
       or symbolic link path elements.

        remount mountpoint [rw:true|false]

       This call allows you to change the "rw" (readonly/read-write)  flag on an already mounted
       filesystem at "mountpoint", converting a readonly filesystem to be read-write, or vice-

       Note that at the moment you must supply the "optional" "rw" parameter.  In future we may
       allow other flags to be adjusted.

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        remove-drive label

       This call does nothing and returns an error.

       This function is deprecated. There is no replacement.  Consult the API documentation in
       guestfs(3) for further information.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        removexattr xattr path

       This call removes the extended attribute named "xattr" of the file "path".

       関連項目: "lremovexattr", attr(5)

       This command depends on the feature "linuxxattrs".  See also "feature-available".

        rename oldpath newpath

       Rename a file to a new place on the same filesystem.  This is the same as the Linux
       rename(2) system call.  In most cases you are better to use "mv" instead.

        resize2fs device

       This resizes an ext2, ext3 or ext4 filesystem to match the size of the underlying device.

       See also "RESIZE2FS ERRORS" in guestfs(3).

        resize2fs-M device

       This command is the same as "resize2fs", but the filesystem is resized to its minimum
       size.  This works like the -M option to the resize2fs(8) command.

       To get the resulting size of the filesystem you should call "tune2fs-l" and read the
       "Block size" and "Block count" values.  These two numbers, multiplied together, give the
       resulting size of the minimal filesystem in bytes.

       See also "RESIZE2FS ERRORS" in guestfs(3).

        resize2fs-size device size

       This command is the same as "resize2fs" except that it allows you to specify the new size
       (in bytes) explicitly.

       See also "RESIZE2FS ERRORS" in guestfs(3).

        rm path

       単一ファイル "path" を削除します。

        rm-f path

       ファイル "path" を削除します。

       ファイルが存在しない場合、そのエラーは無視されます。(I/O エラーや不正なパスなど、他のエ

       この呼び出しはディレクトリーを削除できません。空のディレクトリーを削除するには "rmdir"
       を、ディレクトリーを再帰的に削除するには "rm-rf" を使用します。

        rm-rf path

       Remove the file or directory "path", recursively removing the contents if its a directory.
       This is like the "rm -rf" shell command.

        rmdir path

       単一ディレクトリ "path" を削除します。

        rmmountpoint exemptpath

       This call removes a mountpoint that was previously created with "mkmountpoint".  See
       "mkmountpoint" for full details.

        rsync src dest [archive:true|false] [deletedest:true|false]

       This call may be used to copy or synchronize two directories under the same libguestfs
       handle.  This uses the rsync(1) program which uses a fast algorithm that avoids copying
       files unnecessarily.

       "src" and "dest" are the source and destination directories.  Files are copied from "src"
       to "dest".


           Turns on archive mode.  This is the same as passing the --archive flag to "rsync".

           Delete files at the destination that do not exist at the source.

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       This command depends on the feature "rsync".  See also "feature-available".

        rsync-in remote dest [archive:true|false] [deletedest:true|false]

       This call may be used to copy or synchronize the filesystem on the host or on a remote
       computer with the filesystem within libguestfs.  This uses the rsync(1) program which uses
       a fast algorithm that avoids copying files unnecessarily.

       This call only works if the network is enabled.  See "set-network" or the --network option
       to various tools like guestfish(1).

       Files are copied from the remote server and directory specified by "remote" to the
       destination directory "dest".

       The format of the remote server string is defined by rsync(1).  Note that there is no way
       to supply a password or passphrase so the target must be set up not to require one.

       The optional arguments are the same as those of "rsync".

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       This command depends on the feature "rsync".  See also "feature-available".

        rsync-out src remote [archive:true|false] [deletedest:true|false]

       This call may be used to copy or synchronize the filesystem within libguestfs with a
       filesystem on the host or on a remote computer.  This uses the rsync(1) program which uses
       a fast algorithm that avoids copying files unnecessarily.

       This call only works if the network is enabled.  See "set-network" or the --network option
       to various tools like guestfish(1).

       Files are copied from the source directory "src" to the remote server and directory
       specified by "remote".

       The format of the remote server string is defined by rsync(1).  Note that there is no way
       to supply a password or passphrase so the target must be set up not to require one.

       The optional arguments are the same as those of "rsync".

       Globbing does not happen on the "src" parameter.  In programs which use the API directly
       you have to expand wildcards yourself (see "glob-expand"). In guestfish you can use the
       "glob" command (see "glob"), for example:

        ><fs> glob rsync-out /* rsync://remote/

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       This command depends on the feature "rsync".  See also "feature-available".

        scrub-device device

       This command writes patterns over "device" to make data retrieval more difficult.

       It is an interface to the scrub(1) program.  See that manual page for more details.

       This command depends on the feature "scrub".  See also "feature-available".

        scrub-file file

       This command writes patterns over a file to make data retrieval more difficult.

       The file is removed after scrubbing.

       It is an interface to the scrub(1) program.  See that manual page for more details.

       This command depends on the feature "scrub".  See also "feature-available".

        scrub-freespace dir

       This command creates the directory "dir" and then fills it with files until the filesystem
       is full, and scrubs the files as for "scrub-file", and deletes them.  The intention is to
       scrub any free space on the partition containing "dir".

       It is an interface to the scrub(1) program.  See that manual page for more details.

       This command depends on the feature "scrub".  See also "feature-available".

        selinux-relabel specfile path [force:true|false]

       SELinux relabel parts of the filesystem.

       The "specfile" parameter controls the policy spec file used.  You have to parse
       "/etc/selinux/config" to find the correct SELinux policy and then pass the spec file,
       usually: "/etc/selinux/" + selinuxtype + "/contexts/files/file_contexts".

       The required "path" parameter is the top level directory where relabelling starts.
       Normally you should pass "path" as "/" to relabel the whole guest filesystem.

       The optional "force" boolean controls whether the context is reset for customizable files,
       and also whether the user, role and range parts of the file context is changed.

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       This command depends on the feature "selinuxrelabel".  See also "feature-available".

        set-append append

       This function is used to add additional options to the libguestfs appliance kernel command

       "LIBGUESTFS_APPEND" 環境変数を設定して上書きされなければ、デフォルトは "NULL" です。

       "append" を "NULL" に設定することは、追加のオプションが渡され ない ことを意味します
       (libguestfs は常に自身のいくつかを追加します)。

        set-attach-method backend

       Set the method that libguestfs uses to connect to the backend guestfsd daemon.

       See "BACKEND" in guestfs(3).

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "set-backend" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        set-autosync true|false

       If "autosync" is true, this enables autosync.  Libguestfs will make a best effort attempt
       to make filesystems consistent and synchronized when the handle is closed (also if the
       program exits without closing handles).

       デフォルトで有効です(libguestfs 1.5.24 以降、以前は デフォルトで無効でした)。

        set-backend backend

       Set the method that libguestfs uses to connect to the backend guestfsd daemon.

       This handle property was previously called the "attach method".

       See "BACKEND" in guestfs(3).

        set-backend-setting name val

       Append "name=value" to the backend settings string list.  However if a string already
       exists matching "name" or beginning with "name=", then that setting is replaced.

       See "BACKEND" in guestfs(3), "BACKEND SETTINGS" in guestfs(3).

        set-backend-settings 'settings ...'

       Set a list of zero or more settings which are passed through to the current backend.  Each
       setting is a string which is interpreted in a backend-specific way, or ignored if not
       understood by the backend.

       The default value is an empty list, unless the environment variable
       "LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND_SETTINGS" was set when the handle was created.  This environment
       variable contains a colon-separated list of settings.

       This call replaces all backend settings.  If you want to replace a single backend setting,
       see "set-backend-setting".  If you want to clear a single backend setting, see "clear-

       See "BACKEND" in guestfs(3), "BACKEND SETTINGS" in guestfs(3).

        set-cachedir cachedir

       Set the directory used by the handle to store the appliance cache, when using a supermin
       appliance.  The appliance is cached and shared between all handles which have the same
       effective user ID.

       The environment variables "LIBGUESTFS_CACHEDIR" and "TMPDIR" control the default value: If
       "LIBGUESTFS_CACHEDIR" is set, then that is the default. Else if "TMPDIR" is set, then that
       is the default.  Else /var/tmp is the default.

        set-direct true|false

       If the direct appliance mode flag is enabled, then stdin and stdout are passed directly
       through to the appliance once it is launched.

       One consequence of this is that log messages aren't caught by the library and handled by
       "set-log-message-callback", but go straight to stdout.

       You probably don't want to use this unless you know what you are doing.


       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "internal-get-console-socket" call

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        set-e2attrs file attrs [clear:true|false]

       This sets or clears the file attributes "attrs" associated with the inode file.

       "attrs" is a string of characters representing file attributes.  See "get-e2attrs" for a
       list of possible attributes.  Not all attributes can be changed.

       If optional boolean "clear" is not present or false, then the "attrs" listed are set in
       the inode.

       If "clear" is true, then the "attrs" listed are cleared in the inode.

       In both cases, other attributes not present in the "attrs" string are left unchanged.

       These attributes are only present when the file is located on an ext2/3/4 filesystem.
       Using this call on other filesystem types will result in an error.

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        set-e2generation file generation

       これはファイルの ext2 ファイル世代を設定します。

       "get-e2generation" を参照してください。

        set-e2label device label

       This sets the ext2/3/4 filesystem label of the filesystem on "device" to "label".
       Filesystem labels are limited to 16 characters.

       You can use either "tune2fs-l" or "get-e2label" to return the existing label on a

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "set-label" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        set-e2uuid device uuid

       This sets the ext2/3/4 filesystem UUID of the filesystem on "device" to "uuid".  The
       format of the UUID and alternatives such as "clear", "random" and "time" are described in
       the tune2fs(8) manpage.

       You can use "vfs-uuid" to return the existing UUID of a filesystem.

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "set-uuid" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        set-hv hv

       Set the hypervisor binary that we will use.  The hypervisor depends on the backend, but is
       usually the location of the qemu/KVM hypervisor.

       The default is chosen when the library was compiled by the configure script.

       You can also override this by setting the "LIBGUESTFS_HV" environment variable.

       Note that you should call this function as early as possible after creating the handle.
       This is because some pre-launch operations depend on testing qemu features (by running
       "qemu -help").  If the qemu binary changes, we don't retest features, and so you might see
       inconsistent results.  Using the environment variable "LIBGUESTFS_HV" is safest of all
       since that picks the qemu binary at the same time as the handle is created.

        set-identifier identifier

       This is an informative string which the caller may optionally set in the handle.  It is
       printed in various places, allowing the current handle to be identified in debugging

       One important place is when tracing is enabled.  If the identifier string is not an empty
       string, then trace messages change from this:

        libguestfs: trace: get_tmpdir
        libguestfs: trace: get_tmpdir = "/tmp"

       to this:

        libguestfs: trace: ID: get_tmpdir
        libguestfs: trace: ID: get_tmpdir = "/tmp"

       where "ID" is the identifier string set by this call.

       The identifier must only contain alphanumeric ASCII characters, underscore and minus sign.
       The default is the empty string.

       See also "set-program", "set-trace", "get-identifier".

        set-label mountable label

       Set the filesystem label on "mountable" to "label".

       いくつかのファイルシステム形式のみがラベルをサポートします。そして libguestfs はこれらのサ

       ext2, ext3, ext4
           Labels are limited to 16 bytes.

           Labels are limited to 128 unicode characters.

       XFS The label is limited to 12 bytes.  The filesystem must not be mounted when trying to
           set the label.

           The label is limited to 255 bytes and some characters are not allowed. Setting the
           label on a btrfs subvolume will set the label on its parent filesystem.  The
           filesystem must not be mounted when trying to set the label.

       fat The label is limited to 11 bytes.

           The label is limited to 16 bytes.

       If there is no support for changing the label for the type of the specified filesystem,
       set_label will fail and set errno as ENOTSUP.

       ファイルシステムのラベルを読み込むには "vfs-label" を呼び出します。

        set-libvirt-requested-credential index cred

       After requesting the "index"'th credential from the user, call this function to pass the
       answer back to libvirt.

       See "LIBVIRT AUTHENTICATION" in guestfs(3) for documentation and example code.

        set-libvirt-supported-credentials 'creds ...'

       Call this function before setting an event handler for "GUESTFS_EVENT_LIBVIRT_AUTH", to
       supply the list of credential types that the program knows how to process.

       "creds" 一覧は文字列の空ではない一覧にする必要があります。利用可能な文字列は次のとおりで


       これらのクレデンシャル種別の意味は libvirt ドキュメントを参照してください。

       See "LIBVIRT AUTHENTICATION" in guestfs(3) for documentation and example code.

        set-memsize memsize

       This sets the memory size in megabytes allocated to the hypervisor.  This only has any
       effect if called before "launch".

       ハンドルが設定される前に環境変数 "LIBGUESTFS_MEMSIZE" を設定することにより、これを変更でき

       libguestfs のアーキテクチャーの詳細は guestfs(3) を参照してください。

        set-network true|false

       "network" が真ならば、libguestfs アプライアンスにおいてネットワークが有効になります。デ

       This affects whether commands are able to access the network (see "RUNNING COMMANDS" in

       "launch" を呼び出す前に、これを呼び出さなければいけません。そうしなければ効果がありませ

        set-path searchpath

       libguestfs がカーネルおよび initrd.img を検索するパスを設定します。

       The default is "$libdir/guestfs" unless overridden by setting "LIBGUESTFS_PATH"
       environment variable.

       "path" に "NULL" を設定することによりパスの初期値を復元します。

        set-pgroup true|false

       "pgroup" が真ならば、子プロセスは自身のプロセスグループの中に置かれます。

       The practical upshot of this is that signals like "SIGINT" (from users pressing "^C")
       won't be received by the child process.

       The default for this flag is false, because usually you want "^C" to kill the subprocess.
       Guestfish sets this flag to true when used interactively, so that "^C" can cancel long-
       running commands gracefully (see "user-cancel").

        set-program program

       Set the program name.  This is an informative string which the main program may optionally
       set in the handle.

       When the handle is created, the program name in the handle is set to the basename from
       "argv[0]".  The program name can never be "NULL".

        set-qemu hv

       Set the hypervisor binary (usually qemu) that we will use.

       The default is chosen when the library was compiled by the configure script.

       You can also override this by setting the "LIBGUESTFS_HV" environment variable.

       Setting "hv" to "NULL" restores the default qemu binary.

       Note that you should call this function as early as possible after creating the handle.
       This is because some pre-launch operations depend on testing qemu features (by running
       "qemu -help").  If the qemu binary changes, we don't retest features, and so you might see
       inconsistent results.  Using the environment variable "LIBGUESTFS_HV" is safest of all
       since that picks the qemu binary at the same time as the handle is created.

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "set-hv" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        set-recovery-proc true|false

       If this is called with the parameter "false" then "launch" does not create a recovery
       process.  The purpose of the recovery process is to stop runaway hypervisor processes in
       the case where the main program aborts abruptly.

       This only has any effect if called before "launch", and the default is true.

       About the only time when you would want to disable this is if the main process will fork
       itself into the background ("daemonize" itself).  In this case the recovery process thinks
       that the main program has disappeared and so kills the hypervisor, which is not very

        set-selinux true|false

       This sets the selinux flag that is passed to the appliance at boot time. The default is
       "selinux=0" (disabled).

       Note that if SELinux is enabled, it is always in Permissive mode ("enforcing=0").

       libguestfs のアーキテクチャーの詳細は guestfs(3) を参照してください。

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "selinux-relabel" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        set-smp smp

       アプライアンスに割り当てられる仮想 CPU 数を変更します。初期値は 1 です。これを増やすことに

       この関数は "launch" の前に呼び出す必要があります。

        set-tmpdir tmpdir

       Set the directory used by the handle to store temporary files.

       The environment variables "LIBGUESTFS_TMPDIR" and "TMPDIR" control the default value: If
       "LIBGUESTFS_TMPDIR" is set, then that is the default. Else if "TMPDIR" is set, then that
       is the default.  Else /tmp is the default.

        set-trace true|false

       If the command trace flag is set to 1, then libguestfs calls, parameters and return values
       are traced.

       If you want to trace C API calls into libguestfs (and other libraries) then possibly a
       better way is to use the external ltrace(1) command.

       Command traces are disabled unless the environment variable "LIBGUESTFS_TRACE" is defined
       and set to 1.

       Trace messages are normally sent to "stderr", unless you register a callback to send them
       somewhere else (see "set-event-callback").

        set-uuid device uuid

       Set the filesystem UUID on "device" to "uuid".  If this fails and the errno is ENOTSUP,
       means that there is no support for changing the UUID for the type of the specified

       Only some filesystem types support setting UUIDs.

       To read the UUID on a filesystem, call "vfs-uuid".

        set-uuid-random device

       Set the filesystem UUID on "device" to a random UUID.  If this fails and the errno is
       ENOTSUP, means that there is no support for changing the UUID for the type of the
       specified filesystem.

       Only some filesystem types support setting UUIDs.

       To read the UUID on a filesystem, call "vfs-uuid".

        set-verbose true|false

       "verbose" が真ならば、メッセージの冗長化を有効にします。

       Verbose messages are disabled unless the environment variable "LIBGUESTFS_DEBUG" is
       defined and set to 1.

       Verbose messages are normally sent to "stderr", unless you register a callback to send
       them somewhere else (see "set-event-callback").

        setcon context

       This sets the SELinux security context of the daemon to the string "context".

       guestfs(3) における SELinux に関するドキュメントを参照してください。

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "selinux-relabel" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

       This command depends on the feature "selinux".  See also "feature-available".

        setxattr xattr val vallen path

       This call sets the extended attribute named "xattr" of the file "path" to the value "val"
       (of length "vallen").  The value is arbitrary 8 bit data.

       関連項目: "lsetxattr", attr(5)

       This command depends on the feature "linuxxattrs".  See also "feature-available".

        sfdisk device cyls heads sectors 'lines ...'

       This is a direct interface to the sfdisk(8) program for creating partitions on block

       "device" should be a block device, for example /dev/sda.

       "cyls", "heads" and "sectors" are the number of cylinders, heads and sectors on the
       device, which are passed directly to sfdisk(8) as the -C, -H and -S parameters.  If you
       pass 0 for any of these, then the corresponding parameter is omitted.  Usually for ‘large’
       disks, you can just pass 0 for these, but for small (floppy-sized) disks, sfdisk(8) (or
       rather, the kernel) cannot work out the right geometry and you will need to tell it.

       "lines" is a list of lines that we feed to sfdisk(8).  For more information refer to the
       sfdisk(8) manpage.

       To create a single partition occupying the whole disk, you would pass "lines" as a single
       element list, when the single element being the string "," (comma).

       関連項目: "sfdisk-l", "sfdisk-N", "part-init"

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "part-add" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        sfdiskM device 'lines ...'

       This is a simplified interface to the "sfdisk" command, where partition sizes are
       specified in megabytes only (rounded to the nearest cylinder) and you don't need to
       specify the cyls, heads and sectors parameters which were rarely if ever used anyway.

       関連項目: "sfdisk", sfdisk(8) マニュアルページおよび "part-disk"

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "part-add" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        sfdisk-N device partnum cyls heads sectors line

       This runs sfdisk(8) option to modify just the single partition "n" (note: "n" counts from

       For other parameters, see "sfdisk".  You should usually pass 0 for the cyls/heads/sectors

       関連項目: "part-add"

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "part-add" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        sfdisk-disk-geometry device

       This displays the disk geometry of "device" read from the partition table. Especially in
       the case where the underlying block device has been resized, this can be different from
       the kernel’s idea of the geometry (see "sfdisk-kernel-geometry").

       The result is in human-readable format, and not designed to be parsed.

        sfdisk-kernel-geometry device

       This displays the kernel’s idea of the geometry of "device".

       The result is in human-readable format, and not designed to be parsed.

        sfdisk-l device

       This displays the partition table on "device", in the human-readable output of the
       sfdisk(8) command.  It is not intended to be parsed.

       関連項目: "part-list"

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "part-list" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        sh command

       This call runs a command from the guest filesystem via the guest’s /bin/sh.

       This is like "command", but passes the command to:

        /bin/sh -c "command"

       Depending on the guest’s shell, this usually results in wildcards being expanded, shell
       expressions being interpolated and so on.

       All the provisos about "command" apply to this call.

        sh-lines command

       This is the same as "sh", but splits the result into a list of lines.

       関連項目: "command-lines"


       これは "launch" の反対です。バックエンドプロセスの通常シャットダウンを実行します。自動同期

       しく書き出されていないことを意味する可能性があるので)無視すべき ではありません 。

       It is safe to call this multiple times.  Extra calls are ignored.

       This call does not close or free up the handle.  You still need to call "close"

       "close" will call this if you don't do it explicitly, but note that any errors are ignored
       in that case.

        sleep secs

       "secs" 秒間スリープします。

        stat path

       与えられた "path" のファイル情報を返します。

       This is the same as the stat(2) system call.

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "statns" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        statns path

       与えられた "path" のファイル情報を返します。

       This is the same as the stat(2) system call.

        statvfs path

       Returns file system statistics for any mounted file system.  "path" should be a file or
       directory in the mounted file system (typically it is the mount point itself, but it
       doesn't need to be).

       This is the same as the statvfs(2) system call.

        strings path

       This runs the strings(1) command on a file and returns the list of printable strings

       The "strings" command has, in the past, had problems with parsing untrusted files.  These
       are mitigated in the current version of libguestfs, but see "CVE-2014-8484" in guestfs(3).

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

        strings-e encoding path

       This is like the "strings" command, but allows you to specify the encoding of strings that
       are looked for in the source file "path".


       s   Single 7-bit-byte characters like ASCII and the ASCII-compatible parts of ISO-8859-X
           (this is what "strings" uses).

       S   単一の 8 ビットのバイト文字。

       b   UTF-16BE や UCS-2BE でエンコードされたもののように 16 ビットのビッグエンディアン文字

       l (小文字の L)
           UTF-16LE や UCS-2LE のような 16 ビットのリトルエンディアン。これは Windows 仮想マシン

       B   UCS-4BE のような 32 ビットのビッグエンディアン。

       L   UCS-4LE のような 32 ビットのリトルエンディアン。

       返される文字列は UTF-8 に変換されます。

       The "strings" command has, in the past, had problems with parsing untrusted files.  These
       are mitigated in the current version of libguestfs, but see "CVE-2014-8484" in guestfs(3).

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

        swapoff-device device

       This command disables the libguestfs appliance swap device or partition named "device".
       See "swapon-device".

        swapoff-file file

       このコマンドは libguestfs アプライアンスの swap on ファイルを無効にします。

        swapoff-label label

       このコマンドは libguestfs アプライアンスの swap on ラベル付き swap パーティションを無効に

        swapoff-uuid uuid

       このコマンドは libguestfs アプライアンスの指定された UUID を持つ swap パーティションを無効

       This command depends on the feature "linuxfsuuid".  See also "feature-available".

        swapon-device device

       This command enables the libguestfs appliance to use the swap device or partition named
       "device".  The increased memory is made available for all commands, for example those run
       using "command" or "sh".

       Note that you should not swap to existing guest swap partitions unless you know what you
       are doing.  They may contain hibernation information, or other information that the guest
       doesn't want you to trash.  You also risk leaking information about the host to the guest
       this way.  Instead, attach a new host device to the guest and swap on that.

        swapon-file file

       This command enables swap to a file.  See "swapon-device" for other notes.

        swapon-label label

       This command enables swap to a labeled swap partition.  See "swapon-device" for other

        swapon-uuid uuid

       This command enables swap to a swap partition with the given UUID.  See "swapon-device"
       for other notes.

       This command depends on the feature "linuxfsuuid".  See also "feature-available".


       This syncs the disk, so that any writes are flushed through to the underlying disk image.

       You should always call this if you have modified a disk image, before closing the handle.

        syslinux device [directory:..]

       Install the SYSLINUX bootloader on "device".

       The device parameter must be either a whole disk formatted as a FAT filesystem, or a
       partition formatted as a FAT filesystem.  In the latter case, the partition should be
       marked as "active" ("part-set-bootable") and a Master Boot Record must be installed (eg.
       using "pwrite-device") on the first sector of the whole disk.  The SYSLINUX package comes
       with some suitable Master Boot Records.  See the syslinux(1) man page for further


           Install SYSLINUX in the named subdirectory, instead of in the root directory of the
           FAT filesystem.

       Additional configuration can be supplied to SYSLINUX by placing a file called syslinux.cfg
       on the FAT filesystem, either in the root directory, or under directory if that optional
       argument is being used.  For further information about the contents of this file, see

       See also "extlinux".

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       This command depends on the feature "syslinux".  See also "feature-available".

        tail path

       This command returns up to the last 10 lines of a file as a list of strings.

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

        tail-n nrlines path

       If the parameter "nrlines" is a positive number, this returns the last "nrlines" lines of
       the file "path".

       If the parameter "nrlines" is a negative number, this returns lines from the file "path",
       starting with the "-nrlines"'th line.

       パラメーター "nrlines" が 0 ならば、空の一覧を返します。

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

        tar-in (tarfile|-) directory [compress:..] [xattrs:true|false] [selinux:true|false] [acls:true|false]

       This command uploads and unpacks local file "tarfile" into directory.

       The optional "compress" flag controls compression.  If not given, then the input should be
       an uncompressed tar file.  Otherwise one of the following strings may be given to select
       the compression type of the input file: "compress", "gzip", "bzip2", "xz", "lzop", "lzma",
       "zstd".  (Note that not all builds of libguestfs will support all of these compression

       The other optional arguments are:

           If set to true, extended attributes are restored from the tar file.

           If set to true, SELinux contexts are restored from the tar file.

           If set to true, POSIX ACLs are restored from the tar file.

       標準入力/標準出力から読み込み/書き込みするには、ファイル名の代わりに "-" を使用します。

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        tar-out directory (tarfile|-) [compress:..] [numericowner:true|false] [excludes:..] [xattrs:true|false] [selinux:true|false] [acls:true|false]

       This command packs the contents of directory and downloads it to local file "tarfile".

       The optional "compress" flag controls compression.  If not given, then the output will be
       an uncompressed tar file.  Otherwise one of the following strings may be given to select
       the compression type of the output file: "compress", "gzip", "bzip2", "xz", "lzop",
       "lzma", "zstd".  (Note that not all builds of libguestfs will support all of these
       compression types).

       The other optional arguments are:

           A list of wildcards.  Files are excluded if they match any of the wildcards.

           If set to true, the output tar file will contain UID/GID numbers instead of user/group

           If set to true, extended attributes are saved in the output tar.

           If set to true, SELinux contexts are saved in the output tar.

           If set to true, POSIX ACLs are saved in the output tar.

       標準入力/標準出力から読み込み/書き込みするには、ファイル名の代わりに "-" を使用します。

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        tgz-in (tarball|-) directory

       This command uploads and unpacks local file "tarball" (a gzip compressed tar file) into

       標準入力/標準出力から読み込み/書き込みするには、ファイル名の代わりに "-" を使用します。

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "tar-in" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        tgz-out directory (tarball|-)

       This command packs the contents of directory and downloads it to local file "tarball".

       標準入力/標準出力から読み込み/書き込みするには、ファイル名の代わりに "-" を使用します。

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "tar-out" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        touch path

       Touch acts like the touch(1) command.  It can be used to update the timestamps on a file,
       or, if the file does not exist, to create a new zero-length file.

       This command only works on regular files, and will fail on other file types such as
       directories, symbolic links, block special etc.

        truncate path

       This command truncates "path" to a zero-length file.  The file must exist already.

        truncate-size path size

       This command truncates "path" to size "size" bytes.  The file must exist already.

       If the current file size is less than "size" then the file is extended to the required
       size with zero bytes.  This creates a sparse file (ie. disk blocks are not allocated for
       the file until you write to it).  To create a non-sparse file of zeroes, use "fallocate64"

        tune2fs device [force:true|false] [maxmountcount:N] [mountcount:N] [errorbehavior:..] [group:N] [intervalbetweenchecks:N] [reservedblockspercentage:N] [lastmounteddirectory:..] [reservedblockscount:N] [user:N]

       This call allows you to adjust various filesystem parameters of an ext2/ext3/ext4
       filesystem called "device".


           Force tune2fs to complete the operation even in the face of errors.  This is the same
           as the tune2fs(8) "-f" option.

           Set the number of mounts after which the filesystem is checked by e2fsck(8).  If this
           is 0 then the number of mounts is disregarded. This is the same as the tune2fs(8) "-c"

           Set the number of times the filesystem has been mounted.  This is the same as the
           tune2fs(8) "-C" option.

           Change the behavior of the kernel code when errors are detected.  Possible values
           currently are: "continue", "remount-ro", "panic".  In practice these options don't
           really make any difference, particularly for write errors.

           This is the same as the tune2fs(8) "-e" option.

           Set the group which can use reserved filesystem blocks.  This is the same as the
           tune2fs(8) "-g" option except that it can only be specified as a number.

           Adjust the maximal time between two filesystem checks (in seconds).  If the option is
           passed as 0 then time-dependent checking is disabled.

           This is the same as the tune2fs(8) "-i" option.

           Set the percentage of the filesystem which may only be allocated by privileged
           processes.  This is the same as the tune2fs(8) "-m" option.

           Set the last mounted directory.  This is the same as the tune2fs(8) "-M" option.

       "reservedblockscount" Set the number of reserved filesystem blocks.  This is the same as
       the tune2fs(8) "-r" option.
           Set the user who can use the reserved filesystem blocks.  This is the same as the
           tune2fs(8) "-u" option except that it can only be specified as a number.

       To get the current values of filesystem parameters, see "tune2fs-l".  For precise details
       of how tune2fs works, see the tune2fs(8) man page.

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        tune2fs-l device

       This returns the contents of the ext2, ext3 or ext4 filesystem superblock on "device".

       It is the same as running "tune2fs -l device".  See tune2fs(8) manpage for more details.
       The list of fields returned isn't clearly defined, and depends on both the version of
       "tune2fs" that libguestfs was built against, and the filesystem itself.

        txz-in (tarball|-) directory

       This command uploads and unpacks local file "tarball" (an xz compressed tar file) into

       標準入力/標準出力から読み込み/書き込みするには、ファイル名の代わりに "-" を使用します。

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "tar-in" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

       This command depends on the feature "xz".  See also "feature-available".

        txz-out directory (tarball|-)

       This command packs the contents of directory and downloads it to local file "tarball" (as
       an xz compressed tar archive).

       標準入力/標準出力から読み込み/書き込みするには、ファイル名の代わりに "-" を使用します。

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "tar-out" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

       This command depends on the feature "xz".  See also "feature-available".

        umask mask

       This function sets the mask used for creating new files and device nodes to "mask & 0777".

       Typical umask values would be 022 which creates new files with permissions like
       "-rw-r--r--" or "-rwxr-xr-x", and 002 which creates new files with permissions like
       "-rw-rw-r--" or "-rwxrwxr-x".

       The default umask is 022.  This is important because it means that directories and device
       nodes will be created with 0644 or 0755 mode even if you specify 0777.

       "get-umask", umask(2), "mknod", "mkdir" 参照。

       この呼び出しは元の umask を返します。

        umount pathordevice [force:true|false] [lazyunmount:true|false]

       ント (path)、またはファイルシステムを含むデバイスにより指定されます。

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"




        umount-local [retry:true|false]

       libguestfs がローカルマウントポイントにあるファイルシステムをエクスポートしているなら

       完全なドキュメントは "MOUNT LOCAL" in guestfs(3) を参照してください。

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

        upload (filename|-) remotefilename

       Upload local file filename to remotefilename on the filesystem.

       filename can also be a named pipe.

       "download" 参照。

       標準入力/標準出力から読み込み/書き込みするには、ファイル名の代わりに "-" を使用します。

        upload-offset (filename|-) remotefilename offset

       Upload local file filename to remotefilename on the filesystem.

       remotefilename is overwritten starting at the byte "offset" specified. The intention is to
       overwrite parts of existing files or devices, although if a non-existent file is specified
       then it is created with a "hole" before "offset".  The size of the data written is
       implicit in the size of the source filename.

       Note that there is no limit on the amount of data that can be uploaded with this call,
       unlike with "pwrite", and this call always writes the full amount unless an error occurs.

       "upload", "pwrite" 参照。

       標準入力/標準出力から読み込み/書き込みするには、ファイル名の代わりに "-" を使用します。


       This function cancels the current upload or download operation.

       Unlike most other libguestfs calls, this function is signal safe and thread safe.  You can
       call it from a signal handler or from another thread, without needing to do any locking.

       The transfer that was in progress (if there is one) will stop shortly afterwards, and will
       return an error.  The errno (see "guestfs_last_errno") is set to "EINTR", so you can test
       for this to find out if the operation was cancelled or failed because of another error.

       No cleanup is performed: for example, if a file was being uploaded then after cancellation
       there may be a partially uploaded file.  It is the caller’s responsibility to clean up if

       There are two common places that you might call "user-cancel":

       In an interactive text-based program, you might call it from a "SIGINT" signal handler so
       that pressing "^C" cancels the current operation.  (You also need to call "set-pgroup" so
       that child processes don't receive the "^C" signal).

       In a graphical program, when the main thread is displaying a progress bar with a cancel
       button, wire up the cancel button to call this function.

        utimens path atsecs atnsecs mtsecs mtnsecs


       "atsecs", "atnsecs" are the last access time (atime) in secs and nanoseconds from the

       "mtsecs", "mtnsecs" are the last modification time (mtime) in secs and nanoseconds from
       the epoch.

       If the *nsecs field contains the special value -1 then the corresponding timestamp is set
       to the current time.  (The *secs field is ignored in this case).

       If the *nsecs field contains the special value -2 then the corresponding timestamp is left
       unchanged.  (The *secs field is ignored in this case).


       This returns the kernel version of the appliance, where this is available. This
       information is only useful for debugging.  Nothing in the returned structure is defined by
       the API.


       プログラムがリンクしている libguestfs バージョン番号を返します。

       Note that because of dynamic linking this is not necessarily the version of libguestfs
       that you compiled against.  You can compile the program, and then at runtime dynamically
       link against a completely different library.

       This call was added in version 1.0.58.  In previous versions of libguestfs there was no
       way to get the version number.  From C code you can use dynamic linker functions to find
       out if this symbol exists (if it doesn't, then it’s an earlier version).

       The call returns a structure with four elements.  The first three ("major", "minor" and
       "release") are numbers and correspond to the usual version triplet.  The fourth element
       ("extra") is a string and is normally empty, but may be used for distro-specific

       To construct the original version string: "$major.$minor.$release$extra"

       関連項目: "LIBGUESTFS VERSION NUMBERS" in guestfs(3)

       Note: Don't use this call to test for availability of features.  In enterprise
       distributions we backport features from later versions into earlier versions, making this
       an unreliable way to test for features.  Use "available" or "feature-available" instead.

        vfs-label mountable

       This returns the label of the filesystem on "mountable".


       ラベルからファイルシステムを検索するには "findfs-label" を使用します。

        vfs-minimum-size mountable

       Get the minimum size of filesystem in bytes.  This is the minimum possible size for
       filesystem shrinking.

       If getting minimum size of specified filesystem is not supported, this will fail and set
       errno as ENOTSUP.

       See also ntfsresize(8), resize2fs(8), btrfs(8), xfs_info(8).

        vfs-type mountable

       This command gets the filesystem type corresponding to the filesystem on "mountable".

       For most filesystems, the result is the name of the Linux VFS module which would be used
       to mount this filesystem if you mounted it without specifying the filesystem type.  For
       example a string such as "ext3" or "ntfs".

        vfs-uuid mountable

       This returns the filesystem UUID of the filesystem on "mountable".

       ファイルシステムが UUID を持っていないと、空の文字列を返します。

       UUID からファイルシステムを検索するには "findfs-uuid" を使用します。

        vg-activate true|false 'volgroups ...'

       This command activates or (if "activate" is false) deactivates all logical volumes in the
       listed volume groups "volgroups".

       このコマンドは "vgchange -a y|n volgroups..." を実行するときと同じです。

       Note that if "volgroups" is an empty list then all volume groups are activated or

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".

        vg-activate-all true|false

       This command activates or (if "activate" is false) deactivates all logical volumes in all
       volume groups.

       This command is the same as running "vgchange -a y|n"

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".

        vgchange-uuid vg

       ランダムな新しい UUID をボリュームグループ "vg" に対して生成します。

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".


       すべての物理ボリュームに対する新しいランダムな UUID を生成します。

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".

        vgcreate volgroup 'physvols ...'

       これは、物理ボリューム "physvols" の空ではない一覧から、"volgroup" という名前の LVM ボ

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".

        vglvuuids vgname

       "vgname" という VG が指定されると、これはこのボリュームグループに作成されたすべての論理ボ
       リュームの UUID を返します。

       You can use this along with "lvs" and "lvuuid" calls to associate logical volumes and
       volume groups.

       "vgpvuuids" 参照。

        vgmeta vgname

       "vgname" は LVM ボリュームグループです。このコマンドは、ボリュームグループを検査して、その

       メタ情報は、LVM により使用される内部構造で、いつでも変更を強制され、情報に対してのみ提供さ

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".

        vgpvuuids vgname

       Given a VG called "vgname", this returns the UUIDs of all the physical volumes that this
       volume group resides on.

       You can use this along with "pvs" and "pvuuid" calls to associate physical volumes and
       volume groups.

       "vglvuuids" 参照。

        vgremove vgname

       LVM ボリュームグループ "vgname" を削除します(例: "VG")。

       This also forcibly removes all logical volumes in the volume group (if any).

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".

        vgrename volgroup newvolgroup

       ボリュームグループ "volgroup" の名前を新しい名前 "newvolgroup" に変更します。


       List all the volumes groups detected.  This is the equivalent of the vgs(8) command.

       This returns a list of just the volume group names that were detected (eg. "VolGroup00").

       "vgs-full" 参照。

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".


       List all the volumes groups detected.  This is the equivalent of the vgs(8) command.  The
       "full" version includes all fields.

       This command depends on the feature "lvm2".  See also "feature-available".


       This rescans all block devices and rebuilds the list of LVM physical volumes, volume
       groups and logical volumes.

       This function is deprecated. In new code, use the "lvm-scan" call instead.

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        vguuid vgname

       このコマンドは "vgname" という名前の LVM ボリュームグループの UUID を返します。

        wc-c path

       このコマンドは "wc -c" 外部コマンドを使用して、ファイルにある文字数を集計します。

        wc-l path

       このコマンドは "wc -l" 外部コマンドを使用して、ファイルにある行数を集計します。

        wc-w path

       このコマンドは "wc -w" 外部コマンドを使用して、ファイルにある単語を数えます。

        wipefs device

       This command erases filesystem or RAID signatures from the specified "device" to make the
       filesystem invisible to libblkid.

       これは、ファイルシステム自身を削除しません、また "device" から他のどんなデータも削除しませ

       デバイスの最初の数ブロックをゼロにする "zero" と比較します。

       This command depends on the feature "wipefs".  See also "feature-available".

        write path content

       This call creates a file called "path".  The content of the file is the string "content"
       (which can contain any 8 bit data).

       "write-append" 参照。

        write-append path content

       この関数は "content" を "path" ファイルの最後に追加します。もし "path" が存在しなけれ

       "write" 参照。

        write-file path content size

       This call creates a file called "path".  The contents of the file is the string "content"
       (which can contain any 8 bit data), with length "size".

       As a special case, if "size" is 0 then the length is calculated using "strlen" (so in this
       case the content cannot contain embedded ASCII NULs).

       NB. Owing to a bug, writing content containing ASCII NUL characters does not work, even if
       the length is specified.

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "write" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        xfs-admin device [extunwritten:true|false] [imgfile:true|false] [v2log:true|false] [projid32bit:true|false] [lazycounter:true|false] [label:..] [uuid:..]

       "device" において XFS ファイルシステムのパラメーターを変更します。

       Devices that are mounted cannot be modified.  Administrators must unmount filesystems
       before this call can modify parameters.

       Some of the parameters of a mounted filesystem can be examined and modified using the
       "xfs-info" and "xfs-growfs" calls.

       Beginning with XFS version 5, it is no longer possible to modify the lazy-counters setting
       (ie. "lazycounter" parameter has no effect).

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       This command depends on the feature "xfs".  See also "feature-available".

        xfs-growfs path [datasec:true|false] [logsec:true|false] [rtsec:true|false] [datasize:N] [logsize:N] [rtsize:N] [rtextsize:N] [maxpct:N]

       "path" にマウントされた XFS ファイルシステムを拡大します。

       The returned struct contains geometry information.  Missing fields are returned as -1 (for
       numeric fields) or empty string.

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       This command depends on the feature "xfs".  See also "feature-available".

        xfs-info pathordevice

       "pathordevice" は、マウントされた XFS ファイルシステム、または XFS ファイルシステムを含む

       The returned struct contains geometry information.  Missing fields are returned as -1 (for
       numeric fields) or empty string.

       This command depends on the feature "xfs".  See also "feature-available".

        xfs-repair device [forcelogzero:true|false] [nomodify:true|false] [noprefetch:true|false] [forcegeometry:true|false] [maxmem:N] [ihashsize:N] [bhashsize:N] [agstride:N] [logdev:..] [rtdev:..]

       破損または破壊された "device" の XFS ファイルシステムを修復します。

       The filesystem is specified using the "device" argument which should be the device name of
       the disk partition or volume containing the filesystem.  If given the name of a block
       device, "xfs_repair" will attempt to find the raw device associated with the specified
       block device and will use the raw device instead.

       Regardless, the filesystem to be repaired must be unmounted, otherwise, the resulting
       filesystem may be inconsistent or corrupt.

       The returned status indicates whether filesystem corruption was detected (returns 1) or
       was not detected (returns 0).

       このコマンドは 1 つまたはそれ以上のオプション引数を持つ必要があります。 "オプション引数"

       This command depends on the feature "xfs".  See also "feature-available".


       Destroy previously loaded Yara rules in order to free libguestfs resources.

       This command depends on the feature "libyara".  See also "feature-available".

        yara-load (filename|-)

       Upload a set of Yara rules from local file filename.

       Yara rules allow to categorize files based on textual or binary patterns within their
       content.  See "yara-scan" to see how to scan files with the loaded rules.

       Rules can be in binary format, as when compiled with yarac command, or in source code
       format. In the latter case, the rules will be first compiled and then loaded.

       Rules in source code format cannot include external files. In such cases, it is
       recommended to compile them first.

       Previously loaded rules will be destroyed.

       標準入力/標準出力から読み込み/書き込みするには、ファイル名の代わりに "-" を使用します。

       This command depends on the feature "libyara".  See also "feature-available".

        yara-scan path

       Scan a file with the previously loaded Yara rules.

       For each matching rule, a "yara_detection" structure is returned.

       The "yara_detection" structure contains the following fields.

           Path of the file matching a Yara rule.

           Identifier of the Yara rule which matched against the given file.

       This command depends on the feature "libyara".  See also "feature-available".

        zegrep regex path

       これは外部の "zegrep" プログラムを呼び出し、一致する行を返します。

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "grep" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        zegrepi regex path

       これは外部の "zegrep -i" プログラムを呼び出し、一致する行を返します。

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "grep" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        zero device

       This command writes zeroes over the first few blocks of "device".

       How many blocks are zeroed isn't specified (but it’s not enough to securely wipe the
       device).  It should be sufficient to remove any partition tables, filesystem superblocks
       and so on.

       ブロックデバイスがすでに 0 ならば、このコマンドは 0 を書き込みません。これは、下にあるブ

       関連項目: "zero-device", "scrub-device", "is-zero-device"

        zero-device device

       This command writes zeroes over the entire "device".  Compare with "zero" which just
       zeroes the first few blocks of a device.

       ブロックデバイスがすでに 0 ならば、このコマンドは 0 を書き込みません。これは、下にあるブ

        zero-free-space directory

       Zero the free space in the filesystem mounted on directory.  The filesystem must be
       mounted read-write.


       Free space is not "trimmed".  You may want to call "fstrim" either as an alternative to
       this, or after calling this, depending on your requirements.

        zerofree device

       This runs the zerofree program on "device".  This program claims to zero unused inodes and
       disk blocks on an ext2/3 filesystem, thus making it possible to compress the filesystem
       more effectively.

       You should not run this program if the filesystem is mounted.

       It is possible that using this program can damage the filesystem or data on the

       This command depends on the feature "zerofree".  See also "feature-available".

        zfgrep pattern path

       これは外部の "zfgrep" プログラムを呼び出し、一致する行を返します。

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "grep" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        zfgrepi pattern path

       これは外部の "zfgrep -i" プログラムを呼び出し、一致する行を返します。

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "grep" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        zfile meth path

       This command runs file(1) after first decompressing "path" using "meth".

       "meth" must be one of "gzip", "compress" or "bzip2".

       Since 1.0.63, use "file" instead which can now process compressed files.

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "file" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        zgrep regex path

       This calls the external zgrep(1) program and returns the matching lines.

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "grep" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.

        zgrepi regex path

       外部 "zgrep -i" プログラムを呼び出し、一致する行を返します。

       Because of the message protocol, there is a transfer limit of somewhere between 2MB and
       4MB.  See "PROTOCOL LIMITS" in guestfs(3).

       この関数は推奨されません。 新しいコードでは、代わりに "grep" を使用してください。

       Deprecated functions will not be removed from the API, but the fact that they are
       deprecated indicates that there are problems with correct use of these functions.


       コマンドがエラーなく完了すると、guestfish は 0 を返します。エラーがあると 1 を返します。


           "edit" コマンドはエディターとして $EDITOR を使用します。設定されていないと、"vi" を使

           The "display" command uses $GUESTFISH_DISPLAY_IMAGE to display images. If not set, it
           uses display(1).

           Printed when guestfish starts.  See "PROMPT".

           Printed before guestfish output.  See "PROMPT".

           Used with the --remote option to specify the remote guestfish process to control.  See

           Set the command prompt.  See "PROMPT".

           Printed before guestfish exits.  See "PROMPT".

           The "hexedit" command uses $HEXEDITOR as the external hex editor.  If not specified,
           the external hexedit(1) program is used.

           GNU readline のサポート付きでコンパイルしていると、ホームディレクトリーにあるさまざま
           なファイルを使用できます。 "ファイル" 参照。


           This is the old way to set "LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND".

           Choose the default way to create the appliance.  See "guestfs_set_backend" in

           A colon-separated list of backend-specific settings.  See "BACKEND" in guestfs(3),
           "BACKEND SETTINGS" in guestfs(3).

           The location where libguestfs will cache its appliance, when using a supermin
           appliance.  The appliance is cached and shared between all handles which have the same
           effective user ID.

           If "LIBGUESTFS_CACHEDIR" is not set, then "TMPDIR" is used.  If "TMPDIR" is not set,
           then /var/tmp is used.

           See also "LIBGUESTFS_TMPDIR", "set-cachedir".

           Set "LIBGUESTFS_DEBUG=1" to enable verbose messages.  This has the same effect as
           using the -v option.

           Set the default hypervisor (usually qemu) binary that libguestfs uses.  If not set,
           then the qemu which was found at compile time by the configure script is used.

           Set the memory allocated to the qemu process, in megabytes.  For example:


           Set the path that guestfish uses to search for kernel and initrd.img.  See the
           discussion of paths in guestfs(3).

           This is the old way to set "LIBGUESTFS_HV".

           The location where libguestfs will store temporary files used by each handle.

           If "LIBGUESTFS_TMPDIR" is not set, then "TMPDIR" is used.  If "TMPDIR" is not set,
           then /tmp is used.

           See also "LIBGUESTFS_CACHEDIR", "set-tmpdir".

           コマンドトレースを有効にするには "LIBGUESTFS_TRACE=1" を設定してください。

           The "more" command uses $PAGER as the pager.  If not set, it uses "more".

           Libguestfs and guestfish may run some external programs, and rely on $PATH being set
           to a reasonable value.  If using the libvirt backend, libvirt will not work at all
           unless $PATH contains the path of qemu/KVM.

           These three environment variables allow the kernel that libguestfs uses in the
           appliance to be selected.  If $SUPERMIN_KERNEL is not set, then the most recent host
           kernel is chosen.  For more information about kernel selection, see supermin(1).


           This directory represents a user-specific directory for storing non-essential runtime

           If it is set, then is used to store temporary sockets and PID files. Otherwise, /tmp
           is used.

           See also "get-sockdir",


           This configuration file controls the default read-only or read-write mode (--ro or

           See libguestfs-tools.conf(5).

           GNU readline のサポート付きでコンパイルされていると、コマンドの履歴がこのファイルに保

           GNU readline のサポート付きでコンパイルされていると、これらのファイルが readline を設
           定するために使用されます。  詳細は "INITIALIZATION FILE" in readline(3) を参照してくだ

           To write rules which only apply to guestfish, use:

            $if guestfish

           Variables that you can set in inputrc that change the behaviour of guestfish in useful
           ways include:

           completion-ignore-case (初期値: on)
               By default, guestfish will ignore case when tab-completing paths on the disk.

                set completion-ignore-case off

               guestfish が大文字小文字を区別するようになります。

       test2.img (etc)
           When using the -N or --new option, the prepared disk or filesystem will be created in
           the file test1.img in the current directory.  The second use of -N will use test2.img
           and so on.  Any existing file with the same name will be overwritten.  You can use a
           different filename by using the "filename=" prefix.


       guestfs(3),, virt-alignment-scan(1), virt-builder(1),
       virt-builder-repository(1), virt-cat(1), virt-copy-in(1), virt-copy-out(1),
       virt-customize(1), virt-df(1), virt-diff(1), virt-edit(1), virt-filesystems(1),
       virt-inspector(1), virt-list-filesystems(1), virt-list-partitions(1), virt-log(1),
       virt-ls(1), virt-make-fs(1), virt-p2v(1), virt-rescue(1), virt-resize(1),
       virt-sparsify(1), virt-sysprep(1), virt-tail(1), virt-tar(1), virt-tar-in(1),
       virt-tar-out(1), virt-v2v(1), virt-win-reg(1), libguestfs-tools.conf(5), display(1),
       hexedit(1), supermin(1).


       Richard W.M. Jones ("rjones at redhat dot com")


       Copyright (C) 2009-2023 Red Hat Inc.


       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
       the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
       version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
       without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
       See the GNU General Public License for more details.

       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
       if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
       Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


       To get a list of bugs against libguestfs, use this link:

       To report a new bug against libguestfs, use this link:

       When reporting a bug, please supply:

       •   The version of libguestfs.

       •   Where you got libguestfs (eg. which Linux distro, compiled from source, etc)

       •   Describe the bug accurately and give a way to reproduce it.

       •   Run libguestfs-test-tool(1) and paste the complete, unedited output into the bug